What continuous integration servers work well with ruby on rails 3 and mac? - ruby-on-rails-3

I am using a mac as the server. I need something that works well.
I wanted to use atlassian's bamboo but my attempts have failed. The latest doc I can find on the topic is an old blog post. http://blogs.atlassian.com/news/2009/05/bamboo_customer_8.html which helps very little and results in the error:
...rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p334/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:900:in `report_activate_error': Could not find RubyGem bundler (>= 0) (Gem::LoadError)
I looked at http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=2918 which also appears to be years out of date.
So the question is, which Continuous integration server should I use for my rails 3 project, which I can run on a mac and use .rvm (today in 2011)?

Jenkins is always worked for me, you even have a OSX installer:

CI Joe works fine for me with rails 3 and mac.
Jenkins also seems nice, though, as Ed_ mentioned. Especially the part about the OSX installer.

CruiseControl.rb is a CI written in Ruby and can be used for Rails projects.


Rails 4 and Locomotive cms workarounds?

I want to try Locomotive CMS, while I was installing it, I realised that only runs with rails 3+ version no 4.
As I am currently working in a couple of other apps in rails and I am pretty new to it, I was wondering if is there any way to run one version of rails for locomotive and another one(rails 4) for my other apps. If so how could it be done?
Thanks in advance.
You definetely want to start using rvm. It will help you not only separate your gems for different projects, but also separate and manage your Ruby versions. Definetely a great tool.

Why are development style sheets and devise logout not working?

I have a 3.2.8 Rails application which has been deployed into production and is running just fine. While preparing to code an enhancement I pulled fresh code from the SVN and started up a development version of the application and found the stylesheets were non functional and the Devise logout did not work in DEVELOPMENT.
All other aspects of the application work exactly as they should.
I've been reading many stack over flow Q & A and cannot figure this out.
Then I realized the default version of Ruby did not match the version for the application.
The application was built with ruby 1.9.3 p286 and my machine boots up in Ruby 2.1.0
stop the server
rvm use ruby-1.9.3-p286
bundle install
rails server
= good to go.

Is it possible to deploy rails3 and rails4 in the same server?

I just want to know if is possible to deploy to passenger a project that I have in rails3 (ruby-1.9.3) and another project in rails4 (ruby-2.0.0). I have installed ruby using RVM on my production server, I'm just wondering if is going to be possible to have 2 different projects on the same production server.
No problem in that, but there're couple things that you need to do first.
Install nginx instead of Apache and use it with unicorn. You can find a whole lot of setup guides depending on your production server OS, or use the capistrano-nginx-unicorn gem if you use Capistrano for deployment.
Use the rvm-capistrano gem to manage the ruby versions and gemsets used in each project. It's pretty well documented, but if you have further questions, feel free to ask.
If you'll need any further help, you may also consider asking on the freenode#rvm channel. I found some great hints there.

Sidekiq "needs X11" in a rails project

I'm trying to use sidekiq in a project but have run into an unusual problem that makes no sense.
I've got multiple rails applications on my laptop, many of which are using sidekiq, and are running fine without any problems.
This application also uses sidekiq, and used to work however I'm not running into a problem. I've not touched the project for a while, but the only difference between now, and when it used to work is the upgrade from OS X Lion, to Mountain Lion. This however hasn't effected other projects, so I'm not sure what's going on. When I try to launch Sidekiq, I get an alert stating
To open "sidekiq," you need to install X11.
Would you like to install X11 now?
It's the standard Apple alert, however I don't understand why Sidekiq is supposedly trying to use X11, and why it isn't using it on my other projects?
I'm using
Rails 3.2.8
Ruby 1.9.3p125
Sidekiq 2.13.1
Any help would be really appreciated :)
Got it running. Turned out it wasn't an issue with Sidekiq, but rather ruby for some reason. After I updated ruby to 2.0.0 and fixed other gem issues, the app started up again and is now running. No idea what was going on but it's sorted :)

Ubuntu Server 64bit 11.04: setting up as "Ruby on Rails" server with SQLite3

I have looked so long for nice tutorials, but still couldn't find any for Ubuntu 11.04. I wan't to set it up to learn by this book: http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book
The tutorials I found are not quite up to date and also doesn't aren't for 11.04 Ubuntu.
I am asking for quick tutorial, what's the best way to set up RoR server.
Also if you know any other great Ruby on Rails tutorials, as the link I wrote above, please don't hold back and definitely share the link to it.
Ty in advance!
PS! I already messed up one of my Virtual Machines, but luckily I had made snapshot of clean install.
Ubuntu has Rails packages already. It should be as simple as doing apt-get install rails-ruby1.8, which'll install Ruby as a dependency as well.
Ryan Bigg has a very nice tutorial called Ubuntu, Ruby, RVM, Rails and You. Since you're configuring a server you will probably have a look at some tips about deployment & best practices written by the creator of RVM himself.
I'm sure you have it done already though since it's an old question, but I the links will be of use to someone else.