Bundling Apple's Windows Bonjour installer into our msi - wix

I've been asked to bundle Apple's Bonjour installer into our own msi installer, so that Bonjour automatically gets installed alongside our software. Anyone done this before? It doesn't seem to be trivial, as an msi installer cannot include and kick off another one. I assume I'd need some kind of batch file to run the two installers sequentially?

You'll need to use a bootstrapper to chain the Bonjour install with your installer. If you are using WiX 3.6 or later, using Burn to create a package bundle is a good option.
I found the Bonjour installer by downloading the Bonjour SDK and opening it in 7-zip, though I'm sure installing the SDK would provide access to it as well.
The way I typically like to do this is to add a new source file to your setup project for each dependency package to keep that logic separate from the main application setup.
The Bonjour package can be listed as a remote payload to retrieve on the fly, or build it into your setup. In this case, it seems more likely to build it in (Compressed="yes"). If you need to add any extra dependencies related to bonjour or parameters to pass into it, you could define them here as well.
<!-- if a web link actually exists, I didn't find it... -->
<?define BonjourWebLink = "http://path/to/Bonjour.msi"?>
<PackageGroup Id="BonjourWeb">
<MsiPackage Id="BonjourWeb"
<PackageGroup Id="Bonjour">
<MsiPackage Id="Bonjour"
In your main bundle you just need to add a reference to the correct package group.
<PackageGroupRef Id="Bonjour"/>
<MsiPackage SourceFile="path\to\YourProduct.msi"/>
Since Bonjour uses MSI instead of an executable, you don't need to do anything to detect whether it is present or not; Burn will handle that for you. Actually, since WiX harvests most of the information your bundle needs from the MSI, this might be overkill, and you could just put in the MsiPackage element in your chain directly.
Don't forget to carefully check Apple's terms for doing this.

This would be a bit more work, and is prone to issues with upgrading, but you can take the Bonjour MSI and decompile it using dark. Convert the decompiled MSI into a Merge module that can be included with your installer, and you will have a single install. I have done this with some driver installs in the past, and it is usually not that complicated.

You need a bootstrapper; there are several freely available out there, including one being developed in WiX called Burn.

Wix Burn is relatively stable now.I`m using Wix 3.8.
If you are allowed to redistribute Bonjour Installer,you can chain the installer in Wix Burn. You can even put a condition to specify Bonjour as prerequesite for your installer.If it is not present,then Bonjour will be deployed, else it can be skipped.
You can check this link for understanding Burn.


Wix Installer: Bundled MsiPackage causing install bundle to attempt to run again?

I have the following very basic WIX 3.11 bundle defined at the minute and I have removed the execpackages that fire before the MSI is installed as the problem I'm about to describe only occurs with the MSIPackage command and the specific Third Party MSI I'm using.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"
<Bundle Name="ACME APP 32Bit" Manufacturer="ACME CORP" Version="" UpgradeCode="0B736949-AE50-46B0-A534-42C9672FAF1F" IconSourceFile='..\Common Files\Images\icon.ico'>
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLargeLicense">
LicenseFile="..\Common Files\Documents\EULA.rtf"
LogoFile="..\Common Files\Images\logo-64x64.png"
LogoSideFile="..\Common Files\Images\logo-64x64.png"
<MsiPackage Id="TP32BIT" SourceFile="ThirdParty.msi" Visible="no" />
What is happening is after the bundle deploys the MSI and whilst the Installation completed successfully dialog is present , the modify setup dialog again (repair uninstall cancel ).
It only appears to happen with the third party MSI that I need to install. I don't have control over this MSI and nor can I get support on changing from the manufacturer at this time.
I've replaced the MSI with another random product and it doesn't result in the same issue. Its deployed without effectively attempting to run the bundle installer again.
I've run the Third Party MSI from the command line and checked it's return code on instillation and it returns 0.
I'm baffled as to whats causing the installer to think it needs to run itself again on completion of this MSI. Non of the UUIDs are in conflict and I don't think there's anything wrong in my xml.
If anyone can shed some light onto this I'd appreciate it. Currently the only thing I can think of doing is attempting to deploy this specific MSI to the platform via a execpackage approach that runs the msiexec from command line but that completely negates the reason I'm using a bundle in the first place.
Thanks in advance.
I am a little bit confused reading this.
Does the problem manifest itself if you run ThirdParty.msi interactively with full setup GUI outside the Burn Bundle?
In other words a regular installation, that is not invoked via command line but run by double clicking the MSI and then clicking through the setup GUI.
I suppose it is possible that some fancy event in the setup complete dialog kicks off a custom action that does something crazy. Is this an MSI that we can take a look at? Can you provide a download location? (no promises though).
When the setup is run in silent mode, the GUI sequence does not run - which could explain why things work in silent mode - if this is indeed the case.
Turns out it's a known bug in WIX that is triggered by the 3rd Party MSI. github.com/wixtoolset/issues/issues/5266 This MSI can't be changed and has to deploy it's content using this mechanism. I've been able to create a work around to resolve the issue as the installer starts 2 new instances of Wix after the MSI completes so I'm tracking the process IDs and killing anything "unknown" –

Wix ExePackage Side by Side Install without Uninstall

I have two products which I'm trying to write an installer for. Both products are wix bundles which both have a third product bundle as a requirement.
Ideally what I want to happen when you install one is:
If Product3 is not installed then it should be.
If Product3 is installed and installed version is higher or the same do nothing.
If Product3 is installed and installed version is lower then upgrade.
If uninstalling and product1 or 2 is still installed do not uninstall product3.
So far I was able to conquer some of these points but not all at the same time.
Originally I tried getting the installed version using a ProductSearch and using InstallCommand. However I ran into problems with uninstalling when doing side by side installs because the installcommand is more like "requested install state" and so if I don't want it to install when it detects the same version it actually starts uninstalling it.
I took a look at this similar answer:
How to avoid uninstalling previously installed ExePackage (redistributables) while installing a WiX Bundle?
which suggested using the provideskey and requires elements but I cannot find any useful documentation on them whatsoever. I tried experimenting with it but it doesn't seem to do anything at all.
I've looked at RelatedBundle but I'm not sure it's what I'm after. Seems more targeted at hotfixing systems.
I was hoping there was a way of doing this without having to resort to custom actions since that seems a bit extreme for what seems to be rather simple functionality.
After a lot of trial and error I figured out how to get the DependencyExtension working.
In the example below ProductC is a Wix Bundle executable. This bundle includes an MSI file. I use a productSearch to look for the upgrade code of that MSI file (NOT THE BUNDLE) to detect if it's already installed.
In your bundle file for project A and B:
<Wix xmlns:dep="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/DependencyExtension"
<util:ProductSearch Id="ProductCInstallSearch"
<dep:Requires Id="ProductCRequired" ProviderKey="ProductC"/>
<PackageGroupRef Id="ProductC_pkg"/>
<Fragment Id="Required_Pkgs">
<PackageGroup Id="ProductC_Pkg">
<ExePackage Id="ProductC_Bundle"
DetectCondition="NOT ProductCInstalled = 2"
UninstallCommand="/uninstall /quiet">
<dep:Provides Key="ProductC"
<dep:RequiresRef Id="ProductCRequired"/>
Now you can install A and B in any arrangement and when uninstalling product C will only be removed when the last one is uninstalled.

WiX: Use Burn to recache broken MSI

We have a busted MSI in production that needs to be fixed via msiexec /fv package.msi before it can be properly upgraded.
I was hopeful that we could wrap this procedure in Burn but this Q and response from Rob appears that it might not be possible.
I tried:
<MsiPackage SourceFile="fixed-package.msi">
<MsiProperty Name="REINSTALLMODE" Value="v"/>
But nothing happened.
I only need REINSTALLMODE=v and not REINSTALLMODE=amus as mentioned in the linked question, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference. The broken package has bad conditions that prevents uninstall and upgrades and this new one fixes that.
Have things changed in Burn since May '13 that recaching an existing MSI is now possible?
You can also do it with a custom action. Just have the MSI extracted as temporary file in the beginning of the install for the new version, then execute a custom action to recache it, after which continue the installation. This is how I have done it so far.
However, I don't know if Wix has support for temporary files like Advanced Installer does (which is our tool), so you might need to build a custom action for that too.

Using bootstrapper with MSI ui

I have MSI file that is ready to install. It contains a customized UI that also collects data from user. As part of installation, i would like to install following things if missing
.Net framework 4.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64)
From what I learned, bootstrapper should contain UI as well. How can I use bootstrapper for only initiating prerequisites stage and then proceed with MSI UI installation?
If you use the Visual Studio Setup and Deployment projects bootstrapper (GenerateBootstrapper related things) then it will show your MSI UI after installing the prerequisites. It's a pretty simple bootstrapper.
I believe the custom bootstrapper UI you are thinking about is the new Burn functionality in WiX v3.6+. Burn is a lot more powerful and can create single, seamless user experience for multiple chained packages (.exe's or .msi's or .msp's or .msu's). Using Burn you can create a very custom UI that does not show any UI from your chained packages. Alternatively, you can have Burn show the MSI UI. Basically, Burn is highly configurable but does require a bit of extra work (since WiX toolset doesn't provide everything out of the box, yet).
To show the MSI UI when running in a Burn-based Bundle you'll need to add DisplayInternalUI='yes' to the MsiPackage elements you want to display. For example:
<MsiPackage ... DisplayInternalUI='yes' />
If you are using the wixstdba (which is very common), it will show it's UI until it comes time to install the .msi package. Then the .msi package UI will pop-up on top and return back to the wixstdba UI to complete the Bundle install. You could provide your own Bootstrapper Application if you want to change the way that the Bundle based UI shows up.

How to deploy 64-bit and a 32-bit Windows Installer package as a single setup?

I need to deploy a software setup targeting both, Windows 64bit and 32bit. I have two separate Windows Installer databases (created with WiX) for each platform, and I am using dotNetInstaller to combine both into a single installation bootstrapper executable.
I'm currently using version 1.10 of dotNetInstaller and set auto_close_if_installed=True, because I want to comletely hide the bootstrapper from the user. Still, dotNetInstaller insists on displaying a sill progress bar window while my installer is running, and doesn't really auto-close. The user needs to confirm a dialog box telling him that the application was successfully installed. But the real deal-breaker is that it doesn't support Windows 8 (yet).
Upgrading to a later version of dotNetInstaller seems to break auto_close_if_installed, so it's even worse.
So my question is: what is the current state of the art to deploy both setups in a single executable. Would Wix Burn be an option?
I know that in an ideal world, I simply provide my customers with separate installers for either platform. But they happen to be completely unaware of such subtleties, most of them don't even know what platform they are using.
I would definitely use Burn in this scenario. Something akin to the following:
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id='WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.HyperlinkLicense' />
<MsiPackage InstallCondition='NOT VersionNT64' SourceFile='path\to\x86.msi' />
<MsiPackage InstallCondition='VersionNT64' SourceFile='path\to\x64.msi' />
This is exactly one of the scenarios Burn was designed to handle.
You can do it in a single Wix via Conditions and Features.
<Feature Id='X86' Level='1'>
<ComponentRef Id='X86Feature1' />
<Condition Level="1">NOT VersionNT64</Condition>