WCF RIA Services SP1, Entity Framework 4, updating only changed columns - silverlight-4.0

I use LinqToEntitiesDomainService class to update database with Silverlight 4 client.
There's AttachAsModified extended method for entity framework ObjectContext which allows you supply original entity property values:
Order original = this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(currentOrder);
this.ObjectContext.Orders.AttachAsModified(currentOrder, original);
By default, WCF RIA Services doesn't send original values to the server, so one needs to
apply [RoundtripOriginal()] attribute to his/her entity.
However, even if I supply original values, SQL generated by Entity framework updates all columns, not only changed ones. Since AttachAsModified() method isn't native ObjectContext class method (it's extended method defined in ObjectContextExtensions class), I tried to use
ApplyOriginalValues method which is defined in ObjectSet class. No change.
It seems entity framework 4.1, which was released recently may have solution (not sure). How about entity framework 4? Is it possible EF to generate sql to update only changed columns?

AttachAsModified will mark the entity as modified. Subsequently (quote from MSDN):
When you change the EntityState of an
entity object entry to Modified, all
of the properties of the object are
marked as modified, regardless of the
current or original values.
Caveat; I haven't done this but, it should work.
Instead of using AttachAsModified, mark the entity as UnChanged using the ChangeState method.
Then use the SetModifiedProperty method on the properties that have changed to have them included in an update.
EDIT: If you want a way to find which properties have changed, there are a couple of articles out there explaining how to do so using the ObjectStateManager such as this one

I did ask similar question on MSDN forums, and it is confirmed that WCF RIA Services will change all columns. Alternative is,
You can fetch a copy from database, compare and mark SetModifiedProperty manually by using reflection.
// change state of entity as Unmodified/Unchanged...
original.EntityState = Unchanged;
// this is copy form database...
// Use different context
MyOrderContext context = new MyOrderContext();
Order dbOriginal = context.Orders.First( x=>x.OrderID == original.OrderID);
foreach(PropertyInfo p in copy.GetTypes().GetProperties()){
Object originalValue = p.GetValue(dbOriginal);
Object newValue = p.GetValue(original);
if(originalValue!=null && newValue!=null
&& originalValue.Equals(newValue)){
// resetting this will
// make entity's only current
// property as changed
You may have to change code as per situation, check if property is readonly or not and this is just a sample but it will help you to build upon it.

I managed to do this by first attaching the object and then calling ApplyOriginalValues on the EntitySet. You'll need an object with the original values to do this. This method can also be used to prevent a column from being updated, e.g. for row level security.
NOTE: This unfortunately does not work without retrieving the original entity from the database first. Otherwise only properties that are set to its default value are excluded from the update...


Using the DoctrineObjectConstructor, how are new entities created?

I am attempting to use JMSSerializerBundle to consume JSON into Doctrine entities. I need to both create new entities where they do not already exist in the database, and update existing entities when they do already exist. I am using the DoctrineObjectConstructor included in the JMSSerializer package to help with this. When I consume JSON which contains a property designated as an identifier, such as:
"id": 1,
"some_other_attribute": "stuff"
by attempting to deserialize it, JMSSerializer causes warnings and eventually dies with an exception for attempting to utilize reflection to set properties on a null value. The warnings all look like this:
PHP Warning: ReflectionProperty::setValue() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given in /Users/cdonadeo/Repos/Ubertester/vendor/jms/serializer/src/JMS/Serializer/GenericDeserializationVisitor.php on line 176
If I manually insert an entity with ID 1 in my database and make another attempt then I receive no errors and everything appears to be working correctly, but I'm now short half my functionality. I looked at the code for the DoctrineObjectConstructor class, and at the top is a comment:
* Doctrine object constructor for new (or existing) objects during deserialization.
But I don't see how it could possibly create a new a new entity because after the construct() function has done all of its checks, at the end it calls:
$object = $objectManager->find($metadata->name, $identifierList);
And since the identifier does not exist in the database the result is null which is ultimately what gets returned from the function. This explains why inserting a row in the database with the appropriate ID makes things work: find() now returns a proper Entity object, which is what the rest of the library expects.
Am I using the library wrong or is it broken? I forked the Git repo and made an edit, and trying it out everything seems to work more or less the way I expected. That edit does have some drawbacks that make me wonder if I'm not just making this more difficult than it has to be. The biggest issue I see is that it will cause persisted and unpersisted entities to be mixed together with no way to tell which ones are which, but I don't know if that's even a big deal.
For Doctrine entities use configuration:
fallback_strategy: "fallback" # possible values ("null" | "exception" | "fallback")
see configuration reference https://jmsyst.com/bundles/JMSSerializerBundle/master/configuration

Yii CActiveRecord with Column Named "attributes"

I used the CRUD generator from a legacy database. When searching for a column value I get the following error:
htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given (/usr/local/share/yii/framework/web/helpers/CHtml.php:103)
The problem is that the model has an existing column named "attributes" which is creating a conflict. I removed the entry from the _search.php and commented out all instances in the model hoping to at least get it working but no luck. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Every CActiveRecord instance (or CModel instance for that matter) has a getter/setter named attributes with which all the attributes can be set. This leads to a conflict because the generated crud code uses the attributes attribute expecting it works as described before.
The controller does something like:
// or
This is meant to set al the (safe) attributes of the model at once. Instead this overwrites the database attribute attributes of your legacy DB model.
This in turn leads to the error you describe, because $_GET['ModelClassName'] and $_POST['ModelClassName'] typically contain arrays of data.
I guess the easiest fix would be to directly call the setter function for the "normal" attributes behavior which would lead to replacing the lines mentioned above with something like the following:
// in the controller
// and
I think rest of the generated CRUD code (the views) could and should be left untouched to make it work.
If you want to know how and why this works, it's best to do some research into the __get and __set magic functions and how they're used in the yii framework.

CF9 ORM Populating an entity with an object

I am using Model-Glue/Coldspring for a new application and I thought I would throw CF9 ORM into the mix.
The only issue I am having right now is with populating an entity with an object. More or less the code below verifies that only one username can exist. There is some other logic that is not displayed.
My first thought was to using something like this:
var entity = entityload('UserAccount' ,{UserName=arguments.UserAccount.getUserName()},"true")
entity = arguments.UserAccount;
How ever this does not work the way that I expected. Is it even possible to populate an entity with an object or do I need to use the setters?
Not sure if this is what you're looking for. If you have...
component persistent="true" entityName="Foo"
property a;
property b;
You can pass a struct in the 2nd param to init the entity (added in CF9.0.1 I believe)
EntityNew("Foo", {a="1",b="2"});
To populate Foo with another object, you can use the Memento pattern, and implement a GetMemento() function to your object that returns a struct of all its properties.
EntityNew("Foo", bar.getMemento());
However, CF does NOT call your custom setters! If you want to set them using setters, you may add calls to the setters in your init() constructor, or use your MVC framework of choice to populate the bean. In Model-Glue, it is makeEventBean().
Update: Or... Here's hack...
EntityNew("Foo", DeserializeJSON(SerializeJSON(valueObject)));
Use this at your own risk. JSON might do weird things to your numbers and the 'yes','no','true','false' strings. :)
Is it even possible to populate an entity with an object or do I need to use the setters?
If you mean "Is it possible to create load an ORM Entity from an instance of that persistent CFC that already exists and has properties set?", then yes you can using EntityLoadByExample( object,[unique] )
entity = EntityLoadByExample( arguments.userAccount,true );
This assumes the userAccount CFC has been defined as persistent, and its username value has been set before being passed in (which seems to be the case in your situation).
Bear in mind that if any other properties have been set in the object you are passing, including empty strings, they will be used as filters to load the entity, so if they do not exactly match a record in your database, nothing will be loaded.

Determine if an entity field changed in NHibernate

I have a call that needs to determine if a field has changed. But calling get using that entities id returns the same entity not the prior version.
Entity e = Dao.Get(id);
//At this point e.Field is X
e.Field = y;
Entity Dao.Get(Guid id)
return Session.Get(id);
Entity Dao.Save(Entity e)
Entity olde = Session.Get(e.Id);
if (e.Field != olde.Field) <--- e.Field == olde.Field so it does not run.
return e;
How do I handle this situation without adding an onChange method to the Entity class.
You only know one "version" of the entity: the current one. There is actually only one version of the entity. You have it in memory and you already changed it and forgot the previous state.
Call get to see the previous database state is dangerous. If changes are already flushed (NHibernate flushes before queries for instance), you get your changes. If you open another session, you see changes from other transactions.
Are you only interested in one single field? Then you can cache the old value somewhere.
If this wouldn't work, you need to tell me more about the reason why you need to know the previous value of this field.
Some more ideas:
cache the previous state of the field when you get the object, in DAO.Get
implement this property that it sets a flag if it changed.
consider to make this change an explicit operation called by the client, instead of an implicit operation that is called when the flag changes. For instance, if this flag is called "Activated", implement a "Activate" and "Deactivate" method. This methods change that flag and perform the "large set of code". The flag is read-only for the rest of the world.

Databinding Silverlight Comboboxes with Lists of Objects - working but ugly

I'm developing a business application, using Silverlight for the UI and a WCF webservice for the back-end. In the database I have a number of lookup tables. When the WCF service returns a business object, one of the properties contains the entire row out of the lookup table instead of just the foreign key, so in the UI I can display things like the description from the lookup table without making another call to the service. What I am trying to do at the moment is provide a combobox bound to the entire list of lookup values and have it update properly. The business object I'm dealing with in this example is called Session and the lookup is called SessionType.
Below is the definition of the combobox. The DataContext is set to an instance of Session. I am setting an ItemTemplate because the combobox is displaying more than just a list of strings.
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource SessionTypeDataTemplate}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource AllSessionTypes}}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SessionType, Mode=TwoWay}"
Both the business object and the lookup table are being loaded asynchronously via the web service. If I do nothing else, the combobox list will be populated with SessionTypes, but it will not show the initial SessionType value from Session. However Session will be updated with the correct SessionType if the combobox selection is changed.
What seems to be happening is that the SelectedItem binding cant match the SessionType in Session to its equivalent in the SessionType list. The object values are the same but the references are not.
The workaround I have found is to load the Session and the SessionTypes list, then update the current SessionType of Session with the corresponding one from the SesstionTypes list. If I do that then the combobox displays correctly. However to me this has a bad code smell. Because everything is loaded asyncronously, I have to determine when everything is available. Here's how I'm doing that:
In the code-behind of my Silverlight user control:
// incremented every time we get data back during initial form load.
private volatile int m_LoadSequence = 0;
// Loaded event, called when the form is er... loaded.
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// load session types
var sessionTypes = this.Resources["AllSessionTypes"] as Lookups.AllSessionTypes;
if (sessionTypes != null)
sessionTypes.DataLoadCompleted += (s, ea) =>
// start loading another lookup table, same as above
// omitted for clarity
// set our DataContect to our business object (passed in when form was created)
this.LayoutRoot.DataContext = this.m_Session;
// This is the smelly part. This gets called by OnBlahCompleted events as web service calls return.
private void IncrementLoadSequence()
// check to see if we're expecting any more service calls to complete.
if (++m_LoadSequence < 3)
// set lookup values on m_Session to the correct one in SessionType list.
// Get SessionType list from page resources
var sessionTypes = this.Resources["AllSessionTypes"] as Lookups.AllSessionTypes;
// Find the matching SessionType based on ID
this.m_Session.SessionType = sessionTypes.Where((st) => { return st.SessionTypeID == this.m_Session.SessionType.SessionTypeID; }).First();
// (other lookup table omitted for clarity)
So basically I have a counter that gets incremented each time I get data back from the webservice. Since I'm expecting 3 things (core business object + 2 lookup tables), when that counter gets to 3 I match up the references.
To me, this seems very hacky. I would rather see the combobox specify a ValueMemberPath and SelectedValue to match the selected item with one in the list.
Can anyone see a cleaner way of doing this? This situation is very common in business apps, so I'm sure there must be a nice way of doing it.
To confirm I understand your problem: the databinding infrastructure doesn't seem to recognise that two objects you consider 'equal' are actually equal - therefore the initial SelectedItem isn't set correctly since the databinding doesn't find a reference-equals object in your StaticResource collection to match Session.SessionType.
You get around this by 'flattening' the references (ie. you force the Session.SessionType to be reference-equals in the Where((st)...First() code.
We have had a similar problem.
It does kinda of make sense that Silverlight won't automatically 'equate' two objects from difference 'sources' just because you know they represent the same data. Like you said "The object values are the same but the references are not". But how can you MAKE the databinding equate them?
Things we thought of/tried:
implementing .Equals() on the class (SessionType in your case)
implementing operator == on the class (SessionType in your case)
implementing IEquatable on the class (SessionType in your case)
making the collection only Strings and binding to a string property
but in the end we have given up and used the same approach as you - 'extracting' the correct reference-equals object from the 'collection' (after everything is loaded) and poking it into the SelectedItem-bound property.
I agree with you about the code-smell, and suspect there must be a better solution. So far all our debugging in the property accessors and no-op IValueConverters hasn't found a solution -- but if we do I'll post it back here too.
I'm not sure I'm fully understanding the problem (it's early :)) But can't you just transfer all the items you need in one call? (even if you have to wrap the 3 in a new DTO class), then you can just update the current session type using a complete event. It's still not perfect, but at least you don't have to keep any counters.
I'd also move all that logic to a ViewModel and just bind to that, but that's just me :)
You'd be better off binding to an ObservableCollection then using some other code (a View Model part of a MVVM isn't a bad choice) to update it in the background. That way you get separation from the UI and its a lot easier to handle the updates as the UI is just bound.
Thanks for the answers, all of the above were useful! I'm moving towards the MVVM way as well as combining several service calls into a single one (also reduces round-trip overhead). Looks like I'll stick with the lookup re-referencing for the time being - if I find a better way I'll post it as well.
Have you find any nice solution for this?
I doubt that overriding Equals etc is a good solution. First, this is to be done inside the generated proxy class SessionType, so these changes will be lost on each service reference update. Second, notification in the SessionType setter (here SessionType is the same generated client proxy class) uses ReferenceEquals call... so that's one more place to touch the generated code! OK, the first thing can be done via handmade partial class SessionType (and so will not be lost after updates), but the second thing certainly cannot be done the same way.