Is there a log file of running processes in Server Advantage - process

My name is Josue
I need your help with this:
Is there any way to audit or monitor the server processes that connect to the
Advantage Database Server?
Is there a log of running processes?

There is no existing log of processes that use Advantage Database Server. Because it is a client/server architecture, there is no mechanism that I am aware of that can easily associate a connection on the server to a specific process.
However, it would be possible to use the system procedure sp_mgGetConnectedUsers() to obtain some of this information. It might be possible to use it to obtain the information you are looking for at a given point in time (a snapshot).
The output of that procedure includes three fields that you might be interested in. The Address column gives the address of the machine that connected to Advantage. It is typically the IP address of the client application. But it can also be of the form "IPC Connection N", which indicates that it is using shared memory for communications; this means that the client process is running on the same machine as the server.
The TSAddress column might also be of interest. If the connection is made by a client that is running through terminal services (e.g., a remote desktop), then that column contains the IP address of the client machine. If you are interested in knowing processes that originate from the server machine itself, then you would need this field to differentiate between those and clients that connected through terminal services.
The other column of potential interest would be ApplicationID. By default, that field contains the process name (e.g., the executable) of the client application. This could help identify the actual process. It is not guaranteed, though. The application itself can change that value through mechanisms such as sp_SetApplicationID.


Edit SQL Requests in Transit

I am trying to update a legacy system's sql solution to use the cloud.
The solution today involves a customer Windows SQL server installed onsite, then various machines are configured to connect to that IP Address / Port / Server Name. When they do connect the machines will set up any tables that are missing and regularly send their data. Data rates are low for an individual machine. Roughly one write request ever 10 seconds (it varies a lot), no more than 2-3k of information on each write request.
Moving this to the cloud is tricky mostly because each of the machines do not have a unique identifier. The good news is that we have the legacy machines connected to a IOT Gateway (Just think RPI) that knows a unique machineId. Furthermore the IOTG is a full fledge computer but not too powerful of one, and its Disk is an SD card.
New and Old Network Layout
So far I have had a few things fall on their face.
1) Setting the Machine to think the DB's IP/Port is that of the IOT Gateway. Setting up an Express server on the IOTG, listening, then injecting the unique id into the queries that I'd proxy up to the cloud. I may have had a bug, but for some reason I couldn't even see the requests coming in on the port. Even if I could I'd still have to figure out how to decode them. Shouldn't I at least be able to see these requests coming in?
2) Started looking into SQLite. The idea being to have SQLite listen on the port as an actual DB then have a process in the IOTG query data out of SQLite, append a unique ID, and then send it to the cloud. Unfortunately SQLite does not listen on a port.
I am starting to looking at just installing a whole SQL server on the device, but I'd really like to avoid that. I'm pretty sure its fairly large and writing to disk is not advisable for a small embedded system like I'm running.
Generally my questions boil down to:
1) Should I be able to see SQL Queries in an express server?
2) Should I be using a different tech? I failed to find a different more sql specific proxy.
3) Am I correct to think that the SQLite path is dead? Even if I could find a way to attach it to a port there is still not going to be any sort of response from SQLite when the clients try to make a connection.
4) Am I wrong to fear the local server? Diving into some documentation for making express work with DBs gets me to here: which suggests 4GB of memory, we're working on 0.5GB.
Any other thoughts on how to approach this would be great.

Why do we need to start the Redis server when it's purpose is to be a database

Why do we need to start the Redis server when it's purpose is to be a database, it can be used as in-memory database having different types of data structure but why do we need to start its server.
What do you expect?
You want to have somewhere on your network a service that will allow your applications to connect to and save and read data, isn't?
This is what you do when you start a redis-server process, you are starting a process than any of your applications or services can connect to and get access to the data. (this is the case with any database, NoSQL, RDBMS, you do start one or more process allowing you to connect to, and store your data.
Also when you start to use Redis as your database you want this to be highly available and you start to deploy multiple processes (server) on multiple nodes, suing a "master/slave" deployment or even use clustering to distribute your data in multiple nodes for horizontal scalability.

Membase caching pattern when one server in cluster is inaccessible

I have an application that runs a single Membase server ( that I use to cache data I'd otherwise fetch from our central SQL Server DB. I have one default bucket associated to the Membase server, and follow the traditional data-fetching pattern of:
When specific data is requested, lookup the relevant key in Membase
If data is returned, use it.
If no data is returned, fetch data from the DB
Store the newly returned data in Membase
I am looking to add an additional server to my default cluster, and rebalance the keys. (I also have replication enabled for one additional server).
In this scenario, I am curious as to how I can use the current pattern (or modify it) to make sure that I am not getting data out of sync when one of my two servers goes down in either an auto-failover or manual failover scenario.
From my understanding, if one server goes down (call it Server A), during the period that it is down but still attached to the cluster, there will be a cache key miss (if the active key is associated to Server A, not Server B). In that case, in the data-fetching pattern above, I would get no data returned and fetch straight from SQL Server. But, when I attempt to store the data back to my Membase cluster, will it store the data in Server B and remap that key to Server B on the next fetch?
I understand that once I mark Server A as "failed over", Server B's replica key will become the active one, but I am unclear about how to handle the intermittent situation when Server A is inaccessible but not yet marked as failed over.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
That's a pretty old version. But several things to clarify.
If you are performing caching you are probably using a memcached bucket, and in this case there is no replica.
Nodes are always considered attached to the cluster until they are explicitly removed by administrative action (autofailover attempts to automate this administrative action for you by attempting to remove the node from the cluster if it's determined to be down for n amount of time).
If the server is down (but not failed over), you will not get a "Cache Miss" per se, but some other kind of connectivity error from your client. Many older memcached clients do not make this distinction and simply return a NULL, False, or similar value for any kind of failure. I suggest you use a proper Couchbase client for your application which should help differentiate between the two.
As far as Couchbase is concerned, data routing for any kind of operation remains the same. So if you were not able to reach the item on Server A. because it was not available, you will encounter this same issue upon attempting to store it back again. In other words, if you tried to get data from Server A and it was down, attempting to store data to Server A will fail in the exact same way, unless the server was failed over between the last fetch and the current storage attempt -- in which case the client will determine this and route the request to the appropriate server.
In "newer" versions of Couchbase (> 2.x) there is a special get-from-replica command available for use with couchbase (or membase)-style buckets which allow you to explicitly read information from a replica node. Note that you still cannot write to such a node, though.
Your overall strategy seems very sane for a cache; except that you need to understand that if a node is unavailable, then a certain percentage of your data will be unavailable (for both reads and writes) until the node is either brought back up again or failed over. There is no

What technologies/tools do people use to implement live websites?

I have the following situation:
-I have a server A hooked up to a piece of hardware that sends values and information out of every second. Programs on the server machine can read these values. This server A is in a very remote location so Internet connection is very slow and not reliable but the connection does exist. Let's say it's a weather station in the Arctic.
-Users from the home location want to monitorize the weather values somehow. Well, the users can use a remote desktop connection the server A but that would be too too slow.
My idea is somehow to have a website on a web server (let's call the webserver - B and B is in a home location ) and make the server A connect to the server B and somehow send values and the web application reads the values and displays them....... but how to do such a system ?? I know I can use MySQL and have the server A connect to a SQL server on server B and send INSERT queries and have the web application running on server B constantly read from the SQL server but I think that would be way way too slow and I think there has to be a better solution.
Any ideas ?
BTW. The users should be able to send information to the weather station from the website as well ( so an ADMIN user should be allowed to shut down the weather station from the website or whatever)
Best regards,
Ganglia ( is a popular monitoring tool that supports collecting arbitrary statistics using the gmetric tool. You might be able to build something around that.
If you do need to roll your own solution then you could have a persistent message queue at A (I'm a fan of RabbitMQ) to which you could log your metrics. You could then have something at B which listens for messages on the queue and saves the state at B.
This approach means you don't lose data when the connection drops.
The message might be a simple compressed data value, say csv or json so should be fine on low bandwidth connections.
All the work (parsing the csv or json, and saving the data to a database for example) is done at B where you don't have limitations.

Stop Monitoring SQL Services for Registered Servers in SMSS

Question: Is it possible to stop SSMS from monitoring the service status of registered servers?
SSMS 2008 monitors the service status of every registered server. From what I have seen it seems to reach out to every registered server every minute or so to check it's status, in my case that is over 100 servers. This process has raised issues with our Security and Network departments. Network identified it initially as suspicious traffic due to the fact that it appeard as an unknown utility was scanning the network for SQL Servers. Security was concerned because the Security Event Logs on each server are being filled up with my logon events.
I have looked all over for a setting but can't seem to find one. Am I missing it somewhere?
I finally found an answer!!
While it is not possible (at least that I've found) to stop SSMS from checking the service status of registered servers it is possible to change the interval at which it checks it.
The short version is to create the following registry keys (DWORD):
(SQL Server 2008)
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell | PollingInterval = 600 (decimal)
(SQL Server 2005)
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Shell | PollingInterval = 600 (decimal)
This will make SSMS connect automatically every minute instead of every few seconds.
See this MS Connect Post for details.
Since it doesn't appear that there's any way to stop these status checks by SSMS, can you focus on helping them to see their harmlessness?
Can the network group allow certain exceptions to this particular rule (pinging servers on port 1433) in their scanning software, which would allow you and your group to monitor SQL Server uptime? Even if you weren't using SSMS, this type of sweeping monitoring activity is pretty common, and you'll know the requests will only ever come from a handful of workstations.
I don't think these SQL status checks generate any more events in the security log than any other activity, so maybe they were just concerned because it was something they weren't expecting. Could the security group be convinced that these events aren't dangerous, again as long as they're coming from certain approved workstations?
If neither of these is an option (or even if it is), you could help mitigate the problem by not connecting to all your SQL servers at once. Maybe just connect to the ones you need at the time - it looks like loading the entire list actively connects to each of them, but just connecting to the ones you intend to use in that session might help reduce the number of network sessions open.
I hope this helps - if it doesn't, or you've got some additional input that might help find a workaround, please post it!