WCF - JSONP Content-Length Issue - wcf

Web Service needed to calculate values and send results back as json. These calls are to be made cross-domain so I'm using jsonp. The problem I'm having occurs both on the same domain and cross-domain.
I'm having an issue getting back json data from a WCF Service. While on my local machine it works fine, but when on the server the response from the service is cut short (if I run it through Visual Studio on the server though, it's fine).
The content length seems to be set as the length of my response before wrapping it in the jquery callback function (example data below).
Local: jQuery151017220264650085249_1309423933796({"d":"[\"Flat\",\"Terrace\",\"Semi\",\"Detached\",\"Bungalow\"]"});
Local: jQuery151017220264650085249_1309423933797({"d":"[\"New build\",\"2000 to 2010\",\"1990 to 2000\",\"1970 to 1990\",\"1950 to 1970\",\"Pre 1950\"]"});
Live: jQuery1510246237260361726_1309424024004({"d":"[\"Flat\",\"Terrace
Live: jQuery1510246237260361726_1309424024005({"d":"[\"New build\",\"2000 to 2010\",\"1990 to 2000\",\"1970 to
To wrap the json response with the callback function I had to use a httpmodule I found on the net.
The server uses IIS 7.5, locally i'm just using Visual Studio. (Some kind of IIS configuration?)
Right, hopefully I've provided enough information, if not let me know.
So if anyone has any idea how I could fix this issue it would be greatly appreciated.

You don't need to use an HTTP Module to wrap the response in JSONP - this feature is available in WCF 4.0. You can set the property CrossDomainScriptAccessEnabled in WebHttpBinding, and if the request comes from a different domain (and it has a ?callback=FunctionName) parameter, the response will be wrapped in FunctionName(...).


Cleint not receive response: “No handlers could be found for message type”

I have a .net core service that needs to send a request via nservicebus.
I resolve IMessageSession with DI and send a request like this:
var response = await messageSession.Request<CreateDeviceResponse>(request);
In the logs I see that another service received this request and send a reply:
The problem that I never receive a response.
Client receive such errors:
I know that such an issue can occur if the client and server endpoint names are same, but I checked and I use different names
asp net mvc 4.7.2
First of all, the message isn't lost, but in the error queue.
I suggest to follow the tutorial to understand how NServiceBus works and what you need to have in place where. The tutorials start here but an entire learning path starts here and it explains broader, including about general concepts and architecture.
Like #tchelidze mentions, you need to have an implementation of the IHandleMessages<CreateDeviceReponse> interface, like is outlined here in the tutorial. Also, it doesn't matter to which endpoint you send it to. EndpointA can send to both EndpointB and EndpointA. What you cannot do is have two endpoints with the same name. It's like having two computers with the same name called MachineA and then from MachineB try to access files on MachineA. Which of the two should MachineB connect to? There is something else called 'competing consumer pattern', but that's of later concerns ;-)
If you need more help, feel free to ask at https://discuss.particular.net/ where more NServiceBus community members are located, as well as engineers of NServiceBus itself.
For some reason, it helped to make a request inside a task:
Task.Run(async () => await messageSession.Request<CreateDeviceResponse>(request))
I still not understand what is the problem, but it works only with such implementation.
In .net core web API, it works even without Task.Run, so I believe it has something to do with the fact that I am making this request in asp net mvc 4.7.2

WSO2 API Manager is not responding to a request that returns zip file (application/octet-stream)

Using WSO2 API Manager 1.3.1. Trying to use the API Manager to proxy to a REST service. I have set up the service in API Mgr and can successfully post and get responses, typically json, though some are text.
However, when I try to GET a resource that returns binary content (a zip "file", content-type:application/octet-stream), the API Manager does not seem to respond and I can see an error in the console window (i'm running wso2server.bat in console):
[2013-07-03 11:52:05,048] WARN - SourceHandler Connection time out
while writing the response:>
I have an HTTPModule on my internal service and it seems to be responding with the appropriate content (I can see the GET and response data logged). I can also call to the internal service directly and get a response, so that end of things seems OK. But going through the API Manager seems to fail.
I found information on enabling other content-types:
WSO2 API Manager - Publishing API with non-XML response
Using that information I tried to enable the application/octet-stream for messageFormatter and messageBuilder using the binary relay and it did not help (or seem to make a difference). I have even disabled all other content-types and use the binary relay for all content-types and it does not help.
Currently, I'm running with just the following in both axis2.xml and axis2_client.xml (in their appropriate sections):
<messageBuilder contentType=".*" class="org.wso2.carbon.relay.BinaryRelayBuilder"/
<messageFormatter contentType=".*" class="org.wso2.carbon.relay.ExpandingMessageFormatter"/>
I still get my json and text responses, but WSO2 times out getting the zip content. I saw the JIRA referenced in axis2.xml about enabling the ".*" relay, but as the other requests seem to work, I'm not sure it's an issue for me. I did try adding
'format="rest"' to the API definition, but it seemed to break all operations even the ones that worked prior so I've pulled it back out.
Any ideas on what is happening or how to dig in and debug this will help. Thanks!
After working with this for much too long, it turns out that my WSO2 configuration was correct, using the Message Relay and BinaryRelayBuilder, etc. While my REST service could reply immediately, I was setting a HTTP header that I assume WSO2 does not like, because when i removed it WSO2 would reply at an expected rate (instantly).
I was setting the header:
Transfer-Encoding: binary
When I removed that header from my service reply, then WSO2 operated as expected. I don't know if that's a "bug" in WSO2 or if I was implementing incorrectly, but I do have what seems like a "workaround" by omitting that header from my service response.

WCF Server Error. The content type text/html of the response message does not match the content type of the binding

I've got a WCF Service, which calls a webservice, running on my development IIS server (IIS 7). I've added it as a service reference to a C# Website Project and it adds fine.
However, when I try to call any of the service contracts, I get the following error:
The content type text/html
of the response message does not match
the content type of the binding
(text/xml; charset=utf-8). If using a
custom encoder, be sure that the
IsContentTypeSupported method is
implemented properly. The first 1024
bytes of the response were:
'Blocked Web
thanks in advance
The error message says it clearly: you're getting back an HTML page instead of your service response. Looking at the fragment of that page listed in the error message, you're probably not authroized to use that service.
Try to connect to the service URL in a browser - you should probably see a page explaining that you're not allowed to access the page. Most likely, this is a permissions issue.
You need to configure WCF Tracing and find out what's happening on the server side.

404 not found when accessing JSON WCF Service with jQuery

I have a WCF service hosted in IIS which seems to be running fine but am unable to access it through jQuery on the client side.
My site structure is like this -
I've set the anonymous authentication user id to that of the AppPool identity.
When I try to access a GET method from the browser, it returns the JSON data just fine. But when I try to access the same method from the client using jQuery $.ajax() the server returns a 404 error.
The URL of the WCF method is
The signature of the method is
string SimpleMethod()
I've already tried looking articles online and I don't think the web.config is any different. It looks like a permissions thing to me.
Can anyone shed any light on this issue?
Here's what I did -
Added an endpoint behavior which uses <webHttp /> and removed <enableWebScript />. That fixed it.
When I try to access a GET method from
the browser, it returns the JSON data
just fine
You are accessing from the server pc and using http://localhost:9080
But when I try to access the same
method from the client using jQuery
$.ajax() the server returns a 404
What URL are you using for ajax call? Use relative URL.
It looks like a permissions thing to
If on same machine (server machine) invoking directly from browser works but invoking using ajax from same client does not work, it can be a wrong url
You better post your ajax calling code.

WCF REST StarterKit HttpClient: Timeout from HttpClient when going remote - works fine locally or via local proxy

I'm getting repeated Microsoft.Http.HttpStageProcessingException timeout exceptions while trying to use the REST Starter kit's HttpClient. This has been working fine when used locally, but is failing when going remote.
The client is a c# process that runs as a windows service and uses HttpClient for making REST calls to our Java app server running in Tomcat6. When I started troubleshooting this, I came across a similar post on MSDN's forums: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/wcf/thread/88487549-ce45-49d3-95e4-7ed413cbcfbc
Unfortunately, I can't isolate it to simply a Content-Length problem.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to solve this problem, I would greatly appreciate it - even if it means using HttpWebRequest directly. I understand HttpClient uses HttpWebRequest under the hood, but perhaps it's making some assumptions.
Found the solution. It turns out that the default number of outbound http connections when using the HttpClient seems to be 2. After I used the ServicePointManager static singleton to set the DefaultConnectionLimit for my client AppDomain to 10, everything worked fine.
Now, this is a little concerning, however - because I'm used to writing multi-threaded apps and using the new .NET 4 Tasks - so I really don't like having hard limits on outbound connections. Can anyone provide any links that provide details on how the low-level .NET Http handling works and what knobs control what settings?
Thanks again for the help,
NEVERMIND - found it myself, should have googled first - this MSDN blog on the Http Client protocol provides a good description of what's going on under-the-hood:
httpclient protocol blog
If it works locally or remotely via Fiddler then it is a problem with HTTP proxy. Your current configuration is not using proxy but Fiddler by default uses proxy configured for IE.
Get the same problem and solution is to Dispose method on response (maybe method named Close may be more clear) else response still occupy the socket and you have to increase the DefaultConnectionLimit to open new socket for each new request untill max limit reach (dirty and slow).
So the solution was:
HttpResponseMessage resp = this.HttpClient.Delete(uri);//or verb get/post/put
try {
//.... do what you need with response
finally {
resp.Dispose(); //free the socket for a new request