htaccess: Can't check dynamic file existence! - apache

I have written a on-the-fly thumbnail creator by an htaccess file looking to see if the requested file exists and if not sending the user to a php page to create it. My htaccess file looks like this:
# Check the formatting (this works)
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME}%{QUERY_STRING} /([a-zA-Z0-9-]+).(jpg|gif|png)w=([0-9]+)&h=([0-9]+)(&c=(true|false))
# Only forward to thumbnail.php if file doesn't exist
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f #this works but not for the correct filename!
RewriteCond %1-%2-%3-%4-%6.jpg !-f # Doesn't work!!!
# If file doesn't exist, send here: (this works)
RewriteRule ^.*$ thumbnail.php?file_name=%1&type=%2&w=%3&h=%4&c=%6
My check of the file's existence does not seem to work however... the old version that uses %{REQUEST_FILENAME} works, but that is not the correct filename I need to check. I have verified that the new file %1-%2-%3-%4-%6.jpg has the correct output, but does not trigger the condition!
Based on this URL:
The htaccess file should check if this file exists:
The thumbnails and htaccess file are both in the same folder, but this folder is unknown and can't be hardcoded. Does it need the full path to check? If so, how can I get the full path but with my custom filename?
Pulling my hair out with this one... PLEASE help! Thank you.

You can use your PHP script to replace the traditional "404 Error" page :
ErrorDocument 404 thumbnail.php
Then, you can retrieve the requested URL using PHP :
Parameters can be retrieved using the preg_match function.


RewriteRule in htaccess returns the error Not found

I'm trying the second way to run PHP code in HTMl file using a rule in .htaccess file as described by the link
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html $1\.php
But when I try opening my page e.g. test.html I receive
Not Found
The requested URL /test.html was not found on this server.
Why and how to resolve?
UPDATED (from comments)
I try both on localhost and on my shared hosting. htaccess and html files are in document root. BTW, the homepage (index.html) also returns Not found. In local machine the path is D:/Server/vhosts/another. And without this htaccess such virtual host works just fine. So there is no issue with its configuration.
With your shown samples please try following .htaccess rules file. Make sure your htaccess is present along with your php files only. Also clear your browser cache before testing your URLs.
RewriteEngine ON
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html/?$ $1.php [NC,L]
Fix added by OP: Please note such rule is not execution of PHP code inside of HTML file, but just a redirecting from HTML file to PHP file, so the second file also must exist

.htaccess Redirect Media File Requests to a Different Domain/Server

Simply speaking, I want to substitute one file path for another in the URI, but only for certain file types.
I have a load of image files (PNG, GIF and JPG) on one server and a wordpress installation on another server. I can't put them all on the same server at the moment (for reasons too complicated to go into).
So, when I get a request for a PNG, GIF or JPG file on e.g.
I want to be able to divert this request to the same image, but on server 2, potentially in a different top level subfolder e.g. "allimages" such as:
Then, say divert:
I tried to make a start with .htaccess (on SERVER1) but haven't got very far. I put a .htaccess file in the root of Server 1, with these lines in:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (\.png|\.jpg|\.gif|)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]
But I know this isn't correct. Can anyone help? Many thanks!
Try with:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.+(?:\.png|\.jpg|\.gif))$$1 [L,R=301]

mod_rewrite inserting full path to file

I need to create a rewrite to take traffic going to mp3/mp4 files in a specific subdirectory and then route them to a PHP file that tracks download stats etc before routing them to the actual file location since iTunes requires your podcast RSS contain actual media file extensions (.mp3, .mp4, etc)
I have created rewrites before with no problem but now I am running into an odd issue on this company's server.
My .htaccess located at
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/(.*).mp3$ /test.php?file=$1 [r=301,L]
Right now it is partially working it does act upon the mp3 file but ends up including the full path to test.php after the domain, so I end up with a 404 page looking for this URL:
basically I need the path, but only the /companytools/podcasts part.
Any help is appreciated.
You may not need R=301 here to hide actual PHP handler.
Try this rule with RewriteBase:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /companytools/podcasts/
RewriteRule ^(.+?)\.mp3$ test.php?file=$1 [L,QSA]

Use .htaccess to whitelist two files for execution

I have a website that has a folder for images.
I have two problems:
I want to disable all script execution in that directory (i.e. no PHP/Perl/Python
There are two php files in my images folder called gradient.php and rgba.php – I do what those to run as per usual.
How do I set up my .htaccess file to do that. Also, rather than placing a new .htaccess in the images directory, is it possible to incorporate these directives in the one in the site root?
You can add these rules to the htaccess file in your site root:
# check if the request is for the images folder
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/images/
# check that it isn't a request for an image
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp)$ [NC]
# check that it isn't a request for the 2 ok php files
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/images/(gradient|rgba)\.php$
# forbid access
RewriteRule ^ - [L,F]
This should make it so any request for /images/ that doesn't end with jpg/jpeg/png/gif/bmp (or whatever other extension you want to add to the regular expression) or isn't gradient.php or rgba.php, will result in a 403 forbidden.
I don't want them to be forbidden, I just want them to not execute – it's an upload folder, so I basically want it that if someone uploads a JPG that is secretly PHP code that I haven't detected, that it won't run
as long as jpg and other images are mapped to the correct mime/type (via AddType image/jpeg .jpg) then it won't get handed to the php handler and whatever code is there won't get executed. If you want to serve all files using the default handler, you need to set AddHandler default-handler php in the htaccess file in your images directory. You'll then need to move the gradient and rgba files out to some other directory. You can't selectively set handlers from an htaccess file, though you may be able to use <Location> blocks to set handlers in your vhost config.
I was wrong, you can use the H flag to set a custom handler using a rule. So in the above rules, instead of [L,F], you can do [L,H=default-handler] so that anything that isn't an image or gradient.php or rgba.php will get sent to the default-handler (e.g. php files will get sent as-is, and not handled and executed by mod_php).
So you can just do:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/images/(gradient|rgba)\.php$
RewriteRule ^ - [L,H=default-handler]

Apache redirect 404 for only the files that are not found?

What I'm looking to do is basically take all requests to a directory, and if the file exists, send it. If not, send it from the parent directory (assume it exists there). The files are large and there can be a lot, and the subdirectories will change frequently, so filesystem links isn't a great way to manage. Is there some Apache config way of doing this? e.g.
So, if a request comes in for /path/sub1/fileB they get /path/sub1/fileB (normal-case). If a request comes in for /path/sub1/file0 they get /path/file0 (special-case).
Or maybe there's a way in PHP, if I could have Apache redirect all requests in one folder to a specific php file that checks if the file is present and if not checks 'up' a folder?
You could use mod_rewrite to do that:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^path/[^/]+/([^/]+)$ path/$1 [L]
This rule will rewrite a request of /path/foo/bar to /path/bar only if /path/foo/bar is not a regular file.
Yes, PHP can redirect to a parent directory.