Creating table diagrams in MSSMS without the internal tool? - sql

My tables are based on MSSMS 2000 and I'm accessing them with 2008. (I also have VS 2005, 2008, and 2010)
The internal feature does not work with MSSMS 2000.
Please recommend a free third-party/opensource tool, that will only read and not install stuff on the DB server to create a visual display of a subset of the tables (columns, relations etc.).

Before I bit the bullet and bought a full blown license for ERStudio from Embarcadero I used to use the free version of Toad Data Modeler.
It worked quite well, especially considering it's freeware. I haven't used it since Quest took Toad over but Quest has a pretty good reputation in the biz.


Anyway to get Database Diagram for sql server 2012 with vs 2012

So i have a database in visual studio and now i am trying to get a relationship diagram between the tables.
However on searching the internet it says this feature is not avaiable in sql server 2012.
So is there any way i can extract relationship diagram automatically otherwise i will have to make the whole thing manually which is quite time consuming.
There are a number of software tools that can create a relationship diagram, such as Microsoft Visio Professional (but not Visio standard), or DBVisualizer. The latter is available as a free "crippleware" version that may still do what you need.

SQL Prompt alternatives for SQL Server 2005?

I'm trying to wean myself from SQL Prompt from Redgate because I'm now on a low low budget and I can't afford to go from 4 to 5. I haven't found anything nearly as good for SQL Server 2005.
Should I just save up, or has someone found a better tool or a way to exist without the intellisense features??
You can try out free SSMS and VS add-in, ApexSQL Complete
ApexSQL Complete provides snippets and syntax checking and a lot of code auto-complete features (context based predicting keywords, users, objects, autocompleting aliases, the Insert procedure parameters automatically option , the Insert full INSERT statement option and so on)
For code refactoring you could use ApexSQL Refactor, also a free add-in
Disclaimer: I work for ApexSQL as a Support Engineer
DevArt has a similar tool called SQL Complete which seems to support SQL Server 2005, and even offers a free Express edition.
Database.NET is basic, but pretty decent:
Free for personal use, $19 commercial license, and works with SQL Server, Access (what I use it for, when I'm forced to deal with Access databases), and a number of others.

What are the compelling reasons to choose SQL Server 2008 over 2005?

I'm investigating the possibility of upgrading our SQL Server from SQL Server 2000 to either 2005 or 2008. There's a lot of concern over whether or not 2008 is really ready for us to use because the database is so critical to our product. What are the compelling reasons to use 2008 over 2005? Have you had good or bad experiences with 2008? I'm particurally interested in query performance, new features for our queries, and stability.
One good reason--Backup Compression in SQL 2008. SQL 2008 has 3 options for backups:
In SQL 2008 there are 3 options while backing up databases, these are:
No Compression (same as SQL 2005)
Server Setting (if server backup
compression setting is on/off - use
this setting)
Compression (Compress backup file
during backup)
SQL 2008 backup with compression is generally faster than SQL 2005 backup without compression (less file i/o with a compressed file)
Edit: We've been using SQL 2008 for a while now and have had no problems. In fact, working with the new features in SQL Management Studio (such as intellisense) have made some tasks easier.
AS for new features, I have to point out the new spatial datatypes, geometry and geography, which basically allow you to add actual longitude / latitude points and even cooler, bind those points to a geometry.
i.e. imagine a map with zipcodes, the geography representing the center of the zipcode, and the geometry the are the zipcode covers. Then you could use the built in new function of sql server to determine if a customer for instance is in that are.
Edit P.S. here's a link to a series of articles describing benefits / new features:
What’s New in SQL Server 2008 Part 3
I'd upgrade to 2008 because:
While you don't think about it now, 2005 will go "end of life" sooner and another upgrade could be forced before you are ready.
Everything 2005 can do, 2008 can do. But the opposite is not true. The worst thing to happen would be to upgrade to 2005 only to discover you need something with 2008 and have to upgrade again.
There are many little things improved or added in 2008.
I'd also ask why are you worried about going to 2008? If you are upgrading today, why go to a product that is 4 years old instead of going to the latest?
We have been using it for about 3 months now, and it seems pretty stable. We also upgraded from 2000 and it was pretty painless. One thing I noticed was the new MERGE statement, which is a nice way to do upserts.
I've poked at 2008 a bit, but haven't used it "for real" yet. I can only offer some highlights.
It is "ready for use". SQL Server has been a totally viable product at least since 7.0. If it was buggy, crappy, or generally worthless, its competitors (everyone who isn't Microsoft) would have made it pretty clear to everyone by now.
It's a new version, it will be supported by MS longer.
Many new and fancy bells and whistles. However, they are bells and whistles, they don't really add that much to "core" database functionality.
There are some serious additions, in particular the various new date and time datatypes. (And if they every get something like Oracle's grid computing, then I'll be really impressed.)
By and large, I believe its "you buy the 2008 license, you get to use 2005 or 2008, your choice". As such, you're better off using the latest version.

What are some good, reasonably-priced SQL Server client tools offering Intellisense for SQL?

SSMS 2008 doesn't have SQL Intellisense when connected to SQL Server 2005! I know of 3 products which enable writing SQL with Intellisense. ApexSQL Edit, Red Gate's SQL Prompt Pro & SQL Assistant. However I am looking for a less expensive solution.
Any ideas?
Embrace Linq and use LinqPad.
Full intellisense using linq on sql servers, fully integrated with c# statements or expressions, for $27.
Those are pretty much the three choices.
If you don't want to pay for an add-in, you could always roll your own (although in the long run it may be cheaper to just pay for an existing solution). Jon Sayce has a good blog post on Building a SSMS Add-In if you want to give it a shot.
My Recommendation: Atlantis SQL Enywhere which is completely free. It works with SQL Server 2005 and 2008. I have been using it for a month now and I am really impressed with its features. Keyboard shortcuts are similar to VS, so makes the transition is really smooth to a new editor.
Some of the features that are worth mentioning.
Intellisense that actually works when using multiple tables and joins with aliases
Suggestion of joins when using multiple tables (reduces time on typing, really neat)
Rich formatting of sql code.
Better representation of SQL plans
Highlights variables declarations while they are used.
Table definition on mouse hover.
Well, there is a freeware tool that works with SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008. Recently we have released dbForge SQL Complete, a free SQL autocomplete add-in for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
By the way, on Friday (21 January 2011), we have released a new version of SQL Complete that offers a bunch of new features. All new features are available in shareware Standard Edition (30-days free trial, $49.95).
You also can get all basic functionality, similar to v. 1.0, with Express Edition.

Can I get sql profiler for sql2008 for free?

Is it possible to get sql profiler for sql2008 for free or you have to have a license to get it?
i.e. it won't work with sql express
You can get SQL Profiler with the Developer version of SQL.
But how is written three answer before:
SQL Profiler is just a GUI on top of the TRACE functionality present in all editions of SQL.
So this ExpressProfiler is a free utility.
First. SQL Profiler does work with SQL Express. Second. You can get SQL Profiler with the Developer version of SQL, which is included with all MSDN licenses. However you will not be able to get it for free with SQL Express like you can with SSMS.
SQL Profiler is just a GUI on top of the TRACE functionality present in all editions of SQL. is a free utility which takes advantage of that. Probably all that you need.
Free of registration URL to download:
I have been posting this to a number of older posts since I have been hitting them looking for the same answer. Just thought it would be nice if some more recent answers were here, hopefully they will still save people some time.
The ExpressProfiler is nice, I did try it but found it to be a bit too simple for my purposes. I found this article recently,, and it has downloadable demo UI that is quite complete. It is much more configurable and has a few handy features like being able to define unlimited traces that will persist all trace options as well as column order. You can sort by column and group row data.
SQL Express 2008 Management Studio does not come with Profiler, so you will have to get a license for either a Workgroup/Standard/Enterprise edition.
SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition isn't free, but it's about $50 at NewEgg (or anywhere else): product link
Developer edition is basically a re-branded not-for-production version of Enterprise, so it's got all the features Enterprise has, including Profiler. That's as close to free as you're going to get, since Profiler is not included with any Express products.
I just tried out the utility mentioned above: (New link is here). It got me the query text for what was going to the server, which is what I needed at the time. For $5, you can't go wrong by far. The only thing that worries me (and I'm not 100% sure on this), is that it looks like they want you to subscribe on a yearly basis, and the $5 looks like some sort of introductory special. For a tool that I will very rarely use, I would have preferred to pay $30, and be done with it.