Boiler plate for WCF project, versioning anticipated - wcf

I'm starting to find myself getting more and more in to using WCF for projects I implement for internal use (automating company tasks, making sure all clients are on the same page, etc.) This is largely due to the 3-10 clients I am automating at once whenever I do implement a solution, and (even if it was a small sample) the company is growing which continually adds more clients in the pool and thus a higher demand for reliability/consistency. With that said, I'm recognizing how important it is to make sure I make things expandable as (previously) pushing a release was getting harder the more clients I have depending on the service.
My latest project has a potential of being externalized. Until now I've done it the way I know works, but I'd still like to travel down the "right" path in terms of future updates. How should I be setting up my project file to make this as easy and seamless as possible to keep maintained, up-to-date and expansive? Should I be placing version numbers in to the namespace (as in Company.Interfaces.Contracts.June2011.IMyService), using pseudo folders, ...?
I just don't feel confident in this aspect of moving forward. I'd like to know that whatever ground work I have in place now won't place burdens on future expansion/customizing later. I'd also like to stick to the "development norm" as much as possible as it's getting more plausible that we'll hire additional programmers to help the work load.
Does anyone with this kind of experience have any thoughts, suggestions, guidance in this field? I would really appreciate any examples, books, documentation, etc. that you can provide.
Update (06-17-2011)
To give some insight, I'm also looking for some specific questions. These include:
How do you decorate a service class vs a DTO in terms of namespace? I've seen used on the Service class itself & used on the DTOs. Is this common? (Separate the namespace in to a type and service collection?)
Should I be implementing IExtensibleDataObject on all my objects on the basis that they could potentially be evolved in future released? (Lay the ground work out now)
If my database has constraints on it for (e.g.) string length, I should be extending IParameterInspector and using that method for validity (keeping logic and validation separate), correct?
Should the "actual service" be broken out in to its own class so, as I version, the Service Contract classes just call the code (keeping each new version release with an minimal code as possible?) Or should I keep it within the service class and inherit from it with any new methods (likewise, what happens should you remove a method?)
I'm sorry if I have a lot of questions, I just see two ends of the spectrum in documentation. I see "Setting up wcf" then directly to "this is a versioned WCF"--no segue/steps between. I'm assuming it's going to just "click" once I get enough information, but I'm (sadly) not there yet.
When you start writing a WCF service that you know is going to hit several iterations, how do you setup your project(s) to make it as easy as possible in the future (on yourself and teammates)?

I have had success using a "strict" versioning policy (it seems from past experience you are heading in this direction anyway) where you simply create new endpoint/s each time a new definition is released. This means you won't have any contract backwards compatibility concerns for legacy clients - older versions can easily be turned off once logging indicates all clients have upgraded. It is generally necessary however to write bridging code for any legacy endpoint/s so they can continue to call into the modified business logic.
In terms of project organisation, I would create a new project for each version so they can easily be deployed separately. Namespaces using v1, v2 are normally works well enough. The endpoint names can also include a version number which should easily distinguish them from each other.
Alternately you could try using a "lax" versioning policy where you can have the ability to add or remove data members by implementing the IExtensibleDataObject interface in all your services. Some useful MSDN article links can be found in a popular response to a similar question: WCF client's and versioning.
Another "lax" kind of option is to move more towards a messaging solution (which WCF can support through message contracts and/or the MSMQ binding). Here podcast by SOA guru Udi Dahan that provides an interesting perspective and is definitely worth a listen - there is no IDog2.
Finally here is a good blog post with some further more fine-grained guidelines on whichever strategy you end up using:


Service oriented vs API oriented

I've seen several questions revolving around that theme on SO, but no answer that really satisfies me.
I'm trying to put words on things I feel without always being able to express them clearly enough to convince people around me. Might be that I'm wrong. Might be that my understanding is not deep enough to find proper arguments.
How would you contrast developing applications according to a "service oriented approach" instead of a "traditional" API approach?
Let's be totally clear here that, by services, I don't necessarily mean Web Services.
Here are some differences I see. Please correct me if I'm wrong:
a service is a "living thing" that you can talk to, according to a given and explicit protocol. A service has its own runtime while a library uses the runtime of your application. You can move that "living thing" wherever you want
a library allows code-based integration, while services traditionally use a message-based integration (however, nothing really prevents you to write a library based on exchanging messages)
services are discoverable
contracts are explicit and expressed "outside" the running code
services are autonomous (but here again, you could write autonomous APIs, couldn't you?)
boundaries are explicit
What am I missing here? What else really distinguishes services from a high-level API?
Service oriented architecture implies that the exposed interface does not live on the same host where the client runs and the service is completely decoupled from the client code (loose coupling). You can easily call an API by loading the necessary library and executing your code, on the same node. Rather than defining the API, service oriented architecture is focusing on the functionality, many times you can access the same feature using different protocols.
I would go for the loose code coupling if there was anything which would distinguish SOA and AOA.
You have covered most important points. I would add one :
Usually, a Service is stateless. Each Service request is independent. This is in contrast to a library interface where you may make certain calls in a sequence to get the desired result.

How to Design a generic business entity and still be OO?

I am working on a packaged product that is supposed to cater to multiple clients with varying requirements (to a certain degree) and as such should be built in a manner to be flexible enough to be customizable by each specific client. The kind of customization we are talking about here is that different client's may have differing attributes for some of the key business objects. Also, they could have differing business logic tied in with their additional attributes as well
As an very simplistic example: Consider "Automobile" to be a business entity in the system and as such has 4 key attributes i.e. VehicleNumber, YearOfManufacture, Price and Colour.
It is possible that one of the clients using the system adds 2 more attributes to Automobile namely ChassisNumber and EngineCapacity. This client needs some business logic associated with these fields to validate that the same chassisNumber doesnt exist in the system when a new Automobile gets added.
Another client just needs one additional attribute called SaleDate. SaleDate has its own business logic check which validates if the vehicle doesnt exist in some police records as a stolen vehicle when the sale date is entered
Most of my experience has been in mostly making enterprise apps for a single client and I am really struggling to see how I could handle a business entity whose attributes are dynamic and also has a capacity for having dynamic business logic as well in an object oriented paradigm
Key Issues
Are there any general OO principles/patterns that would help me in tackling this kind of design?
I am sure people who have worked on generic / packaged products would have faced similar scenarios in most of them. Any advice / pointers / general guidance is also appreciated.
My technology is .NET 3.5/ C# and the project has a layered architecture with a business layer that consists of business entities that encompass their business logic
This is one of our biggest challenges, as we have multiple clients that all use the same code base, but have widely varying needs. Let me share our evolution story with you:
Our company started out with a single client, and as we began to get other clients, you'd start seeing things like this in the code:
if(clientName == "ABC") {
// do it the way ABC client likes
} else {
// do it the way most clients like.
Eventually we got wise to the fact that this makes really ugly and unmanageable code. If another client wanted theirs to behave like ABC's in one place and CBA's in another place, we were stuck. So instead, we turned to a .properties file with a bunch of configuration points.
if((bool)configProps.get("LastNameFirst")) {
// output the last name first
} else {
// output the first name first
This was an improvement, but still very clunky. "Magic strings" abounded. There was no real organization or documentation around the various properties. Many of the properties depended on other properties and wouldn't do anything (or would even break something!) if not used in the right combinations. Much (possibly even most) of our time in some iterations was spent fixing bugs that arose because we had "fixed" something for one client that broke another client's configuration. When we got a new client, we would just start with the properties file of another client that had the configuration "most like" the one this client wanted, and then try to tweak things until they looked right.
We tried using various techniques to get these configuration points to be less clunky, but only made moderate progress:
if(userDisplayConfigBean.showLastNameFirst())) {
// output the last name first
} else {
// output the first name first
There were a few projects to get these configurations under control. One involved writing an XML-based view engine so that we could better customize the displays for each client.
<client name="ABC">
<field name="last_name" />
<field name="first_name" />
Another project involved writing a configuration management system to consolidate our configuration code, enforce that each configuration point was well documented, allow super users to change the configuration values at run-time, and allow the code to validate each change to avoid getting an invalid combination of configuration values.
These various changes definitely made life a lot easier with each new client, but most of them failed to address the root of our problems. The change that really benefited us most was when we stopped looking at our product as a series of fixes to make something work for one more client, and we started looking at our product as a "product." When a client asked for a new feature, we started to carefully consider questions like:
How many other clients would be able to use this feature, either now or in the future?
Can it be implemented in a way that doesn't make our code less manageable?
Could we implement a different feature that what they are asking for, which would still meet their needs while being more suited to reuse by other clients?
When implementing a feature, we would take the long view. Rather than creating a new database field that would only be used by one client, we might create a whole new table which could allow any client to define any number of custom fields. It would take more work up-front, but we could allow each client to customize their own product with a great degree of flexibility, without requiring a programmer to change any code.
That said, sometimes there are certain customizations that you can't really accomplish without investing an enormous effort in complex Rules engines and so forth. When you just need to make it work one way for one client and another way for another client, I've found that your best bet is to program to interfaces and leverage dependency injection. If you follow "SOLID" principles to make sure your code is written modularly with good "separation of concerns," etc., it isn't nearly as painful to change the implementation of a particular part of your code for a particular client:
public FirstLastNameGenerator : INameDisplayGenerator
IPersonRepository _personRepository;
public FirstLastNameGenerator(IPersonRepository personRepository)
_personRepository = personRepository;
public string GenerateDisplayNameForPerson(int personId)
Person person = _personRepository.GetById(personId);
return person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName;
public AbcModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
This approach is enhanced by the other techniques I mentioned earlier. For example, I didn't write an AbcNameGenerator because maybe other clients will want similar behavior in their programs. But using this approach you can fairly easily define modules that override default settings for specific clients, in a way that is very flexible and extensible.
Because systems like this are inherently fragile, it is also important to focus heavily on automated testing: Unit tests for individual classes, integration tests to make sure (for example) that your injection bindings are all working correctly, and system tests to make sure everything works together without regressing.
PS: I use "we" throughout this story, even though I wasn't actually working at the company for much of its history.
PPS: Pardon the mixture of C# and Java.
That's a Dynamic Object Model or Adaptive Object Model you're building. And of course, when customers start adding behaviour and data, they are programming, so you need to have version control, tests, release, namespace/context and rights management for that.
A way of approaching this is to use a meta-layer, or reflection, or both. In addition you will need to provide a customisation application which will allow modification, by the users, of your business logic layer. Such a meta-layer does not really fit in your layered architecture - it is more like a layer orthoganal to your existing architecture, though the running application will probably need to refer to it, at least on initialisation. This type of facility is probably one of the fastest ways of screwing up the production application known to man, so you must:
Ensure that the access to this editor is limited to people with a high level of rights on the system (eg administrator).
Provide a sandbox area for the customer modifications to be tested before any changes they are testing are put on the production system.
An "OOPS" facility whereby they can revert their production system to either your provided initial default, or to the last revision before the change.
Your meta-layer must be very tightly specified so that the range of activities is closely defined - George Orwell's "What is not specifically allowed, is forbidden."
Your meta-layer will have objects in it such as Business Object, Method, Property and events such as Add Business Object, Call Method etc.
There is a wealth of information about meta-programming available on the web, but I would start with Pattern Languages of Program Design Vol 2 or any of the WWW resources related to, or emanating from Kent or Coplien.
We develop an SDK that does something like this. We chose COM for our core because we were far more comfortable with it than with low-level .NET, but no doubt you could do it all natively in .NET.
The basic architecture is something like this: Types are described in a COM type library. All types derive from a root type called Object. A COM DLL implements this root Object type and provides generic access to derived types' properties via IDispatch. This DLL is wrapped in a .NET PIA assembly because we anticipate that most developers will prefer to work in .NET. The Object type has a factory method to create objects of any type in the model.
Our product is at version 1 and we haven't implemented methods yet - in this version business logic must be coded into the client application. But our general vision is that methods will be written by the developer in his language of choice, compiled to .NET assemblies or COM DLLs (and maybe Java too) and exposed via IDispatch. Then the same IDispatch implementation in our root Object type can call them.
If you anticipate that most of the custom business logic will be validation (such as checking for duplicate chassis numbers) then you could implement some general events on your root Object type (assuming you did it something like the way we do.) Our Object type fires an event whenever a property is updated, and I suppose this could be augmented by a validation method that gets called automatically if one is defined.
It takes a lot of work to create a generic system like this, but the payoff is that application development on top of the SDK is very quick.
You say that your customers should be able to add custom properties and implement business logic themselves "without programming". If your system also implements data storage based on the types (ours does) then the customer could add properties without programming, by editing the model (we provide a GUI model editor.) You could even provide a generic user application that dynamically presents the appropriate data-entry controls depending on the types, so your customers could capture custom data without additional programming. (We provide a generic client application but it's more a developer tool than a viable end-user application.) I don't see how you could allow your customers to implement custom logic without programming... unless you want to provide some kind of drag-n-drop GUI workflow builder... surely a huge task.
We don't envisage business users doing any of this stuff. In our development model all customisation is done by a developer, but not necessarily an expensive one - part of our vision is to allow less experienced developers produce robust business applications.
Design a core model that acts as its own independent project
Here's a list of some possible basic requirements...
The core design would contain:
classes that work (and possibly be extended) in all of the subprojects.
more complex tools like database interactions (unless those are project specific)
a general configuration structure that should be considered standard across all projects
Then, all of the subsequent projects that are customized per client are considered extensions of this core project.
What you're describing is the basic purpose of any Framework. Namely, create a core set of functionality that can be set apart from the whole so you don't have to duplicate that development effort in every project you create. Ie, drop in a framework and half your work is done already.
You might say, "what about the SCM (Software Configuration Management)?"
How do you track revision history of all of the subprojects without including the core into the subproject repository?
Fortunately, this is an old problem. Many software projects, especially those in the the linux/open source world, make extensive use of external libraries and plugins.
In fact git has a command that's specifically used to import one project repository into another as a sub-repository (preserving all of the sub-repository's revision history etc). In fact, you can't modify the contents of the sub-repository because the project won't track it's history at all.
The command I'm talking about is called 'git submodule'.
You may ask, "what if I develop a really cool feature in one client's project that I'd like to use in all of my client's projects?".
Just add that feature to the core and run a 'git submodule sync' on all the other projects. The way git submodule works is, it points to a specific commit within the sub-repository's history tree. So, when that tree is changed upstream, you need to pull those changes back downstream to the projects where they're used.
The structure to implement such a thing would work like this. Lets say that you software is written specifically to manage a car dealership (inventory, sales, employees, customers, orders, etc...). You create a core module that covers all of these features because they are expected to be used in the software for all of your clients.
But, you have recently gained a new client who wants to be more tech savvy by adding online sales to their dealership. Of course, their website is designed by a separate team of web developers/designers and webmaster but they want a web API (Ie, service layer) to tap into the current infrastructure for their website.
What you'd do is create a project for the client, we'll call it WebDealersRUs and link the core submodule into the repository.
The hidden benefit of this is, once you start to look as a codebase as pluggable parts, you can start to design them from the start as modular pieces that are capable of being dropped in to a project with very little effort.
Consider the example above. Lets say that your client base is starting to see the merits of adding a web-front to increase sales. Just pull the web API out of the WebDealersRUs into its own repository and link it back in as a submodule. Then propagate to all of your clients that want it.
What you get is a major payoff with minimal effort.
Of course there will always be parts of every project that are client specific (branding, ect). That's why every client should have a separate repository containing their unique version of the software. But that doesn't mean that you can't pull parts out and generalize them to be reused in subsequent projects.
While I approach this issue from the macro level, it can be applied to smaller/more specific parts of the codebase. The key here is code that you wish to re-use needs to be genericized.
OOP comes into play here because: where the functionality is implemented in the core but extended in client's code you'll use a base class and inherit from it; where the functionality is expected to return a similar type of result but the implementations of that functionality may be wildly different across classes (Ie, there's no direct inheritance hierarchy) it's best to use an interface to enforce that relationship.
I know your question is general, not tied to a technology, but since you mention you actually work with .NET, I suggest you look at a new and very important technology piece that is part of .NET 4: the 'dynamic' type.
There is also a good article on CodeProject here: DynamicObjects – Duck-Typing in .NET.
It's probably worth to look at, because, if I have to implement the dynamic system you describe, I would certainly try to implement my entities based on the DynamicObject class and add custom properties and methods using the TryGetxxx methods. It also depends whether you are focused on compile time or runtime. Here is an interesting link here on SO: Dynamically adding members to a dynamic object on this subject.
Two approaches is what I feel:
1) If different clients fall on to same domain (as Manufacturing/Finance) then it's better to design objects in such a way that BaseObject should have attributes which are very common and other's which could vary in between clients as key-value pairs. On top of it, try to implement rule engine like IBM ILog(
2) Predictive Model Markup Language(

Can everything be done programmatically in WCF or are configuration files for certain features?

I have a strong preference for working in code, leverage IntelliSense and opening up all of the power of the C# language to work with WCF but I want to make sure that I'm not moving in a direction that ultimately will limit the WCF feature set I can access. My experience is so limited with WCF that I don't understand the benefits of using the configuration files, especially if you can do everything in code (?).
Note: I'm using .NET 3.5.
Can you do 'everything' with WCF programmatically or are configuration files required for the full WCF feature set?
You can do about 99.8% of things in code as well as config.
Some things can be done only in code - like setting user name and password on a call that requires those two for authentication.
And there appear to be a few things that can be done in config only - see this other recent SO question for one example.
But I think, if you prefer code, you should be fine for the vast majority of cases.
An overgrown comment...
Marc_s' answer and the question's perspective is good (two +1s from me).
I have no doubt that the following will not be news to either of you, but wanted to point it out in case someone encounters this and isn't aware of the cons of a purely programmatic approach.
Moving to programmatic configuration from config-file based setup means
you lose the ability to adjust (read: hack!) things in the field -- your only avenue of recourse will be to recompile and redeploy binaries. For many scenarios (including one of mine) this is not n.
you lose the ability to switch between multiple sets of configurations by juggling them in the config file.
I admit that both of the cited 'losses' are debatable - they can encourage bad habits and prevent you from reaching the most solid solution for your customers in the quickest manner possible.
UPDATE: I've implemented a mechanism where I use ChannelFactory<T> but pick up a customised config from the app.config if it's present, or provide a default if it isn't (my scenario is that I'm a guest in someone else's process and hence can't assume a config fuile is easy to update / has been updated, yet dont want to lose the option of tweaking settings after deployment)

Jumping into N-Tier architecture with WCF?

I work for a large state government agency that is a tad behind the times. Our skill sets are outdated and budgetary freezes prevent any training or hiring of new employees/consultants (firing people is also impossible). Designing business objects, implementing design patterns, establishing code libraries and services, unit testing, source control, etc. are all things that you will not find being done here. We are as much of a 0 on the Joel Test as you can possibly get. The good news is that we can only go up from here!
We develop desktop CRUD applications (in C++, C#, or Java) that hit the Oracle database directly through an ODBC connection. We basically have GUI's littered with SQL statements and patchwork code. We have been told to move towards a service-oriented n-tier architecture to prevent direct access to the database and remove the Oracle Client need on user machines.
Is WCF the path we should be headed down? We've done a few of the n-tier application walkthroughs (like this one) and they seem easy to implement, but we just don't know enough to understand if we are even considering the right technologies. Utilizing the .NET generated typed DataSets seems like a nice stopgap to save us month/years of work (as opposed to creating new business objects from the ground up for numerous projects). Is this canned approach viable for a first step?
I recently started using WCF services for my Data Layer in some web applications and I must say, it's frustrating at the beginning (the first week or so), but it is totally worth it once the code is deployed.
You should first try it out with a small existing app, or maybe a proof of concept to make sure it will fit your needs.
From the description of the environment you are in, I'm sure you'll realize the benefit almost immediately.
The last company I worked for chose WCF for almost the exact reason you describe above. There is lots of good documentation and books for WCF, its relatively easy to get working, and WCF supports a lot of configuration options.
There can be some headaches when you start trying to bend WCF to work in a way not specifically designed out of the box. These are generally configuration issues. But sites like this or IDesign can help you through those.
First of all, I would definitely not (sorry for the emphasis) worry about the time you'll save using typed DataSet's versus creating your own business objects. That is usually not where you will spend most of your development time. I prefer using business objects myself.
In you're situation I would want to implement a proof-of-concept first. One that addresses all issues you may encounter. This proof-of-concept should implement an entire use case, starting on the client, retrieving data from the database and returning it to the client. You should feel confident about your implementation before continuing.
Then about choice of technology. WCF is definitely a good choice for communication between your client applications and the service layer. I suppose that both your clients as well as your service layer will become C# applications? That makes things a lot easier since interoperability between different platforms (Java/C# for example) is still not trivial although it should work in most cases.
Take a look at Entity Framework (as there are a couple Oracle providers available for it already) in conjunction with .NET 3.5 SP1 which enables built-in WCF serialization of your EF generated classes.
Here is a good blog to get started:
CSLA might be a good fit for your N-Tier desktop apps. It supports WCF, has a large dev community, and is well documented. It is very object oriented.

Is it advisable to build a web service over other web services?

I've inherited this really weird codebase where they've built an external web service over a bunch of internal web services just to add authentication/authorization using WS-Security, WS-Encryption, et al. Less than a month into this engagement, I'm already feeling the pain of coupling volatile components through rigid WSDL, esp considering some of them use WCF and other choose to go WSDL first. Managing various versions of generated proxies and wrappers at various levels is a nightmare!
I'll admit the design is over-complicated and could have been much better, but my question essentially is:
Would you ever build a web service just to provide a cross cutting concern over a bunch of services?
Would this be better implemented as web service handlers?
and lastly...
Would you categorize this under the Web Service Gateway pattern?
I saw that very thing being built one year ago. I almost cried when the team took months to build 4 web services, 2 of which simply wrapped other internal ones, using WCF and some serious encryption. The only reason they wrapped the internal ones was to change the potential error numbers coming back.
So, would I ever intentionaly do that? Nope.
Would it be better implemented as almost anything else? yep.
Would I categorize it under the WTF pattern? absolutely.
One thing I just remembered is that there is an architecture called "Enterprise Service Bus" It's purpose is to provide a common interface into other SOA systems. This way it doesn't matter what the different applications use for their end point mechanisms (WCF, WSE 1/2/3, RESTful, etc).
BizTalk is one example of an ESB and there are many other off the shelf programs that can be used. Basically, your app passes a message to the ESB and it handles sending that message, in a reliable way, to the other systems as well as marshalling any responses back.
This also means that you could insulate other applications from many types of changes to the end points. Of course, if the new end points require additional information, then you'd have to modify the callers. However, if all they are changing is the mechanism then a good ESB would be able to handle those changes without impacting your app.
I have seen similar implementations if you are exposing the services to the outside world and if you need to tighten down the security..check this MSDN column..