Warning in g++ 4.5.2 uint16_t with Wconversion - g++

If I compile the following program with g++ and enable warnings for conversions (-Wconversion)
int main() {
uint16_t foo = 1;
foo += 1;
return 0;
I get a warning, warning: conversion to uint16_t from int may alter its value.
Fine, if the 1 in foo+=1 is interpreted as int, but what about:
I get the same warning, shouldn't the operator work when the types of both sides are the same, w/o converting to an int?

I got an explanation, it comes from C but this should be equally valid in C++:
Specify a number literal as 8 bit?
For arithmetic, all operands are promoted to int if they are smaller. This explains the problem, and why it doesn't trigger on initialization, or when casting explicitely, because the cast will be undone to calculate the sum with ints.


Approximation using gmp mpf_class

I am writing a UnitTest using Catch2.
I want to check if two vectors are equal. They look like the following using gmplib:
std::vector<mpf_class> result
Due to me 'faking' the expected_result vector, I get the following message after a failed test:
unittests/test.cpp:01: FAILED:
REQUIRE( actual_result == expected_result )
with expansion:
{ 0.5, 0.166667, 0.166667, 0.166667 }
{ 0.5, 0.166667, 0.166667, 0.166667 }
So I was looking for a function that could do an approximation for me.
I just wasn't successful in finding a solution that worked out for me.
I found some Comparison Functions but they do not work on my project.
The "minimal, reproducible example would simply be:
TEST_CASE("DemoTest") {
// simplified:
mpf_class a = 1;
mpf_class b = 6;
mpf_class actual_result = a / b;
mpf_class expected_result= 0.16666666667;
REQUIRE(actual_result == expected_result);
The "only" difference to my real application is that the results are stored in vectors. But because I am only "faking" the result by saying it is "0.1666666667" it probably doesn't fit the == anymore. So I need a function that takes an approximation and compares the range like epsilon = +-0.001.
After implementing the solution #Arc suggested it worked well until I had some Values that were not complete "even".
So I have a failure with the following values:
actual 0.16666666666666666666700000000000000000000000000000
expected 0.16666666666666665741500000000000000000000000000000
Even though my "expected" value looks like this:
mpf_class expected = 0.16666666666666666666700000000000000000000000000000
Getting back to my original question if there is a way I can compare an approximation of the number with an epsilon of like +-0.0001 or what would be the best way to fix this issue?
First, we need to see some Minimal, Reproducible Example to be sure of what is happening. You can for example cut down some code from your test.cpp until you are left with just a few lines of code, but the issue still happens. Also, please provide compilation and running instructions. Frequently, a little bit of explanation on what your goals are may also help. As Catch2 is available on GitHub you don't need to provide it.
Without seeing the code, the best I can guess is that your code is trying to comparing mpf_t types in the mpf_class using the == operator, which I'm afraid has not been overload (see here). You should compare mpf_ts with the cmp function, since the C type mpf_t is actually an struct containing the pointer to the actual significand limbs. Check some usage examples in the tests/cxx/ directory of GMP (like here).
I note you are using GNU MP 4.1 version which is very old, you probably want to move to the 6.2.1 latest version if possible. Also, for using floats it's recommended that you use the GNU MPFR library instead of GMP floats.
EDIT: I did not yet manage to run Catch2, but the issue with your code is the expected_result is actually not equal to the actual_result. In GMP mpf_t variables are created with a 64-bit significand precision (on 64-bit machines), so that the division a / b actually results in a binary that prints 0.166666666666666666667 (that's 19 sixes after the digit 1). Try printing the result with gmp_printf("%.50Ff\n", actual_result);, because the standard cout output will only give you the value rounded to 6 digits: 0.166667.
But the problem is you can't just assign this like expected_result = 0.166666666666666666667 because in C/C++ numeric constants are parsed as double, thus you have to use the string overload attribution to get more precision.
But you can't also manage to easily (or, in general, justifiably) coin a decimal string that will correctly convert to the exact same binary given by a / b because decimal to float conversion has subtleties, see for example here and here.
So, it all depends on your application and the kind of numerical validation you aim to do. If you know that your decimal validation values are correct to some known precision, and if you set the mpf_t variables to withstanding precision (using for example mpf_set_prec), then you can use tolerance comparison, like so.
in C++ (without Catch2), it works like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <gmpxx.h>
using namespace std;
int main (void)
mpf_class a = 1;
mpf_class b = 6;
mpf_class actual = a / b;
mpf_class expected;
mpf_class tol;
expected = "0.166666666666666666666666666666667";
tol = "1e-30";
cout << "actual " << actual << "\n";
cout << "expected " << expected << "\n";
gmp_printf("actual %.50Ff\n", actual);
gmp_printf("expected %.50Ff\n", expected);
gmp_printf("tol %.50Ff\n", tol);
mpf_class diff = expected - actual;
gmp_printf("diff %.50Ff\n", diff);
if (abs(actual - expected) < tol)
cout << "ok\n";
cout << "nop\n";
return 0;
And compile with -lgmpxx -lgmp options.
It produces the output:
actual 0.166667
expected 0.166667
actual 0.16666666666666666666700000000000000000000000000000
expected 0.16666666666666666666700000000000000000000000000000
tol 0.00000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000
diff 0.00000000000000000000000000000000033333529249058470
If I understand Catch2 well, it should be ok if you assign expected_result with string then compare with REQUIRE(abs(actual - expected) < tol).

Obj-C: Is it really safe to compare BOOL variables?

I used to think that in 64-bit Obj-C runtime BOOL is actually _Bool and it's a real type so it's safe to write like this:
BOOL b = NO;
if (a != b) {...}
It's been working seemingly fine but today I found a problem when I use bit field structs like this:
typedef struct
BOOL flag1 : 1;
} FlagsType;
FlagsType f;
f.flag1 = YES;
if (f.flag1 != b)
It seems that BOOL returned from the bit field is equal to -1 while the regular BOOL is 1, and they are not equal!!!
Note that I am aware of the situation when an arbitrary integer number is cast to BOOL and therefore becomes a "strange" BOOL which is not safe to compare.
However in this situation, both flag1 field and b were declared as BOOL and never cast. What is the problem? Is this a compiler bug?
The bigger question is if it's really safe to compare BOOLs at all or should I write a XORing helper function? (It would be such a chore, because boolean comparisons are so ubiquitous...)
I do not repeat that using a C boolean type solves the problems one can have with BOOL. That's true – in particular here, as you can read below –, but most of the problems resulted from a wrong storage into a boolean (C) object. But in this case _Bool or unsigned (int) seem to be the only possible solution. (Except of solutions with extra code.) There is a reason for it:
I cannot find a precise documentation of the new behavior of BOOL in Objective-C, but the behavior you found is something between bad and buggy. I expected the latest behavior to be analogous to _Bool. That's not true in your case. (Thanks for finding that out!) Maybe this is for backwards compatibility. To tell the full story:
In C an object of the type int is signed int. (This is a difference to char. For this type the signedess is implementation defined.)
— int, signed, or signed int
ISO/IEC 9899:TC3, 6.7.2-2
Each of the comma-separated sets designates the same type, […]
ISO/IEC 9899:TC3, 6.7.2-5
But there is a weird exception for historical reasons:
If the int object is a bit-field, it is implementation defined, whether it is a signed int or an unsigned int. (Likely this is because some CPUs in the past could not automatically expand the sign of a partial byte integer. So having an unsigned integer is easier, because nulling the top bits is enough.)
On clang the default is signed int. So according to full-width integers int always denotes a signed integer, even it has only one bit. An int member : 1 can only store 0 and -1! (Therefore it is no solution to use int instead.)
Each of the comma-separated sets designates the same type, except that for bit-fields, it is implementation-defined whether the specifier int designates the same type as signed int or the same type as unsigned int.
ISO/IEC 9899:TC3, 6.7.2-5
The C standard says that a boolean bit-field is an integer type and therefore takes part on the weird integer signedness rule for bit-fields:
A bit-field is interpreted as a signed or unsigned integer type consisting of the specified number of bits.
ISO/IEC 9899:TC3,
This is the behavior you found. Because this is meaningless for 1 bit booleans types, the C standard explicitly denotes that storing a 1 into a boolean bit-field has to compare equal to 1 in every case:
If the value 0 or 1 is stored into a nonzero-width bit-field of type _Bool, the value of the bit-field shall compare equal to the value stored.
ISO/IEC 9899:TC3,
This leads to the strange situation, that an implementation can implement booleans of width 1 as { 0, -1 }, but has to fulfill 1 == -1. Great.
So, the short story: BOOL behaves like an integer bit-field (conforming to the standard), but does not take part on the extra requirement for _Bools.
I think this is, because of legacy code. (One could expect -1 in the past.)

xmlNewCDataBlock implicit conversion to int

I'm parsing xml via libxml2 library. After updating Xcode to 5.1, I got warning that last parameter - length - is implicitly converted to int, while it's unsigned long.
Here's function declaration:
xmlNewCDataBlock(xmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar *content,
int len);
Is there any similar function that takes unsigned long values, because I don't know how big my data can be, and I want to process it safely.
There's no such function. libxml2's string manipulation functions use ints for string lengths and offsets, so text nodes longer than INT_MAX are not supported.

how to test if unsigned __int64 number exceeds range

I have a function where calculated values can reach higher values than the range of unsigned __int64 which is indicated by MS by 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. How can I test if a number has exceeded that range? I've converted the int into char and tried testing by checking the length with strlen. However, some values with a length longer than specified: for example if(strlen(charvar)>17) mysteriously escape. So how can I effectively test?
If you can use a modern compiler or Boost, then lexical_cast will do the job:
uint64_t bigint;
try {
bigint = lexical_cast<uint64_t>(str);
} catch (std::bad_lexical_cast &e) {
// do whatever you want to do when the string isn't valid;
// Safely use bigint
See this link for the Boost library. You can definitely get this for VS 2008.
If this is Windows only you can also look at _atoi64 and the like. See msdn. These return I64_MAX and I64_MIN in case of over/underflow.

C89: signed/unsigned mismatch

Are signed/unsigned mismatches necessarily bad?
Here is my program:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned int i;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { // signed/unsigned mismatch here
argc is signed, i is not. Is this a problem?
"signed/unsigned mismatches" can be bad. In your question, you are asking about comparisons. When comparing two values of the same base type, but one signed and one unsigned, the signed value is converted to unsigned. So,
int i = -1;
unsigned int j = 10;
if (i < j)
prints 2, not 1. This is because in i < j, i is converted to an unsigned int. (unsigned int)-1 is equal to UINT_MAX, a very large number. The condition thus evaluates to false, and you get to the else clause.
For your particular example, argc is guaranteed to be non-negative, so you don't have to worry about the "mismatch".
It is not a real problem in your particular case, but the compiler can't know that argc will always have values that will not cause any problems.
Its not bad. I'd fix compiler warnings concerning signed/unsigned mismatch because bad things can happen even if they are unlikely or impossible. When you do have to fix a bug because of signed/unsigned mismatch the compiler is basically saying "I told you so". Don't ignore the warning its there for a reason.
It is only indirectly a problem.
Bad things can happen if you use signed integers for bitwise operations such as &, |, << and >>.
Completely different bad things can happen if you use unsigned integers for arithmetic (underflow, infinite loops when testing if a number is >= 0 etc.)
Because of this, some compilers and static checking tools will issue warnings when you mix signed and unsigned integers in either type of operation (arithmetic or bit manipulation.)
Although it can be safe to mix them in simple cases like your example, if you do that it means you cannot use those static checking tools (or must disable those warnings) which may mean other bugs go undetected.
Sometimes you have no choice, e.g. when doing arithmetic on values of type size_t in memory management code.
In your example I would stick to int, just because it is simpler to have fewer types, and the int is going to be in there anyway as it is the type of the first argument to main().