Rails 3 showing Twitter Button in success notification - ruby-on-rails-3

In my Rails 3 web app, I show a success message when someone updates their profile. With this code: redirect_to #user, :flash => { :success => "Profile updated." }
What I want to be able to do is show a Twitter button, which is an a href and javascript see here
How would I add it to the success flash? I have tried just copying and pasting the code but I then get errors basically saying syntax is wrong...
Thanks in advance...

This answer worked for me and I now have a twitter button showing with the success flash message! :)

You might need to wrap your twitter code in a raw method to force it to not escape the html and an escape_javascript method to force it to escape the javascript
So try something like this
redirect_to #user, :flash => { :success => raw(escape_javascript(twitter_code)) }

You would do something along the lines of this:
redirect_to #user, :success => "Profile updated.", :flash => { :url => "Tweet<script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>" }
And in the layout:
- if flash[:success]
## Display code, etc...
- if flash[:url]
= flash[:url]
Or something along those lines


Ajax deleted items are shown after refreshing the page

Hi i am new in rails and i am using rails 3.My que is i want to delete an image from the list using ajax. When i click on delete button, image is still visible on the index page, however actually it gets deleted but user can see changes after refreshing the web page. I want it visible on the same page as the ajax is used for. Any one please help. Thank you...
My code for controller is:
def destroy
logger.info params[:event].inspect
#event = Event.find(params[:id])
#redirect_to events_url
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to #event, :notice => 'Event deleted' }
My code for view is:
- #events.each do |event|
%li.all{:id =>"event_#{event.id}"}
= link_to image_tag(event.photo.url), event_path(event)
= event.name
= event.start_date
= event.start_time
= link_to " ".html_safe, event_path(event), :remote => true, :method => :delete, :class => "del-16", :confirm=>"Are u sure?", :title => "Delete", :style => "text-decoration:none;"
code for js is:
I think you need to look at here
write something like this
$("#event_#{event.id}").reset(); in your destroy.js.erb file.
I hope this would help you.

Rails 3.1 respond_to & render_403 problem

I'm not sure what it is. I've just upgraded to Rails 3.1 from 3.0.9 and here's what I get in my specs:
PeopleController edit action should require owner
Failure/Error: response.should render_template("/public/403.html")
expecting <"/public/403.html"> but rendering with <"search/_search_menu_item">
This is all over my specs in various controllers. I also have this code in my AppController:
def render_403
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/403.html", :status => 403, :layout => false }
format.json { render :json => { :error => true, :message => "Error 403, you don't have permissions for this operation." } }
And this in PeopleController:
def edit
render_403 unless #person.account.id == current_account.id
I'm certain that format.html block gets executed (checked it). However the spec expectation fails. Wonder what is going on here.
(search/_search_menu_item is a partial that gets included onto every page, which basically means that the app layout gets rendered here instead.)
Update: I've replaced render_403 in #edit with render(:file => "#{Rails.root}/public/403.html", :status => 403, :layout => false) to see what happens - got the same result.
Ok, figured it out. Possibly not a Rails problem. At least the problem appears only when running the specs.
I've been checking if 403 pages are rendered with this:
response.should render_template("public/403.html")
Doesn't work no more. Replacing it with
response.status.should == 403
fixed the issue.

How to render validation errors on the page that submitted the form?

I've got a comments form in the article/show page. In this page, it displays the article and has a comments form.
When I submit a comment that has validation errors, I need it to go back to the article/show page, and display the errors there.
Should I change render :action => 'new' to something else?
In the Comment controller, I tried:
def create
if #comment.save?
redirect_to article_path(#comment.article), :notice => "Posted comment!"
# render :action => 'new'
render 'articles/show"
But this will complain, since the app won't know which article to show based on the ID.
EDIT: I found this solution. The approach would be to use a session to pass the errors instead. Is this the right way to go with this?
Try this
def create
if #comment.save?
redirect_to article_path(#comment.article), :notice => "Posted comment!"
# render :action => 'new'
#article = #comment.article
render 'articles/show"
So fix your routing so the app does know what article to show based on the ID.

How can I toggle a boolean field in Rails 3 using AJAX?

I have a column in a table called Complete that is a boolean.
How can I (using the Rails 3 / JQuery way) provide a link that will toggle that via AJAX?
Historically, I've simply created my own jquery file, grabbed the click event, and done it by hand. But it really seems like I'm missing something by not doing it the "rails" way. If that makes sense.
I guess I still don't understand how the responds_to JS works, JS with ERB, etc.
Is there a good, up-to-date tutorial on how to do this?
see this post,
Rails 3, Custom Actions, and HTML request methods
and use UJS on top of it.
so you have a fallback, if javascript is disabled
a possible method in the controller looks like that:
# GET /surveys/1/close
def close
flash[:success] = "Survey successfully closed!"
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to(surveys_url) }
format.xml { head :ok }
format.js { render :partial => 'list_item', :locals => { :survey => #survey } }
you could also use a state machine to change the state of your object.

jquery-ujs ajax events are not handled

I'm trying to implement ajaxy signup with rails 3. I'm using jquery-ujs and remote form. I access the signup form with $.get request, and it is displayed correctly. This signup form is remote:
form_for #user, :remote => true, :html => {"data-type" => "html"} do |f|
In my application.js, if the ajax request for getting the form is successful, I'm trying to bind handler for ajax events from unobtrusive javascript:
var load_remote_form = function(evt) {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
// load form template
$.get(href, {}, function(data) {
$('form[data-remote]').bind("ajax:beforeSend", function(e) {
console.log("Caught beforeSend!");
$(document).ready(function() {
Chrome's development tools show that the event "ajax:beforeSend" is binded, but it is never handled (I have nothing in the javascript console when I send the form, though in rails log I see that the request is processed correctly and the response is send). I can bind other events to the same selector (form[data-remote]), like click, and they are handled correctly.
Ajax events binded through .live are not handled as well. But if the form is rendered as part of the layout (i.e. it is on stand-alone page like http://localhost:3000/signup/), binded "ajax:beforeSend" is handled correctly.
My controller (just for a case, it may be badly written, but I'm pretty sure it works):
class UsersController < ApplicationController
layout :layout_for_type
def new
#user = User.new
def create
#user = User.new(params[:user])
if #user.save
session[:user_id] = #user.id
flash[:notice] = "You have successfully registered."
redirect_to root_url
if request.xhr?
render :action => 'new', :status => :unprocessable_entry, :layout => false
render :action => 'new'
def layout_for_type
request.xhr? ? nil : "application"
What am I doing wrong? May be there is a better approach for implementing such "double-ajaxed" forms?
Silly me. I've completely overlooked another potential source of problems. I had
javascript_include_tag :all
in my application layout, and that caused including both jquery.js and jquery.min.js into my page. It turned out to be the cause of that strange behavior. Removing jquery.min.js did the trick. Hope that might be useful for someone someday.