I have the following code as part of my control. SetReaderMode function creates the structure and calls the function explained here, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb775599(VS.85).aspx
When I run this code, i get the error
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
I'm not sure what the issue may be. What am I doing wrong?
<DllImport("Comctl32.dll", EntryPoint:="#383", _
CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
Private Shared Sub DoReaderMode(prmi As READERMODEINFO)
End Sub
Private Structure READERMODEINFO
Dim cbSize As UInt32
Dim hwnd As IntPtr
Dim fFlags As UInt32
Dim prc As IntPtr
Dim pfnScroll As ReaderScrollCallbackDelegate
Dim fFlags2 As TranslateDispatchCallbackDelegate
Dim lParam As IntPtr
End Structure
Private Sub SetReaderMode()
Info.hwnd = Me.Handle
Info.fFlags = 0
Info.prc = IntPtr.Zero
Info.pfnScroll = New ReaderScrollCallbackDelegate(AddressOf ReaderScrollCallback)
Info.fFlags2 = New TranslateDispatchCallbackDelegate(AddressOf TranslateDispatchCallback)
Info.lParam = IntPtr.Zero
Info.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(Info)
End Sub
Private Delegate Function ReaderScrollCallbackDelegate(ByVal prmi As READERMODEINFO, dx As Integer, dy As Integer) As Boolean
Private Delegate Function TranslateDispatchCallbackDelegate(lpmsg As IntPtr) As Boolean
Private Function TranslateDispatchCallback(lpmsg As IntPtr) As Boolean
Return True
End Function
Private Function ReaderScrollCallback(ByVal prmi As READERMODEINFO, dx As Int32, dy As Int32) As Boolean
Return True
End Function
Is not an easy nut to crack. Assuming the callback are correct in term of signature/calling convention, a problem can be that since the carbage collector collect Info at the end of the function SetReaderMode, the callback address becames invalid. So try to declare Info as a member variable. If the error remain callback signature has something wrong, but as I said, not so easy to see the error at a glance.
I've figured it out. After reviewing the documentation more closely, I've added a ByRef to the DoReaderMode definition and to the ReaderScrollCallback definition, since the arguments where defined as pointers to structures, not just structures. I also added some other code to pass the rectangle in the ReaderModeInfo structure.
Below is the working code. Interestingly, the documentation states that you click to exit ReaderMode, however when testing it looks like you have to hold the button down and release to exit.
<DllImport("Comctl32.dll", EntryPoint:="#383", _
CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
Private Shared Sub DoReaderMode(ByRef prmi As READERMODEINFO)
End Sub
Private Structure READERMODEINFO
Dim cbSize As UInt32
Dim hwnd As IntPtr
Dim fFlags As UInt32
Dim prc As IntPtr
Dim pfnScroll As ReaderScrollCallbackDelegate
Dim fFlags2 As TranslateDispatchCallbackDelegate
Dim lParam As IntPtr
End Structure
Private Sub SetReaderMode()
Dim rect As New Interop.RECT(Me.Width / 2 - 20, Me.Height / 2 - 20, Me.Width / 2 + 20, Me.Height / 2 + 20)
Dim pnt As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(rect))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(rect, pnt, True)
SetReaderModeInfo = New READERMODEINFO
SetReaderModeInfo.hwnd = Me.Handle
SetReaderModeInfo.fFlags = 1
SetReaderModeInfo.prc = pnt
SetReaderModeInfo.pfnScroll = New ReaderScrollCallbackDelegate(AddressOf ReaderScrollCallback)
SetReaderModeInfo.fFlags2 = New TranslateDispatchCallbackDelegate(AddressOf TranslateDispatchCallback)
SetReaderModeInfo.lParam = IntPtr.Zero
SetReaderModeInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(SetReaderModeInfo)
End Sub
Private Delegate Function ReaderScrollCallbackDelegate(ByRef prmi As READERMODEINFO, dx As Integer, dy As Integer) As Boolean
Private Delegate Function TranslateDispatchCallbackDelegate(ByRef lpmsg As Interop.MSG) As Boolean
Private Function TranslateDispatchCallback(ByRef lpmsg As Interop.MSG) As Boolean
Return False
End Function
Private Function ReaderScrollCallback(ByRef prmi As READERMODEINFO, dx As Int32, dy As Int32) As Boolean
Return True
End Function
I made some research, but I can't find something really "interesting". I tried my best to find any kind of documentation or questions that are closest to my case as following:
How to find main window title name of application
how to get the window title of a process
How to get the Title Bar Text by its Process Id
getting the name of a process
How do I get list of Process Names running
Check to see if process is running
How To Get Process Owner ID
How to get the title/name of the last active window?
Get Process ID from Window Title
and also
Process.GetProcessesByName Method
The code I am using to open the process window
Private Async Function ParentMethod() As Task
Dim filePath As String = Await Task.Run(
Return Directory.EnumerateFiles(My.Settings.Cartellasalvataggio, titolo & ".mp3",
End Function)
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) Then
LinkLabel1.Text = "File exist already"
LinkLabel1.Visible = True
PictureBox7.Visible = True
MsgBox("it doesn't exist")
End If
End Function
and the helper class
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class NativeMethods
<DllImport("shell32.dll", SetLastError:=True)>
Private Shared Function SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems(
pidlFolder As IntPtr, cidl As UInteger,
<[In], MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)> apidl As IntPtr(),
dwFlags As UInteger) As Integer
End Function
<DllImport("shell32.dll", SetLastError:=True)>
Private Shared Sub SHParseDisplayName(
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> name As String,
bindingContext As IntPtr, <Out> ByRef pidl As IntPtr,
sfgaoIn As UInteger, <Out> ByRef psfgaoOut As UInteger)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub OpenFolderAndSelectFile(filePath As String)
Dim dirPath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)
Dim fileName As String = Path.GetFileName(filePath)
OpenFolderAndSelectFile(dirPath, fileName)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub OpenFolderAndSelectFile(dirPath As String, fileName As String)
Dim nativeFolder As IntPtr
Dim psfgaoOut As UInteger
SHParseDisplayName(dirPath, IntPtr.Zero, nativeFolder, 0, psfgaoOut)
If nativeFolder = IntPtr.Zero Then
' Log error, can't find folder
End If
Dim nativeFile As IntPtr
SHParseDisplayName(Path.Combine(dirPath, fileName),
IntPtr.Zero, nativeFile, 0, psfgaoOut)
Dim fileArray As IntPtr()
If nativeFile = IntPtr.Zero Then
' Open the folder without the file selected if we can't find the file
fileArray = New IntPtr(-1) {}
fileArray = New IntPtr() {nativeFile}
End If
SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems(nativeFolder, CUInt(fileArray.Length), fileArray, 0)
If nativeFile <> IntPtr.Zero Then
End If
End Sub
End Class
then calling it with
NativeMethods.OpenFolderAndSelectFile(filepath,filename & "extension"))
Since I am opening the process this way and NOT with Process class, almost all of them are not suitable to be considered for my case as many of them refer to notepad, while I think the explorer window title and ID changes for every file ( obviously), while "notepad" process, stay "notepad".
I also tried BringToFront, but this latter moves a control in front of other controls, but in this case Explorer is not a control, right?
The least I want to do is to
Get a list of active windows & their process names
as It will waste memory and time usage for no reason as I will need to "filter" process to find my process.
Hope we can find a solution to this, Thanks in advance.
This is the solution to it using FindWindowW e SetWindowPos Api.
It is showing Explorer folder on top of top most form.
<DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint:="FindWindowW")>
Public Shared Function FindWindowW(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> ByVal lpClassName As String, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> ByVal lpWindowName As String) As IntPtr
End Function
Shared Function SetWindowPos(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As IntPtr, ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal uFlags As UInteger) As Boolean
End Function
Shared ReadOnly HWND_TOPMOST As IntPtr = New IntPtr(-1)
Const SWP_NOSIZE As UInt32 = &H1
Const SWP_NOMOVE As UInt32 = &H2
Const SWP_SHOWWINDOW As UInt32 = &H40
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim inptr = FindWindowW("CabinetWClass", Nothing)
End Sub
I'm working on programm on VB.net to retrieve data from Firefox browser. I have an error while trying to use "PK11SDR_Decrypt" method from nss3.lib. "PK11SDR_Decrypt" returns -1. I don't have master password. I think that the problem in Ctypes/marshalling/base64 decoding. This is the code of function.
Public Function DecryptFF(ByVal str As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim tSecDec As New TSECItem
Dim e As Integer
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder(str)
Dim hi2 As Integer = NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, sb, sb.Length)
Dim item As TSECItem = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(New IntPtr(hi2), GetType(TSECItem)), TSECItem)
e = PK11SDR_Decrypt(item, tSecDec, 0)
If e = 0 Then
If tSecDec.SECItemLen <> 0 Then
Dim mozDecryptedData = New Byte(tSecDec.SECItemLen - 1) {}
Marshal.Copy(New IntPtr(tSecDec.SECItemData), mozDecryptedData, 0, tSecDec.SECItemLen)
Return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mozDecryptedData)
End If
End If
Return String.Empty
End Function
And other code part.
Public NSS3 As IntPtr
Public hModuleList As New List(Of IntPtr)
Public Structure TSECItem
Public SECItemType As Integer
Public SECItemData As Integer
Public SECItemLen As Integer
End Structure
Public Function NSS_Init(ByVal configdir As String) As Long
Dim PathM = FindFirefoxInstallationPath()
hModuleList.Add(LoadLibrary(PathM & "\msvcp140.dll"))
hModuleList.Add(LoadLibrary(PathM & "\mozglue.dll"))
hModuleList.Add(LoadLibrary(PathM & "\mozavutils.dll"))
NSS3 = LoadLibrary(PathM & "\nss3.dll")
Return CreateAPI(Of DLLFunctionDelegate)(NSS3, "NSS_Init")(configdir)
End Function
Public Function CreateAPI(Of T)(ByVal hModule As IntPtr, ByVal method As String) As T 'Simple overload to avoid loading the same library every time
Return DirectCast(DirectCast(Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(GetProcAddress(hModule, method), GetType(T)), Object), T)
End Function
Public Function NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer(ByVal arenaOpt As IntPtr, ByVal outItemOpt As IntPtr, ByVal inStr As System.Text.StringBuilder, ByVal inLen As Integer) As Integer
Dim pProc As IntPtr = GetProcAddress(NSS3, "NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer")
Dim dll As DLLFunctionDelegate4 = DirectCast(Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pProc, GetType(DLLFunctionDelegate4)), DLLFunctionDelegate4)
Return dll(arenaOpt, outItemOpt, inStr, inLen)
End Function
Public Function PK11SDR_Decrypt(ByRef data As TSECItem, ByRef result As TSECItem, ByVal cx As Integer) As Integer
Dim pProc As IntPtr = GetProcAddress(NSS3, "PK11SDR_Decrypt")
Dim dll As DLLFunctionDelegate5 = DirectCast(Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pProc, GetType(DLLFunctionDelegate5)), DLLFunctionDelegate5)
Return dll(data, result, cx)
End Function
Public Delegate Function DLLFunctionDelegate5(ByRef data As TSECItem, ByRef result As TSECItem, ByVal cx As Integer) As Integer
Public Delegate Function DLLFunctionDelegate6() As Long
Public Function NSS_Shutdown() As Long
Return CreateAPI(Of DLLFunctionDelegate6)(NSS3, "NSS_Shutdown")()
End Function
<DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)>
Public Shared Function LoadLibrary(ByVal dllFilePath As String) As IntPtr
End Function
<DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError:=True, EntryPoint:="FreeLibrary")>
Public Shared Function FreeLibrary(ByVal hModule As IntPtr) As Boolean
End Function
<DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling:=True)>
Public Shared Function GetProcAddress(ByVal hModule As IntPtr, ByVal procName As String) As IntPtr
End Function
DecryptFF get as argument the encrypted login fron logins.json file. Here is the part of code
Dim JSONRegex As New Regex("\""(hostname|encryptedPassword|encryptedUsername)"":""(.*?)""")
Dim mozMC = JSONRegex.Matches(Logins)
For I = 0 To mozMC.Count - 1 Step 3
Dim host = mozMC(I).Groups(2).Value
Dim usr = mozMC(I + 1).Groups(2).Value
Dim pas = mozMC(I + 2).Groups(2).Value
Account = (DecryptFF(usr))
Thank you for your help!
I Tried to convert this code into vb.net and add a little code to make a file... but the file's resolution became crap and i cant seem to insert it into the Crystal report, Did i do something wrong while converting it into vb.net? thanks in advance :)
Here is the original link Convert an image into WMF with .NET?
Private Enum EmfToWmfBitsFlags
EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault = &H0
EmfToWmfBitsFlagsEmbedEmf = &H1
EmfToWmfBitsFlagsIncludePlaceable = &H2
EmfToWmfBitsFlagsNoXORClip = &H4
End Enum
Private Shared MM_ISOTROPIC As Integer = 7
Private Shared MM_ANISOTROPIC As Integer = 8
Private Shared Function GdipEmfToWmfBits(_hEmf As IntPtr, _bufferSize As UInteger, _buffer As Byte(), _mappingMode As Integer, _flags As EmfToWmfBitsFlags) As UInteger
End Function
Private Shared Function SetMetaFileBitsEx(_bufferSize As UInteger, _buffer As Byte()) As IntPtr
End Function
Private Shared Function CopyMetaFile(hWmf As IntPtr, filename As String) As IntPtr
End Function
Private Shared Function DeleteMetaFile(hWmf As IntPtr) As Boolean
End Function
Private Shared Function DeleteEnhMetaFile(hEmf As IntPtr) As Boolean
End Function
Private Function MakeMetafileStream(image As Bitmap) As Byte()
Dim metafile As Metafile = Nothing
Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image)
Dim hDC As IntPtr = g.GetHdc()
metafile = New Metafile(hDC, EmfType.EmfOnly)
End Using
Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(metafile)
g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0)
End Using
Dim _hEmf As IntPtr = metafile.GetHenhmetafile()
Dim _bufferSize As UInteger = GdipEmfToWmfBits(_hEmf, 0, Nothing, MM_ANISOTROPIC, EmfToWmfBitsFlags.EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault)
Dim _buffer As Byte() = New Byte(_bufferSize - 1) {}
GdipEmfToWmfBits(_hEmf, _bufferSize, _buffer, MM_ANISOTROPIC, EmfToWmfBitsFlags.EmfToWmfBitsFlagsDefault)
Dim hmf As IntPtr = SetMetaFileBitsEx(_bufferSize, _buffer)
Dim tempfile As String = Path.GetTempFileName()
CopyMetaFile(hmf, tempfile)
Dim stream = New MemoryStream()
Dim data As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(tempfile)
Return data
End Function
Private Sub Convert()
Dim src As New Bitmap("C:\Users\Sample\Desktop\Logos\LogoTransparent\Transparentlogo.png")
Dim Msteam As Byte() = MakeMetafileStream(src)
Dim newF As String = "C:\Users\Alvin Rodriguez\Desktop\Logos\new logo transparent\Transparentlogo.wmf"
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(newF, Msteam)
Msteam = Nothing
End Sub
Some interface are to be modifed:
Declare Function CopyEnhMetaFile Lib "gdi32" Alias "CopyEnhMetaFileA" (ByVal hemfSrc As IntPtr, ByVal lpszFile As String) As IntPtr
Declare Function DeleteEnhMetaFile Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hemf As IntPtr) As Integer
Private Declare Function GdipEmfToWmfBits Lib "gdiplus.dll" (ByVal hEmf As IntPtr, ByVal bufferSize As UInteger, ByVal buffer() As Byte, ByVal mappingMode As Integer, ByVal flags As EmfToWmfBitsFlags) As UInteger
I have taken parts of the code from Shazzam Shader Editor (http://shazzam.codeplex.com/) and modified the code to use the Compile From file instead of memory
<Guid("8BA5FB08-5195-40e2-AC58-0D989C3A0102"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> _
Private Interface ID3DBlob
<PreserveSig> _
Function GetBufferPointer() As IntPtr
<PreserveSig> _
Function GetBufferSize() As Integer
End Interface
<PreserveSig> _
<DllImport("d3dcompiler_47.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
Private Function D3DCompileFromFile(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> pFilename As String,
pDefines As IntPtr,
pInclude As IntPtr,
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> pEntrypoint As String,
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> pTarget As String,
flags1 As Integer,
flags2 As Integer,
ByRef ppCode As ID3DBlob,
ByRef ppErrorMsgs As ID3DBlob) As Integer
End Function
Public Sub Compile(ByVal File As HLSLFileHelperClass)
Dim pFilename As String = File.GetSourceFileFullName ' C:\MyPSFiles\GaussianFilter.fx
Dim pDefines As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Dim pInclude As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
Dim pEntrypoint As String = File.HLSLEntryPoint ' main
Dim pTarget As String = File.ShaderCompilerVersion.ToString ' ps_3_0
Dim flags1 As Integer = 0
Dim flags2 As Integer = 0
Dim ppCode As ID3DBlob
Dim ppErrorMsgs As ID3DBlob
Dim CompileResult As Integer = 0
CompileResult = D3DCompileFromFile(pFilename,
If CompileResult <> 0 Then
Dim errors As IntPtr = ppErrorMsgs.GetBufferPointer()
Dim size As Integer = ppErrorMsgs.GetBufferSize()
ErrorText = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(errors)
IsCompiled = False
ErrorText = ""
IsCompiled = True
Dim psPath = File.GetCompiledFileFullName
Dim pCompiledPs As IntPtr = ppCode.GetBufferPointer()
Dim compiledPsSize As Integer = ppCode.GetBufferSize()
Dim compiledPs = New Byte(compiledPsSize - 1) {}
Marshal.Copy(pCompiledPs, compiledPs, 0, compiledPs.Length)
Using psFile = IO.File.Open(psPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
psFile.Write(compiledPs, 0, compiledPs.Length)
End Using
End If
If ppCode IsNot Nothing Then
End If
ppCode = Nothing
If ppErrorMsgs IsNot Nothing Then
End If
ppErrorMsgs = Nothing
End Sub
The code as it is now gives me the error:
A call to PInvoke function '::D3DCompileFromFile' has
unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke
signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that
the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match
the target unmanaged signature.
If I remove the line:
The compiler seems to run, but now I get the error message:
X3506 unrecognized compiler target 'p'
It seems to just read the first char in the string? So, what am I doing wrong here?
Got it working and I did two things:
First I moved it all into a Module:
Module Extend
<Guid("8BA5FB08-5195-40e2-AC58-0D989C3A0102"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> _
Public Interface ID3DBlob
<PreserveSig> _
Function GetBufferPointer() As IntPtr
<PreserveSig> _
Function GetBufferSize() As Integer
End Interface
<PreserveSig> _
<DllImport("d3dcompiler_47.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _
Public Function D3DCompileFromFile(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> pFilename As String,
pDefines As IntPtr,
pInclude As IntPtr,
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)> pEntrypoint As String,
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)> pTarget As String,
flags1 As Integer,
flags2 As Integer,
ByRef ppCode As ID3DBlob,
ByRef ppErrorMsgs As ID3DBlob) As Integer
End Function
End Module
Secondly I changed the:
Seems I got a bit frustrated and changed things that worked too :S
While following this i ran into a problem.
<DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
Private Shared Function OpenProcessToken(ByVal ProcessHandle As IntPtr, ByVal DesiredAccess As Integer, ByRef TokenHandle As IntPtr) As Boolean
End Function
<DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
Private Shared Function GetTokenInformation(TokenHandle As IntPtr, TokenInformationClass As TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, TokenInformation As IntPtr, TokenInformationLength As UInteger, ByRef ReturnLength As UInteger) As Boolean
End Function
<DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
Private Shared Function IsValidSid(SID As Byte()) As Boolean
End Function
For Each p As Process In Process.GetProcesses
Dim processHandle As IntPtr = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, False, p.Id)
If Not processHandle = Nothing Then
Dim tokenhandle As IntPtr = Nothing
Dim bool As Boolean = OpenProcessToken(processHandle, TOKEN_READ, tokenhandle)
If bool = False Then
Dim win32error As String = New Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error).Message
Dim sidlength As UInteger = Nothing
Dim SIDbyte As Byte() = Nothing
Dim somebool As Boolean = GetTokenInformation(tokenhandle, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenUser, Nothing, 0, sidlength)
If Not somebool Then
Dim win32error As String = New Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error).Message
''RETURNS "The data area passed to a system call is too small" error.
End If
ReDim SIDbyte(35) '' I hardcoded '35' because it's what i'm getting with sidlength.
somebool = GetTokenInformation(tokenhandle, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS.TokenUser, SIDbyte, SIDbyte.Length, sidlength)
If Not somebool Then
Dim win32error As String = New Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error).Message
End If
If IsValidSid(SIDbyte) Then
MessageBox.Show("Not Valid")
End If
The first call to GetTokenInformation fails as it's supposed to i guess... returning "sidlength" with value of 36.
Second call succeeds and SID Byte() gets populated, but the call to "IsValidSID" Returns false... and i can't figure out why, if the SIDbytes are populated successfully, what's the problem?