excel file upload using apache file upload - file-upload

I am developing an testing automation tool in linux system. I dont have write permissions for tomcat directory which is located on server. I need to develop an application where we can select an excel file so that the excel content is automatically stored in already existing table.
For this pupose i have written an form to select an file which is posted to a servlet CommonsFileUploadServlet where i am storing the uploaded file and then calling ReadExcelFile class which reads the file path and create a vector for data in file which is used to sstore data in database.
My problem is that i am not able to store the uploaded file in directory. Is it necessary to have permission rights for tomcat to do this. Can i store the file on my system and pass the path to ReadExcelFile.class
Please guide me
My code is as follows:
Form in jsp
CommonsFileUploadServlet class code:
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<h1>Servlet File Upload Example using Commons File Upload</h1>");
DiskFileItemFactory fileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory ();
fileItemFactory.setRepository(new File("/home/example/Documents/Project/WEB-INF/tmp"));
ServletFileUpload uploadHandler = new ServletFileUpload(fileItemFactory);
try {
List items = uploadHandler.parseRequest(request);
Iterator itr = items.iterator();
while(itr.hasNext()) {
FileItem item = (FileItem) itr.next();
if(item.isFormField()) {
out.println("File Name = "+item.getFieldName()+", Value = "+item.getString());
} else {
out.println("Field Name = "+item.getFieldName()+
", File Name = "+item.getName()+
", Content type = "+item.getContentType()+
", File Size = "+item.getSize());
File file = new File("/",item.getName());
String realPath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/")+"/"+item.getName();
ReadExcelFile ref= new ReadExcelFile();
String res=ref.insertReq(realPath,"1");
}catch(FileUploadException ex) {
log("Error encountered while parsing the request",ex);
} catch(Exception ex) {
log("Error encountered while uploading file",ex);
ReadExcelFile code:
public static String insertReq(String fileName,String sno) {
//Read an Excel File and Store in a Vector
Vector dataHolder=readExcelFile(fileName,sno);
//store the data to database
public static Vector readExcelFile(String fileName,String Sno)
/** --Define a Vector
--Holds Vectors Of Cells
Vector cellVectorHolder = new Vector();
/** Creating Input Stream**/
//InputStream myInput= ReadExcelFile.class.getResourceAsStream( fileName );
FileInputStream myInput = new FileInputStream(fileName);
/** Create a POIFSFileSystem object**/
POIFSFileSystem myFileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(myInput);
/** Create a workbook using the File System**/
HSSFWorkbook myWorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook(myFileSystem);
int s=Integer.valueOf(Sno);
/** Get the first sheet from workbook**/
HSSFSheet mySheet = myWorkBook.getSheetAt(s);
/** We now need something to iterate through the cells.**/
Iterator rowIter = mySheet.rowIterator();
HSSFRow myRow = (HSSFRow) rowIter.next();
Iterator cellIter = myRow.cellIterator();
Vector cellStoreVector=new Vector();
short minColIndex = myRow.getFirstCellNum();
short maxColIndex = myRow.getLastCellNum();
for(short colIndex = minColIndex; colIndex < maxColIndex; colIndex++)
HSSFCell myCell = myRow.getCell(colIndex);
if(myCell == null)
}catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace(); }
return cellVectorHolder;
private static void storeCellDataToDatabase(Vector dataHolder)
Connection conn;
Statement stmt;
String query;
// get connection and declare statement
int z;
for (int i=1;i<dataHolder.size(); i++)
Vector cellStoreVector=(Vector)dataHolder.elementAt(i);
String []stringCellValue=new String[10];
for (int j=0; j < cellStoreVector.size();j++,z++)
HSSFCell myCell = (HSSFCell)cellStoreVector.elementAt(j);
stringCellValue[z]=" ";
stringCellValue[z] = myCell.toString();
//inserting into database
catch(Exception error)
String e="Error"+error;
catch(Exception error)
String e="Error"+error;

POI will happily open from an old InputStream, it needn't be a File one.
I'd suggest you look at the Commons FileUpload Streaming API and consider just passing the excel part straight to POI without touching the disk


Is it possible to cancel a call to speakTextAsync?

I'm using the javascript SDK of Microsoft Speech Synthesizer and calling speakTextAsync to convert text to speech.
This works perfectly, but sometimes the text is long and I want to be able to cancel in the middle, but I cannot find any way to do this. The documentation doesn't seem to indicate any way to cancel. The name speakTextAsync suggests that it returns a Task that could be cancelled, but in fact the method returns undefined, and I can't find any other way to do this. How can this be done?
Seems there is no way to stop it when it is speaking. But actually,as a workaround, you can just download the audio file and play the file yourself so that you can control everything. try the code below:
import com.microsoft.cognitiveservices.speech.*;
import com.microsoft.cognitiveservices.speech.audio.AudioConfig;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.sound.sampled.*;
public class TextToSpeech {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String speechSubscriptionKey = "key";
String serviceRegion = "location";
String audioTempPath = "d://test.wav"; //temp file location
SpeechConfig config = SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(speechSubscriptionKey, serviceRegion);
AudioConfig streamConfig = AudioConfig.fromWavFileOutput(audioTempPath);
SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(config, streamConfig);
String filePath = "....//test2.txt"; // .txt file for test with long text
Path path = Paths.get(filePath);
String text = Files.readString(path);
Thread thread = new Thread(new Speaker(audioTempPath));
System.out.println("play audio for 8s...");
System.out.println("stop play audio");
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Unexpected exception: " + ex);
assert (false);
class Speaker implements Runnable {
private String path;
public String getText(String path) {
return this.path;
public Speaker(String path) {
this.path = path;
public void run() {
try {
File file = new File(path);
AudioInputStream stream;
AudioFormat format;
DataLine.Info info;
Clip clip;
stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(file);
format = stream.getFormat();
info = new DataLine.Info(Clip.class, format);
clip = (Clip) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
} catch (Exception e) {

Delete button stops working sporadically, only on Windows, when using our editor plugin

We are developing a markdown editor plugin for eclipse. My colleagues who are using Windows 10 encounter a bug that causes keys to stop working. The most common key is delete, other times it is ctrl + s.
Here is the code for the editor extension:
public class MarkdownEditor extends AbstractTextEditor {
private Activator activator;
private MarkdownRenderer markdownRenderer;
private IWebBrowser browser;
public MarkdownEditor() throws FileNotFoundException {
setSourceViewerConfiguration(new TextSourceViewerConfiguration());
setDocumentProvider(new TextFileDocumentProvider());
// Activator manages connections to the Workbench
activator = Activator.getDefault();
markdownRenderer = new MarkdownRenderer();
private IFile saveMarkdown(IEditorInput editorInput, IDocument document, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
IProject project = getCurrentProject(editorInput);
String mdFileName = editorInput.getName();
String fileName = mdFileName.substring(0, mdFileName.lastIndexOf('.'));
String htmlFileName = fileName + ".html";
IFile file = project.getFile(htmlFileName);
String markdownString = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" + "<html>" + "<head>\n" + "<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n" + "<title>"
+ htmlFileName + "</title>\n" + "</head>" + "<body>" + markdownRenderer.render(document.get())
+ "</body>\n" + "</html>";
try {
if (!project.isOpen())
if (file.exists())
file.delete(true, progressMonitor);
if (!file.exists()) {
byte[] bytes = markdownString.getBytes();
InputStream source = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
file.create(source, IResource.NONE, progressMonitor);
} catch (CoreException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return file;
private void loadFileInBrowser(IFile file) {
IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
try {
if (browser == null)
browser = workbench.getBrowserSupport().createBrowser(Activator.PLUGIN_ID);
URL htmlFile = FileLocator.toFileURL(file.getLocationURI().toURL());
IWorkbenchPartSite site = this.getSite();
IWorkbenchPart part = site.getPart();
} catch (IOException | PartInitException e) {
public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput editorInput) throws PartInitException {
super.init(site, editorInput);
IDocumentProvider documentProvider = getDocumentProvider();
IDocument document = documentProvider.getDocument(editorInput);
IFile htmlFile = saveMarkdown(editorInput, document, null);
public void doSave(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
IDocumentProvider documentProvider = getDocumentProvider();
if (documentProvider == null)
IEditorInput editorInput = getEditorInput();
IDocument document = documentProvider.getDocument(editorInput);
if (documentProvider.isDeleted(getEditorInput())) {
if (isSaveAsAllowed()) {
* 1GEUSSR: ITPUI:ALL - User should never loose changes made in the editors.
* Changed Behavior to make sure that if called inside a regular save (because
* of deletion of input element) there is a way to report back to the caller.
} else {
} else {
// Convert document from string to string array with each instance a single line
// of the document
String[] stringArrayOfDocument = document.get().split("\n");
String[] formattedLines = PipeTableFormat.preprocess(stringArrayOfDocument);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (String line : formattedLines) {
String formattedDocument = builder.toString();
// Calculating the position of the cursor
ISelectionProvider selectionProvider = this.getSelectionProvider();
ISelection selection = selectionProvider.getSelection();
int cursorLength = 0;
if (selection instanceof ITextSelection) {
ITextSelection textSelection = (ITextSelection) selection;
cursorLength = textSelection.getOffset(); // etc.
// This sets the cursor on at the start of the file
// Move the cursor
this.setHighlightRange(cursorLength, 0, true);
IFile htmlFile = saveMarkdown(editorInput, document, progressMonitor);
performSave(false, progressMonitor);
private IProject getCurrentProject(IEditorInput editorInput) {
IProject project = editorInput.getAdapter(IProject.class);
if (project == null) {
IResource resource = editorInput.getAdapter(IResource.class);
if (resource != null) {
project = resource.getProject();
return project;
Here is the repository: https://github.com/borisv13/GitHub-Flavored-Markdown-Eclipse-Plugin
Any help is accepted

autodesk design automation

FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0008 Exception at 1d8257a5h
Failed missing output
I finally made it work with HostApplicationServices.getRemoteFile in local AutoCAD, then migrated it to Design Automation. It is also working now. The below is the command of .NET plugin.
To have a simple test, I hard-coded the URL in the plugin. you could replace the URL with the workflow at your side (either by an json file, or input argument of Design Automation)
My demo ReadDWG the entities from the remote URL file, then wblock the entities to current drawing (HostDWG), finally save current drawing.
Hope it helps to address the problem at your side.
.NET command
namespace PackageNetPlugin
class DumpDwgHostApp: HostApplicationServices
public override string FindFile(string fileName,
Database database,
FindFileHint hint)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string GetRemoteFile(Uri url,
bool ignoreCache)
//return base.GetRemoteFile(url, ignoreCache);
Database db =
string localPath = string.Empty;
if (ignoreCache)
localPath =
GetSystemVariable("STARTINFOLDER") as string;
string filename =
localPath += filename;
using (var client = new WebClient())
client.DownloadFile(url, localPath);
return localPath;
public override bool IsUrl(string filePath)
Uri uriResult;
bool result = Uri.TryCreate(filePath,
UriKind.Absolute, out uriResult)
&& (uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp ||
uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps);
return result;
public class Class1
public void MyPluginCommand()
try {
string drawingPath =
DumpDwgHostApp oDDA = new DumpDwgHostApp();
string localFileStr = "";
if (oDDA.IsUrl(drawingPath)){
localFileStr = oDDA.GetRemoteFile(
new Uri(drawingPath), true);
//source drawing from drawingPath
Database source_db = new Database(false, true);
FileOpenMode.OpenTryForReadShare, false, null);
ObjectIdCollection sourceIds =
new ObjectIdCollection();
using (Transaction tr =
BlockTableRecord btr =
foreach (ObjectId id in btr)
//current drawing (main drawing working with workitem)
Document current_doc =
Database current_db = current_doc.Database;
Editor ed = current_doc.Editor;
//copy the objects in source db to current db
using (Transaction tr =
IdMapping mapping = new IdMapping();
mapping, DuplicateRecordCloning.Replace, false);
catch(Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex)

inserting image into mongo from java result in a strange error

I have the following code for saving image in mongodb:
public static void insertImage() throws Exception {
String newFileName = "mkyong-java-image";
File imageFile = new File("c:\\JavaWebHosting.png");
GridFS gfsPhoto = new GridFS(db, "photo");
GridFSInputFile gfsFile = gfsPhoto.createFile(imageFile);
And I got this from this link:
link for code
But when I use that I get the following error and I do not know how to fix it ... Can anyone help?
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS.<init>(GridFS.java:97)
for more explanation the error is at exactly this line:
GridFS gfsPhoto = new GridFS(db, "photo");
Here is the code for creating db connection
public static DB getDBConnection() {
// If it's not connected to the database, make connection
if (db == null) {
return db;
private static void makeConnections() {
MongoCredential credential = MongoCredential.createMongoCRCredential(dbUser, dbName, dbPass.toCharArray());
MongoClient mongoClient;
try {
mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(dbHost, Integer.parseInt(dbPort)), Arrays.asList(credential));
db = mongoClient.getDB(dbName);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
String newFileName = "mkyong-java-image";
File imageFile = new File("D:/1.jpg");
db = MongoDB.getDBConnection();
collection = db.getCollection("test");
// create a "photo" namespace
GridFS gfsPhoto = new GridFS(db, "photo");
// get image file from local drive
GridFSInputFile gfsFile = gfsPhoto.createFile(imageFile);
// set a new filename for identify purpose
// save the image file into mongoDB
// print the result
DBCursor cursor = gfsPhoto.getFileList();
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
// get image file by it's filename
GridFSDBFile imageForOutput = gfsPhoto.findOne(newFileName);
// save it into a new image file
// remove the image file from mongoDB
// gfsPhoto.remove(gfsPhoto.findOne(newFileName));

Osmdroid - from offline folder

I am using OSMdroid to display both online and offline data in my app. The offline data are stored in a .zip file with the required structure.
Is it possible to have these offline tiles stored in a directory (extracted .zip file with the same structure)?
Could somebody please tell me how could I achive this?
Thank you.
I am sorry. I should try more before asking. But I am leaving this question here, somebody could find it useful.
New MapTileFileProvider. I called it MapTileFileFolderProvider, it is a lightly modified MapTileFileArchiveProvider. It is using folders instead of archives. The modifications are not perfect, it is a "hot solution" that needs someone more experienced in Java/Android to make it properly.
Benefits from loading Tiles from folders:
Faster loading of tiles (I know, I won't recognize the difference).
Easier updates focused only on changed tiles not whole map plans.
Application can download tiles when is in "online mode" and then use the downloaded Tiles offline.
MapTileFileFolderProvider - only modifications
public class MapTileFileArchiveProvider extends MapTileFileStorageProviderBase
public class MapTileFileFolderProvider extends MapTileFileStorageProviderBase {
private final boolean mSpecificFoldersProvided;
private final ArrayList<String> mFolders = new ArrayList<String>();
private final AtomicReference<ITileSource> mTileSource = new AtomicReference<ITileSource>();
public MapTileFileArchiveProvider(...)
public MapTileFileFolderProvider(final IRegisterReceiver pRegisterReceiver,
final ITileSource pTileSource,
final String[] pFolders) {
if (pFolders == null) {
mSpecificFoldersProvided = false;
} else {
mSpecificFoldersProvided = true;
for (int i = pFolders.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
private void findFolders() {
if (!getSdCardAvailable()) {
String baseDirPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString()+"/ctu_navigator"; // TODO get from Config
File dir=new File(baseDirPath);
final File[] files = dir.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
String fileName;
for (File file : files) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
fileName = baseDirPath + '/' + file.getName();
Utils.log(PlanTileProviderFactory.class, "Added map source: " + fileName);
protected String getName() {
return "Folders Provider";
protected String getThreadGroupName() {
return "folder";
protected class TileLoader extends MapTileModuleProviderBase.TileLoader {
public Drawable loadTile(final MapTileRequestState pState) {
ITileSource tileSource = mTileSource.get();
if (tileSource == null) {
return null;
final MapTile pTile = pState.getMapTile();
// if there's no sdcard then don't do anything
if (!getSdCardAvailable()) {
Utils.log("No sdcard - do nothing for tile: " + pTile);
return null;
InputStream inputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = getInputStream(pTile, tileSource);
if (inputStream != null) {
Utils.log("Use tile from folder: " + pTile);
final Drawable drawable = tileSource.getDrawable(inputStream);
return drawable;
} catch (final Throwable e) {
Utils.log("Error loading tile");
Utils.logError(getClass(), (Exception) e);
} finally {
if (inputStream != null) {
return null;
private synchronized InputStream getInputStream(final MapTile pTile, final ITileSource tileSource) {
for (final String folder : mFolders) {
final String path = folder + '/' + tileSource.getTileRelativeFilenameString(pTile);
File mapTileFile = new File(path);
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(mapTileFile));
} catch (IOException e) {
//Utils.log("Tile " + pTile + " not found in " + path);
if (in != null) {
Utils.log("Found tile " + pTile + " in " + path);
return in;
Utils.log("Tile " + pTile + " not found.");
return null;
Well, as far as I understand what you are trying to get... this is more or less what the standard XYTileSource is already doing.
So if you simply use a ready-to-use tile source like this one:
you will see downloaded tiles files stored in /sdcard/osmdroid/tiles/Mapnik/
The main difference is that it adds a ".tile" extension at the end of each tile file (probably to prevent tools like Android gallery to index all those images).
If you have a ZIP file with tiles ready to use, you could extract them in this directory, and add .tile extension to each tile (355.png => 355.png.tile)
And TileSourceFactory.MAPNIK will be able to use them.