Margin problem in Safari - working fine in FF (wordpress) - safari

I've found a rather interesting mishap here.
I have a negative margin on my navigation as I wanted it to sit specifically. All appears fine in FF, but in Safari my content is jumping up to where my nav is, as if my nav does not exist.
I tried playing around with the numbers, when I change it from -77px to -55 the content jumps where it's supposed to be (but obviously my nav does not).
Here's a link to my code via pastebin.
Any help is much appreciated!
Oh, the site is here

You've got a few problems with the layout design of the site that are causing the problem, I think. It is having issues in Chrome as well.
First, your nav isn't contained in its own div, which doesn't really fit in with the design pattern you're following. Consider a redesign with the following:
div wrapper
div header
div nav
div content
div column1, etc
div footer
div wrapper (end)
This will give you much more control over the layout, and you'll make changes on the nav div instead of the ul. Your clearing divs aren't completely necessary as you're not floating any elements, but I think you're using them to create white space - either use margins or assign the nav element a height and your original issue should be resolved. I hope this helps.


Bootstrap 3 navbar jumping onto two lines rather than collapsing?

Think I'm missing the obvious here, but I have a Bookstrap 3 navbar that works great in desktop view but as I squeeze the width and it gets to tablet size rather than collapsing into the toggle menu it's jumping the menu onto two lines:
I've tried reducing the text size in the navbar via a media query but that isn't solving it.
What am I missing?
Appreciate it. Thank you.
One solution might be to change the point at which the navbar collapses, you can do this by creating a customized Bootstrap and setting the #grid-float-breakpoint to a larger number.
This variable unfortunately also influences the dt and dd inside a .dl-horizontal which might be a problem.
If you want to use a media query to reduce the font-size you can use the .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a selector. It however needs to become 9px at the smallest viewport size to still stay on a single row which is quite unreadable.
From the Bootstrap documentation:
Overflowing content
Since Bootstrap doesn't know how much space the content in your navbar needs, you might run into issues with content wrapping into a second row. To resolve this, you can:
Reduce the amount or width of navbar items.
Hide certain navbar items at certain screen sizes using responsive utility classes.
Change the point at which your navbar switches between collapsed and horizontal mode. Customize the #grid-float-breakpoint variable or add your own media query.
It goes on to say:
Changing the collapsed mobile navbar breakpoint
The navbar collapses into its vertical mobile view when the viewport is narrower than #grid-float-breakpoint, and expands into its horizontal non-mobile view when the viewport is at least #grid-float-breakpoint in width. Adjust this variable in the Less source to control when the navbar collapses/expands. The default value is 768px (the smallest "small" or "tablet" screen).

Header of a WP responsive theme won't properly remain on top at the top when scrolling; position:fixed and width:any% throws it out of whack

The WP responsive theme I'm working on:
I use Firebug for Firefox browser addon thingy to make changes before messing with the actual files. So if you have it or something similar, you will see that by adding position:fixed; to the #header section the header width shrinks well more than half its original size and the navigation menu is jacked up within the new shrunken space.
I have added other snippets of coding to the #header section like width:100%;, width:959px; and other percentages and pixels, which messes up the layout; especially when you resize the window down to what you would consider to be for a tablet and a mobile device - it's all out of whack. I can't get the sticky header for this theme to function or do right. Oh, I've also added z-index:200; to the #header section and margin:160px 0; to #main-content; these don't give me issues.
Adding the width: ; code to the #main-content doesn't seem to help either (which I read somewhere online that this was where the width code goes).
Anyway, does anyone know what code I need to make the header of this theme scroll up until it gets to the top of the page where it becomes sticky/static/fixed/on top (whatever the real term for it is) at all times? And, can you get it to work with the layout being in tact when the window is resized all the way down to the size of a mobile device?
This should work
#pre-header{margin:20px 0 15px;width:960px;}
#main-content{margin:215px 0 30px;}
The position is fixed at the top using 0 with a z-index:999 you then need to set the width of the inner container pre-header 960px to match the rest.
You will need to setup the media queries for the other sizes you have setup. Easy, and Enjoy.
If you want the menu itself and not the social icons to become the top fixed bar without the social icons then you want to make a jquery scroll CSS change so that the #header becomes the fixed position.
It working with fixed header and social:
An illustration of it working without the social bar using a Jquery Scroll CSS change:
This is the way I would do it, I would move the menu down, and add the social icons to the menu itself. (Below is a screenshot of what I mean, the social icons are reduced to 75%)
PS. The social icons stand out to much so I would add a CSS3 Greyscale, and when the visitor hovers over them it turns on the color with a transition effect.
Hope this helps ;)

Main part of the website is going OVER the fixed navbar?

I have a navbar at the top of my website and it's fixed position. However, whenever you scroll down on the page, all of the content goes over the navbar instead of under it... how can I fix that? I assume showing my code won't help because if you know how to fix it you could probably just explain, but if you'd like to see my code just ask. Thanks.
I think you should post some code or a url. This could be as simple as setting z-index: -1 if the main part of the page is a sibling element of the navbar. Since z-index calculations depend on the parent child relationship of the DOM, knowing the relationship of the elements is necessary to answering the question.

absolutely position simplemodal plugin on top of an existing div

I posted this a week or so ago:
Position simplemodal modal on top of an existing div
and thought that I had solved my problem, but when the window is scrolled, the modal container moves.
I think I need to change it from fixed to absolute positioning, but when I change it in the script, the right side of the container lines up with the left side of the div (but it does stay in the same place vertically).
Here's what I'm doing now:
$('.slider-caption #large-spot-two').click(function (e) {
$('#basic-modal-content-two').modal({appendTo:"#slider1", autoPosition: false});
return false;
What's the best way for me to keep the modal container above the div, whether the page is scrolled or not?
The plugin was created to be fixed (not move when the page is scrolled, etc.). Changing the CSS position works until the page is resized or scrolled, as you have found.
The code required to change that behavior would require more work that I currently have time for. You might try BlockUI, as it sounds like that would fit your needs better?

Jquery UI Tabs Floating Divs in tab panel

I am having trouble trying to get a jquery ui tab panel's height to grow with floating divs within the panel.
the divs have specific data returning to these divs and I need them to float left and right to save ui real estate.
Does anyone know how i can fix this?
Actually, this is a well-known css issue. A discussion is here:
To summarize the article, any <divs> that you wish to function as both a tab pane and a float container should have these styles added to them either in your <style> or css <link> files:
overflow: auto;
width: 100%
This isn't a bug. It's intentional. The floating div literally lifts out of the container, and the container will not be aware of the floating div. At least, that was the goal.
You should do a search on here for "clearing floats" or other related css rules, because using the above will cause issues with certain browsers (in short: 'take care to test this, all the same').