Better way to route this? - ruby-on-rails-3

I have a routing issue. my routes currently look like this:
Currently its just looking at resources :events (which is the events controller, index action), and in the index action. I've got a lot of if conditions. Especially, when the app needs to determine which partials to load, based on the query strings.
Is there a better way to refactor this? I am not a big fan of query strings in the URL. And something like this can be solved in routing. Just looking for the right direction. Am looking to have urls like:
The Anti Patterns book, specifically on page 181, suggests creating separate controllers. Which will organize the code further and still keep it RESTFUL.
In theory, I think it is suggesting something like this:
match 'events/:city', :controller => 'events/cities', :action => 'index', :as => 'by_city', :via => :get
match 'events/:city/:category', :controller => 'events/cities_and_categories', :action => 'index', :as => 'by_city_and_category', :via => :get
match 'events/:city/:country', :controller => 'events/cities_and_countries', :action => 'index', :as => 'by_city_and_country', :via => :get
match 'events/:country', :controller => 'events/countries', :action => 'index', :as => 'by_country', :via => :get
match 'events/:country/:category', :controller => 'events/countries_and_categories', :action => 'index', :as => 'by_country_and_category', :via => :get
match 'events/:city/:country/:category', :controller => 'events/cities_and_countries_and_categories', :action => 'index', :as => 'by_city_and_country_and_category', :via => :get
OR, are filtered terms REALLY supposed to be in query string format?
If you have a suggestions / better approach. Do mention.

First off, some cleaner routes that are more canonical:
resources :events do
get '/:country(/:city)(/:category)' => 'events#filtered', :on => :collection, :constrain => { :category => %w{ popular legal_marijuana } }
I've made the country required. There are too many ambiguous city names, and unless you want to do a lot of poking to determine segment is what, this is just more straightforward. The city is optional, and so is the category.
Unless I've mistaken something here, this will constrain the category to either "popular" or "legal_marijuana" (but not both, so Amsterdam is out, haha).
All of these routes go to a single filtered action on your events controller. Don't bother trying to keep this resourceful unless it makes sense for every country and city to be a resource for your application. As long as this responds to a GET request, and it retrieves a collection of records, it's not very far out of the bounds of the REST principals (interesting note, the new and edit actions in Rails don't adhere strictly to REST either).
This action will need to do a bit of poking at params to see whether or not you have a city or category. You can use something like this to help you out:
#event = Event.where(:country => params[:country])
#event = #event.where(:city => params[:city]) if params[:city]
[For some reason this doesn't look right to me. I can't think straight. I'm sure that this is a mess. Someone please save me.]
But yeah, that's the idea.


Using generated paths with resources in Rails

I have following routes defined:
CyberTrackRails3::Application.routes.draw do
scope "(:locale)", :locale => /en|de|nl/ do
resources :login do
get 'index', on: :collection
get 'check', on: :collection
Now, url_for(:controller => 'login', :action => 'check'), gives me the correct url, en/login/check.
Using login_check_path however doesn't work. How do I make this work?
I've tried replacing get 'index', on: :collection with match 'check' => 'check' but that doesn't work. Neither does match 'check' => 'login#check'.
since you're adding an action to a resource, i think the automatically generated name is going to be reversed, ie 'check_logins_path' (see adding-more-restful-actions)
do you need login_check_path specifically? if so, you should be able to define the path outside of the resources :login block, ie
match '/login/check' => 'login#check', :via => :get, :as => 'login_check'
and like Fivell suggested, rake routes will show you the automatically generated name for a route.

Routes problem with I18n_routing gem

I'm on Rails 3 and on my 2nd Rails project (i.e. I'm a newbie). I am making a website with several locales, at the moment Swedish and US. I am using the I18n_routing gem to create localized url:s. I am also using the friendly_id gem to create better urls.
My problem: I cannot get my nested urls to be translated. They remain as the default-urls.
This is my routes.rb:
localized(I18n.available_locales, :verbose => true) do
resources :calculation_types, :only => [:show], :path => '' do
resources :calculations, :only => [:index, :show], :path => '' do
member do
put 'calculate_it'
get 'calculate_it', :redirect_me => true
get 'link'
localized(I18n.available_locales, :verbose => true) do
match 'searchresults' => 'home#search-results', :as => :searchresults
match 'about' => 'home#about', :as => :about
match 'advertise' => 'home#advertise', :as => :advertise
match 'terms' => 'home#terms', :as => :terms
match 'calculator' => 'home#calculator', :as => :calculator
match 'feedback' => 'home#feedback', :as => :feedback
This is a sample (cut) of my locale (for Swedish):
about: 'om'
advertise: 'annonsera'
calculator: 'kalkylator'
feedback: 'feedback'
searchresults: 'sokresultat'
terms: 'anvandaranvisning'
accumulated-passive-income: "vardet-av-din-passiva-inkomst"
all-about-a-date: "allt-om-ett-datum"
area: "area"
average-speed: "genomsnittshastighet"
birthday-in-days: "fodelsedag-i-dagar"
These are some facts of the case:
The resources-translations include both "calculation_types" and "calculations".
I have tried several set-ups in the translation file.
The SECOND routing WORKS, the one with the "match", they also appear when I do rake routes.
I get no error messages. Everything works fine.
I am using friendly_id as the url-words. An example of a url could be where "diet" is calculation_type.friendly_id and bmi is calculation.friendly_id
I want help with:
- Why do the nested routes not show up as routes? Why are they not being created?
- How do I get this to work?
Do you need any more info to help me?
It seems like it is not a matter of I18n_routing after all since the words that should be translated are actually friendly_id:s. So, disregard the I18n_routing part of this problem and focus on the friendly_id-translation...

Trying to create a POST request but getting No route matches [GET]

I'm trying to do something similar to Railscasts #255 but I'm getting a No Route error:
In Ryan's routes.rb file:
post "versions/:id/revert" => "versions#revert", :as => "revert_version"
In in the controller where he uses the route, versions_controller.rb
link = view_context.link_to(link_name, revert_version_path(, :redo => !params[:redo]), :method => :post)
redirect_to :back, :notice => "Undid #{#version.event}. #{link}"
In my routes.rb
post "/approve/:id" => "listings#approve", :as => "listing_approve"
and view where I use my link:
<%= link_to 'Approve Content', listing_approve_path(#listing), :method => :post %>
My tests return to me a ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches [GET] "/approve/1"
If I leave the method as a GET everything works.. Using rails 3.1.0rc5. Any guidance as to what I'm doing wrong here would be very much appreciated..
EDIT: routes.rb file (the last line is set as match right now to work)
RLR::Application.routes.draw do
root :to => "home#index"
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "registrations" }
devise_for :users
match '/user' => "layouts#index", :as => :user_root
resources :users, :only => :show
resources :layouts, :only => [:index, :show]
resources :listings
resources :features
resources :orders
match "/preview/:id" => "listings#preview", :as => "listing_preview", :via => "get"
match "/approve/:id" => "listings#approve", :as => "listing_approve"
Hmmmm, it looks right to my eye. The test sounds like it is generating a GET instead of a POST though, so it might be a problem with the link_to call. You've got :method => :post there, so it should be fine. seems to indicate that link_to will generate some javascript to make a POST call on click (and that users with javascript disabled will get a normal GET link unless you use :href="#"), so it might be because your test engine isn't running the javascript.
You can fix this by changing it to a button that submits a hidden form, but that might not be the visual representation you want.
It might be a precedence thing - the first matching route definition in routes.rb is used, so if you have a resources route or something like that it may be matching on that first.
I got the same problem in my rails application and I solved it the same way you did by doing a via: :get on the match instead of a via: :post. I think for some reason when you send a request in the format of /something/:id it will automatically assume its a [GET] request and search for a get route. This of course will cause problems in your routes if you have it as a :POST.
If anyone has a better solution or idea as to why you cannot send a post request in the format '/something/:id' let me know please.

Defining :id in routes to be something other than id in rails 3

I am porting a Merb app to Rails 3. In Merb we could put an Identify block around a route to define how an :id route parameter was to be supplied, e.g.,
# this is a Merb route that I want to port to Rails 3 routing; I get everything except
# how to replicate the behavior of Merb's Identify block which doesn't require one to
# futz with overriding to_param on user; a user instance gets passed to the url builder
# ala url(:edit_password_reset, user) and this tells the router to use the
# reset_password_token method on user to supply the :id value for this one route
Identify User => :reset_password_token do
match("/reset-password/:id", :method => :get).to(:controller => "password_resets", :action => "edit").name(:edit_password_reset)
# and then later define more routes that use the user's id without a problem
# since to_param was not overridden on user; here I have already translated to
# Rails 3 and this works fine
controller :users do
get "/register", :action => "new", :as => "new_user"
get "/users", :action => "index", :as => "users"
get "/users/:id", :action => "show", :as => "show_user"
get "/users/:id/edit", :action => "edit", :as => "edit_user"
put "/users/:id", :action => "update", :as => "update_user"
post "/users", :action => "create", :as => "create_user"
In Rails, as in Merb, you can override to_param to provide an alternative id value for routes, but for a case where one time you want to use an id and another time you want to use a different method on the same object (as above), Identify is convenient. What is the Rails 3 equivalent? I looked through the Rails 3 source and tests and didn't see anything equivalent to Identify. Did I miss it?
I can refactor things and maybe should to not need it in this case, but still I would like to know if I missed something.
I came across the same problem; turns out the best way is to skip to_param entirely when calling a url or path. For instance:
# This will set params[:id] to #user.to_param
# This will set params[:id] to #user.reset_password_token
In other words, to_param is only called when passing a record to the url helpers; if you pass it a string instead, it will just parse the string.

Rails 3 routing

Ok, I'm relatively new to rails and am working through the book Rails for PHP programmers. To make things interesting I'm using Rails 3 and haml to work through the book, and the book is written using Rails 2.X and erb so some of the examples are outdated.
To the question:
The route example in the book is
map.presentation 'meetings/:meeting_id/presentations/:action/:id',
:controller => "presentations",
:action => "show",
:meeting_id => /\d+/
So that was a pre-Rails 3 route. My adaptation of the above into a Rails 3 route is:
match 'meetings/:meeting_id/presentations/:action/:id', :to => 'presentations#show', :constraints => {:id => /\d/}
My adaptation works for the destroy action, but not for the edit action... and due to my inexperience I don't know what I'm doing wrong. From the article here ( it looks like I'm doing it right, but something isn't right.
The link_to helpers that produce the urls are as follows
= link_to 'edit', :controller => 'presentations',
:action => 'edit',
:meeting_id =>,
:id =>
# Incorrectly Produces: http://localhost:3000/presentations/edit?meeting_id=2&id=1
= link_to 'destroy', { :controller => 'presentations',
:action => 'destroy',
:meeting_id =>,
:id => },
:confirm => 'Are you sure?',
:method => :delete
# Correctly Produces: http://localhost:3000/meetings/2/presentations/destroy/1
Your help would go a long way to clearing up my routing haziness. Thanks so much!
Here's the non-working routes.rb file in its entirety:
UserGroup::Application.routes.draw do
get "presentations/new"
get "presentations/edit"
get "sessions/new"
get "users/index"
get "users/show"
get "users/new"
get "users/edit"
get "meetings/index"
match '/meetings/show/:id', :to => 'meetings#show', :as => 'meeting'
match '/meetings/new', :to => 'meetings#new', :as => 'new_meeting'
match '/meetings/edit/:id', :to => 'meetings#edit', :as => 'edit_meeting'
match 'meetings/:meeting_id/presentations/:action/:id', :to => 'presentations', :constraints => {:id => /\d/}
#default route
match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
Thanks to codykrieger I took a look at the rest of the routes file (I know, duh right?). Apparently, all those get "..." routes are added when using the rails generator and help to make some default connections in the app. I commented out the get "presentations/edit" line and, wonder of wonders, my routing adaptation actually does work.
This works:
UserGroup::Application.routes.draw do
get "presentations/new"
#get "presentations/edit"
get "sessions/new"
get "users/index"
get "users/show"
get "users/new"
get "users/edit"
get "meetings/index"
match '/meetings/show/:id', :to => 'meetings#show', :as => 'meeting'
match '/meetings/new', :to => 'meetings#new', :as => 'new_meeting'
match '/meetings/edit/:id', :to => 'meetings#edit', :as => 'edit_meeting'
match 'meetings/:meeting_id/presentations/:action/:id', :to => 'presentations', :constraints => {:id => /\d/}
#default route
match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
I played around with the order of the routes in the file and also found that if I put my route above all the auto-generated routes, without commenting out the get "presentations/edit" line, my route still has the intended effect.
This also works:
UserGroup::Application.routes.draw do
match 'meetings/:meeting_id/presentations/:action/:id', :to => 'presentations', :constraints => {:id => /\d/}
get "presentations/new"
get "presentations/edit"
get "sessions/new"
get "users/index"
get "users/show"
get "users/new"
get "users/edit"
get "meetings/index"
match '/meetings/show/:id', :to => 'meetings#show', :as => 'meeting'
match '/meetings/new', :to => 'meetings#new', :as => 'new_meeting'
match '/meetings/edit/:id', :to => 'meetings#edit', :as => 'edit_meeting'
#default route
match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
I'm thinking that the latter is the better way to go and I should make my custom routing declarations above the standard generated ones, but I'm not sure. If someone out there wants to comment on which practice is better, or if it's better to entirely remove the generated ones if I want to specify my own, I'd love to hear it.
Thanks all :)
Routing is done on a first match basis (top to bottom) in the routes.rb file.
So you can keep all routes as you have done above if you want, and Rails will use the first one that matches. However, its messy, potentially buggy and totally unnecessary. So the "match..." lines in your code should be enough, and you can remove the "get..." lines.
Furthermore, your "match...presentations...." line has a bug, it should be
...{:id => /\d+/}
else it will validate only 1-digit length ids.
Finally, as far as your overall routes.rb is concerned, you do not need to do
link_to 'edit', :controller => 'presentations',
:action => 'edit',
:meeting_id =>,
:id =>
Instead, you should use edit_meeting_path, new_meeting_path etc. For instance
<%= link_to "New meeting", new_meeting_path %>
<%= link_to "Edit meeting", edit_meeting_path(#meeting) %>
Finally, you should read Rails Routing from the Outside In for best practices on how to design nested routes etc.