How to Execute SQL Query without Displaying results - sql

Is it possible that Execute SQL Query without Displaying results?
Select * from Table_Name
after running this query result should not be displayed in sql server.

I'm surprised nobody came up with the answer : switch on the "discard query results after execution" option; l I'm pretty sure that was what the interviewer was after. SET FMT ONLY is totally different thing IMHO.
open a new query
in the menu select Query / Query options
select the Results pane
check the "discard result after execution"
The reason you might want to do this is to avoid having to wait and waste resources for the results to be loaded into the grid but still be able to have e.g. the Actual Execution Plan.

Executing will return a recordset. It may have no rows of course but get a result
You can suppress rows but not the resultset with SET FMTONLY
SELECT * FROM sys.tables
SELECT * FROM sys.tables
Never had a use for it personally though...
Edit 2018. As noted, see #deroby's answer for a better solution these days

Sounds like a dubious interview question to me. I've done it, I've needed to do it, but you'd only need to do so under pretty obscure circumstances. Obscure, but sometimes very important.
As #gbn says, one programmatic way is with SET FMTONLY (thanks, now I don't have to dig it out of my old script files). Some programs and utilities do this when querying SQL; first they submit a query with FMTONLY ON, to determine the layout of the resulting table structure, then when they've prepared that they run it gain with FMTONLY OFF, to get the actual data. (I found this out when the procedure called a second procedure, the second procedure returned the data set, and for obscure reasons the whole house of cards fell down.)
This can also be done in SSMS. For all querying windows, under Tools/Options, Query Results/SQL Server/Results to XX, check "Discard results after query executes"; for only the current window, under Query/Query Options, Results/XX, same checkbox. The advantage here is that the query will run on the database server, but the data results will not be returned. This can be invaluable if you're checking the query plan but don't want to receive the resulting 10GB of of data (across the network onto your laptop), or if you're doing some seriously looped testing, as SSMS can only accept so many result sets from a given "run" before stopping the query with a "too many result sets" message. [Hmm, double-check me on that "query plan only" bit--I think it does this, but it's been a long time.]

insert anothertable
Select * from Table_Name
Executes the select but returns nothing
set noexec on
Select * from Table_Name
Parses but does not execute and so returns nothing.

Perhaps the interviewer intended to ask a different question:
How would you execute a SQL query without returning the number of results?
In that case the answer would be SET NOCOUNT ON.

If you need the query to execute but don't need the actual resultset, you can wrap the query in an EXISTS (or NOT EXISTS) statement: IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME...). Or alternately, you could select INTO #temp, then later drop the temp table.

Is the goal to suppress all rows? Then use a filter that evaluates to false for every row:
SELECT * FROM Table_Name WHERE 1 = 2

In my case I was testing that the data was behaving in all views, e.g. any cast() functions weren't causing conversion errors, etc. so supressing the actual data wasn't an option, displaying wasn't too bad but a bit of wasted resource and better not to diplsay if sending results only in text.
I came up with the following script to test all the views in this way, the only problem is when it encounters views that have text/ntext columns.
declare csr cursor local for select name from sys.views order by name
declare #viewname sysname
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
open csr
fetch next from csr into #viewname
while ##fetch_status = 0 begin
--set #sql = 'select top 1 * from ' + #viewname
set #sql = 'declare #test nvarchar(max) select #test = checksum(*) from ' + #viewname
print #viewname
exec sp_executesql #sql
fetch next from csr into #viewname
close csr
deallocate csr

If you are using PostgreSQL you can put your select in a function and use
The PERFORM statements execute a parameter and forgot result.
A PERFORM statement sets FOUND true if it produces (and discards) one or more rows, false if no row is produced.,if%20no%20row%20is%20returned.

Yet another use case is when you just want to read all the rows of the table, for example testing against corruptions. In this case you don't need the data itself, only the fact that it is readable or not.
However, the option name "Discard results AFTER execution" is a bit confusing - it tells me that the result is fetched and only then discarded. In contrary, it fetches the data for sure but does not store it anywhere (by default the rows are put into the grid, or whatever output you have chosen) - the received rows are discarded on the fly (and not AFTER execution).

I am surprised the community can't easily find a use case for this. Large result sets take memory on the client, which may become a problem if many SSMS windows are active (it is not unusual for me to have 2-3 instances of SSMS opened, each with 50-70 active windows). In some cases, like in Cyril's example, SSMS can run out of memory and simply unable to handle a large result set. For instance, I had a case when I needed to debug a stored procedure returning hundreds of millions of rows. It would be impossible to run in SSMS on my development machine without discarding results. The procedure was for an SSIS package where it was used as a data source for loading a data warehouse table. Debugging in SSMS involved making non-functional changes (so the result set was of no interest to me) and inspecting execution statistics and actual query execution plans.

I needed a proc to return all records updated by a specified user after a certain point in time, only showing results where records existed. Here it is:
-- Written by David Zanke
-- Return all records modified by a specified user on or after a specified date.
If mod date does not exist, return row anyhow
Set Nocount on
Declare #UserName varchar(128) = 'zanked'
, #UpdatedAfterDate Varchar( 30) = '2016-10-08'
, #TableName varchar( 128)
, #ModUser varchar( 128)
, #ModTime varchar( 128)
, #sql varchar( 2000 )
-- In a perfect world, left join would be unecessary since every row that captures the last mod user would have last mod date.
-- Unfortunately, I do not work in a perfect world and rows w/ last mod user exist w/o last mod date
Declare UserRows Cursor for Select distinct c1.table_name, c1.column_name, c2.column_name From INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c1
Left Join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c2 On c1.Table_Name = c2.Table_Name And c2.Column_name like '%DTTM_RCD_LAST_UPD%'
Where c1.column_name like '%UPDATED_BY_USER%'
Open UserRows
Fetch UserRows Into #tablename, #ModUser, #ModTime
While ( ##FETCH_STATUS = 0 )
-- capture output from query into a temp table
Select #sql = 'Select ''' + #TableName + ''' TableName, * Into ##HoldResults From ' + #TableName + ' Where ' + #ModUser + ' = ''' + #userName + ''''
+ Case When #ModTime Is Null Then '' Else ' And ' + #ModTime + ' >= ''' + #UpdatedAfterDate + '''' End
Exec ( #sql)
-- only output where rows exist
Select * from ##HoldResults
Drop Table ##HoldResults
Fetch UserRows Into #tablename, #ModUser, #ModTime
Close UserRows;
Deallocate UserRows


Should I always use dynamic sql when programatically use some stored procedure?

I have a stored procedure that can get the number of records in a table, in which the #tableName is the parameter of the stored procedure. Let's call it FastCount:
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id), SUM(row_count) AS rows
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(#tableName)
AND index_id < 2
Now, let's say I have 50 tables, like data_1950, data_1951, .....data_2000. I wrote a batch, query each table's records count, and put them into a temporary table. It works like a charm
TableName varchar(30),
RecordsCount int
DECLARE #sql as varchar(max)
DECLARE #yearN as int = 1950
DECLARE #tbName as sysname
WHILE #yearN <= 2000
SET #tbName = QUOTEName(N'[dbo].data_' + Convert(varchar,#yearN))
SET #sql = N'Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName=' + #tbName
EXEC (#sql)
SET #yearN = #yearN + 1
However, if I replace the dynamic SQL string part
SET #sql = N'Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName=' + #tbName
EXEC (#sql)
with a straightforward call
EXEC [dbo].FastCount #tableName = #tbName
Then the whole batch just not work...
So I don't understand why... Should I always use dynamic SQL string and exec(#sql) when programmatically using the stored procedure. A big thanks for taking the time to look.
OK, here is what is happening in the two scenarios that you posed in your original question. (Yes, the reality is that there are probably better ways to achieve your end result, but let's look at the actual problem that you posed .... why is the behaviour of your INSERT / EXEC different, depending on how you made the call).
First, you have your variable declared, that will contain your table name:
DECLARE #tbName as sysname
Then you have your looping block that incrementally increases the year number, to generate the different table names. There's nothing inherently wrong with the looping block, so let's just look at an example using one of the table names, to see what's happening within the WHILE block. Take the first table name as the example, which would be [dbo].data_1950.
Your statement:
set #tbName = QUOTEName(N'[dbo].data_' + Convert(varchar,#yearN))
ultimately takes the string "[dbo].data_1950" - which comes from concatenating '[dbo].data_' with the year number (in this case, 1950) converted to a string (varchar) - and passes it to the QUOTENAME() function. The QUOTENAME() function takes its input and a second parameter, which is the character that the input should be quoted with (if the 2nd parameter is not passed, then the default is []). Thus, if we then converted the #tbName variable to a string, it would appear like this:
Now we get to see the funky way that SQL deals with "sysname" data-types. (In fact, as you read further down, maybe the issue is not primarily tied to the "sysname" data-type, but anyhow, take away from this what you will). To be honest, "sysname" is, in itself, a little bit of a funky data-type anyway, which I tend to steer away from, unless absolutely necessary. But anyhow, on to the details of the issue that you were seeing.
Step 1 - I created a version of your stored proc, but I included a statement that would output the value of the #tableName parameter that was passed in. This gives us an opportunity to see what SQL is doing in the two different scenarios, and then explain why the results are different.
CREATE PROC [dbo].FastCount
#tableName varchar(100)
PRINT #tableName;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id), SUM(row_count) AS rows
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(#tableName)
AND index_id < 2
Step 2 - our first scenario is executing the dynamic SQL.
set #tbName = QUOTEName(N'[dbo].data_' + Convert(varchar,#yearN))
set #sql = N'Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName=' + #tbName
Insert Into #Temp Exec(#sql)
Now, we know that the #tbName variable contains
and therefore we can then infer that the #sql variable contains
Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName=[[dbo].data_1950]
so that is effectively the statement that is executed by the Exec(#sql) command.
When this runs, and we look at the output of the PRINT command, we see
and we see a result from our query (the table name and row count). This makes sense, of course, because our table name is "data_1950", and the schema of the table is "dbo", so the SELECT statement to get the row count is going to work as expected.
Step 3 - run the EXEC command directly, without the use of the #sql variable, ie.
Insert Into #Temp Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName = #tbName
Now, when we look at the output of the PRINT command for this execution of the "FastCount" stored procedure, we see
Of course, this is now NOT going to produce the results that we expect, because we're telling SQL to find the row count for a table named "[dbo].data_1950" (in the absence of the specific schema, SQL will just assume the default schema. In this case, with a schema of [dbo], we'd be telling SQL to get the row count from a table named [dbo].[[dbo].data_1950] - which is clearly NOT the table name).
You should see the obvious difference - in one scenario, the parameter value that is passed into the stored is the "correct" reference to the table name, and in the other scenario it is not.
As a final step, let's look at how the "non-dynamic" SQL would be executed, to achieve the results that we need. In this instance, there's no need for the QUOTENAME() function:
set #tbName = N'[dbo].data_' + Convert(nvarchar,#yearN)
Insert Into #Temp Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName = #tbName
When we run it in this way, we see the expected output ([dbo].data_1950) from the PRINT command, and we see the expected query results (containing the table name and row count).
Can I explain this behaviour, exactly? Errr, not necessarily ... maybe someone else will be able to explain specifically what is happening, and why. My only interpretation is that when the EXEC() statement is passed the dynamic sql (ie. #sql variable) it is first interpreting the entire string and stripping out identifiers (in the case, the surrounding [] ... on what basis is it making that decision, I don't know). As opposed to the non-dynamic execution, where the #tbName value ([[dbo].data_1950]) is just being passed straight in as the parameter, with no modification (and thus causing the unexpected end result that we saw).
Hopefully this information is useful to you (or, at least, to someone else in the future!).
In general you should avoid dynamic SQL, and you should avoid granting rights to execute dynamic SQL, unless absolutely necessary. This is for performance and security reasons.
The typical way to deal with this situation is to use a partitioned view:
SELECT '1950' TableName, * FROM Data_1950
SELECT '1951' TableName, * FROM Data_1951
SELECT '1952' TableName, * FROM Data_1952
SELECT '1953' TableName, * FROM Data_1953
SELECT '1954' TableName, * FROM Data_1954
SELECT '1955' TableName, * FROM Data_1955
(Keep adding select statements until you have covered all of your tables.)
Now to get your table counts all you need to do is execute this:
SELECT TableName, COUNT(*) RecordCount
FROM DataView
GROUP BY TableName
Isn't that much easier?

Adapt SQL query in a while loop

I have been spending a fair amount of time researching a method to adapt an sql query, while in a loop in order to bring back from multiple tables.
The one method I came across that makes this possible would be executing the query as a loadstring, then you could adapt the query each time the loop runs ( as explained via this link: ).
To be more specific, I am attempting to run a rather large query, which loops through multiple databases - however each database has a branch number, such as A, B, C, D, E etc.. So each time I execute the query I am using joins to go to all the databases I need from A. In order to make this work, I would need to copy and paste this entire 500 line query, over 5 times in order to cover every branch.
The method using loadstring would end up being similar to this:
DECLARE process varchar(max) = 'select * from Vis_' + Branch[i] + '_Quotes' exec(process)
Is there a better method to adapt your query search while its running?
Here is one example of how this might be used. It's not clear if this fits your requirements, but it appears that dynamic SQL is new to you so I've supplied an example that includes both looping and passing in parameters safely. This is untested, but hopefully should get you on the right track.
This assumes you have an existing table of branches with the corresponding branch codes (ideal, as then the script doesn't need updating when adding/disabling/removing a branch). If you don't, then you could always create a table variable and insert branches at the top of your script:
declare #sql varchar(max),
#BranchCode nvarchar(10) = '',
#param1 int,
#param2 nvarchar(10);
while 1=1 begin
set #BranchCode =
(select top 1 Code from Branch where Active = 1 and Code > #BranchCode order by Code)
if #BranchCode is null break;
set #sql = #sql + 'select * from Vis_' + #BranchCode + '_Quotes
where col1 = #param1 and #col2 like #param2
' -- notice extra linebreak (or space) added to separate each query
exec sp_executesql #sql,
'#param1 int, #param2 nvarchar(10), ...', -- parameter definitions
#param1, #param2, ... -- any additional parameters you need to safely pass in

Use SELECT results as a variable in a loop

I've searched here and elsewhere, and haven't found an answer yet. Hope I didn't miss it.
Using SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2.
I have n specific databases on my server (there are other DBs as well, but I'm only interested in some of them)
Each of these databases has a table within it, which all have the same name. The only difference is the DB name. I want to aggregate these tables together to make one big table on a different database (different to the other DBs).
I can get the db names from the results of a query.
N is unknown.
Is a loop the way to go about this?
I was thinking something along the lines of the following pseudocode:
Set #dbnames = SELECT DISTINCT dbname FROM MyServer.dbo.MyTable
For each #name in #dbnames
INSERT INTO ADifferentDB.dbo.MyOtherTable
SELECT * FROM #name.dbo.table
Next name
(Clearly I'm new to using SQL variable as well, as you can see)
Your first problem is about iterating the databases: you cand do that with a cursor
Then you have another problem, executing a query where part of it is variable (database's name). You can do that with execute function.
All that is something similar to this:
DECLARE #dbname VARCHAR(100)
DECLARE my_db_cursor CURSOR
FOR SELECT DISTINCT dbname FROM MyServer.dbo.MyTable
OPEN my_db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM my_db_cursor
INTO #dbname
SET #query = 'INSERT INTO ADifferentDB.dbo.MyOtherTable
SELECT * FROM ' + #dbname + '.dbo.table'
FETCH NEXT FROM my_db_cursor
INTO #dbname
CLOSE my_db_cursor
DEALLOCATE my_db_cursor
what you want to do is define a CURSOR for row-level operation. here is some doc
I would suggest using sp_MSForEachDB:
EXEC sp_MSForEachDB '
-- Include only the databases you care about.
FROM MySever.dbo.MyTable
WHERE dbname = ''?''
-- Exit if the database is not in your table.
-- Otherwise, perform your insert.
INSERT INTO ADifferentDB.dbo.MyOtherTable
SELECT * FROM ?.dbo.table
In this case, ? is a token that is replaced with each database on the server.

Different Parameter Value Results In Slow Query

I have an sproc in SQL Server 2008. It basically builds a string, and then runs the query using EXEC():
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[StaffRequestExtInfo] WITH(nolock,readuncommitted)
WHERE [NoteDt] < #EndDt
AND [NoteTypeCode] = #RequestTypeO
AND ([FNoteDt] >= #StartDt AND [FNoteDt] <= #EndDt)
AND [FStaffID] = #StaffID
AND [FNoteTypeCode]<>#RequestTypeC
ORDER BY [LocName] ASC,[NoteID] ASC,[CNoteDt] ASC
All but #RequestTypeO and #RequestTypeF are passed in as sproc parameters. The other two are built from a parameter into local variables. Normally, the query runs under one second. However, for one particular value of #StaffID, the execution plan is different and about 30x slower. In either case, the amount of data returned is generally the same, but execution time goes way up.
I tried to recompile the sproc. I also tried to "copy" #StaffID into a local #LocalStaffID. Neither approach made any difference.
Any ideas?
UPDATE: Tried to drop specific plans using:
DECLARE #ph VARBINARY(64), #pt VARCHAR(128), #sql VARCHAR(1024)
SELECT p.plan_handle
FROM sys.[dm_exec_cached_plans] p
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(p.plan_handle) t
WHERE t.text LIKE N'%cms_selectStaffRequests%'
OPEN cur
SELECT #pt = master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(#ph)
SET #sql = 'DBCC FREEPROCCACHE(' + #pt + ')'
Either the wrong plans were dropped, or the same plans ended up being recreated, but it had no effect.
Check the distribution/frequency/cardinality of the values in column FStaffID, and review your indexes. It may be that you have one staff member doing 50% of the work (probably the DBA :) and that may change how the optimizer chooses which indexes to use and how the data is read.
Alternatively, the execution plan generated by the dynamic code may be being saved and re-used, resulting in a poorly performing query (like HLGEM says). I'm not up on the details, but SQL 2008 has more ways to confuse you while doing this than its predecessors.
Doing an UPDATE STATISTICS ... WITH FULLSCAN on the main base table in the query resulted in the "slow" value not being associated with a slow plan.

SQL Server - A script to loop through all remote tables and perform "Select * into ...'

Here's what I'd like to do.
For each table in linkedserver.database whose tablename is like 'text%'
(inside loop)
A. If current_table exists locally, drop it
B. select * into (local) from linkedserver.tablename (copy
schema + data)
C. Possibly check for errors and Print some text about it?
Any idea if this script is possible? I'm very clueless about working with table names if it would be possible to
select * into #Variable_Storing_Table_Name
from LinkedServer.DB.#Variable_Storing_Table_Name
Well, here's how to do this using a cursor:
use database
declare #link_table nvarchar(255)
declare #local_table nvarchar(255)
declare table_list cursor for
linkedserver.database.sys.tables tlink
left outer join sys.tables tlocal on =
open table_list
fetch next from table_list into #link_table, #local_table
while ##FETCH_STATUS = 0
begin try
if #local_table is not null
sp_executesql N'drop table ' + quotename(#local_table)
sp_executesql N'select * into ' + quotename(#link_table) +
' from linkedserver.database..' + quotename(#link_table)
print #link_table + ' copied.'
end try
begin catch
print 'Error: ' + ERROR_MESSAGE()
end catch
fetch next from table_list into #link_table, #local_table
close table_list
deallocate table_list
While cursors should generally be avoided, here you're looking to do a lot of logic behind each and every row. So, here it is. What it does is grab all of the linked tables and match any of the local tables to those, or null if the local table doesn't exist. This places it in a cursor, which we can use to iterate through the rowset.
The fetch next command grabs the next row from our cursor and then applies your logic to it (drop it if the local table exists, then do a select * into...).
You can catch errors one of two ways. I used the try...catch block, but you can also check ##ERROR and see if it's not equal to zero. Really, whatever you feel most comfortable with.
As a disclaimer for the anti-cursor crowd: Cursors aren't evil, they're just often used improperly.
There is an undocumented SQL Server function called sp_foreachtable that might do what you want. I'm not sure if it works on linked databases though... a Web search might turn something up.