How can I read and write a file in Malbolge? - file-io

I'm trying to write a social networking site in Malbolge with CGI. I need to store data in a database. How can I read and write files in Malbolge?

Is this the same Malbolge which is deliberately so difficult to write programs in that it took two years for the first program to be discovered (by a brute force search of the program space)? And which it then took cryptanalysis to find out how to write programs on purpose?
If so, the answer is that you can't --- it has no I/O capability other than stdin and stdout. Although I suppose you could connect it via a pty to a command line of some description.


VBA to automatically print page ranges of a PDF

At work, attached files size to email is limited to 10 Mo and because of many reasons :
Outlook is the only way to share files
I can only use the programs already installed
I am trying to create a VBA macro to :
automatically split PDF bigger than 10 Mo by printing them into smaller files
merge them on the other side
I know it is far from ideal (and many tools exists to do it), but I have no other options.
So far, it seems that I can only use PDFCreator and Adobe Reader for this task, as no other helpfull tools are deployed on my PC (mostly Office)... and I can not figure a way to use command line for printing range of pages.
I successfully created a working (very) inelegant macro, based on Shell commands and SendKeys VBA, basically emulating human interaction to print range A, then waiting for the job to be done, them printing range B, and so on... Among the many problems I should now solve :
add protection to take into account machines with different processing power (replace my timings with file creation verification and detect if jobs are still running in the background)
create a robust merging system when receiving the mail
Plus I am very dependant of the software versions installed, and I foresee a lot of issues with software updates/version if this macro is to be used by many people.
So this method doesn't have a bright futur for now, and unless I find an other way to solve this problem, I will probably give up and keep doing this manually (after all, if my employer doesn't provide better tool, I should not be expected to be as efficient as I could).
Have you any insight about how to cleverly solve this issue ?
(Yes, I already told my boss that working like this is a nightmare, but easy file exchange is not the priority).
I managed to solve my problem using 7-zip and its "-v" option using command line : I split my big file into binary smaller files and automatically create new mail with them as attachments.

Best strategy to read file only once at launch?

I am reading a file datafile at the launch of my application.This is just self learning drill.
On apple developers website under the heading Minimize File Access at Launch Time
it says
If you must read a file at launch time, do so only once.
So my question is that is there a standard or preferred way of doing this. At the moment I have an instance varible NSArray and I populate that in - (void)viewDidUnloadand never garbage collect it. Is that good enough ? or Should I be making use of application Object (I am not even sure if it is logical to say this.).
There is no standard way to optimize. But there are some guidelines.
One basic idea of optimization is to do less. E.g. as the advice you cited where the data of a file may be needed at multiple points in your code, it is better to read it from disk once and then distribute a data pointer within your program.
If the file is big enough to cause a stutter when you start your application, i.e. it takes more than 20ms to read and parse the file, you should consider reading the file in a background thread/task and adding a ‘loading…’-state to display to the user.

Is there a way to check a computer's specifications, and print the results with PXE booting?

So at work, we check computer's specifications, and need to print these in a standard format. I know how to set up a PXE server already, but I was wondering if it were easy to get a program (or write a script) that will check the computer's hardware (processor, memory, hard drive), and print it over the network.
My thoughts are that I can boot a very simple linux os over PXE, and run a script to do the dirty work. However, I'm not sure how to set it up to use a network printer, or which script to use for that matter.
All the computers have the same architecture, (x86), so a single implementation should work for all of them.
I would be inclined to avoid using a printer directly here and use something like scp or netcat to send back the information you discover.
There are a number of tools that might help collecting the data itself, depending on what exactly you want to collect. I've found dmidecode to be very useful. Potientally it can tell you the version of the BIOS, memory stick size/speed/locations and quite a lot of very detailed information. It is buggy on some older hardware with broken DMI tables though. lshal, lshw, lspci and lsusb are all fairly common on linux installations and rather useful for these things.
Have a look at GLPI. It's a good open source software used to manage IT tickets, but, it also integrates a IT infrastructure management that could turn our to be useful in your case.
There is a small piece of software to be installed on each remote client (this could be done remotely and silently) and then you can collect a lot of information and match it by IP addresses
We use 'pdsh' to manage our global network. We have a naming convention of hosts that makes the host expression easy to write. So to continue the ls### suggestion to collect the info on a collection of hardware, we would write a command like this:
[root#admin-console ~]# pdsh -R exec -w china-[1-1024] ssh %h lshal > china-lshal-cabinet-01.log
pdsh prefixes the host name to the output lines and as it runs as a concurrent operator the lines will collate. A simple sorting script using the, say "china-[1-1024]:" tag is needed to get them organized. You could also make the pdsh run sequentially by limiting its concurrency but if you are running large configurations you would want the concurrency.

Encrypt resources in Cocoa app?

I have a shell script stored in the resources folder of my Cocoa app. If used improperly it could be dangerous (even though I have taken precautions to reduce exploits, such as using the absolute path to commands) so is there any way to encrypt the script in binary format, then decrypt it when it needs to be used?
It seems as if your concern is about people getting write access to the script and modifying it to run arbitrary code. You could keep a checksum for the script in the binary and compare that with the checksum of the script before you run it. Now, how do you stop people from editing the binary too? Code signing. In fact, if you keep the shell script in the app bundle then editing the script will break the signature of the bundle anyway.
This does not make a lot of sense. If an attacker has access to edit this script file, then they likely have access to edit any number of files, your application is less likely to be a security risk than any number of other things would be attacker could do.
No. If the user will decrypt it to use it, then she can see (and intercept) the clear text at some point. If you think you have "shell-like" things to do, do them in C/ObjC... This can be your friend.
What you're asking for is essentially DRM. A different purpose (“security” instead of thwarting copyright infringement), but the same approach, with the same problems.
In order for the user to be able to normally use the (music|video|script), they must be able to decrypt it. You would do this for them under only the right conditions in your (player|app), but that doesn't matter: no matter how well you hide it, you still have to provide the user with all the technology and keys necessary to decrypt the (music|video|script), so that your (player|app) can do that.
And then, since the user has all the technology and keys necessary to decrypt it, an attacker can and eventually will uncover them all and decrypt the (music|video|script) on their own.
I second Massa's suggestion of switching away from a shell script. This doesn't completely eliminate risk: If an attacker can gain access to write to your shell script, they can gain access to write to a Mach-O executable just as easily. But editing a Mach-O executable is not nearly as easy, so you are at least raising the bar that way.

expect replacement

I want to work with a modem interfaced on a serial port on an embedded platform.
Here are some solutions I have rejected so far :
Expect plus a terminal program :
My (cross)build system does not have any package rules for expect, and according to the installation instructions from the expect sources, the configure script needs to be interactive because it does some test with the terminale it is invoked in. Thid does not look like something you want to do when cross compiling.
Python plus pyserial :
I would love to use this, but the size of the whole thing won't fit on my limited flash space.
Chat (from the pppd package):
Well, I may give it a try but it is very, very limited
So I am looking for some sort of lightweight, embeddable expect replacement. I have no knwoledge of lua. Would it be a good candidate for expect like scipting ?
Well, Expect is just Tcl plus extensions to drive other programs via pseudo-terminals and do pattern-matching on the results. If you just want to drive a serial port you can drop the external terminal program and have Tcl drive the serial port directly - see sample code. See also the Tcl Wiki page on cross-compiling.