Is "self" the only way to call another method of the same instance from an instance method? - objective-c

I have been reading Apple's "The Objective-C Programming Language", I noticed that if you have say,
Class A /w methods MA and MB, where MA calls MB with "[self MB]".
If you subclass Class A, lets call it SubClass A, and over-ride MB. Made an instance of SubClass A and call MA, it will use the new MB. Now if you call "[super MA]" instead, it will still use the new MB.
Am I correct?
So I was wondering if "self" is the "right" way to go about this, calling other methods in the same instance, or if it's only used for special situations like covering initializers.

Yes, self is the right way to send a message to the same instance that the method is executing on.
One of the big things to keep in mind about the object model of languages like Objective-C is that, conceptually, you are not "calling methods" — you're sending messages. You're telling the object what to do, not how to do it. You shouldn't normally have to think about what precise method will execute when you send a message — the object is expected to respond appropriately. So if somebody has overridden this "MB" method, presumably the new behavior is how he wants the object to respond when it gets an "MB" message. If somebody has overridden "MB" such that it is no longer usable the way the old method was, then that sounds like a bug.

Yes it is.
Using self inside your class is the right way to go if you want to call methods that are in the same class.
'self' represents the current instance of the class where you are using it.

self is the right way to go. Every method in Objective-C can be thought of as "virtual" (in C++ parlance).

In SubClass A, you don't need to make an instance, you can access any function of subClass A by sing self.
making new object makes a new instance, so it reintialize all the property for that instance.
so you can't do any thing right with this.
self always be right for accessing same class methods and property.
Hope now you can understand why self rather than making other new instance.
And [super MA] must call method of class A's MA method, no case in which MB calls for calling MA.
I have test it, there is no bug all OOPs concept follow in objective c you can call super class method by calling method on super keyword.
So Probably you are doing some thing wrong. just check it.


Do Objective-C objects get their own copies of instance methods?

I'm new to Objective-C and was wondering if anyone could provide any information to clarify this for me. My (possibly wrong) understanding of object instantiation in other languages is that the object will get it's own copies of instance variables as well as instance methods, but I'm noticing that all the literature I've read thus far about Objective-C seems to indicate that the object only gets copies of instance variables, and that even when calling an instance method, program control reverts back to the original method defined inside the class itself. For example, this page from Apple's developer site shows program flow diagrams that suggest this:
Also in Kochan's "Programming in Objective-C", 6th ed., pg. 41, referring to an example fraction class and object, the author states that:
"The first message sends the setNumerator: message to myFraction...control is then sent to the setNumerator: method you defined for your Fraction class...Objective-C...knows that it's the method from this class to use because it knows that myFraction is an object from the Fraction class"
On pg. 42, he continues:
"When you allocate a new object...enough space is reserved in memory to store the object's data, which includes space for its instance variables, plus a little more..."
All of this would seem to indicate to me that there is only ever one copy of any method, the original method defined within the class, and when calling an instance method, Objective-C simply passes control to that original copy and temporarily "wires it" to the called object's instance variables. I know I may not be using the right terminology, but is this correct? It seems logical as creating multiple copies of the same methods would be a waste of memory, but this is causing me to rethink my entire understanding of object instantiation. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Your reasoning is correct. The instance methods are shared by all instances of a class. The reason is, as you suspect, that doing it the other way would be a massive waste of memory.
The temporary wiring you speak of is that each method has an additional hidden parameter passed to it: a pointer to the calling object. Since that gives the method access to the calling object, then it can easily access all of the necessary instance variables and all is well. Note that any static variable exists in only a single instance as well and if you are not aware of that, unexpected things can happen. However, regular local variables are not shared and are recreated for each call of a method.
Apple's documention on the topic is very good so have a look for more info.
Just think of a method as a set of instructions. There is no reason to have a copy of the same method for each object. I think you may be mistaken about other languages as well. Methods are associated with the class, not individual objects.
Yes, your thinking is more or less right (although it's simpler than that: behind the scenes in most such languages methods don't need to be "wired" to anything, they just take an extra parameter for self and insert struct lookups before references to instance variables).
What might be confusing you is that not all languages work this way, in their implementations and semantically. Object-oriented languages are (very roughly) divided into two camps: class-based, like Objective-C; and prototype-based, like Javascript. In the second camp of languages, a method or procedure really is an object in its own right and can often be assigned directly to an object's instance variables as well - there are no classes to lookup methods from, only objects and other objects, all with the same first-class status (this is an oversimplification, good languages still allow for sharing and efficiency).

How to set a breakpoint on "objectAtIndex:" method of a specific property in a specific class in XCode 4?

I would like to set a symbolic breakpoint on "objectAtIndex:" method of a specific property in a specific class.
See the following code :
#interface Foo
#property (strong,nonatomic) NSMutableArray *fooArray;
I 've tried the following things:
-[[Foo fooArray] objectAtIndex:]
-[Foo::fooArray objectAtIndex:]
-[Foo::fooArray objectAtIndex]
None of theses solutions work.
Any ideas to do the trick ?
Unfortunately, while this would be useful, it cannot work, for multiple reasons.
The first involves how methods are specified. A method signature for identifying a method in a breakpoint has three parts:
-¹[NSDictionary² objectForKey:³]
+¹[NSString² stringWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error:³]
Is this an instance method (-) or a class method (+)?
Which class's implementation of this method?
What's the selector of this method?
So your first problem is that what you have written for #2 is not a class.
What you do have is a class, followed in some fashion by a property name. This cannot work, because the debugger has no way to know whether that is a pure accessor—it cannot be sure that you, or whoever implemented that property, didn't write a custom accessor that does something else. This means that the debugger has no good, reliable way to obtain that value, or to know when that value changes, without potentially incurring side effects.
Moreover, the role of a class in a method signature is to identify which class provides the implementation you're setting a breakpoint on. That goes out the window as soon as you start trying to refer to a property that holds an object instead, because the debugger needs a class, and will have to get it from the object—and see the previous paragraph for some of the difficulties of knowing which object that is at all times.
(To be fair, it would indeed be possible for the debugger to watch the value of an instance variable—IIRC, both debuggers can already do this in a watchpoint, though reliability of watchpoints was flaky the last time I tried one. If the debugger could translate the property into its backing ivar, if it has one, and watch that, it would be a decent 90% solution for the majority of properties, which aren't backed by imaginative storage implementations and custom accessors. But the debuggers cannot do this today.)
The second reason is that NSArray is a class cluster.
You probably already know the first part of this (I suspect it's why you're trying to specify a single object by a property of another):
NSArray and NSMutableArray are both abstract classes, which in turn means that neither one implements the business of being an array; each one implements a bunch of convenience methods, while leaving a select set of core methods unimplemented, for subclasses to implement.
So, when you create an NSArray, you do not create an NSArray. The object you get back will be an instance of some private subclass of NSArray, with its own implementation of all of the details of how it manages an ordered list of objects.
So you could set a breakpoint on, say, -[NSArray objectAtIndex:], but it would never get hit, because nothing uses NSArray's implementation of objectAtIndex:—it would not make sense to use that implementation, because that implementation raises an exception (intended to catch subclasses that forget to implement it).
The part that breaks your question is:
While NSArray's implementations of various non-essential methods are defined ultimately in terms of the core methods, such as objectAtIndex:, that does not mean that subclasses are bound to use those implementations. A subclass could very well have its own implementations that don't use objectAtIndex:, if objectAtIndex: is not the most efficient way to do what they do (e.g., if the array is backed by a linked list rather than a C array).
So, to summarize this long answer:
It is not possible for the debugger to reliably watch the value of a property.
As such, it is not possible for the debugger to break when a method in the class of the object that is the value of that property is called, because the correct method to set the breakpoint on may change at any time, and the debugger cannot know when that happens.
Even if you could break on objectAtIndex: of some object identified by property, the array may validly never use objectAtIndex:, in which case your breakpoint would never get hit anyway.
You probably should ask another question about whatever you're trying to do by breaking on objectAtIndex:. I assume you're trying to investigate a bug in your app; that bug is probably another interesting question.
After some digging, I found a way to work this out. That's kinda ugly.
It involves creating a conditional breakpoint dynamically, in a command triggered by a first breakpoint.
First, break whenever your fooArray is ready. I settled on the fooArray accessor, but it could be done earlier :
breakpoint set --name "-[Foo fooArray]"
Then, what you want is break when objectAtIndex: is called on this specific array object. First let's put its pointer in a variable :
expr id $watch = self->_fooArray
and then create a new breakpoint, using this variable in the condition :
breakpoint set --name "-[__NSArrayI objectAtIndex:]" --condition "$rdi == $watch"
$rdi contains self, at least on x86_64. Use $r0 on ARM. (See Clark Cox's great post on the topic.)
-[NSArray objectAtIndex:] is never called. As Peter mentioned, NSArray is a class cluster, and your array is actually an __NSArrayI.
Or, in Xcode :
(Don't forget to check the "continue" box.)
It's not really beautiful, but it seems to work !
I am not at my Mac, so I cannot try this myself, but how about:
breakpoint set -n "-[[Foo fooArray] objectAtIndex:]"

Objective C and magic methods in class

Does objective-c offer a way to intercept calls to class method that does not exist?
The forwardInvocation method is what you are going to want to use. It is called automatically when a non-existent selector is called on an object. The default behavior of this method is to call doesNotRecognizeSelector:(which is what outputs debug information to your console), but you can override it do anything you want. One recommended approach by Apple is to have this method forward the method invocation to another object.
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
Note that forwardInvocation is a fairly expensive operation. An NSInvocation object needs to be created by the framework and (optionally) used to invoke a selector on another instance. If you are looking for a (relatively) faster method of detecting non-existent selectors then you can choose to implement forwardingTargetForSelector instead.
- (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
You should Apple's documentation for how to override these methods effectively, there are some gotcha's to watch out for, particularly when overriding the forwardInvocation method on the same object that will have the missing selectors.
Yes, you can with the resolveClassMethod: class method (which is defined on NSObject):
Here is also something to watch out for (stumped me the first time):

Override a method in a single object instance

Am not sure how to put this, and I couldn't find the answer because of my inability to find the words to express what am looking for. (!)
In Java, I used to do something like this (I don't remember):
JPanel myButton = new JPanel("Press me"){
public void add(JComponent component){
//override add method
But, i couldn't find how to do this in Objective-C .. What I found in my search was categories and weird ^{} symbols ...
So, how can I override method(s) in a newly created object?
(For example, override -(BOOL)isEqual; in a newly created NSString* ?)
Am sorry if the question is a bit vague..
Obviously, without subclassing :)
Might as well post my problem in case someone has a better idea:
I have a few CCTransitions in COCOS2D, and I want to be notified when the transition ends .. The thing is, as soon as the transition ends, the -(void)finish; method is invoked (which is part of the CCTransition class structure)
I would really want to avoid subclassing the CCTransition class, and override the finish method to do my logic when the transition ends :)
-(void)onEnterTransitionDidFinish; ... I can't believe something as awesome as that existed and I haven't came across it while searching......
Which means, instead of subclassing CCTransition, override this method in my CCNode subclass :D!
It's still not going to be very clean, but assuming you're willing to concentrate the ugliness, you could do something like (untested):
Method methodToReplace =
[targetClass instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:#selector(methodToReplace)];
IMP implementationToSet =
[someProxyClass instanceMethodForSelector:#selector(implementationYouWant)];
method_setImplementation(methodToReplace, implementationToSet);
Relevant reference documentation is the Objective-C Runtime Reference and, optionally, the NSObject Class Reference (because it makes a few things slightly neater, though e.g. you could use class_getInstanceMethod from the runtime rather than instanceMethodSigntureForSelector:).
Note that you'll have no way to call the original implementation if you use exactly that recipe. method_setImplementation returns the old implementation, it's generally wise to add that to the class under a brand new selector and call that instead.
For reference, I've had a legitimate reason to do this sort of thing only exactly once: when we implemented printing support in an iOS application with which needed to be compatible with both OS 3.2 and 4.0. You need to subclass a particular class, but the class isn't available in 3.2. So you sort of have to subclass at runtime (though the conceptually neater way would be to use a normal subclass, put that into a framework and weak link, but Apple's iOS SDK terms allow static libraries only, so...).
Following Daniel's suggestion, you can implement a method in an NSObject category of the form
[anObject overrideMethod:#selector(foo:)
byBlock:^(id self,id super,id originalArg){
What you need to do is to
objc_allocateClassPair against self's own class, to create a new temporary class
Turn a block into a function pointer, using e.g. this or this
method_setImplementation to set the new implementation to the temporary class
use object_setClass to self to set the class to the new temporary class
I haven't figured out how to provide super to the block :p
It's believed this is basically how the KVO is done by Apple, see e.g. this discussion.
Read Runtime reference.
What you have there in Java is an anonymous subclass. This is not possible in Objective-C (well, it sort of is but you would have to do some pretty involved contortions with the Obj-C runtime library).
But Objective-C as of iOS 4 or OS X 10.6 has "blocks", which is what the ^{} syntax is for. This is Objective-C's notion of a closure. This isn't going to help you directly if the APIs that you're calling don't support block callbacks, but you may be able to create wrapper classes that use blocks instead of subclassed methods to handle callbacks.
There are many resources for learning about blocks in Objective-C.

Do I have to create an instance of a class in order to assign it a delegate?

Sorry for noobness-level of the question.
I saw this answer, where it says
Add something like this to your NSURLConnection delegate
However, the method in question, sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error:, is a class method. If I understand delegate methods correctly, they use a delegate which is specified when the NSURLConnection object is initiated.
So, if I have no instance of the class, a delegate can't be used. Did I understand correctly?
Yes, you are correct. In Cocoa, assigning a delegate requires an instance. In the case of NSURLConnection, its delegate is supposed to be used when making an asynchronous request that is initiated with -initWithRequest:delegate: or +connectionWithRequest:delegate:
Since classes are also objects it could be conceived that they also could have delegates. However, since there is no concept of class variables in Objective-C, a class would have nowhere to store its delegate (it could use a standard C variable in its .m file, though). Anyway, this concept is not used in Cocoa.
Yes delegates are used for handling events when you send your request asynchronously.
While sending synchronous request using +sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error: method delegates are not used - you only get the resulting data and (optionally) server response and error and not aware about intermediate loading events (and remember that calling thread is also blocked while connection is in progress).