Using JFace ProjectionViewer in Standalone App - jface

I've been trying to use the JFace ProjectionViewer to implement folding in a standalone Java app. I got the idea from this article:
However the source code provided with the article is for an Eclipse plug-in, not for a standalone.
The particular problem I'm having is that I can't get the VerticalRuler to respond and cause folding/unfolding.
Since I get the expected results, i.e. line numbers in the ruler, when I change from using a VerticalRuler to a LineNumberRuler while leaving everything else the same, I think my problem is specific to the implementation of the relationship among the ProjectionViewer, the VerticalRuler, and the Annotations.
My exact question is whether anyone has gotten this to work in a stand-alone code and, if so, how?


How to add an ABAPDoc for a method that is an enhancement of a standard class?

I have extended a class by one method, using the Enhancement Framework.
Now, my problem is that I want to add ABAPDoc to it but cannot find any way to do it!
The code in the Enhancement Include section seems to be editable in no way.
Is there any way to do it at all? I tried also from ADT in Eclipse but this calls the SAP GUI anyway.
What are you trying to do is indeed impossible.
The enhancement include is a technical object and it cannot be edited from the tab you highlighted, it is auto-generated as you changing pre- and post-methods.
What this tab shows is not an include itself, but the placement of the enh. include within the parent object
If you want to change the method comment from enhancement, you should go to Technical details tab and click on changed object, or just go to the class in SE24 and press to pre/post exit button, and you will end up in the same include:
You can write the ABAPDoc-syntaxed comment, but for me it didn't work, and Eclipse didn't recognized my comment written in SAPGui, maybe you will be luckier.
ABAPDoc team describes this piece in a fuzzy manner, it may be an expected behavior:
This ABAPDoc is only available to ADT and not SE80? I can not use it in SAP GUI development?
You can also write it in the source code and you will get also warnings when you execute a check, but there is no dedicated tools support like source code element information or quick assist (Ctrl+1)
To your principal question, ABAPDoc is a two-way road when viewing: the ABAPDocs can be viewed both from the Eclipse and SE80, and they are automatically showed in SE80 description fields (but only if they are declared synchronized).
But it seems to be a one-way road for edit: they can be created only in ADT Eclipse to be fully compatible. If the object cannot be opened in Eclipse natively like your enhancement you are out of the luck.
I put seems because I am not 100% sure. Maybe on later systems it was fixed, but on my 750 they are not recognized by Eclipse for enhanced methods.
The only reliable way of "editing" via SE80 is writing the comments to descriptions and then importing these SE80 descriptions into ABAPDoc in Eclipse
which is ridiculous in context of your question, so there is no way for you.

Scaling Handled Differently in Java and Eclipse Framework

We have a problem using Paperclips (printing library for SWT) on scaled monitors, but I don't think it has anything to do with the framework and all with the Eclipse environment.
Let's see an example:
Left is the print with no scaling (or 100%), right is the same print started on a monitor with 175% scaling. I know what you are thinking: the monitor and its resolution / scaling should have no influence on a print. Right, should.
While that's sad and all, it would not be much of a problem. But there comes the kicker: The above prints were generated by a JUnit test case run as plug-in test. If I run them as a regular unit test both work.
Clearly something in the Eclipse environment works differently when started in an OSGi context, and I'm trying to find out what it is (so I can maybe prevent it).
And I think that's a nice puzzle.
If you need a hint for what SWT class might be the , I narrowed it down to this file for the table (i.e if I remove the instance of ScalePrint from my demo, the table is displayed correctly; the header is still wrong, though).
I can confirm the error exists only in Eclipse 4.6, and not 4.5 or 3.7 (which is not entirely surprising, since 4.6 is the first version to support scaling). And if I add -Dswt.autoScale=100 to the VM options to disable scaling, it works as expected, too.
I could append my test case, but as I said, I don't really think it has anything to do with Paperclips per se.
So... what could break the scaling when the entire Eclipse framework is started compared to running the same code in a plain Java application?
The Problem is the use of the class Transform, which itself uses the static field DPIUtil.deviceZoom (in the form of DPIUtil.autoScaleUp(float dx)).
Since DPIUtil.deviceZoom is a static field everything fails when used with a primary monitor that has scaling (since printers don't).

Can FsXaml be used in an F# interpreted script?

I just converted one of the FsXaml demo programs to an interpreted F# script so I could experiment with it and learn. It wouldn't run, and the interpreter gave me the following error message:
System.NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a
dynamic assembly.
at System.Reflection.Emit.InternalAssemblyBuilder.GetManifestResourceStream(String
at FsXaml.InjectXaml.from(String file, Object root)
FsXaml.App.InitializeComponent() at FsXaml.App..ctor()
FSI_0002.main[a](a argv)
in C:\Users\bobmc\OneDrive\FSharp\Learning\WPFExamples\FsXaml\demos\WpfSimpleMvvmApplication\WPFApp.fsx:line 104
at .$FSI_0002.main#() in
Can I use the F# interpreter with FsXaml? Thanks to all for your help.
Unfortunately, WPF and scripts don't play well together.
The exception occurs within the WPF runtime itself - FsXaml.InjectXaml is using a XamlObjectWriter to populate the type with the contents from the XAML file. This type doesn't work if you're using a dynamic assembly (like FSI), which unfortunately means that FsXaml will likely never be able to work from FSI.
That being said, even if there was a way around this, it'd be of very limited use. WPF also has restrictions that make it not play well with a scripting scenario, such as the "only one application can ever be created within a given AppDomain" restriction. That one makes it so closing the "main" (first) window makes it so you can never open another one. As such, I haven't prioritized trying to make this work in FSI.
I'd be happy to accept contributions if somebody has an idea of how to make FsXaml play more nicely within the context of FSI, but at this point, I don't see a good solution for that usage scenario.
Edit: FsXaml 3.1.6 now includes functionality to make this a lot easier. It works well, provided you don't close the main window, or you use dialogs. There is a demo application/script illustrating this.

Get the results of an (existing) code inspection

I am new to writing intellij plugins, so I apologize in advance if my question might be a bit unclear.
I know that (live) code inspections are achieved via Annotators or LocalInspectionTools. I also know there is an API to write a custom Annotator or Inspection tool and I have seen several examples.
What I do not know (my question): is there a manager/helper/"global inspector" that can provide me with the results of an existing code annotator/inspection process (done by the IDE's plugins or by some 3rd party plugin)?
For instance: I do not want to write a custom Lint annotator/inspection plugin for WebStorm. One can configure JSLint/JSHint inside WebStorm settings. The results of the live inspection can be seen over the current file/current open editor.
I would like to get the results of this live inspection, that occurs in the current open editor (inside my own custom code). For this I am interested in the API to get this annotator/inspector and/or the results it provides.
(I apologize for maybe using annotator and inspection terms in a confusing manner)
If there is another question (which I could not find) that duplicates what I have asked above, please re-direct me.
Thank you in advance!
Unfortunately regular annotating process for the linters is asynchronous so you cannot get the annotation results directly (by calling 'Manager' method).
You can create instances of JSLintInspection, JSHintInspection, etc. and call #createVisitor().visit(File) method but the operation is very slow and you must call it outside of AWT thread.
Also you can try to run the method com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.DaemonCodeAnalyzerEx#processHighlights but as I mentioned above the annotation results for linters can be not available (or outdated)

All the tests of the same category show up as only one test result w/ TestNG in Intellij and I'd like it not to happen. How?

I have been developing a project which contains a TestLauncher class that'll read a given directory and for each file it contains, run it against my tool and yield the results.
So, when coding in Eclipse, it would show up one result for each test (as expected). Today I've been toying with Intellij, and I've decided to try to run and code a bit of this project in Intellij.
When trying to run the tests, though, it seems to be only showing up 2 results instead of the 100+ it should. Although I am sure it is running the full suite, it seems to be folding all the results of a given category in a single result. That means that if I have at least one failing test in each category, it shows up as a "failed test".
I guess this must not be a bug, but rather some configuration that I am not aware about and that is on by default in Intellij but not in Eclipse. Could anyone explain what might be going on?
Edit: I am using the latest Intellij (downloaded one of these days).
What you're seeing is simply a difference in the way the Eclipse and IDEA plug-ins are implemented. I implemented the Eclipse plug-in to be pretty clever in its display, so it will show different things depending on various factors such as the presence of a toString() method in your test class or whether your test class implements org.testng.ITest.
I suggest you ask this question on the IDEA forums and if you don't get any response, feel free to email the testng-users list and I can put you in touch with the JetBrains engineer in charge of the TestNG plug-in.
The IntelliJ-IDEA TestNG Plugin has a filter symbol called "Hide Passed" above the output Test Results. You can toggle that to display all tests, including the passed ones.