MDI Parent and Children -

I have four children in a parent container. Each child form is a test for the user to type correct answers into text boxes. Option to open each form is on a menu strip in the parent. In form load, I have disabled all but the first form option. I only want the second form to become available if the first form answers are correct. I would like to figure this out on my own as much as possible. I have searched on line but since I am not sure what to ask, I have not found and answer. Can someone get me started in the right direction? Perhaps some reading that would explain how to go about this, or what I should be typing into google to get what I'm looking for.
private bool CheckFormExistence(stringformName)
bool formFound = false;
foreach (Form formTest in MdiChildren)
if (formTest.Name== formName)
formFound = true;
return formFound;
private void toolStripMenuItemStationOne_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool formExists = false;
FormBlue1 blueOne;
formExists = CheckFormExistence("FormBlue1");
if (!formExists)
blueOne = new FormBlue1();
blueOne.MdiParent = this;


XAML forms have second picker sorted based on selection in first picker

I have 2 dropdowns (pickers) on a XAML form. The first is an ObservabelCollection of Territories. The second is an ObservableCollection of type Tracks. When the form loads my ViewModel loads both collections and each collection is bound to a picker. I want to filter and display only those tracks that are associated with the selected territory in the second picker.
FYI-the second picker is disabled until a selection is made in the first. Actually I don't require that the second picker's data source be set as the form loads, unless the solution requires it. The selection in the first picker will be the key to filter the data for the second.
I have tried to handle the filtering in the Territory picker's SelectedIndexChanged event but my ObservableCollection 'tracks' is not exposed here.
private void territoryPicker_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var picker = (Picker)sender;
string territory = picker.SelectedItem.ToString();
Tracks _track = tracks.Where(X => X.Territory = territory);<<<==== Does not work
trackPicker.ItemsSource = _track.Track;<<<==== Does not work
trackPicker.IsEnabled = true;
I've also tried to not build the Tracks OC until after the Territory is selected like this:
private void territoryPicker_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var picker = (Picker)sender;
string territory = picker.SelectedItem.ToString();
TrackViewModel vm = new TrackViewModel();
var _tracks = (Tracks)vm.Tracks; <<<<<==== This does not work
trackPicker.IsEnabled = true;
The ViewModel runs and the tracks are loaded via the API but when it returns here Tracks is empty.
I'm open to a reasonable solution (not 3rd party controls/packages) that will accomplish this task . Thanks
I figured it out by stumbling over the answer while researching another issue. I have been referencing my viewmodel in the {content].xaml page like this.
<vm:TrackViewModel />
When doing so the resources of that vm were not available in the code behind. But when I reference the VM in the page constructor Like this:
public partial class RequestmyTracks : ContentPage
TrackViewModel trackviewmodel = new TrackViewModel();
And then bind it here:
public RequestmyTracks()
BindingContext = trackviewmodel;
The trackviewmodel is accessible in the SelectedIndexChanged event and everything else was really straight forward, Which looks like this:
private void territoryPicker_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var picker = (Picker)sender;
string territory = picker.SelectedItem.ToString();
ObservableCollection<Tracks> dah = (ObservableCollection<Tracks>)trackviewmodel.Tracks;
List<string> trackNames = new List<string>();
foreach (var track in dah)
if (track.Territory == territory)
trackPicker.ItemsSource = trackNames;
if(trackNames.Count ==1)
trackPicker.SelectedIndex = 0;
trackPicker.IsEnabled = true;
Thanks for the help

Javafx Hyperlink parameters on action

Thank you for reading my question and apologies for the noobness
I am writing my first JavaFX application in which I have an array of hyperlinks which have latitude longitude (e.g. "42N 7E") in the text value of the hyperlink which is being updated every second from another Thread and updates the hyperlink text in the Main Thread. (This works fine)
public static void setPosLatLong(String posLatLong, int SID) {
I am trying to use the value in the hyperlink text when clicking on the hyperlink to dynamically change the destination URL with the latest latlong values... but I get the error 'local variables referenced from a lambda expression must be final or effectively final'
int SID = 'id of the hyperlink corresponding to a machine'
posLatLong[SID] = new Hyperlink();
posLatLong[SID].setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
getHostServices().showDocument("" + posLatLong[SID].getText());
I have tried all kinds of ways to get around this but I am shamefully stuck. If anyone could point me in the right direction so that the last updated value in the hyperlink array is passed as a parameter when opening the browser it would be greatly appreciated.
I think I managed to find a solution myself so I'll post it in case it could be useful to someone
posLatLong[i].setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
String eventLatLong = "";
Object source = event.getSource();
if (source instanceof Hyperlink) {
Hyperlink link = (Hyperlink) source;
eventLatLong = link.getText();
getHostServices().showDocument("" + eventLatLong );
Tada !

Loading Xaml via XamlReader only for Preview

just got some Problems with Loading Xaml Files by Runtime.
For your Information my Code-Snippet to Load the File as Content of a Usercontrol:
public UserControl LoadXaml(FileInfo paramFile)
FileInfo _XamlFile = paramFile;
UIElement rootElement;
FileStream s = new FileStream(_XamlFile.FullName, FileMode.Open);
rootElement = (UIElement)XamlReader.Load(s);
UserControl uc = new UserControl();
if (rootElement.GetType() == typeof(Window))
uc.Content = (rootElement as Window).Content;
uc = rootElement as UserControl;
return uc;
private void lstPDFDokumente_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
var _XamlFile = ((System.Windows.Controls.ListBox)sender).SelectedItem as FileInfo;
if (_XamlFile != null)
System.Windows.Controls.UserControl rootElement;
rootElement = XamlController.LoadXaml(_XamlFile);
This works fine while Events and x:Class="..." are deleted by hand.
The Problems I try to solve are:
If there is a x:Class="..." at the root element the XamlReader throws the first exception.
When the XamlReader reaches a Control which contains an event, for Example Click or TextChanged, it throws another Exception.
What i try to figure out is how to load a XamlFile, show it inside of a Control in the main Window and to show some of the attributes like Name,Height,Width and so on.
Just read dozens of Websites but never found a topic about to make a preview or things like that.
One of the solutions i tried is to read the Xaml File as XML and delete that code.
The Problem was to get a list of all possible Events in C#.
If there are some Questions to that Code, feel free to ask :)

SharePoint 2010 Rename Document on Upload Fails in Explorer View

I'm trying to implement a customization in SharePoint 2010 so that when a document is uploaded to a library, the file name is changed to include the Document ID in the name. (I know that people shouldn't worry about file names as much any more, but we have a lot of legacy files already named and users who like to have local copies).
I was able to implement a custom Event Receiver on the ItemAdded event that renames the file by adding the Document ID before the file name. This works correctly from the web Upload.
The problem is with the Explorer View. When I try to add the file using WebDAV in the Explorer View, I get two copies of the file. It seems that when a file is uploaded via the Web the events that fire are
But when I copy/paste a file into Explorer View I see the following events:
The result is I have two files with different names (since the Document IDs are different).
I've found a lot of people talking about this issue online (this is the best article I found). Anyone have any other ideas? Would it make more sense to do this in a workflow instead of an event receiver? I could use a scheduled job instead, but that might be confusing to the user if the document name changed a few minutes later.
This is my code that works great when using the Web upload but not when using Explorer View:
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
SPListItem currentItem = properties.ListItem;
if (currentItem["_dlc_DocId"] != null)
string docId = currentItem["_dlc_DocId"].ToString();
if (!currentItem["BaseName"].ToString().StartsWith(docId))
EventFiringEnabled = false;
currentItem["BaseName"] = docId + currentItem["BaseName"];
EventFiringEnabled = true;
catch (Exception ex)
//Probably should log an error here
I have found that using a Visual Studio workflow allows me the most flexibility to do this. A SharePoint Designer Workflow would be simpler, but would be harder to deploy to different sites and libraries.
After reading some good articles including this and this I have come up with this code which seems to work. It starts a workflow and waits until the document is not in a LockState and then processes the filename.
The workflow looks like this:
And here is the code behind:
namespace ControlledDocuments.RenameWorkflow
public sealed partial class RenameWorkflow : SequentialWorkflowActivity
public RenameWorkflow()
public Guid workflowId = default(System.Guid);
public SPWorkflowActivationProperties workflowProperties = new SPWorkflowActivationProperties();
Boolean continueWaiting = true;
private void onWorkflowActivated1_Invoked(object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs e)
private void whileActivity(object sender, ConditionalEventArgs e)
e.Result = continueWaiting;
private void onWorkflowItemChanged(object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs e)
private void CheckFileStatus()
if (workflowProperties.Item.File.LockType == SPFile.SPLockType.None)
continueWaiting = false;
private void renameFile(object sender, EventArgs e)
SPListItem currentItem = workflowProperties.Item;
if (currentItem["_dlc_DocId"] != null)
string docId = currentItem["_dlc_DocId"].ToString();
if (!currentItem["BaseName"].ToString().StartsWith(docId))
currentItem["BaseName"] = docId + currentItem["BaseName"];
catch (Exception ex)
//Should do something useful here
Hope this helps someone else if they have the same problem.
Well i'd go for the workflow workaround... there are 2 options imo:
1) Create a boolean fied in your document library, then create a SPD workflow that fires when the item is added and set that field to "Changed" or something. In the EventReceiver you then check whether that field has been set..
2) Do everything with the SPD workflow - changing the title like in this example should be no problem.

AutoCompleteBox and SearchText Clear

This is not a question but my answer to a problem I could not find a solution to on the internet.
I had a problem clearing the SearchText in an MVVM Silverlight application. I could clear clear the SelectedItem and Text but the SearchText was left behind. It is read only and cannot be changed by binding.
Example: AutoCompleteBox with a list of Countries. When the user wants to enter Australia they enter 'au' at this point the list appers with Austria and Australia. The user can then select Australia and move on. At the end of editing they click on a 'Save' button. At this point it is likely that you would want to clear the data forn for entering new data.
Even if you have bindings to the SelectedItem and the Text properties and you set them to 'null' and string.Empty respectively the SearchText property remains and the AutoCompleteBox will not clear but will contain 'au'.
I posted about this all over the internet but could get no answer on the control itself and so I came at it from a different angle which may help someone who ends up frustrated like me.
I am using a Silverlight Navigation template application which uses a NavigationFrame in which to load Silverlight pages. I noticed that if I navigated to another page and returned to my data form the SearchText was cleared. Any values that were bound to properties remained valid, just the SearchText had cleared on all AutoCompleteBoxes. I therefore used the PageConductor method of injecting the NavigationFrame into the ViewModel where I could call the refresh method. I got this method from John Papa's example from the Silverlight Firestarter event , I simply added a Refresh method to the IPageConductor interface so I am now able to call 'PageConductor.Refresh()' which is like reloading the page. I hope this helps someone out there.
var t = ProductCombo.ItemsSource;
ProductCombo.ItemsSource = null;
ProductCombo.Text = string.Empty;
ProductCombo.SelectedValue = null;
//ProductCombo.Text = string.Empty;
ProductCombo.ItemsSource = t;
Try this worked for me
You must clear the property bindeaded to Text inside set part of SelectedItem Binded property, like this:
public string AnalisisText
get { return _analisisText; }
if (_analisisText == value)
_analisisText = value;
public DatosAutoCompletaPedidosDetalleViewDTO AnalisisSelect
get { return _analisisSelect; }
if (_analisisSelect == value)
_analisisSelect = value;
if (_analisisSelect == null) AnalisisText = "";
So, when you set null to property SelectedItem , the other property will set to "".
The easiest way I've found is to extend the AutoCompleteBox:
public class AutoCompleteBoxClear : AutoCompleteBox
public AutoCompleteBoxClear()
DataContextChanged += (o, e) =>
if (SelectedItem == null)
Text = string.Empty;
Now use your new AutoCompleteBoxClear control in your XAML.
This clears the text only when autocompletebox datacontext changes to null (ie the user clicks add in the dataform.)
Note: I think DataContextChanged is available only in Silverlight 5, but I'd guess that anyone still using Silverlight these days would likely have upgraded by now...
var t = ProductCombo.ItemsSource;
ProductCombo.ItemsSource = null;
ProductCombo.Text = string.Empty;
ProductCombo.SelectedValue = null;
//ProductCombo.Text = string.Empty;
ProductCombo.ItemsSource = t;
Unfotunately this is code-behind and I needed an MVVM solution.
I recently had the same problem with my WPF app. I found out that the solution is not to set the object bound to SelectedItem to null, but to its default value. Took me a while to figure this out. So in your example, it would not be SelectedCountry = null, but SelectedCountry = new SelectedCountry(). In this case the SearchText is cleared also. Check my SO post regarding this matter: Autocompletebox doesn't clear keyboard strokes.
Sure SearchText property is read-only, but we can get the child component of AutoCompleteBox:
var searchText = autoCompBox.GetChildByType<TextBox>(item => item.Name == "Text");
And now we can reset SearchText via Text property of TextBox-component:
if (searchText != null) searchText.Text = string.Empty;
In C# 6.0 it is more laconically:
autoCompBox.GetChildByType<TextBox>(item => item.Name == "Text")?.Text = string.Empty;