Multiple UnitOfWorks, ISession and repositories - nhibernate

Do you know a good example somewhere for this?
What I would like is the following:
using(IUnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWork.Start())
But this case is too ideal, because what I also want is multiple UnitOfWorks (per presenter in most cases, and this is not for a web app). In that case, how will repositories know which UnitOfWork to use if I don't give them that explicitly like
repository.UnitOfWork = uow;
My goal is to have every UnitOfWork contain a ISession behind, so one UOW per presenter, one ISession per presenter. Note: I know that ISession is esentially UOW, but I must proceed this way...
Any advices are appreciated

What I do, is pass the unitOfWork that should be used to the Repository.
To achieve this, you can make sure that you have to pass the UnitOfWork instance that must be used by the repository in the repository's constructor.
In order to make it all a bit more user-friendly, you can create extension methods on your UnitOfWork that are specific for your project (supposing that your UnitOfWork is generic and used in multiple projects) that look like this:
public static class UnitOfWorkExtensions
public static IRepositoryA GetRepositoryA( this UnitOfWork uow )
return new RepositoryA(uow);
public static IRepositoryB GetRepositoryB( this UnitOfWork uow )
return new RepositoryB(uow);
Then, it enables you to do this:
using(IUnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWork.Start())
var repositoryA = uow.GetRepositoryA();
var repositoryB = uow.GetRepositoryB();


How to correctly dispose objects registered with Autofac

I've implemented Unit of Work/Repository pattern, as described here, but I'm also using autofac and constructor injection, so I registered UnitOfWork and DbContext (PsyProfContext) class like this:
builder.Register(context => new PsyProfContext()).InstancePerHttpRequest();
And everything works great!
Except for one thing: I'm also using enterprise library logging block, and I have implemented CustomTraceListener which is using Entity Framework to write log entry into the database.
My controller looks like this (it is empty because at the moment I just tried to verify if all the things (IoC, logging, entity framework) are working):
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly UnitOfWork unitOfWork;
public HomeController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
this.unitOfWork = (UnitOfWork) unitOfWork;
// GET: /Home/
public ActionResult Index()
throw new HttpException();
return View();
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
And in the Write method of the CustomTraceListener class, I've tried to Resolve UnitOfWork:
DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IUnitOfWork>() as UnitOfWork;
But I get an instance which is already disposed! so I've put some breakpoints and found out that Dispose method of the controller is called before the Write method of the CustomTraceListener class, so in the end I didn't found other solution than using DbContext (PsyProfContext) directly:
public override void Write(object o)
using (var conext = new PsyProfContext())
var customLogEntry = o as CustomLogEntry;
if (customLogEntry != null)
var logEntry = new LogEntry
//a bunch of properties
But I don't like this solution! What's the point to use UnitOfWork and Repository pattern if you access DbContext object directly. Or what's the point in using DI in project if you create a registered object manually in some cases.
So I wanted to hear your opinion, about how to deal with this kind of situations? Is my current implementation fine, or it is definitely wrong and I should think about another one.
Any help will be greatly appreciated and any ideas are welcome!
It looks like you may have a couple of problems.
First, if you're manually disposing the unit of work object in your controller, your controller should take an Owned<IUnitOfWork> in the constructor. When the request lifetime is disposed it will automatically dispose of any IDisposable components - including the controller and any resolved dependencies - unless you specify somehow that you're going to take over ownership of the lifetime. You can do that by using Owned<T>.
public class HomeController : Controller
Owned<IUnitOfWork> _uow;
public HomeController(Owned<IUnitOfWork> uow)
this._uow = uow;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
(Note a minor logic fix in the Dispose override there - you need to check the value of disposing so you don't double-dispose your unit of work.)
Alternatively, you could register your units of work as ExternallyOwned, like
ExternallyOwned also tells Autofac that you'll take control of disposal. In that case, your controller will look like it does already. (Generally I like to just let Autofac do the work, though, and not take ownership if I can avoid it.)
In fact, looking at the way things are set up, you might be able to avoid the disposal problem altogether if you let Autofac do the disposal for you - the call to DependencyResolver would return the unit of work that isn't disposed yet and it'd be OK.
If that doesn't fix it... you may want to add some detail to your question. I see where your controller is using the unit of work class, but I don't see where it logs anything, nor do I see anything in the listener implementation that's using the unit of work.
(Also, as noted in the first comment on your question, in the constructor of your controller you shouldn't be casting your service from IUnitOfWork to UnitOfWork - that's breaking the abstraction that the interface was offering in the first place.)

What is the correct way to use Unit of Work/Repositories within the business layer?

Having built a small application using the Unit of Work/Repository pattern, I am struggling to understand how to use this properly within my business layer. My application has a a data access layer which can be either NHibernate or the Entity Framework. I can switch between these easily.
I have a number of repositories, for example, Customer, Order etc. My unit of work will be either an ISession or an Object Context depending on which DAL I want to test with.
My business layer contains a single business method - CreateOrder(). What I am struggling to understand is where in the business layer I should be initialising my unit of work and my repositories.
Focusing on Nhibernate, my DAL looks like:
public class NHibernateDAL : IUnitOfWork
log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(NHibernateDAL));
ISession context;
public NHibernateDAL()
context = SessionProvider.OpenSession();
public ISession Context
get { return context; }
public void Commit()
public void Dispose()
ISession session = CurrentSessionContext.Unbind(SessionProvider.SessionFactory);
Within my business layer, I want to know where I should be declaring my Unit of Work and repositories. Are they declared at class level or within the CreateOrder method?
For example:
public class BusinessLogic
UnitOfWork _unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(NHibernateDAL);
NhRepository<Order> _orderRepository = new NhRepository<Order>(_unitOfWork);
NhRepository<Customer> _customerRepository = new NhRepository<Customer>(_unitOfWork);
public void CreateOrder(.....)
Order order = new Order();
The above code works only for the first time the CreateOrder() method is called, but not for subsequent calls because the session is closed. I have tried removing the 'context.Close()' call after committing the transaction but this also fails. Although the above approach doesn't work, it seems more correct to me to declare my repositories and unit of work with this scope.
However, if I implement it as below instead it works fine, but it seems unnatural to declare the repositories and unit of work within the scope of the method itself. If I had a tonne of business methods then I would be declaring repositories and Units of Work all over the place:
public class BusinessLogic
public void CreateOrder(.....)
UnitOfWork _unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(NHibernateDAL);
var _orderRepository = new NhRepository<Order>(_unitOfWork);
NhRepository<Customer> _customerRepository = null;
Order order = new Order();
If I were to implement this with class level declaration then I think I would need some means of re-opening the same unit of work at the start of the CreateOrder method.
What is the correct way to use the unit of work and repositories within the business layer?
Looks to me like you've almost got it. In our new server stack I have this setup:
WCF Service Layer --> just returns results from my Business Layer
My business layer is called, creates a unitofwork, creates the respository
Calls the respository function
Uses AutoMapper to move returned results into a DTO
My repository gets the query results and populates a composite object.
Looks almost like what you've got there. Though we use Unity to locate what you call the business layer. (we just call it our function processor)
What I would highly suggest, though, is that you do NOT keep the UnitOfWork at the class level. After all each descreet function is a unit of work. So mine is like this (the names have been changed to protect the innocent):
using ( UnitOfWorkScope scope = new UnitOfWorkScope( TransactionMode.Default ) )
ProcessRepository repository = new ProcessRepository( );
CompositionResultSet result = repository.Get( key );
scope.Commit( );
MapData( );
return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<ProcessSetDTO>( result );
We also had a long discussion on when to do a scope.Commit and while it isn't needed for queries, it establishes a consistent pattern for every function in the application layer. BTW we are using NCommon for our repository/unitofwork patterns and do not have to pass the UoW to the repository.
Your IUnitOfWork implementation contains all repositories.
Your IUnitOfWork is injected into your presentation layer like mvc controller.
Your IUnitOfWork is injected into mvc controller.
Your IRepository is injected into your UnitOfWork implementation.

Create an instance of ISession per ViewModel

here is my problem: I'm building a desktop application, with the following tools:
All my view models and repositories are instanciated with Ninject. My repositories all need an ISession in their constructor.
I'd like to follow ayende's advice concerning the ViewModels: each ViewModel opens a new session.
Is it possible to configure Ninject to open a new session when a ViewModel is created, and use this session inside the repositories used by this view model?
I had a look to the InScope function of Ninject, as well as the ICurrentSessionContext interface in NHibernate, but I don't know how to model all of that to get what I want...
Did someone make something like that before?
Thanks in advance
I solved a similar scenario leveraging the ViewModel lifecycle: I created an ISessionAware interface (with a SetSession method) to be implemented by repositories, then I initialized the repositories through ISessionAware in the OnInitialize method of the ViewModel (which is enforced by Caliburn when the VM is managed by a ScreenConductor).
Using reflection to inspect the properties holding the repositories, I could put all the infrastructure on a BaseDataVM class.
Using a scope in the container would be more elegant, I think, but I don't know Ninject.
I have a very similar project (except I'm not using Caliburn) and have been trying to figure out how to do this as well. I did come up with one method that works well for constructor injection using Ninject's InScope() method.
I have a static class called IoC that wraps access to Ninject's kernel. Since the dependencies are all injected into the constructor, the context is only relevant when the object is being created. So it doesn't matter what is supplied for context, but a Guid feels like the safe choice. Program.OpenSession() is a static method to open a new ISession.
public static class Ioc
private static readonly IKernel _kernel;
static IoC()
_kernel = new StandardKernel();
_kernel.Load(new ContextModule());
private static object _context;
public static T ResolveInContext<T>(object context)
_context = context;
var result = _kernel.Get<T>();
_context = null;
return result;
private class ContextModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<ISession>().ToMethod(x => Program.OpenSession()).InScope(x => _context);
Bind<frmCompanyViewer>().ToSelf().InScope(x => _context);
Usage is:
var frm = IoC.ResolveInContext<frmCompanyViewer>(Guid.NewGuid());
The form's constructor signature is:
public frmCompanyViewer(ISession session, ICompanyRepository companyRepository)
I verified that with InScope on the bindings, the same ISession that is used to construct frmCompanyViewer is also used to construct companyRepository. If I remove InScope then two ISessions are used.
Edited to add: This would also work, see comments. This should be made thread safe for a real application. I changed the method name to ConstructInContext to clarify that the context only applies during object construction.
public static T ConstructInContext<T>()
_context = Guid.NewGuid();
var result = _kernel.Get<T>();
_context = null;
return result;
We have this with AOP, in unhaddins.
Is called "Conversation per Business Transaction".
search in google
here you have ;)
Well, I've found a solution thanks to the ninject group.
The solution here is to use the function InScope when I bind ISession, and browse in the IContext variable to inspect the services. If one service in the request hierarchy is assignable to the base class of my view models, I use the context as scope.
So the first time an ISession will be injected in the constructor of my ViewModel, a new scope is used. And all subsequent calls to ISession inside the constructor of the ViewModel will be resolved with the same scope. And then only one session is created for my ViewModel.
Here is the code:
Bind<ISession>().ToMethod(ctx =>
var session = ctx.Kernel.Get<INHibernateSessionFactoryBuilder>()
session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Commit;
return session;
.InScope(ctx =>
var request = ctx.Request;
if (request.Service is IScreen)
return request;
while ((request = request.ParentRequest) != null)
if (typeof(IScreen).IsAssignableFrom(request.Service))
return request;
return new object();
And the constructor of the viewmodel must contains all the injected dependencies which rely on the ISession:
public PlayersManagementViewModel(ISession session, IPlayersRepository playersRepository)
Hope that helps

When using Dependency Injection with StructureMap how do I chooose among multiple constructors?

I'm trying to get structuremap to build Fluent Nhibernate's SessionSource object for some of my intregration tests. The only problem is that Fluent's concrete implementation of ISessionSource (SessionSource) has 3 constructors:
public SessionSource(PersistenceModel model)
Initialize(new Configuration().Configure(), model);
public SessionSource(IDictionary<string, string> properties, PersistenceModel model)
Initialize(new Configuration().AddProperties(properties), model);
public SessionSource(FluentConfiguration config)
configuration = config.Configuration;
sessionFactory = config.BuildSessionFactory();
dialect = Dialect.GetDialect(configuration.Properties);
I've tried configuring my ObjectFactory supplying an argument for the first constructor but it seems like it wants to try the second one.
How do I configure my ObjectFactory so that I can choose the first constructor or perhaps even another one if I decide to use that?
In your registry you can do it like this:
SelectConstructor<SessionSource>(()=> new SessionSource((FluentConfiguration)null));

Using nHibernate and the repository pattern, need some direction

Ok so I 'm just getting into nhibernate (using fluent).
One thing that I love about it is that I can use the Repository pattern (read about it from the nhibernate rhino blog).
Basically using generics, I can create methods that will work accross ALL my database tables.
public interface IRepository<T>
T GetById(int id);
ICollection<T> FindAll();
void Add(T entity);
void Remove(T entity);
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T>
public ISession Session
return SessionProvider.GetSession();
public T GetById(int id)
return Session.Get<T>(id);
public ICollection<T> FindAll()
return Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T)).List<T>();
public void Add(T t)
public void Remove(T t)
I then inherit the Repository class and I can then add methods that are specific to that entity.
When trying to add an Update method, someone mentioned that the Repository pattern is suppose to act on collections? Am I looking at things incorrectly here? Why can't I create an update method?
I tried adding a update method, but I'm confused as to how I will handle the session and update the database?
I want a single place for all my database access for each entity, so UserRepository will have all basic CRUD and then maybe some other methods like GetUserByEmail() etc.
Don't use the repository pattern - use the UnitOfWork pattern instead, and pass defined query ICriteria to the ISession. Essentially the Repo pattern is wrapping something that doesn't need to be wrapped with NH.
see for more info
Perhaps you misheard or someone mispoke - the Repository pattern is supposed to expose collection like behavior, not operate on collections. Just like you can add, remove and search for items in a collection, your repository offers save, delete and search operations that work against your database.
I suggest you download the code for S#arp Architecture. It includes a repository implementation that you can reuse quite easily. If you don't want to take the dependency, at the very least you can spend some time studying their implementation to give you a better idea of how to approach it yourself.