Warning in garbage collected Cocoa-app about properties - objective-c

This is my code:
#interface Object : NSObject {
NSArray *array;
#property NSArray *array;
And the #synthesize in the implementation. I get a compiler warning in the line with the #property:
warning: default assign attribute on property 'array' which implements NSCopying protocol is not appropriate with -fobjc-gc[-only]
If I write the property as #property (assign) NSArray *array it does not show up. What is this about?

In your case you are creating a property that is a pointer to an object. Assign, which is the default, is not appropriate for objects, which should be declared as retain or copy.
In your case you should define your property as:
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *array;
You could use retain instead of copy here, but there are good reasons to use copy.
To answer the deeper question you seem to be asking - have a look at this thread from the Cocoa mailing lists.
Are you using the LLVM compiler or gcc?

Properties default to assign. Your property is an assign.

Regarding assign vs copy in GC enabled app, I found this via google...
I think we usually use assign, but will use copy if needed, like for example, for NSString object. So to get rid of warning, we just explicitly specify it as assign.


Hiding implementation details with .h and .m in objc

I'm confused about something. If in your .h file you have:
#property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSArray *categories;
and then in the .m you have:
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSMutableArray *categories;
If I want to later set categories in the .m file, I can do:
[self setCategories:[NSArray arrayWithArray:categories]];
But then Xcode complains that incompatible pointer types sending NSArray to NSMutableArray. I'm basically trying to hide the implementation details and have the .m use a NSMutableArray and to a consumer
use an NSArray.
[self setCategories:[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:categories]]; // this gives no Xcode warning
By using the [NSMutableAray arrayWithArray:] method, does it still prevent the consumer of my Class from mutating my categories array?
You've done all you can in objc.
Your internal readwrite declaration needs a mutable array, so Xcode's complaining is right, you have to use a mutable for the setter.
The consumer can do everything with that object, even if it's declared as NSArray you can find out it's a NSMutableArray in reality and change it.
You can't prevent that. But your public declaration shows it should be assumed immutable. There's nothing more you can do.

In ObjectiveC, is it necessary to declare strong vs copy for a readonly property?

In Objective-C, it's common to declare NSString/NSArray/NSDictionary as copy, is it necessary to do that for a readonly property or there is no difference? If an NSString is readonly, it will never be set, so declaring it strong or copy will have the same effect right?
//use strong rather copy here and it will work the same since it will
never be copied?
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *string;
If it really is read-only then you don't need to specify it. If you're going to redeclare it privately to be readwrite then you do want to specify it. For readonly properties it has no effect as no setter will be created.
You're right, but there're some things to consider. That's okay as long, as your property is immutable object. However, it is not always true.
First example, which I run into frequently, is when you have actually mutable object inside of your implementation. Like property declared NSArray in implementation can actually be NSMutableArray. Strong reference property getter for it will return pointer to that NSMutableArray. And, at some point, you'll run into situation when you request NSArray from object, work with it some time and than - boom!!! - your NSArray have different elements of number of it? What the hell? In that case, it's better idea to copy your inner implementation used NSMutableArray in getter.
Another example is some model object
#interface Person : NSObject <NSCopying>
#property NSString *name;
#property NSDate *birthdate;
And you have some other interface with property
#property (strong, readonly) Person *person;
Yeah, you will not assign different object to this property. However, you'll be able to modify its fields, so it will represent some completely different Person. If you don't want such behaviour - make it copy property. Or make it private with access methods to get its fields
- (id) getHiddenPersonPropertyValueForKey:(NSString *)personPropertyKey;
Or any other way
If property represents really immutable value (NSArray, NSIndexSet, etc), then just readonly is fine, as it will be returned immutable as-is.
But in case of your private ivar being mutable (NSMutableArray ivar vs property's NSArray type), you should return a copy to prevent leaks of future internal changes into caller's state.
#interface MyObject : NSObject {
NSMutableArray *_array;
#property(nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *array;
// -or-
- (NSArray *)array;
#dynamic array; // only if #property was declared in interface
- (NSArray *)array
return [_array copy];
The caller is safe then to store property's value and expect that it will not change even without making explicit copy itself:
self.array = [myObject array]; // e.g. 1 element
[myObject addElementToArray:#(42)];
NSLog(#"%#", self.array); // still 1 element

Conflict between declaring instance variable and property

I am studying Objective-C. I asked a question about this code earlier but I came up with further questions. The below code is trying to make NSArray externally but really makes NSMutableArray internally so I can add pointers or remove in NSMutableArray
I face two questions.
1) What is the purpose of doing like this? Is there a specific reason you make NSArray externally? Why can't I just declare a property of NSMutableArray?
2)I learn that instance variable (_assets) is made when I declare a property of NSArray *assets. And I also declared NSMutableArray *_assets under the interface. I think those two _assets conflict each other even though they have different types. Am I thinking this in a wrong way?
#interface BNREmployee : BNRPerson
NSMutableArray *_assets;
#property (nonatomic) unsigned int employeeID;
#property (nonatomic) unsigned int officeAlarmCode;
#property (nonatomic) NSDate *hireDate;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *assets;
I'll try put your answers the way you have asked them. Let hope they clear your doubts. By now I guess you would be knowing that NSArray once initialised with data you wont be able to add or delete the data inside it which is different from NSMutableArray.
The benefit here no one else can change your externally visible data. Also when you try to sort or iterate the array you are sure that no other data would be removed or added. Also if you use NSMutableArray for such cases the application would crash if you add data while you iterate the array.
Like #KirkSpaziani Explained
#synthesize assets = _assets;
would create an instance variable for your property. However you are actually supposed to use this _assets only in getter and setter. Else places you should be using self.assets.
You can also synthesize your other array NSMutableArray *_assets as follows
#synthesize _assets = __assets;
Which would have double underscore, but frankly we shouldn't be using the underscore for a starting variable name. Plus would be great if you have different names altogether.
Also with advances in Objective C you dont require to synthesize these variables at all. Just use the self.variableName and you can access it.
Hope it clears some of your queries.
NSMutableArray *_assets;
in the #implementation block
#implementation {
NSMutableArray *_assets;
Putting the NSMutableArray in the implementation block hides the fact that it is mutable from consumers (it is no longer in the header file).
Follow it with:
#synthesize assets = _assets;
This might not be necessary actually, but makes things clearer. When you declare a property an ivar will be automatically created (unless you #dynamic the property). However an explicitly declared ivar of the same name will override the automatically created one - so long as the type is the same or a subclass.
The reason to make it an NSArray publicly visible is so that no one else can mutate your data structure. You will have control of it. If it is an NSMutableArray internally then you can add and remove items without exposing that functionality to consumers.
You can declare your property to be readonly or readwrite - a readwrite NSArray means you can replace the whole array with a property set, but you can't add or remove items. If internally you are adding and removing items, this can make things messy. Try to stick with readonly when having a mutable internal version.
Here's something you can do if you want _assets to be a mutable array, but you don't want other classes to modify it, implement the setter and getter of the assets property so they look like this (implementing the getter and the setter will cause the property to not be synthesised, which means the NSArray *_assets will not be created automatically):
-(NSArray *)assets{
return [_assets copy]; // Copy creates an immutable copy
-(void)setAssets:(NSArray *)assets{
_assets = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:assets];
Keep in mind that if you access the assets array a LOT, it might be slow since you're creating an immutable copy every time, so you can create an NSArray whenever your _assets array is modified and return that in the -(NSArray *)assets method
The reason you'd internally keep an NSMutableArray, but expose an NSArray externally is so that users of your API won't abuse it and mutate its data. Keeping it visible as immutable makes people less prone to mess with it.
Another approach you could take to this is to not use a property at all, but simply have a getter and a mutable property in a class extension. For example, in your .h:
#interface BNREmployee : BNRPerson
- (NSArray *)assets;
In your .m
#interface BNREmployee ()
// Inside of the class manipulate this property
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *mutableAssets;
#implementation BNREmployee
// Clients of your class rely on this
- (NSArray *)assets
// copy makes the result immutable
return [self.mutableAssets copy];
Another approach might be to make the property only writable to the implementation of you class.
To do that you declare your property as readonly in the header:
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSMutableArray *assets;
Than declare it as readwrite inside an inner interface in your implementation:
#interface BNREmployee()
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSMutableArray *assets;

Do I need to declare a property in the instance variables section, too? What do I gain?

I read some tutorials here about properties ,but i still have some doubts to clarify, is there a difference between
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSString *temp;
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *temp;
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSString *temp;
The difference is that in the first version, the compiler will automatically create an instance variable (IIRC, it will be named _temp but I don't know for sure). This is only supported on iOS and Mac 64 bit.
In the second example, you provide the variable.
There's actually a way to tell the compiler which variable to use for the property, which I use a lot:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *temp_;
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSString *temp;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize temp = temp_;
This way the variable and the property have different names and you can't confuse them (e.g. by forgetting to prefix self.).
Minor side-note: it's often desirable to use copy instead of retain for NSString *, since you might assign an NSMutableString * to the property. Now if you would change that mutable string unexpected things might happen.
Does the first one even work? If there is no instance variable its a bit hard to have a property to access it.
#properties are meant for you, so you can be lazy, they write the following 2 methods for you ( if not set to readonly ):
- (void)setYourVariable:(id)new;
- (id)yourVariable;
it also allows you to use "someClass.itsVariable;" instead of "[someClass itsVariable];"
Another thing, when you create your header files make sure that the biggest variables ( like pointers ) are on the top and the smallest on the bottom, this saves ram.
NSObject *someObject;
NSObject *someOtherObject;
int anInt;
short aShort;
BOOL fakeBool;
instead of:
BOOL fakeBool;
NSObject *someObject;
short aShort;
NSObject *someOtherObject;
int anInt;
This has to do with the compiler, you can check this by using sizeof()
In the modern runtime (Objective-C 2.0) it is the same because the compiler will generate the variable for you. See Question about #synthesize
Quoting The Objective-C Programming Language > Declared Properties > Property Implementation Directives:
There are differences in the behavior of accessor synthesis that
depend on the runtime:
For the legacy runtimes, instance variables must already be declared in the #interface block of the current class. If an instance
variable of the same name as the property exists, and if its type is
compatible with the property’s type, it is used—otherwise, you get a
compiler error.
For the modern runtimes, instance variables are synthesized as needed. If an instance variable of the same name already exists, it is
The practical difference that I've found is that the debugger doesn't appear to show you the value of properties, just instance variables.
Therefore, your first example, which (assuming you use the #synthesize directive to create your getter/setter) automatically creates the ivar, will not have a value that you can easily retrieve during debug. You'll end up having to send a lot of NSLog messages, rather than just looking at the values while stepping through your code.
As an aside, which seems to relate to this topic, I typically prepend my ivars with "iv" and change my color settings in XCode preferences so that I'm never unsure whether I'm accessing a property or an ivar.
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *ivName;
NSString *ivTitle;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *Name;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *Title;
Now, this then requires a small trick (to tie the two together) when synthesizing the properties, which I show below:
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize Name = ivName;
#synthesize Title = ivTitle;
This way, it's always very easy for me to know exactly what's going on at a glance. Yes, context can also tell you whether you're accessing an ivar/property, but why not make it easier?

dealloc properties with assign and readwrite objective-c

I have this structure:
#interface MyList : NSObject {
NSString* operation;
NSString* link;
#property (readwrite) NSString* operation;
#property (readwrite, assign) NSString* link;
#implementation MyList
#synthesize operation,link;
I know that if I had retain instead of readwrite I should release the operation and link properties.
BUT should I release the operation and link with the code above?
No. You did not New, Alloc, Retain, or Copy the values in there, so you do not (Auto)release them.
The default values are readwrite, assign, and atomic. So by not specifying assign, retain, or copy in your first example you are essentially using assign by default. This is why you wouldn't subsequently use a release. Assign does not increase the retain count of an object. Note that for objects such as your string you almost would never want to use assign because you don't own the object and it could get released on you. So for objects you want to use either retain or copy. You would only use assign on scalar types like floats, NSIntegers, BOOLs etc. Note also that if you are not using garbage collection you get a compiler warning if you don't specify assign, retain, or copy.