NSOperationQueues in Objective C - objective-c

I am new to programming. I am porting cpp (WIN32) to cocoa framework. I have a method called start(process) from where 2 methods gets called. I want to do the operation in it parallely.I want to do InterThread communication.
This can be done by performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone.
Here I need to call the 2nd thread first and the 1st thread is called second.The 2nd thread waits for the 1st thread's signal.(eg:1st thread does addition of two no's and 2nd thread does the display and some other operations)
[receiverobj performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone]
is the syntax for doing it.But both of them are instance methods of the same class.And the 1st threads return type is a void value and the 2nd threads return value is uint8_t. How to receive the signal from the 1st thread onto the second thread which has begun its execution just before the 1st Thread.

The first thing about Cocoa is that all display code should run on the main thread. So if you are asking how to let the main thread know it needs to do some display work, performSelectorOnMainThread:waitUntilDone: is the right answer. This method works by putting an artificial "event" in the main thread's run loop (the loop that processes events from the UI and timers etc). The receiver will invoke the method exactly as if you had called it directly but it will happen on the main thread.
If you want to signal another thread that the display work has finished, you can do it synchronously like this:
[receiver performSelectorOnMainThread: #selector(mySelector) withObject: nil waitUntilDone: YES];
The calling thread will then pause until the method has finished.
If you just want to fire and forget it's
[receiver performSelectorOnMainThread: #selector(mySelector) withObject: nil waitUntilDone: NO];
The pattern is generalisable to any thread with the method performSelectorOnThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:. However, if you do this, you must make sure the target thread is executing a run loop.


Long lived thread doesn't call performSelectorOnMainThread

I have a worker thread that I keep alive through a loop that's controlled by a flag. I need the thread to stay alive for the length of my application as it opens a permanent connection to a remote server.
I fire up that thread and call several methods on it with:
[worker performSelector:#selector(getBusy) onThread:worker withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
This seems to work fine and the method is called. At some point in getBusy I try to call a method in the main thread with:
[delegate performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(gotBusy) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO
where delegate is a reference to the class that starts the separate thread.
The problem is that gotBusy never gets called on the main thread. I've peppered it with NSLog() statements and I can't see them printed on the console.
What should I be looking for to debug this?
First, make sure delegate is not nil. Secondly, make sure your main event loop is not blocked and not running in a modal mode.
Is it possible that you never assigned delegate, so you're calling performSelectorOnMainThread on a nil object? You could try setting waitUntilDone to YES so your worker thread will block and let the delegate do its work.

performSelectorOnMainThread and waitUntilDone, for NSURLConnection

I am not clear about what does waitUntilDone do, but I found this thread:
What is the significance of WaitUntilDOne in performSelectorOnMainThread?
which makes me a bit clear, however, if I perform some selector which makes NSURLConnection(which is asyncrhonous) and waitUntilDone set to YES, what will happen then? It will wait for the method to execute, but the method actually does some asynchronous operation(ie NSURLConnection), then what is the impact?
NSURLConnection is asynchronous. Your code runs on the main thread, and it makes delegate calls to you as the download progresses. You don't need to, and should not, run an NSURLConnection from a background thread.
If you DO have code that needs to run on a background thread, you can use the preformSelectorOnMainThread method to send messages from your worker thread to the main thread. One common reason to do this is that you can't update the UI from a background thread. You'd invoke a method to update the UI on the main thread.
The flag waitUntilDone controls what happens after the performSelectorOnMainThread call. If waitUntilDone is false, your background thread continues on with the next line without waiting for the code on the main thread to finish.
If waitUntilDone is true, your background thread will block until the main thread finishes performing the selector that you sent it.

Cancelable loading in background thread

I have a window that displays some data in an NSTableView. This data is loaded in the background. The data-loading-thread is started in the windowDidLoad: method. If the window is closed before loading has finished, the background thread should be cancelled. I do this by signalling the thread in the windowWillClose: delegate method and waiting for the background thread to finish.
Now this all works perfectly. But I have one problem: How can I update the data in the table view? I have tried calling reloadData via performSelectorOnMainThread: but this leads to a race condition: The reloadData call is sometimes queued on the main thread after the window close command, and will execute after the window has closed, and everything goes up in flames.
What's the best way to control and communicate with a background thread?
Well, you know, this is exactly what makes the use of threading complex: you always face synchronization issues.
What I suggest is, instead of calling [tableView reloadData] from your thread, simply signal your controller (by calling a method controllerShouldReloadTable) and let your controller do the check if windowWillClose has been called or not. There might be a chance that your controller has been also released by the time controllerShouldReloadTable, and to fix this you will definitely need to retain the controller from the secondary thread.
On a side note, I would cancel the thread in viewDidUnload (for symmetry).
Most important: I would use asynchronous calls and a delegate class so that the whole multithreading issue is solved at its root.
EDIT: Sending asynchronously a request will not block the sending thread waiting for the response. Instead, asynchronous send (for NSURLConnection is called start) immediately returns (so, no blocking) and when the response is received, a delegate method will be called (i.e., connectionDidFinishLoading:) so that you can updated the model and the UI. Take a look at NSURLConnection docs, but as usual, I strongly suggest using [ASIHTTPRequest][2], which has many advantages.

Code execution in objective c

HI all, if i've somthing like this:
my code....
// active indicator activity
[otherClass method]; // method that takes 5-6 seconds
// disable indicator activity
my code...
When the long method is called, in my class code is blocked right?
If i active an indicator activity before call the method, it will be animating while "method" is executing?
As iceydee mentions, the UI elements (like your activity indicator) run on the main thread. If you load a big file, download something or any other thing that takes time, you must execute that on other thread if you want to animate UI elements. You can use Grand Central Dispatch, performSelectorInBackGround or other techniques (not recommendable). I would make:
my code....
// active indicator activity
[otherClass performSelectorInBackground:#selector(method) withObject:nil]; // method that takes 5-6 seconds
my code...
Then in otherClass's method, stop the activity indicator on the main thread:
[activityIndicator performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(stopAnimating) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
You should avoid blocking the main thread for that long, consider breaking the method into two - running [otherClass method] in a separate thread. The main thread is used for UI updates, unsure if the indicator will be able to operate with main thread blocked, I think not.
Yes, it will be blocked unless you run your long method in another thread.
To do this use a technique like this. see performSelectorInBackground and performSelectorOnMainThread.

Non-blocking wait function in Objective-C

I'm fairly new to Objective-C and I can't figure out how to wait in a non-blocking manner. I have an object that is being populated asynchronously and I need to wait on it before I can proceed in another method. Right now I am using the sleep function, but this blocks the whole app and myObject never gets loaded.
while (!myObject)
return myObject;
EDIT: This code snippet is from a method that may be called before myObject has been loaded. In this case I actually do want to block in this method, but my code blocks everything including myObject from being loaded.
This little peach worked for me (in-order to delay for 20 seconds)....
CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 20.0, false);
If you can, give the class a myObjectLoaded: method to be called when the object in question is loaded. Otherwise, the the most idiomatic equivalent of what you wrote above is to create a timer that keeps checking for myObject and does something once it finds it.
If you really needed to do it in the middle of a method for some reason, you'd have to create a loop that keeps running the runloop. It's the lack of a runloop that causes your app to block.
NSNotification should solve the problem.
Instead of waiting on on object, have this object register for notifications coming from your other object (say Publisher) which populates the data asynchronously. One this Publisher object finishes, have it post an NSNotification, which will then be automatically picked up by your waiting object. This would eliminate waiting too.
Sounds like you're looking for the observer pattern. Apple calls it "notification".
Assuming you have some background NSThread performing this population operation, you might like The NSObject method performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone
That's because you are stopping the main thread waiting for your object to be loaded. Don't do that, because the main thread is the thread that drives the UI, and waits for user input. If you block the main thread you block the application user interface.
If you want the main thread to do something when the object is loaded, then create a method myObjectLoaded: and call from your loading threads:
[myObjectController performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(myObjectLoaded:)
where myObjectController can be any object even myObject itself.