Dynamic forms in Slickedit - slickedit

I want to know if we can create dynamic dialog boxes in slickedit by reading the the value of form elements from an external file (.txt file) . If yes , how ??

Please give an example of what your .txt file could have
but the short answer would be - did you look yet at the macros dir?
There are plenty of dialog examples there. For example I used the project_load() as a template for a dialog that used an external file list.
Please look at that function and respond


pdf table to excel in Automation anywhere

I am trying to get PDF tables in excel for further processing in Automation anywhere.I tried it like converting PDF to text and then to excel but it not working as required.
Please suggest if anyone did this.
Thanks all who replied and tried to help.
But, i got the solution as there is bot already for this in botstore of AA and we can use it.
We can use this metabot and logic to perform action.
PFB link for the same:
I think you can use OCR inbuild tool or PDF read tools and take those data items into the variables. And then try to use keystrokes (or other) to add those variables as text in textfile. As well as add those items to the excel sheet. try it.

Creating read-only Microsoft Word file using VB.net

I am trying to create a Microsoft Word file in VB.net which is read only.
My aim is that user will input the data in a Windows form, after pressing export button it'll get exported to a Word document. But here's a twist: I want this Word file to be read only.
Is there any option to do this? I have tried exporting through Crystal Report, but its still editable.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can use the File.SetAttributes method for that, I think. Check the MSDN site.

Does komodo edit provide a way to generate code to link a file giving the option to select the file (or graphic) to link?

I need to move from coffeecup to something else because of a very long save time in a directory with 1500 files. Komodo edit looks good (because it is similar to what I have lerned) but I see no obvious way to generate code to link to a file and then have the option to select the html file from a menu tree. Is there something I am overlooking?
Use the sample abbreviations to do this:
Go to View|Tabs & Sidebars|Toolbox
Open the HTML folder
Find the a element
Click it

How to convert XDP to PDF in Adobe LiveCycle ES3 via HTTP REST request

I have: LiveCycle server (ES3, JBOSS), Workbench, Designer.
Using LC Desginer I convert PDF to XDP - it's template now.
Now I need to convert that XDP file to PDF.
So, I guess I should somehow call LiveCycle server by HTTP request, in body of this request I can send body of XDP document. All what I need from LC is just PDF.
Looks like simple task, but I can't find ANY information how to do this. I see a lot of examples how to do this in Java, but I don't need Java, I need to do it via HTTP (REST endpoint or SOAP if it's not possible).
Maybe I need to create some "application" in Workbench? If so, is there any step-by-step documentation? Or maybe somebody can explain me, how to do this. Maybe there is already build-in application in ES3 Server - I think it's very common and simple case.
UPD: I've opened job at Odesk for this issue, I promise to post solution here to share knowledge with community
As was promised, here is how to solve this issue:
It's not enough just put PDF into LiveCycle Designer. You exactly need to design form in LC Designer. You can use your PDF as template, but for all things which you want to fulfil by your custom data, you need to add objects in LC Designer (take a look at the "Insert" menu, try Table or Text Field) and add Data Connection in the "Data View" tab. I think it's pretty easy step for professionals, but it can take some time to get by beginners. Save results of your work as, for instance, Template.xdp file.
Also you now have the example of XML file - source of the data. Let's name it DataSource.xml
Now we can install LiveCycle Server. Best for LC ES3 is RHEL 5.5 (we spent around 2 days just to find correct combination of OS and settings). You'll need a clever system-administrator (or just experienced in Adobe LiveCycle :))
Server is working now, you can see web-interface, so let's create application in Adobe LiveCycle Workbench ES3. Add an application with new name and add a process to that application. It will take to many words to describe all steps of process, just take a look at screenshots of result (and notice variables also):
Now most easy part - call this app by the HTTP request. But we can't just send usual POST request to Adobe LiveCycle :) We have to send content of 2 files (Template.xdp and DataSource.xml) as multipart/form-data and names of the parts are the names of input variables (in my example is xmlTemplate and xmlData). And don't forget Authorization header with Basic authorization credentials.
In the Response you'll receive base64-encoded body of the PDF document.
Thanks to Thierry Stortenbeker for this application and for help and patience.
Yes, you have to create an LC application using workbench. Here is how to do it:
Create a new application in workbench using File -> New -> Application.
Create a new Process using the right click menu at the application.
Drop in renderPDF form activity from the activity and name it "renderPDFForm".
Select renderPDF form activity to add variables using the bottom pane of variables.
Add a variable of "Document" type and name it "inputXDP". We will use this to pass xdp file. Mark it to be "input" variable.
Add a variable of "Document" type and name it "outPDF". Mark it to be "output" variable.
Now double click renderPDFForm activity, this will open a property editor on the left side.
Expand "Input" section if not expanded already. Make sure "Form" to be picked up from variable. Then choose "inputXDP" from the dropdown.
Expand "Output" section if not expanded already. Make sure "Rendered Form" to be picked up from variable. Then choose "outPDF" variable from the dropdown.
Now deploy your application by right click menu on application.
That is it. You are ready to go. Now save the process and double click "default start point" to get the rest url where this service would be exposed. The rest url should look like http://localhost:8080/rest/services/RestFormRender/renderForm:1.0. Here RestFormRender is name of the application and renderForm is name of the process. Now make a GET/POST call to this REST url and specify XDP bytes in "inputXDP" request parameter.

Can an Outlook macro trigger its built-in import functionality?

I'm trying to automate Outlook to automatically load an iCalendar file (.ics) when it starts. I'm aware of the hooks I need to use to arrange the timing already, I just haven't been able to find quality information about what sort of automation is possible.
Since Outlook already has the ability to import iCalendar files well enough for my purposes, I'd prefer to trigger that functionality rather than write my own parsing code. Is that possible?
Depending on what you want, the answer is you cannot do it.
If you want to "import" the ics file you cannot do it alone, you would need for example redemption see here Visual Studio Forum Because MS moves their links often here is a quote from there
“Outlook has no built-in methods to import an ICS file into a calendar item using code. However, a 3rd party library called Redemption (www.dimastr.com/redemption) does have that ability. The SafeAppointmentItem.Import function is called with a file path and item type. So if it's called with the file path where you saved the attachment and a type of 7 (olVCal) you can do what you want. “ Original link is:http://groups.google.co.uk/group/microsoft.public.office.developer.outlook.vba/browse_thread/thread/e4656ad0c5b68b89/d356ce07aeae783d?hl=en&lnk=st&q=import+.ics+file+into+outlook+by+codes#d356ce07aeae783d
So what are you options or what else can you do.
First I assume you are working in something like the application_startup event.
you could "shell" the file - which would have the same effect as double clicking on it.
see here MSDN shell with examples For this you would need the path to your ics file.
But for me in your position, I would be first trying to get the person or thing generating the ics file to change OR I would be just treating it like a text file, parsing the information (which should not be too hard given it is an expected format) and creating my own calendar item in outlook.