Using an NSValueTransformer to set values of an NSManagedObject instance - objective-c

I am using a custom NSValueTransformer to store color information in my Core Data store. The transformation between Transformable data and a UIColor instance works great once the color data is in the store already (ie once the app has been run and quit once already). However when I first run the app and am loading in these values (from a text file) they "stuck" as NSCFStrings.
In this line of code "attributes" is a dictionary has keys which are NSManagedObject attribute names and values that are the expected values for those attributes. In my color example the key value pair is "color":"1,1,1,0.5"
[object setValue:[attributes valueForKey:attribute] forKey:attribute];
The value for "color" will now remain a string in this instance until it's get transformed via my NSValueTransformer and then retransformed into a UIColor when the app gets run again.
I could just do the same transform here that I'm doing in the NSValueTransformer, but this is in a utility class I wrote that could theoretically be used for any transformer. I also thought of finding a way to get all newly created NSManagedObject instances out fo memory thereby forcing the transformation to go through, but that just seems like a hack.
Note: This "hack" works for me and let's me continue, but still feels ugly. Use NSManagedObjectContext's reset method if you're having similar problems / looking for a "just work" solution.
Any ideas?
(I have a hunch this is similar to " Why is my transformable Core Data attribute not using my custom NSValueTransformer? " but outside of the title our problems seem to be different)
Here is my NSValueTransformer
#implementation UIColorRGBValueTransformer
+ (Class)transformedValueClass
return [NSData class];
+ (BOOL)allowsReverseTransformation
return YES;
- (id)transformedValue:(id)value
return [value dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- (id)reverseTransformedValue:(id)value
NSString *colorAsString = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:value encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
NSArray *components = [colorAsString componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
CGFloat r = [[components objectAtIndex:0] floatValue];
CGFloat g = [[components objectAtIndex:1] floatValue];
CGFloat b = [[components objectAtIndex:2] floatValue];
CGFloat a = [[components objectAtIndex:3] floatValue];
return [UIColor colorWithRed:r green:g blue:b alpha:a];
return nil;

You're really not using the transformable attribute as intended. Your method should work in theory but it is an ugly kludge.
You usually only have to write a custom value transformer for a system defined class when you want to do something non-standard. In the vast majority cases, the preferred method is to use the default NSKeyedUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName. Any class that implements the NSCoding protocol can use that value transformer.
Since UIColor does implement the NSCoding protocol, you can just set the attribute to 'transformable' and the NSKeyedUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName will populate the transformer name automatically (at least it did in Xcode 3.x.) In use, Core Data will create the appropriate accessors so you can set and get the UIColor attribute just like any other key:
[aMoObject setValue:aUIcolorObj forKey:#"colorAttributeName"];
As a good rule of thumb, the API will do most of the work for you in the case of API classes. If you find yourself working hard with a system class, you've probably missed something.


Accessing a property of a node

I currently have a SpriteKit game with the objective of shooting down enemies. I've implemented collision detection for it, and it works just fine. But I need to implement health for enemies. Enemies are constantly generated and keep moving, so you never know what node that should bebeSo I tried to declare my custom class node in didBeginContact method, then assigning it to bodyA, then changing it's health value, but this seems useless since I just create a new node (same shows the NSLog). I tried typecasting the declaration, but still with no luck. Did some research on this topic, but didn't find anything that suits me. Currently I can't provide source code for what I did, but I hope what I have requested is possible to explain. Please push me in the right direction.
Every SKSpriteNode has a userData NSMutableDictionary which can be used to store data (objects).
You first have initialize the dictionary like this:
myNode.userData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
Then you can assign data to it like this:
float myHealth = 100.0;
NSString *myX = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f",myHealth];
[myNode.userData setValue:myX forKey:#"health"];
To read data you do this:
float myHealth = [[myNode.userData objectForKey:#"health"] floatValue];
I used float in my example but you can use whatever you want. Just remember that you cannot store primitives like float, int, long, etc... directly. Those need to be converted to NSNumber, NSString and so on.
That being said, Stephen J is right with his suggestion. You should subclass SKSpriteNode for your enemies and have health as a class property. Subclassing is much easier to work with in the long run and gives you greater flexibility compared to using the userData.
To illustrate some Object oriented concepts Stephen J and sangony are referring to, I have added some code for you.
Subclassing SKNode will define a new object class which inherits all functionality from SKNode. The main advantage here is that you can implement custom properties (such as health) and custom logic (such as lowering that health).
#interface EnemyNode : SKSpriteNode
- (void)getHit;
- (BOOL)isDead;
#property (nonatomic) CGFloat health;
#implementation EnemyNode
- (instancetype)initWithColor:(UIColor *)color size:(CGSize)size {
self = [super initWithColor:color size:size];
if (self) { = 100.f;
- (void)getHit { -= 25.f;
- (BOOL)isDead {
return <= 0;
In your scene, you would use it as such:
EnemyNode *newEnemy = [[EnemyNode alloc] initWithColor:[UIColor blueColor] size:CGSizeMake(50,50)];
[self addChild:newEnemy];
[newEnemy getHit];
if ([newEnemy isDead]) {
[newEnemy removeFromParent];
For further illustration, you could take a look at my answer to a similar question.

Saving an NSArray of custom objects

I've created a subclass of UIImage (UIImageExtra) as I want to include extra properties and methods.
I have an array that contains instances of this custom class.However when I save the array, it appears the extra data in the UIImageExtra class is not saved.
UIImageExtra conforms to NSCoding, but neither initWithCoder or encodeWithCoder are called, as NSLog statements I've added aren't printed.
My method to save the array looks like this:
- (void)saveIllustrations {
if (_illustrations == nil) {
NSLog(#"Nil array");
[self createDataPath];
//Serialize the data and write to disk
NSString *illustrationsArrayPath = [_docPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:kIllustrationsFile];
NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
NSKeyedArchiver *archiver = [[NSKeyedArchiver alloc] initForWritingWithMutableData:data];
[archiver encodeObject:_illustrations forKey:kIllustrationDataKey];
[archiver finishEncoding];
[data writeToFile:illustrationsArrayPath atomically: YES];
And the UIImageExtra has the following delegate methods for saving:
#pragma mark - NSCoding
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder {
NSLog(#"Encoding origin data!");
[super encodeWithCoder:aCoder];
[aCoder encodeObject:originData forKey:kOriginData];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder {
if (self = [super initWithCoder:(NSCoder *) aDecoder]) {
NSLog(#"Decoding origin data");
self.originData = [aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:kOriginData];
return self;
My code to create the array in the first place looks like this (in case that offers any clues)
for (NSDictionary *illustrationDict in illustrationDicts) {
NSString *illustrationString = [illustrationDict objectForKey:#"Filename"];
NSNumber *xCoord = [illustrationDict objectForKey:#"xCoord"];
NSNumber *yCoord = [illustrationDict objectForKey:#"yCoord"];
UIImageExtra *illustration = (UIImageExtra *)[UIImage imageNamed:illustrationString];
//Scale the illustration to size it for different devices
UIImageExtra *scaledIllustration = [illustration adjustForResolution];
NSValue *originData = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake([xCoord intValue], [yCoord intValue])];
[scaledIllustration setOriginData:originData];
[self.illustrations addObject:scaledIllustration];
Or am I just going about saving this data the wrong way? Many thanks.
Your code to initialize the array is not actually creating instances of your UIImageExtra subclass.
UIImageExtra *illustration = (UIImageExtra *)[UIImage imageNamed:illustrationString];
returns a UIImage. Casting it doesn't do what you were intending.
UIImageExtra *scaledIllustration = [illustration adjustForResolution];
is still just a UIImage.
One straightforward-but-verbose way to approach this would be to make UIImageExtra a wrapper around UIImage. The wrapper would have a class method for initializing from a UIImage:
+ (UIImageExtra)imageExtraWithUIImage:(UIImage *)image;
And then every UIImage method you want to call would have to forward to the wrapped UIImage instance-- also being careful to re-wrap the result of e.g. -adjustForResolution lest you again end up with an unwrapped UIImage instance.
A more Objective-C sophisticated approach would be to add the functionality you want in a Category on UIImage, and then use method swizzling to replace the NSCoding methods with your category implementations. The tricky part of this (apart from the required Objective-C runtime gymnastics) is where to store your "extra" data, since you can't add instance variables in a category. [The standard answer is to have a look-aside dictionary keyed by some suitable representation of the UIImage instance (like an NSValue containing its pointer value), but as you can imagine the bookkeeping can get complicated fast.]
Stepping back for a moment, my advice to a new Cocoa programmer would be: "Think of a simpler way. If what you are trying to do is this complicated, try something else." For example, write a simple ImageValue class that has an -image method and an -extraInfo method (and implements NSCoding, etc.), and store instances of that in your array.
You can't add objects to an NSArray after init. Use NSMutableArray, that might be the issue.

How to Return a Custom Objective-C Object from a Class Method?

I have a set of Objective-C files in my app labeled Crop.h/Crop.m. Inside is a custom array of different vegetables from a video game - each vegetable has properties like a name, growing season, number of days to grow, etc.
I need to write a function which loops through this array and checks each Crop name value to see if it matches with my view title (self.title). Below is an example of two crop objects:
Crop *turnip = [[Crop alloc] init];
[turnip setName:#"Turnip"];
[turnip setSeason:#"Spring"];
[turnip setBagPrice:120];
[turnip setSaleValue:60];
[turnip setDaysToGrow:5];
[turnip setRenewableDays:0];
Crop *potato = [[Crop alloc] init];
[potato setName:#"Potato"];
[potato setSeason:#"Spring"];
[potato setBagPrice:150];
[potato setSaleValue:80];
[potato setDaysToGrow:8];
[potato setRenewableDays:0];
Then what I'm thinking is calling a new class function titled returnCropData: which takes the self.title as a parameter. I'm just not sure if this is my best method... I'd appreciate any suggestions from iOS devs.
Here's the simple class method I have so far - no data matching yet as I'm still trying to figure out which loop would be best. I'm also struggling to figure out the syntax to add an NSString parameter onto the function
+ (Crop *)returnCropData
Crop *turnip = [[Crop alloc] init];
[turnip setName:#"Turnip"];
[turnip setSeason:#"Spring"];
[turnip setBagPrice:120];
[turnip setSaleValue:60];
[turnip setDaysToGrow:5];
[turnip setRenewableDays:0];
// more crops here....
NSMutableArray *cropListing = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[cropListing addObject:turnip];
[cropListing addObject:potato];
// add the other crops here...
return potato;
// return any Crop value for now
Apple's Objective-C docs recommend you use objectWithParams: grammar for class methods (constructors). So in your case, you should change your existing method name to
+ (Crop *)cropWithName:(NSString *)name
And call it with Crop *turnip = [Crop cropWithName:#"Turnip];
and then in your for loop you can check if the passed in name equals the name of your object with [name].
This will work, however it seems as though every time that method is called you're creating a ton of Crop objects - time intensive on your part, and memory intensive on the device. Instead, you should look into making a plist file that uses a dictionary to represent each kind of Crop, and then in your creation method you can use your passed in name to look up all the other information about the specified crop. Then you can just return one instance of Crop instead of instantiating a massive amount.
Here's a link to Apple documentation that explains plists:
Specifically, in any objects that I want to pull from a plist I define the following method that takes values from a dictionary and sets an object's properties:
- (id)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary
self = [super init];
[self setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:dictionary];
return self;
And then in a class where I want to access an array of data, I would create a synthesized #property and then define this method (in this case, I've got Song objects):
- (NSMutableArray *)songs
if (_songs == nil)
NSArray *songDicts = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"ChillMix" ofType:#"plist"]];
_songs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[songDicts count]];
// Fast enumeration //
for (NSDictionary *currDict in songDicts)
Song *song = [[Song alloc] initWithDictionary:currDict];
[_songs addObject:song];
return _songs;
Here is a sample project I've developed:
[NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:] should be your new best friend. It's awesome. If you can format your XML in plist format, you're down to one. single. line. to parse data. (PS normal XML is annoying as hell to parse on iOS so this is a huge time save if you can avoid straight up XML).
Also, I'm not sure what the use case would be for creating a crop object based on a view's title. Since you're already aware of the name of the crop before the view is instantiated, you could create a Crop object and set a Crop property of the view to the crop object you created, and then in viewDidLoad just do self.title =;. Finally, if you've got a UITableView of crop objects you shouldn't populate the table view with static text; instead populate it with objects you create from a plist, and then in didSelectRowAtIndexPath: you can do [self.arrayOfCrops objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] to get the object you tapped on, and pass it in with the view you load. Anyway, check out Apple's sample code for more info on plists and tableviews etc, 'cause they've got a lot of information on this exact stuff.

rearranging table rows by dragging in Lion

I am having trouble using the new Lion functionality to rearrange rows in my app. I am using outlineView:pasteboardWriterForItem: to store the row indexes so that I can access them later when I validate/accept the drop. I create a new NSPasteboardItem to return, and am attempting to store the row number as so:
[pbItem setData: [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject: [NSNumber numberWithInteger: [fTableView rowForItem: item]]]
TABLE_VIEW_DATA_TYPE is a custom string I'm using to distinguish my custom data in the dragging pasteboard. I don't use it outside of dragging these rows.
When attempting the drag, I receive in Console: 'TableViewDataType' is not a valid UTI string. Cannot set data for an invalid UTI.
Of course I could use some of the built-in UTIs for pasteboards, but none of them apply (and using them causes the drag to accept drags other than the rows, which it shouldn't). Is there something I'm missing, like a way to define a custom UTI just for dragging (without making it a "real" UTI since I have no use for it outside of the internal dragging, so it shouldn't be public).
Thanks for any help!
I had similar requirements except I had a grid of objects that I wanted to rearrange by dragging selected objects to a new location. There are several ways of doing this, including creating a custom object and implementing the NSPasteboardWriting and NSPasteboardReading protocols, (and NSCoding protocols if you will be reading data as NSPasteboardReadingAsKeyedArchive), but this seems to be overkill for dragging of objects that remain internal to the application.
What I did involves using the NSPasteboardItem as a wrapper with a custom UTI type (it already implements the NSPasteboardWriting and NSPasteboardReading protocols). First declare a custom UTI type:
#define kUTIMyCustomType #“com.mycompany.MyApp.MyCustomType”
This needs to be defined in the ‘com.domain.MyApp’ format otherwise you will get errors of the form: “XXX is not a valid UTI string. Cannot set data for an invalid UTI.” Apple mentions this in their documentation.
Then you must register this custom UTI type in the view in which your dragging will occur. This can be done at runtime, and does not require any .plist additions. In your view's init method add the following:
[self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:(NSString *)kUTIMyCustomType, nil]];
Now, make sure that the delegate is set for this view, and the delegate object implements the required NSDraggingSource and NSDraggingDestination protocol methods. This will allow you to avoid breaking the MVC design pattern, by allowing the designated controller object to handle placing the data on the pasteboard which will likely involve querying model data (i.e., indexes).
Specifically, for placing on the dragging pasteboard the indexes of objects to be moved when dragging begins as NSPasteboardItem wrappers of your index data:
- (void) draggingSession:(NSDraggingSession *)session willBeginAtPoint:(NSPoint)screenPoint
NSPasteboard * pboard = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSDragPboard];
[pboard clearContents];
NSMutableArray * selectedIndexes = [NSMutableArray array];
// Add NSString indexes for dragged items to pasteboard in NSPasteboardItem wrappers.
for (MyModel * myModel in [self selectedObjects])
NSPasteboardItem * pasteboardItem = [[[NSPasteboardItem alloc] init] autorelease];
[pasteboardItem setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [myModel index]]
[selectedIndexes addObject:pasteboardItem];
[pboard writeObjects:selectedIndexes];
And when the dragging operation completes, to read the dragged index NSPasteboardItem data:
- (BOOL) performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
NSPasteboard * pasteboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
// Check for custom NSPasteboardItem's which wrap our custom object indexes.
NSArray * classArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSPasteboardItem class]];
NSArray * items = [pasteboard readObjectsForClasses:classArray options:[NSDictionary dictionary]];
if (items == nil)
return NO;
// Convert array of NSPasteboardItem's with NSString index reps. to array of NSNumber indexes.
NSMutableArray * indexes = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSPasteboardItem * item in items)
[indexes addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[item stringForType:kUTIMyCustomType] integerValue]]];
// Handle dragged indexes…
return YES;
Another technique you can use is to just store the indices of the objects you're dragging in an instance variable on the side. Putting everything on the pasteboard isn't strictly necessary unless you're accepting items from another app or vice versa.
In awakeFromNib, register for the NSStringPboardType.
In …pasteboardWriterForRow, return [NSString string].
In …draggingSession:willBegin…, set your instance variable to the indices you want to track.
In validateDrop, return NSDragOperationNone if your instance variable is nil or the view is not yours.
In …draggingSession:ended…, nil out your instance variable.
Hope that helps… I'm using the technique for a table view, but it should be virtually identical for an outline view.
Instead of using a vanilla NSPasteboardItem, you should create a custom object that conforms to the NSPasteboardWriting protocol.
In your custom object, you can implement writableTypesForPasteboard: to return a list of custom UTIs that your pasteboard item supports. You then implement pasteboardPropertyListForType: to return a plist representation of your object for the appropriate custom UTI when the pasteboard asks for it.
You can create a plist from arbitrary data using the +propertyListWithData:options:format:error: method of NSPropertyListSerialization.
You would then override tableView:pasteboardWriterForRow: in your table view data source to return an instance of your custom object.

Writing my own #dynamic properties in Cocoa

Suppose (for the sake of argument) that I have a view class which contains an NSDictionary. I want a whole bunch of properties, all of which access the members of that dictionary.
For example, I want #property NSString* title and #property NSString* author.
For each one of these properties, the implementation is the same: for the getter, call [dictionary objectForKey:propertyName];, and for the setter do the same with setObject:forKey:.
It would take loads of time and use loads of copy-and-paste code to write all those methods. Is there a way to generate them all automatically, like Core Data does with #dynamic properties for NSManagedObject subclasses? To be clear, I only want this means of access for properties I define in the header, not just any arbitrary key.
I've come across valueForUndefinedKey: as part of key value coding, which could handle the getters, but I'm not entirely sure whether this is the best way to go.
I need these to be explicit properties so I can bind to them in Interface Builder: I eventually plan to write an IB palette for this view.
(BTW, I know my example of using an NSDictionary to store these is a bit contrived. I'm actually writing a subclass of WebView and the properties will refer to the IDs of HTML elements, but that's not important for the logic of my question!)
I managed to solve this myself after pouring over the objective-c runtime documentation.
I implemented this class method:
+ (BOOL) resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)aSEL
NSString *method = NSStringFromSelector(aSEL);
if ([method hasPrefix:#"set"])
class_addMethod([self class], aSEL, (IMP) accessorSetter, "v#:#");
return YES;
class_addMethod([self class], aSEL, (IMP) accessorGetter, "##:");
return YES;
return [super resolveInstanceMethod:aSEL];
Followed by a pair of C functions:
NSString* accessorGetter(id self, SEL _cmd)
NSString *method = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd);
// Return the value of whatever key based on the method name
void accessorSetter(id self, SEL _cmd, NSString* newValue)
NSString *method = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd);
// remove set
NSString *anID = [[[method stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 3) withString:#""] lowercaseString] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#":" withString:#""];
// Set value of the key anID to newValue
Since this code tries to implement any method that is called on the class and not already implemented, it'll cause problems if someone tries calling something you're note expecting. I plan to add some sanity checking, to make sure the names match up with what I'm expecting.
You can use a mix of your suggested options:
use the #dynamic keyword
overwrite valueForKey: and setValue:forKey: to access the dictionary
use the objective-c reflection API's method class_getProperty and check it for nil. If it's not nil your class has such a property. It doesn't if it is.
then call the super method in the cases where no such property exists.
I hope this helps. Might seem a bit hacky (using reflection) but actually this is a very flexible and also absolutely "legal" solution to the problem...
PS: the coredata way is possible but would be total overkill in your case...
Befriend a Macro? This may not be 100% correct.
#define propertyForKey(key, type) \
- (void) set##key: (type) key; \
- (type) key;
#define synthesizeForKey(key, type) \
- (void) set##key: (type) key \
{ \
[dictionary setObject];// or whatever \
} \
- (type) key { return [dictionary objectForKey: key]; }
sounds like you should should be using a class instead of a dictionary. you're getting close to implementing by hand what the language is trying to give you.
There is a nice blog with example code with more robust checks on dynamic properties at also a very nice SO answer at Objective-C dynamic properties at runtime?.
Couple of points on the answer. Probably want to declare an #property in the interface to allow typeahead also to declare the properties as dynamic in the implementation.