Playframework: Upgrade process -- Best Practices - process

I'd very much appreciate anyone sharing best-practices, patterns, anti-patterns, backup, rollback processes that you have formulated for a pain-free, foolproof, Play framework upgrade.
I'm thinking just replacing the bin/play directory with the latest version can cause problems
I'm looking for more specific version management strategies, say,
a) Do you just have /bin/play directory having the latest play version or
b) Do you keep versions like /bin/play-1.1 /bin/play-1.2 and change your $PATH to point to the latest (cons: you have to rebuild your modules, dependencies & libs; pros: gives better control over rollback)

I prefer to install play from source using git:
git clone git://
cd play
# checkout specific version
git checkout 1.2.1
cd framework
cd ..
ln -s $PWD/play ~/bin
So I have a full install including all source. Later, when play was updated to version 1.2.2 I did the following:
cd <play_home>
git pull
git checkout 1.2.2
cd framework
In your application you then do
play clean && play run
The advantage of running play from a source build is that you can always and easily roll back to the previous version or even test out features from current development. This does not solve the problem of having multiple versions of play active at the same time though.

I agree with Andre. However, if you are asking for best practice for a live project, I would do it differently.
You can have multiple version installed on your local machine. The only thing you have to change is which one is visible in the path. For instance you could have 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 and depending on which one you want, you just modify your /home/youruser/.bashrc file.
The reason, why simple update of play from git or hg will not work/good idea is because, incase there are problems, you have to revert, rollback modules, or goodness know what not.
It is far better to simple swap out the play version, rebuild, test extensively, once you are ok that everything is good, then you can make the same changes in a live site.
If things don't workout, or your are hopelessly lost, all you have to do is revert the changes to your project and switch the play version. You will be back to where you started.


How to say pacman that package is already updated?

For example I have Intellij Idea installed on my Arch Linux system. Intellij Idea has built in updater and assume that I's already updated Intellij Idea with that built in Intellij Idea updater. But when I perform "yaourt -Syu" corresponding Intellij Idea's package is still shown in list of packages that are waiting for updates. So how can I say yaourt or pacman (or any other pacman wrapper that may have such feature) that package is already updated?
If you just want that Feature I would recommend yay to you, it has that Feature to skip an installation of a Packet! As discussed here you shouldn't use yaourt anymore.
If you don't want that update Problem at all install jetbrains-toolbox which will manage your installed IDEs, if you are using more than one, so you only have to update the toolbox once in a while.
The problem is that you haven't updated it. You've overwritten the copy pacman knows about, with an untracked copy from elsewhere.
So, of course, pacman's metadata will not be updated. In order to circumvent this you'd need to create a custom dummy package which provides intellij, while managing it entirely yourself.
But what is wrong with using the official repository package and just letting pacman update it for you?

Testing a NuGet package

We are big users of NuGet, we've got 25-30 packages which we make available on a network share.
We'd like to be able to test new packages before they're built and released in the consuming applications. Ideally, this could be done using something similar to Maven's snapshot and having a specific development package (e.g. snapshot functionality).
Has anyone else come up with a, ideally reasonably non-hacky, way of doing it?
Our favoured method is to generate the package assemblies and then manually overwrite the assemblies in the packages/ directory, i.e. to replace the actual project references, but that doesn't seem particularly clean.
We use a CI build server which creates builds on every commit and has a specific manually triggered NuGet build which works off specifically tagged versions of the codebase. We don't want to create a NuGet build off every commit, but we would like to be able to test a likely candidate in the wild before we trigger the manual NuGet package build.
I ended up writing a unit / integration testing framework to solve a simular problem. Basically, I needed to verity the content of the package, the versions and info, what would happen when I installed and uninstalled the package, what versions were the assemblies in the lib, what bits the assemblies were built as (x86 or x64) and so on - and I needed it all to run without Visual Studio installed and on my build machine (headless) as a quality gate.
Standing on the shoulders of giants like: Pester, PETools, and SharpDevelop's package management module I put together - nuget-test
Clone the project into your package directory (where your .nuspec file and package files are). If for whatever reason you want to keep the nuget-test project as a "git" repo then simple remove "remove-item nuget-test/.git -Recurse -Force" from the command below.
git clone; remove-item nuget-test/.git -Recurse -Force
Run Setup.ps1 in the root of the nuget-test directory in an x86 instance of PowerShell.
PS> .\setup.ps1
Write tests and place them in the nuget-test/test directory using the Pester syntax.
Run the tests.
PS> Invoke-Pester
Project page: nuget-test
On github:
I hope this helps you get closer to what you're trying to get done.
If you're using NuGet packages to distribute your libraries, you should not limit to only testing the libraries. You should test the packages themselves as well (if your binaries are OK but incorrectly installed, consumers still have issues). The whole point is to improve this experience.
One way could be to have an additional CI or QA repository. The one you currently have is actually your "production" repository containing consumable releases, considered finished high-quality products.
Going further, you could have a logical package promotion flow (based on Continuous Integration or even using a Continuous Delivery approach), where:
- each check-in produces a package on your CI repository
- testers pick up a CI package for QA and if found OK promote it to either a QA feed, or to the Production feed (whatever you prefer, depends on the quality of your testing and how well it is automated)
There are various ways of implementing this scenario, using simple network shares, internal NuGet.Server or Gallery implementations, or simply use to give it a try with minimal cost and zero effort.
Hope that helps!

Which SCM system to use with Xcode 4 for a lone developer?

I'm an iOS developer looking to better manage the projects I am creating. I've never touched SCM before so I'm not sure which system to use.
I'd like to keep track of changes to the different apps I'm making for my boss, but also have them in a centralised place, and be able to branch off and be working on features separate from the main app and then merge the changes back in when I'm finished. All of this will be done locally (stored on an external hard disk in my office), and once versions are complete I'd like to be able to export a copy without the SCM features to send to my boss.
I've just upgraded to Xcode 4 and noticed Git is built in. I played around with both Subversion and Git, but it sounds like Git is what would fit my needs better. However, it seems to be totally different to Subversion. The Xcode 4 documentation suggests Git is best for lone developers, but that doesn't seem the case. If the git repository is inside your working copy, how on earth do you make branches of it? Where do you send your changes to? Do you copy the entire working directory and use that as your branch?
Just looking for someone to explain in plain english which SCM system would be best for a lone developer to use and any tutorials people may know of to help me understand it.
Thanks for any help!
Go for git!
The repository actually resides in your working directory. There is .git folder which contains all the data about your branches and commits and whatsoever. You can create a bare repository(only the contents of the .git folder) if you like but having both in the same place is nice, especially if you are a single developer who doesn't need distribution.
Branching in git is very easy:
# create the branch
git branch mybranch
# switch to branch
git checkout mybranch
# show branches
git branch
Git does not depend on a server like svn does. You can have distributed development by using remotes but this is not necessary.
If you like to make a copy for your boss without the git files in it do a
git archive branchname --format=zip -o
I suggest some reading on git
Git in five minutes
Git Community Book
The Thing About Git
Branching in git is very different from SVN. Branching happens in place, in stead of in another directory.
Read this book and other resources to get a better understanding about how git works
About the centralized server, Git is a decentralized SCM. That means that every clone contains the entire repository, not only the current working directory.
That doesn't mean you can't have a central repository. On the central server you create a bare repository, and on you're local machine you clone from that repository, push and pull from that repository, often through ssh.

Using GIT or SVN in XCode 3/4 without server

Ok, perhaps I'm trying to accomplish something not doable.
I am a single developer (not part of team).
I'm trying to get some kind of versioning system going. I had used CVS with XCode 3, but XCode 4 no longer has that as an option. I've heard that SVN and Git are better alternatives anyway.
Basically, I've wasted more than half a day trying to get XCode to work with SVN / Git out of the box. I do not have a server running, and would rather not expose my project on a server.
It doesn't make sense for me to have a separate user just to run the Git/SVN Servers, either.
I'm just trying to have version control using either one, in the simplest possible way.
I've tried to add Repo, using local file path (/Volumes/AAA/BBB/Repo) where I manually created the "Repo" directory. I've set the type as Subversion (and also tried Git). XCode says "Host is reachable". But, the Commit functionality is not there (Disabled). I can't import my working directory.
I just don't get it - must I have a server running in order to have SVN/Git, or can XCode just do it through command line? I much more prefer it being done over command line, since the server is complete overkill. Or, am I missing something? Maybe I'm putting in the wrong settings into XCode?
This isn't strictly an XCode 4 issue, I had the same issue with XCode3, but at least it had the CVS option - now it's gone.
With Git you don't need a central server or even a central repository unless you have multiple people on the project. SVN requires you to have a central repo & server running all the time, but with Git you can simply git init a new repo and start using it. If you don't have a central repo you will never use push, pull, or fetch.
Xcode's help mentions the following:
Choose Git or Subversion Xcode supports two SCM systems: Subversion
(often abbreviated svn) and Git. Subversion is always server-based and
the server is normally on a remote machine, though it is possible to
install one locally. Git can be used purely as a local repository, or
you can install a Git server on a remote machine to share files among
team members. The Xcode 4 installer installs the Git and Subversion
tools when you select System Tools. If you are working alone, it’s
generally easiest to use Git, as you don’t need to set up a server. In
fact, Xcode can automatically set up a Git repository for you when you
create a new project (see “Create a Git Repository For Your New
Project”). For a group project, the choice of Subversion or Git is
usually a matter of taste and prior experience. In so far as is
possible, Xcode provides a consistent user interface and workflow for
users of either Subversion or Git.
So the official advise is that in your case, Git is the easiest solution. I'm now in the same position as you described and will be trying Git as advised.
Previously, when working for a small company, we used a dedicated leftover MacMini as an SVN server; this was quite easy to set up, and worked like a charm for many years. Be aware that the SVN integration of Xcode 3 was better than that of Xcode 4 though, so that I ended up using Xcode 4 for development and basic SVN usage, together with Xcode 3 for SVN stuff that Xcode 4 wouldn't do anymore.

Why do techs recommend YUM installs yet repositories and providers are ages behind?

I have been reading page after page after page about the benefits of using YUM package installer and how NOBODY should built installs from source files (which again makes no sense to me) yet the repositories and source builders always package files in Tarball format, leaving a TON of work (which usually ends up going wrong) to the individual instead of formatting SRPMs for the end user.
Has the world gone mad? I feel like I am taking crazy pills!
Well, first of all there's more to life than just RPM and YUM. An SRPM would be (somewhat) useless to Debian, for instance.
As for why you'd use a package repository over building everything yourself, well I don't know about you, but I've much rather just run (I'm using Ubuntu so I have apt-get instead of yum):
# apt-get install firefox
Than trying to figure out all the dependencies, as well as all the dependencies dependencies, make sure I have the correct versions of everything, download/build/install any that I don't have (or are out of date: if updating existing dependencies, make sure the newer versions don't break any existing software that I have and make sure I don't end up with 15 different versions of the same thing), and only after all that then download/configure/build/install firefox.
Then realise I'll also want Open Office or MySQL and start all over again!
That said, there are some packages that I install the latest version of from source. For example, I run my media centre off MythTV and I always like to build the latest version of that from Subversion. But even then, with a package manager, that's as easy as:
# apt-get build-dep mythtv
> cd ~/src/mythtv/
> svn co <svn repo of mythtv>
> configure && (etc)
That is, the package management software already knows all the dependencies for MythTV and it can download and install them automatically. Why spend hours tracking it all down manually?
In the end, it sounds to me like maybe you'd prefer a distro like Gentoo... that's the benefit of Linux, of course. If you don't like how things are run in the Fedora/RedHat distribution, you can just choose a different one.
There are a few reasons to use a packaging infrastructure (like yum):
Creating "installations" is much easier to do, due to automatic dependency installation. From the simple yum install blah to creating chroots with mock/--installroot, or live CDs, etc.
Managing those installations. From the obvious yum update to operations which are much harder to do otherwise like: yum --security update, yum --bz=1234 update-minimal, yum --disablerepo=testing distro-sync.
Auditing those installations. The obvious examples here being yum history (not available in plain RHEL-5 atm.) and yum verify.
...however speed is not a factor, for instance Fedora rawhide moves as fast as gentoo.
RHEL-5 does not move that quickly, because it's 3 years old and is not supposed to break ... not because it's managed using yum/rpms. There are third party providers, like iuscommunity, which release co-installable newer releases for various packages. Or if you need to you create your own.
Or you can run a production server on Fedora rawhide or gentoo, both will have the latest packages really quickly ... I would not recommend that option though.
Among other things, tarballs are system independent and YUM appears to be RPM-based and thus mostly usable by Linux only (plus Netware and AIX, so as I said, Linux only :) )