Forum solution for Rails 3 and Devise? - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm looking for a forum solution for a website I'm building. I'm using Devise and Rails 3, so does there exist any pluggable solutions?
What about 3rd party services?

The goal of Community, is to provide a simple, and easy to setup forum application without having to dictate how your site it setup.

You could build one yourself, you'll be surprised that it's not that time consuming, and you won't have to deal with the bloat that 3rd party solutions might come with. Here is a good place to start.

Savage Beast, Altered Beast and rBoard may be good starting points, but note that they are only for Rails 2.x afaics.
Note: rBoard has a Rails 3 branch but I have no idea how stable that is.


Authentication system in Rails 3 . Devise / omniauth or self coded?

I am a newbie in ROR developement. I am trying to create my own application with the help of Ruby on Rails tutorial 2nd edition. I made many reseaches. I need your comments about devise or any other authentications system or as the book offers us to write our own authentication systems.
What are your ideas? Is it wasting time to write your own authentication system?
i'm quite new to RoR myself but i used Devise so far (and according to the book i'm currently reading it is worth it).
You could use the Railscasts about Devise if you want an introduction to it:
And as it is quite easy to learn and well featured i'd say it is pretty overkill to write your own.
I am a huge advocate of Devise, and also of not recreating the wheel. My rebuttal question would be why go through the trouble of creating your own authentication solution, when in just a few short bash commands, Devise will be installed and running. The configuration options alone are enough to choose Devise, not to mention that almost every part of the engine has the ability to be overridden with your own code.
There are hundreds of blog posts out there that can easily get you started with running Devise. As always with any gem, I would recommend starting out with browsing the source code, and then turning to the wiki for the answers that you seek. As #krizz mentioned, Ryan Bates' Railscasts are always a great place to turn when you need to see it setup.
And of course, you can always turn back here to the stack when you get stuck.

Helper Gem for Rest on Rails 3

I know that Rails has some tools on board to create a REST API. However, concepts like HATEOS aren't supported out of the box.
I googled around for Gems that are filling the gap. The most complete Gem I found is Restfulie ( But I am not complete convinced about Restfulie and the project looks abandoned. Hence, I am looking for good alternatives to Restfulie.
What's the best Gem to create a REST API for Rails?
Popular choices are RABL and Roar / roar-rails.
I personally like Roar better because it allows you to consume your representations which is a bit harder with RABL. On the other hand, it's concepts are still in flux so things still tend to change.
Grape is worth a try.

rails 3 blog engine/gem that works on heroku, what to use?

I have spent some time looking for a rail3 blog engine for use on an existing site. I want the blog on the same domain as the application for SEO points eg not
Having spent some time on this I have found:
Which generate static pages, I really like this idea as its optimal under-load as its highly cached. Not sure how our not technical blog writers will cope with this.
Also I looked at more dynamic platforms like:
typo (which seams dated, I guess they are finding it hard to port to rails 3)
Are people giving up on this as this post Need to link WP Blog with Rails App on Heroku suggests? Seams crazy given the value of this. Also, this post was good but not really conclusive for me
I've been really impressed by monologue, so far.
It's a bare-bones db-backed blog engine.
One of the creators of heroku wrote a small blog engine.

Disqus vs custom made vs some other option for adding comments in Rails 3?

I need a commenting system for a site I am working on. It needs to be able to be polymorphic so it can support different types of models that need comments. What would be the smarter thing to do (less code, complexity, and effort required): use Disqus, create my own system, or use some other commenting system (if you know any others please tell me)? Any advice on this topic would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Disclaimer up-front: I haven't used Disqus but they seem to be the best combination of power and effort for your needs, which are relatively straightforward. Because they are a dedicated and competent firm (and used by millions of sites) you are likely to have more features, support, and easy upgrades than if you were to build on your own.
I might have suggested a custom-built solution if your requirements were unusual in any way, but they seem to be typical for a modern commercial site. Good luck!

How to do enumerations in Rails 3?

In Rails 2 I know of a few plugins for enumerations such as acts_as_enumeration and enumerate_by but they don't seem to be maintained or updated for Rails 3. Preferably, the solution would store the enum in memory rather than a database for performance reasons but really any method would be useful since it can always be cached.
I did find enumerated_attribute that claims to work with Rails 3 but quite honestly I don't like the API and was hoping for another good solution.
(Sorry for only linking to the one plugin but it won't let me post more than one link until I get a higher reputation)
I am currently using lwe's simple_enum which seems to be actively developed and stores values on memory or if you prefer on a table.
If you're using DataMapper as your ORM have a look at dm-types which includes an Enum type.
There is this gem, enumerate_it, it has good documentation and very well done!