How to setup JsonWritter for store - crud

I cannot find the solution for configuring restful store. Reading and deleting records works good, but I need also update and create functionality. For this I need to send data to WCF (restful) service in Json or XML format. In classic ExtJS I would create a store with JsonWritter, but how to do that in ? Store doesn't have public property Writter (or similar), so I cannot use ... markup. I also didn't find a way how to set writter later (on the place like Ext.onReady...).
Of course, I can gather all data and call WCF service directly (ajax) and then just refresh the store.
But that is not that nice like it would be when store handles all CRUD operation by itself.
Thanks for any help

Please investigate the following sample


Can Webapi be used in an application which is not excessed by any external application?

I'd read it somewhere that whenever one needs to do data intensive work then Webapi could be used. Ex: autocomplete textbox where we get data from using ajax on key press.
Now someone told me that Webapi shouldn't be used within applications which are not externally accessed. Rather action should be used to the same work as it is capable of returning the data back in a similar fashion to webapi.
I'd like to know your suggestions over it.
Depends on how you look at it. If all you need is ajax-ification of your controller actions, then you really don't need Web-API. Your actions can return a JsonResult and it is very easy to consume that from your client side through an AJAX call.
Web-API makes it easy for you to expose you actions to external clients. It supports HTTP protocol and Json and XML payloads automatically, out of the box, without you writing the code for it. Now, there is nothing preventing you from consuming the same Web-API actions from your own internal clients in an AJAX manner.
So the answer to your question depends on your design. If you don't have external clients, then there is no string need for you to have Web-API. Your standard controller actions can do the job.

Dynamically create json using WCF service to feed MTDialog application

I wish to create a MonoTouch MTDialog-based app that upon launching adds a single element to the MonoTouch Dialog and then render the screen. This single element will be a JsonElement similar to this -
var je = new JsonElement ("Dynamic Data", "");
as shown in the sample application. However, instead of referencing a pre-built json file on a server, I wish to have the url point at a WCF OData service which will dynamically build the json data.
I am not sure what is the easiest way to do this. I am a bit lost after reading over the documentation. Is there some library I can include in my server-side C# app which I can then use to build out the elements and return as a json string of information?
I already have a WCF application up and running and just need to add an entry point which will call the method to create some simple json data for MonoTouch dialog to consume.
Any examples or suggestions are greatly appreciated as I am trying to get a simple solution completed by this weekend.
You're looking for a C# JSON library? How about JSON.NET
You might also look at ServiceStack.NET -- they have a MonoTouch client.

Global Filtering on Odata Provider

Im connecting to a multi-tenant database through an odata service (my client is an iOS app, using the obj-c OData SDK). My question is, is there a way to apply a global filter to all data calls. Every data call should be filtered by TenantID=?, so instead of going to every single data call and adding TenantID=? to the filter string (My app is already developed for single database and am now refactoring it for multi-tenant), i was just hoping there is a way to catch it in say the OnBeforeSend event and manipulate the URL to add the filter. So therefore all data calls are filtered. Any ideas? Or any suggestions on approaching this?
Thanks in advance
There's nothing wrong with that approach.
Another approach, which may not be applicable in your situation, is to filter it on the Odata side using change and query interceptors.

Automatic serialization

I want to download xsd specifications from a web service and automatic converting (serialize) these schemas to classes (visual studio - If the organization that is responsible for the xsd schemas alter them in a way that only my class corresponding to the xsd have to be altered (not the rest of my code) I would like to automatic update my xsd corresponding class. Is this possible? If so, can somebody tell me how to do it?
I use vs2010. What I want to do is: call a web service where I can send in an input parameter to the service which specifies the xsd I want to retrieve (the service is GetShemaDefenition and returns an object with the schema specification in a string property of the object). I den have to read the xsd string from the string property and convert this to a class representation of this xsd specification. Is it possible to do this automatically? I have done this manually by using xsd.exe. If the owner organization of the xsd has altered the xsd specification, I have to test if there is a new specification, and if there is I have to build a new class representation of this xsd? Is it possible to do what I want? And how would I know if it has been a big change in the xsd which also affect other parts of my code, not just the class representation of the xsd?
Tanks a lot for your reply! So what you are saying, if I understand you correct, is that there is not a good solution for automating this functionality because if the xsd change I most likely (in some occasions’) have to change my code manually? So I have to choose, either in my application or in my intermediate service? But what is the purpose for providing the xsd in a web service? What can I use the web service for? I just wondering, maybe it is clear but I am new to web services and is eager to learn more.
Thanks! But can you explain a little bit more. What I have to do is: I use one web service where one of the properties is a string. The string is an XML inside a CDATA block. The organization which provides the web service will not pares the xml inside the CDATA block but instead forward this to another organization that will use the xml data. The organization which uses the xml data specifies the xsd schem that I have to follow to generate my xml correct. This is the xsd schema I can get from another web service. I don’t really understand what I can do with this xsd file from the web service. What can I do with it and why do I want to download it from the web service, when I can’t use it automatically? Because I have to manually do the changes when the xsd changes I can easily download the xsd schema from the organization’s home page and make the new class with xsd.exe. I understand there is something I don’t understand :o), can you pleas clarify?
What visual studio version you are using?, Normally you can click on the project's references and Add Web service. In this case Visual studio creates automatically the objects required to consume the service. you can update it any time by a right click on the reference.
However if it is very likely to change often, One solution is to implement an adapter class. use create an interface that provides the same functionality and call the actual web service. In your application you use only the proxy class and not the Web Service. Later when the web service interface changes all you have to do is to change the internals of this intermediate class.
you can use this tool to create you object model in code. Then you can compile your new object model and use it in you application. There are many complications in what you want to do and the bottom line is; when the object model changes, your code will fail. There is absolutely no way to imagine how the interface will change so while you can do all that automatically there is nothing to do if the name of a function changes.
However the answer to your situation is indirection. If you can't guaranty the stability of a external service. Why not create a stable intermediate service that calls the actual one? this way in future you don't need to touch you application. All you have to do is to modify the intermediate service while keeping it's interface compatible.

Client Side Binding using by Converting the WCF Services to JSON

We have a Requirement of Consuming the WCf Services which is hosted in IIS like http://localhost/someservice.svc.
We would like to consume that Service via java script and bind my sample data controls called grid view on client side itself.
I think this can be done by Serializing and deserialzing to JSON and consume the data source and bind the grid controls.
Pls Refer the below link
I would like to Achieve my func like the above link.
Can you pls guide me to achieve this Tasks.
Yes, you can definitely enable your WCF service (whether within IIS or not) to use JSON.
You do need to make one choice: do you want to use that service from the ASP .NET AJAX framework, or do you want to create a more general solution that is not tied down to that framework's usage within the browser?
If it's the former, use WebScriptEnablingBehavior. If it's the latter, use WebHttpBehavior.
For either scenario, detailed instructions are available in the following two MSDN sections:
AJAX Integration and JSON Support
WCF Web Http Programming Model