Help understanding class method returning singleton [duplicate] - objective-c

This question already has answers here:
What does #synchronized() do as a singleton method in objective C?
(6 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Can someone please help me understand what the following method is doing?
+ (Game *) shared
static Game *sharedSingleton;
if (!sharedSingleton)
sharedSingleton = [[Game alloc] init];
return sharedSingleton;

Obviously, the idea behind a singleton is to create only a single instance. The first step in achieving this is to declare a static instance of the class via the line static Game *sharedSingleton;.
The second step is to check whether the single instance is already created, and if it isn't, to create it, or if it is, to return the existing single instance. However, this second step opens up the potential for problems in the event that 2 separate threads try to call the +shared method at the same exact moment. You wouldn't want one thread to be modifying the single sharedSingleton variable while another thread is trying to examine it, as it could produce unexpected results.
The solution to this problem is to use the #synchronized() compiler directive to synchronize access to the object specified between the parenthesis. For example, say this single shared instance of the Game class has an instance variable named players which is an NSMutableArray of instances of a Player class. Let's say the Game class had an -addPlayer: method, which would modify the players instance variable by adding the specified player. It's important that if that method were called from multiple threads, that only one thread be allowed to modify the players array at a time. So, the implementation of that method might look something like this:
- (void)addPlayer:(Player *)player {
if (player == nil) return;
#synchronized(players) {
[players addObject:player];
Using the #synchronized() directive makes sure only one thread can access the players variable at a time. If one thread attempts to while another thread is currently accessing it, the first thread must wait until the other thread finishes.
While it's more straightforward when you're talking about an instance variable, it's perhaps less clear how to achieve the same type of result within the single creation method of the class itself. The self in the #synchronized(self) line in the following code basically equates to the Game class itself. By synchronizing on the Game class, it assures that the sharedSingleton = [[Game alloc] init]; line is only ever called once.
+ (Game *) shared
static Game *sharedSingleton;
#synchronized(self) // assures only one thread can call [Game shared] at a time
if (!sharedSingleton)
sharedSingleton = [[Game alloc] init];
return sharedSingleton;
[EDIT]: updated. Based on my tests a while back (and I just re-tested it now), the following all appear to be equivalent:
Outside #implementation:
Game *sharedInstance;
#implementation Game
+ (Game *)sharedGame {
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedInstance == nil) {
sharedInstance = [[[self class] alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
Outside #implementation, static:
static Game *sharedInstance;
#implementation Game
+ (Game *)sharedGame {
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedInstance == nil) {
sharedInstance = [[[self class] alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
Inside #implementation:
#implementation Game
static Game *sharedInstance;
+ (Game *)sharedGame {
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedInstance == nil) {
sharedInstance = [[[self class] alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
Inside +sharedGame:
#implementation Game
+ (Game *)sharedGame {
static Game *sharedInstance;
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedInstance == nil) {
sharedInstance = [[[self class] alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
The only difference is that in the first variation, without the static keyword, sharedInstance doesn't show up under File Statics in gdb. And obviously, in the last variation, sharedInstance isn't visible outside of the +sharedGame method. But practically speaking, they all assure that when you call [Game sharedInstance] you'll get back the sharedInstance, and that the sharedInstance is only created once. (Note, however, that further precautions would be needed to prevent someone from creating a non-singleton instance using something like Game *game = [[Game alloc] init];).

A row-by-row explanation ...
// A static variable guarantees there's only 1 instance of it ever,
// even accross multiple instances of the same class, this particular
// variable will store the class instance, so it can be returned whenever
// a client-class requests an instance of this class.
static Game *sharedSingleton;
// create a method that can always be called, even if there's no instance yet
// this method should create a new instance if there isn't one yet, otherwise
// return the existing instance
+ (Game *) shared
// synchronized makes sure only 1 client class can enter this method at any time,
// e.g. to prevent creating 2 instances whenever 2 client-classes try to
// access the following code from different threads.
// if the static variable is called for the first time,
// create an instance and return it, otherwise return the existing instance ...
if (!sharedSingleton)
sharedSingleton = [[Game alloc] init];
return sharedSingleton;

I don't know much Objective-C, but it appears to be a method for getting a singleton copy of the type Game* and is intended to be thread-safe.
Essentially calling that method will return the same copy of Game* every-time (regardless of which thread) and will not allocate a new instance of Game until the first time it is called (known as lazy-loading)

I would also override ’mutableCopyWithZone:’ and ’copyWithZone:’ methods in order to avoid that the singleton get copied:
// copy cannot be done
- (Game *)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
return self;
// mutablecopy cannot be done
- (Game *)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
return [self copyWithZone:zone];
Since ’copy’ and ’mutableCopy’ (assuming the singleton class doesn't inherit from another class which has overridden default NSObject implementations) just call ’copyWithZone:’ and ’mutableCopyWithZone:’ there will be not need to override those too.
To also avoid other developers from breaking the singleton pattern by using ’init’ or ’new’, the two methods can be declared unavailable:
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
In this way the compiler won't allow the use of the two methods, and other developers will be forced to use the documented method for obtaining the shared instance.
Another —more strict— technique is to override ’init’ and ’new’ and raise an exception.


Objective-C, class identity

I have the following situation, i can't resolve:
#interface Deck : NSObject
#interface MasterDeck : Deck
#interface PlayerDeck : Deck
Inside MasterDeck class, as part of initialization, i call
[self cutDeckImageIntoCards]; // We don't get to execute this method
Call results in an error [PlayerDeck cutDeckImageIntoCards]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
Indeed, PlayerDeck does not have this method .. but why is it being called at all?
After looking at MasterDeck's initialization i added a few debugging statements:
static MasterDeck *gInstance = NULL;
+(MasterDeck *) instance {
#synchronized(self) {
if (gInstance == NULL) {
gInstance = [[self alloc] init];
return gInstance;
-(id) init {
if (gInstance != NULL) {
return gInstance;
// MasterDeck
self = [super init];
// PlayerDeck
if (self) {
// Lots of stuff
[self cutDeckImageIntoCards]
// Some more stuff
gInstance = self;
return gInstance;
Ok, so MasterDeck is PlayerDeck because' Deck thinks it is a PlayerDeck ... Deck confirms
Deck is created as follows:
static Deck *gInstance = NULL;
+(Deck *) instance {
#synchronized(self) {
if (gInstance == NULL) {
gInstance = [[self alloc] init];
return gInstance;
-(id) init {
if (gInstance != NULL) {
return gInstance;
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Do something
NSLog(#"Deck thinks it's a %#", [[self class ]description]); // PlayerDeck
gInstance = self;
return gInstance;
So, again
#interface Deck : NSObject
Assuming above Singleton Implementation, why would Deck think it's actually a PlayerDeck?
So the way you've written this, if you create the PlayDeck instance first, then the Deck instance is now a PlayDeck.
And then if you go to create the MasterDeck instance, your call to [super init] dutifully returns that previous PlayDeck instance.
So why is Deck a singleton at all? Deck has two subclasses that are singletons, but are you really looking for a singleton Deck also?
At a minimum, you can make this sort of work by not setting gInstance from within each init. Let the class method do that. Just return self from each of the init's. Also, remove the check for gInstance being not null, other Deck's init will always return Deck's instance once you have an instance of Deck.
But beyond that, I would rethink this idea a bit. Hope that helps.
You'll probably want to separate your singleton class from the actual class.
Try implementing it as in this example,
+(id) instance {
static dispatch_once_t pred;
static MasterDeck *sharedInstance = nil;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
sharedInstance = [[MasterDeck alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
What happens if you replace [[self alloc] init] with [[MasterDeck alloc] init]?
It may be that somehow self is PlayerDeck. To make sure, you could NSLog([self description]) just before calling + alloc.
I assume that the interesting part of the code you have above is part of the #implementation of MasterDeck. My suggestion would be to try a lot more logging, including determining what super and [self class] are before calling [super init], although these may be misleading...
Also, as a side note, I believe that you should call [self release] in init if you are returning the previously-created instance.
What does the [super init] method look like? Can you step into it, or is it the default initializer?
Edit 2
I think you're doing singletons wrong. If you initialize a PlayerDeck, that would create a singleton in Deck which is an instance of PlayerDeck. Then later, when you initialize a MasterDeck, calling [super init] will return the instance already created by the PlayerDeck.
It looks like you try to be clever, but fact is - often the computer is even smarter. :)
Your deck class caches an instance in gInstance - in fact, it looks like it may store a Deck, a PlayerDeck, or a MasterDeck, depending on what and how you call / instantiate first. After that, this very instance is returned by that init method.
I strongly suggest to get this code clean and readable. I bet there are numerous problems with this code - but your problem is already a good example. Your logic (which should be simple, I guess) can surely be implemented much easier.
Note - I'm not against singletons, but this sort of code stacking is an absolute no-go. It's hard to get more dependency logic into those lines. ;)

singleton in objective c

I saw a singleton example on objective-c book. However, I don't know if there is difference of meaning of 'singleton' definition between objective-c and other langs. Can this [[SingletonClass alloc] init] still be used to create a new object? If yes, how to guarantee there is only one object in the memory?
#import "SingletonClass.h"
#implementation SingletonClass
static SingletonClass *sharedInstance = nil;
// Get the shared instance and create it if necessary.
+ (SingletonClass*)sharedInstance {
if (sharedInstance == nil) {
sharedInstance = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
return sharedInstance;
// We can still have a regular init method, that will get called the first time the Singleton is used.
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Work your initialising magic here as you normally would
return self;
If you want a true singleton, i.e. an object that can be instantiated only once, take a look at Apple's documentation: Creating a Singleton Instance.
Basically, the idea is to override a number of methods related to allocating and managing objects: +allocWithZone (which is called by +alloc), -retain, -release, -copyWithZone, etc., so that it becomes quite difficult to create more than one instance of your singleton class. (It's still possible to create a second instance by calling the runtime directly, but this should be enough to get the point across.)
Pretty much every blogger who has ever written about Objective-C in any capacity has offered an opinion on how to implement singletons. Many of those opinions seem pretty good, and most of them are fairly similar. It's clear that Dave DeLong knows what he's talking about, and his piece on singletons is short, sweet, and gets straight to the point.
I don't know if there is difference of meaning of 'singleton' definition between objective-c and other langs.
It follows the common definition of languages derived from C.
Can this [[SingletonClass alloc] init] still be used to create a new object?
If yes, how to guarantee there is only one object in the memory?
Avoid enforcing the pattern (e.g. do not force it to be a singleton). Just make a normal object. Then if you really want only one instance, create an instance and save it someplace for reuse (your app delegate is one typical place for this, because it is typically created once per execution).
In practice, most (>95%) ObjC singleton implementations i've seen in the wild are used for the wrong reasons, and would have been better or as good as normal objects.
Every solution linked in the answers so far has (at minimum) subtle problems, dangers, or undesirable side-effects.
There is no language support for singletons, but you can do it by hand. Look at the singleton example here. It doesn't look like it is thread-safe, though. I would allocate the object in +initialize instead of +sharedManager.
You can create a singleton in Objective-C by doing the following:
+(MyAPI *)shared {
static dispatch_once_t queue;
static MyAPI *singleton = nil;
dispatch_once(&queue, ^{
singleton = [[MyAPI alloc] init];
return singleton;
This will also ensure that it is thread safe. Without using the dispatch_once you run the risk of multiple threads trying to access it at the same time when one is in the middle of allocating it, and the other is trying to use it.
Singleton class is used to save the data for use anywhere in app.
#define saveDataSingletonObject ((SaveDataSingleton*)[SaveDataSingleton sharedManager])
#interface SaveDataSingleton : NSObject
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSMutableArray *DataArr;
+ (id)sharedManager;
#implementation SaveDataSingleton
#synthesize DataArr;
+ (id)sharedManager {
static SaveDataSingleton *sharedManager;
if(!sharedManager) {
#synchronized(sharedManager) {
sharedManager = [SaveDataSingleton new];
return sharedManager;
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
DataArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
return self;
// using setter getter save and retrieve data
+(void)setDataArr:(NSMutableArray *)Dataarr
self.DataArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithArray:Dataarr];
+(NSMutableArray *)DataArr
return self.DataArr;
Save and Retrieve data // Use singleton Object
// save data using setter function.
[saveDataSingletonObject setDataArr:Array];
//fetch data using getter function.
NSArray *arr=[saveDataSingletonObject DataArr];

Singleton or Class methods [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What does #synchronized() do as a singleton method in objective C?
(6 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
After reading the responses to a question about singletons in Objective C it appears that each solution makes some tradeoff in regards to threading in the instance accessor. i.e.
if (sharedInstance == nil)
sharedInstance = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
This essentially single-threads access to the singleton, and if it's something that's used frequently in an operation, seems like something that could cause threads to unnecessarily contend.
What's the downside to simply using the class object as the singleton instance, and exposing functionality via class methods, i.e.
#interface MySingleton : NSObject {
+ (void)doSomething;
#implementation MySingleton
+ (void)initialize {
//do some setup if necessary
+ (void)doSomething {
//do something
In this way we avoid doing the lock + check every time we want to reference the singleton object and we can also eliminate having to store it in a local or method ivar.
This approach also lets the runtime guarantee that only one instance (the Class object) exists in the system at any given time.
There's more here than just threading, with a traditional singleton you usually write code like this:
MySingleton *instance = [MySingleton getSharedInstance];
NSObject *someResult = [instance getResult];
if (instance.someProperty) {
//do something
However if your singleton is a class instance, you essentially eliminate the need call getSharedInstance all the time. Consider this code:
NSObject *someResult = [MySingleton getResult];
if ([MySingleton someProperty]) {
//do something
I hear the point that you have to store your data in file local static variables, or in global variables (yuck). But it's really not all that different from a traditional singleton with the exception that you lose Objective-C 2.0 properties (instead you have to use traditional accessor methods).
Here's one key tradeoff for me that seems like a win. In a traditional singleton you end up overriding -copyWithZone, +allocWithZone, -retain, -retainCount, -release and -autorelease if you really want to get things right.
This seems like an awful lot of work to do every time you want to write a simple Singleton object (they happen to be pretty useful). So why not simply just replace it with this:
#implementation MySingleton
+ (void)initialize {
//do your setup
- (id)init {
NSAssert(NO, #"You should read the documentation on singletons.");
It's a lot lighter in terms of code, and unless your consumers are really sneaky they won't ever create two instances.
Get to the point already
My question is really this:
Is there any drawback to using the Class object as the instance of your singleton?
It seems like you can take all the same steps in terms of threadsafety, memory efficiency etc. without having to remember to override so many methods and accessors or litter your code with instance checks.
With iOS 4.0 or later, by far the best solution is to just use dispatch_once, as in
+ (id)sharedInstance {
static dispatch_once_t predicate;
dispatch_once(&predicate, ^{
sharedInstance = [[MyClass alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
You may also want to consider using a single dispatch_queue to serialize access to the internals of a class. If all your public methods just run a block on the same dispatch_queue then you won't have to worry about concurrency issues.
This is my first post on Stack Overflow... (so prepare for stupidity)
I think there is a hybrid solution that might be useful.
I want to set and get (global) values out of a singleton class without having calling "getSharedInstance". I'd want the code to look like this...
frameRate = Singleton.frameRate;
Singleton.frameRate = 42;
To achieve this, each variable we need to store in the singleton has a getter and setter class method. The class method then goes to an instance to store the data in an ivar. The instance isn't directly accessed by the main program.
The getter looks like this:
+ (int) frameRate
return [[Singleton instance] ivarFrameRate];
The (ugly) instance call is hidden inside the class code.
By calling the instance method here, the class method will automatically instantiate an object when first used. Once the singleton is instantiated, the instance stores ivars conventionally. Here, I am prefixing with "ivar" make the ivar explicit.
#property int ivarFrameRate;
#synthesize ivarFrameRate;
This automatically creates conventional getter (and setter) methods to access the ivar.
(edit - here is a complete example)
// Singleton.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Singleton : NSObject
float ivarFrameRate
#property float ivarFrameRate;
- (id) init;
+ (Singleton *) instance;
+ (float) frameRate;
+ (void) setFrameRate:(float)fr;
// Singleton.m
#import "Singleton.h"
#implementation Singleton
#synthesize ivarFrameRate;
static Singleton* gInstance = NULL;
+ (Singleton*)instance
if (gInstance == NULL)
gInstance = [[self alloc] init];
- (id)init
self = [super init];
return self;
+ (float) frameRate
return [[Singleton instance] ivarFrameRate];
+ (void) setFrameRate:(float)fr;
[[Singleton instance] setIvarFrameRate:fr];
This is fine, but still just changes your circumstances rather than fixes your problems. Unless you don't have any actual data tied to your singleton, in which case this will work just fine. Anytime you access central data you will need to properly make it thread-safe.
Additionally, without some kind of iVar I don't know of a way to store data (that is intended) directly in a class.
In the example above I would code it in this way, getting the same result as you are proposing and only taking the performance hit if we are creating/re-creating the singleton:
if (sharedInstance)
return sharedInstance;
if (sharedInstance == nil)
sharedInstance = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
Keep in mind that either way, if you are accessing data that is potentially changing on different threads then you'll have to make that code thread-safe anyway, either with very careful planning or using code to ensure there are no problems. I'd recommend a mix, but when in doubt the latter when at all possible. =)
If you use a class as your singleton, the only way to store data would be to use static file variables and global variables. If you are going to go so far that you make a class you don't plan to instantiate, you might as well just use standard C functions:
void doSomething(void);
void doSomething() {
//do something

Elegant and 'correct' multiton implementation in Objective C?

Would you call this implementation of a multiton in objective-c 'elegant'? I have programmatically 'disallowed' use of alloc and allocWithZone: because the decision to allocate or not allocate memory needs to be done based on a key.
I know for sure that I need to work with only two instances, so I'm using 'switch-case' instead of a map.
#import "Multiton.h"
static Multiton *firstInstance = nil;
static Multiton *secondInstance = nil;
#implementation Multiton
+ (Multiton *) sharedInstanceForDirection:(enum KeyName)direction {
return [[self allocWithKey:direction] init];
+ (id) allocWithKey:(enum KeyName)key {
return [self allocWithZone:nil andKey:key];
+ (id) allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone andKey:(enum KeyName)key {
Multiton **sharedInstance;
#synchronized(self) {
switch (key) {
case KEY_1:
sharedInstance = &firstInstance;
case KEY_2:
sharedInstance = &secondInstance;
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:#"Invalid key"];
if (*sharedInstance == nil)
*sharedInstance = [super allocWithZone:zone];
return *sharedInstance;
+ (id) allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
//Do not allow use of alloc and allocWithZone
[NSException raise:NSObjectInaccessibleException format:#"Use allocWithZone:andKey: or allocWithKey:"];
return nil;
- (id) copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
return self;
- (id) retain {
return self;
- (unsigned) retainCount {
return NSUIntegerMax;
- (void) release {
- (id) autorelease {
return self;
- (id) init {
[super init];
return self;
PS: I've not tried out if this works as yet, but its compiling cleanly :)
I find singletons a bad idea and this looks about four times as horrible. The code is quite complex, you can be sure of spending a nice few hours chasing subtle bugs in it and you will probably never feel comfortable about it. That’s no good. You should throw this abomination away and wire your objects together in some other way that doesn’t require so much thinking.
If you like patterns, you can use something akin to Factory pattern to wire your objects. The Factory will take care of creating those two instances and passing them wherever needed. And the Factory will be a lot more simple than Multiton:
#interface Factory : NSObject {
Foo *foo1, *foo2;
#implementation Factory
- (id) init {
[super init];
foo1 = [[Foo alloc] init];
foo2 = [[Foo alloc] init];
return self;
Of course you don’t have to create both instances at once. You can do anything you like there – cache, lazy load, anything. The point is leaving the Foo lifetime management up to the Factory, separate from the Foo code. Then it gets much easier. ¶ All the other objects that need Foo will be created and wired through Factory and will receive their Foo through a setter:
#implementation Factory
- (id) wireSomeClass {
id instance = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
[instance setFoo:foo1];
[instance setAnotherDependency:bar];
return [instance autorelease];
This is all much more straightforward then the code from your question.
Don't override alloc. The problem with overriding alloc to return a previously allocated instance of the class, as you do, is that when +sharedInstance calls [[Multiton alloc] init]... +alloc will return the old instance, then -init will re-initialize it! The best practice is to override -init, doing the cache lookup and calling [self release] before you return the cached instance.
If you're really concerned about the cost of that extra +alloc (it's not much), you also do your cache lookup in +sharedInstance and then ensure that all of your clients access the instance through +sharedInstance to avoid the extra alloc.
Point of order: How do you know that you'll only ever have two instances, or need to have two instances? (Or want to have two instances?) What, exactly, is the point of having a "Multiton"? (And is that even a word?)

Setting up NSMutableArray - Can someone explain what this code snippet does?

I've found this snippet of code on the net. It sets up an NSMutableArray in a way I've not seen before ( I'm an Obj-C newb). Can someone explain what it's doing and why you would do it this way? Particularly the #syncronized, static and little plus sign on the method signature.
add the following to the .h file:
+(NSMutableArray *)allMySprites;
add the following to he .m file after implementation:
static NSMutableArray * allMySprites = nil;
+(NSMutableArray *)allMySprites {
#synchronized(allMySprites) {
if (allMySprites == nil)
allMySprites = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return allMySprites;
return nil;
Adding to the other responses ... the posted code is wrong. It should be more like this:
#implementation SpriteManager
+ (NSMutableArray*) allMySprites {
#synchronized(self) {
if (allMySprites == nil) {
allMySprites = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return allMySprites;
It makes no sense to #synchronize on nil. Using self in a class method refers to the class and not the instance. Also the 'return nil' in the original code is pointless.
A better approach where the #synchronized can be completely avoided is to use a class initializer method:
#implementation SomeClass
+ (void) initialize
allMySprites = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
The initialize methods are guaranteed to be called before the class is used.
The + sign indicates the method is static as opposed to instance methods. It means the method belongs to the class rather than each instance of a class (just like static things in Java and C#). #synchronized acquires a lock on the object specified (like lock statement in C#). It means no other thread can enter a #synchronized block with that object.
The code as a whole is trying to initialize a singleton collection the first time (when it's not initialized yet) and cache it for use in subsequent calls to that method. The synchronized block creates a critical section to make the initialization part safe in case of a race condition where two threads try to get the value roughly the same time while it's still doing the initialization.
It's an implementation of the Singleton design pattern, basically a way of making sure that you only have one copy of your MySprites.
The details:
The + means that this is a class method
The #syncyronize makes access to the allMySprites variable thread-safe (there are a few caveats but that's the one line summary)
I believe that the static limits the scope of the variable only to the file