Selection of datatype for storing images - javabeans

I want to store and retrieve images to/from database using java beans, which data type should be used for this purpose?

The most conventional approach would be to store the data in a BLOB. That would allow you to read and write the byte stream from Java but wouldn't allow you to do any transformation inside the database.
The other alternative would be to use the interMedia ORDImage type. This provides a great deal more flexibility by allowing the database to do things like generate and return a thumbnail image, to adjust compression quality, etc.
As Grant indicates, LONG RAW (and the character-based LONG) data types have been deprecated so you should not be using them.

I think BLOB is what you are looking for. RAW types are for legacy support so unless you absolutely have to deal with them I wouldn't.


Saving model object into SQL DB

I am reading several tutorials on how to use an SQL database with Cocoa, and it seems quite easy. I already took a look at a few wrappers too, but I can't find anywhere a way to save objects.
Is it correct to conform my model object to the NSCoding protocol, and just save the NSKeyedArchiver as an NSData object into the DB?
Should I do differently? Which is the best way?
You can use NSKeyedArchive too, but is not the best solution imho. Is like storing all data in a platform independent "database" an xml file. It wasn't created for that, it in't optimized for that.
I would create a NSSqlArchieve and map those fields which I want as how I want in native database, because: in different databases you can have custom fields, custom type fields , which myabe improve a select or other database operation. Or you just want to take advatage of some system table/data and can't find a mapping or is to slow or other problems.
NSData can be stored / retrieved to a Blob/Clob, since is binary data.
But all data convert to binary format and store it to database.... why to store there and why not into a file. Database was invented to store and make query from data.

Compressing JSON

I am saving long Json string into DB , fetching the string from Db and then serializing it for other manipulation is making it slow.
Is there any good solution to do that.
As there was told, you might need to use Documented-Oriented DB, like MongoDB.
If you can't do this, please consider combined data storage: something you may store in RDBMS, something - in MongoDB.
And if it is impossible for certain reasons, please look at binary formats of JSON: Smile or BSON, both of which are supported by various frameworks, such as JSON.Net (article for consideration
The best possible way is to use a document oriented database which support json for storage. This way you can query or update part of the long json without fetching or serializing it.

is there an ocaml library store/use data structure on disk

like bdb. However, I looked at the ocaml-bdb, seems like it's made to store only string. My problem is I have arrays that store giant data. Sure, I can serialize them into many files, or encode/decode my data and put them on database or those key-value db things, which is my last resort. I'm wondering if there's a better way.
The HDF4 / HDF5 file format might suit your needs. See
In addition to the HDF4 bindings mentioned by jrouquie there are HDF5 bindings available ( Depending on the type of data you're storing there are bindings to GDAL (
For data which can fit in a bigarray you also have the option of memory mapping a large file on disk. See for example. While it ties you to a rather strict on-disk format, it does make it relatively simple to manipulate arrays which are larger than the available RAM.
there was an ocaml BerkeleyDB wrapper in the past:
Apparently someone looked into it recently:
recent patch for OCamlDB
However, the GDAL bindings from hcarty are probably production ready and in intensive usage somewhere.
Also, there are bindings for dbm in opam: dbm and cryptodbm
HDF5 is prolly the answer, but given the question is somewhat vague, another solution is possible.
Disclaimer: I don't know ocaml (but I knew caml-light) and I know berkeley database (AKA. bsddb (AKA bdb)).
However, I looked at the ocaml-bdb, seems like it's made to store only string.
That maybe true in ocaml-bdb but in reality it stores bytes. I am not sure about your case, because in Python2 there was no difference between bytes and strings of unicode chars. It's until recently that Python 3 got a proper byte type and the bdb bindings take and spit bytes. That said, the difference is subtile but you'd rather work with bytes because that what bdb understand and use.
My problem is I have arrays that store giant data. Sure, I can serialize them into many files, or encode/decode my data and put them on database
or use those key-value db things, which is my last resort.
I'm wondering if there's a better way.
It depends on you need and how the data looks.
If the data can all stay in memory, you'd rather dump memory to a file and load it back.
If you need to share than data among several architectures or Operating system you'd rather use a serialisation framework like HDF5. Remember is that HDF5 doesn't handle circular references.
If the data can not stay all in memory, then you need to use something like bdb (or wiredtiger).
Why bdb (or wiredtiger)
Simply said, several decades of work have gone into:
splitting data
storing it on disk
retrieve data
As fast as possible.
wiredtiger is the successor of bdb.
So yes you could split the files yourself et al. but that will require a lot of work. Only specialized compagnies do that (bloomberg included...), among people that manage themself all the above there is the famous postgresql, mariadb, google and algolia.
ordered key value stores like wiredtiger and bdb use similar algorithm to higher level databases like postgresql and mysql or specialized one like lucene/solr or sphinx ie. mvcc, btree, lsm, PSSI etc...
MongoDB since 3.2 use wiredtiger backend for storing all the data.
Some people argue that key-value store are not good at storing relational data, that said several project started doing distributed databases on top of key value stores. This is a clue that it's useful. E.g. FoundationDB or CockroachDB.
The idea behind key-value stores is to deliver a generic framework for:
splitting data
storing it on disk
retrieve data
As fast as possible, giving some guarantees (like ACID) and other nice to haves (like compression or cryptography).
To take advantage of the power offer by those libraries. You need to learn about key-value composition.

should xml or sqlite3 be used?

I just started iOS development am currently developing an application that just reads data from a server and displays it onto the screen. What I am not sure of is whether to use XML or sqlite3 to store the data. Which method should be more preferred and why? thanks in advance.
It is important to remember they are two different things, suited to different tasks. Choose the one that fits the problem. (In this case I would likely use XML or "just plain text" because it sounds like just a simple download-cache. Either the raw response could be kept or, perhaps the data already transformed into objects and then automatically serialized into XML or whatnot. In any case, keep it simple.)
XML is (at the very core) a markup format. XML documents are a (hopefully well-defined) structure. There is a large set of tooling that supports manipulation and querying within a hierarchical "document" model. I use XML a good bit for a serialization format and also use it for local caching if appropriate (e.g. there are no non-hierarchical relationships). XML is often loaded entirely into memory (e.g. a DOM) for manipulation.
SQLite is a relational database that is designed around tables and relationships between sets of tables. Being able to run (complex) queries is where a relational database really shines. SQLite is also very fast and can process large data-sets which can't all fit in memory. Columns in SQLite can also contain text (read: XML) so the approaches are not orthogonal.
Happy coding.
Probably all depends on how data is processed after it was stored. If data must be sorted, uses specific selection etc. then, sqlite is better solution.
Second, not so important, concern is how much data will be stored, if it's just one "table" with 10 rows then sqlite is probably too much for it.
If you want to read data from server and want to display on screen and don't need to save it locally then use XML.
If you want to store it locally and don't want to fetch from server then use XML files or sqlite database in your project.
If you want to fetch from server and also to store it locally then first use XML to fetch data and then use sqlite to store it locally.
and look at #pst answer for what is the difference between them.

Storing large amounts of text in Core Data

I'm trying to see what the best way to store large amounts of text (more than 255 characters) in Cocoa would be. Being a big fan of Core Data, I would assume there's an effective way to do so. However, I feel like 'string' is the wrong data type for this type of thing. Does anyone have any info on this? I don't see an option for BLOB in Core Data
Well you can't very well compress the text or store it as a binary that must be translated, otherwise you give up SQLite's querying speed (because all text-stored-as-binary-encoded-data) records must be read into memory, translated/decompressed, then searched). Otherwise, you'd have to mirror (and maintain) the text-only representation in your Core Data store alongside the more full-featured stuff.
How about a hybrid solution? Core Data stores all but the actual text; the text itself is archived a one-file-per-entry-in-Core-Data on the file system. Each file named for its unique identifier in the Core Data store. This way a search could do two things (in the background, of course): search the Core Data store for things like titles, dates, etc; search the files (maybe even with Spotlight) for content search. If there's a file search match, its file name is used to find the matching record in Core Data for display in your app's UI.
This lets you leverage your app-specific internal search criteria and Spotlight's programmatic asynchronous search. It's a little more work, granted, but if you're talking about a LOT of text, I can't think of a better way.
The BLOB data type is called "Binary data" in Core Data. As middaparka has pointed out, the Core Data Programming Guide offers some guidance on how to deal with binary data in Core Data. Depending on your requirements, an alternative to using BLOBs would be to just store references to files on disk.
I'd recommend a read of Apple's Core Data Programming Guide (specifically the "Core Data Performance" section). This specifically mentions BLOBs (see the "Large Data Objects (BLOBs)" section) and gives some, albeit vague, guidelines.