Apache rewrite rule with proxy flag fail to work for mediawiki service - apache

I have a local apache httpd hosting a mediawiki service that listen to port 3300. The service may access in my LAN via
I configure my internet router to add a port forwarding entry to the mylan:3300. I may then access to the wiki via something like:
http://<dynamic domain>:3300/wiki/
Next, I have a web site that serve globally. The web server is apache httpd too. I add a rewrite rule in .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/?wiki/?$ http://<dynamic domain>:3300/wiki/ [P]
I wish to access the wiki that host on my local LAN via the proxy method but using the global internet domain namespace:
http://<internet domain>/wiki/
After execute the above URL from internet browser, I can see the wiki contents. However, the URL shown in address bar change to
http://<dynamic domain>:3300/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
In order to test the proxy rewrite rule work, I try to change the rewrite rule to:
RewriteRule ^/?wiki/?$ http://www.google.com/search?q=test [P]
Open the URL:
lead me to google search page but the URL remain as http:///wiki/.
Any ideas why the rewrite rule
RewriteRule ^/?wiki/?$ http://<dynamic domain>:3300/wiki/ [P]
make the browser show the new URL address instead of internet domain name space:
http://<internet domain>/wiki/
A good example is:
RewriteRule ^/?wiki/(.*)$ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$1 [P]
If we access the url:
The URL will always rewrite and shown as
Instead, I expect it to show as
but the content is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Country

Probably a redirect that includes the full link. To rewrite them add something like:
ProxyPassReverse /wiki/ http://<dynamic domain>:3300/wiki/
I also notice in the Apache online documentation for URL Rewriting Guide - Advanced topics in the section on Content Handling, sub section Dynamic Mirror has this example:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /~quux/
RewriteRule ^hotsheet/(.*)$ http://www.tstimpreso.com/hotsheet/$1 [P]


.htaccess redirect to a new domain WITHOUT reload the page

Currently, I'm making a website and I would like this site to redirect (via .htaccess) to another domain WITHOUT reloading the page. Because in all the tutorials I saw, it loaded the page of the new domain. Outside what I want is that it keeps the page of the base domain while displaying the URL of the new domain.
redirect this site
to this site
i dont have the access to the main server config. Htaccess cannot "fake redirect" ??
What you are asking for is not a simple "redirect" (which is managed by the browser). You need to configure the server that hosts domain1.com as a "reverse proxy" - since this needs to be managed entirely server-side.
The user sends a request to domain1.com. The server at domain1.com then constructs an internal HTTP request (reverse proxy) to domain2.com. The response from domain2.com is then sent back to the server at domain1.com which then forwards the (possibly "rewritten") response back to the client.
This requires additional modules enabled on the server at domain1.com, ie. mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http and additional (optional) modules such as mod_proxy_html, etc. depending on your requirements.
Ideally, you would then configure this in the server config (or VirtualHost container). Notably, you would need to set ProxyPassReverse (in the server config) to cover the scenario of domain2.com issuing an external redirect to itself. The proxy server needs to rewrite the response headers so that the redirect goes to domain1.com, not domain2.com. ProxyPassReverse cannot be set in .htaccess.
You can then use mod_rewrite with mod_proxy by using the P flag. This part you can do in .htaccess. For example, to proxy the request from https://DOMAIN1.US/folder1/folder2/page.html?param=1&param=2 to https://DOMAIN2.US/folder1/folder2/page.html?param=1&param=2.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?domain1\.us [NC]
RewriteRule ^ https://domain2.us%{REQUEST_URI} [P]
If you have access to the server config then you can do this more simply with the ProxyPass directive (no need for mod_rewrite in this instance since the source and target URLs are the same).

Rewrite subdomain.domain.com to domain.com/subdomain without redirect

I've read plenty of Stackoverflows but I seem to be missing something.
I have a PHP application running on https://subdomain.example.com/page/x but for SEO reasons I want people/bots to see https://example.com/subdomain/page/x.
I can rewrite the URL by using:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} subdomain.example.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://example.com/subdomain/$1 [L,NC,QSA]
This rewrite results in: https://example.com/subdomain/page/x, but I keep recieving a 404 error since the "main" domain doesn't know the path /subdomain/page/x of course.
What I want is to have the URL https://example.com/subdomain/page/x but run it on https://subdomain.example.com/ in the background since this is the place where the PHP application is running.
Is this possible? How should I do this?
There is no strong SEO reason not to use subdomains. See Do subdomains help/hurt SEO? I recommend using subdirectories most of the time but subdomains when they are warranted.
One place where subdomains are warranted is when your content is hosted on a separate server in a separate hosting location. While it is technically possible to serve the content from a subdirectory from the separate server, that comes with its own set of SEO problems:
It will be slow.
It will introduce duplicate content.
From a technical standpoint, you would need to use a reverse proxy to on your example.com webserver to fetch content for the /subdomain/ subdirectory from subdomain.example.com. The code for doing so in the .htaccess file of example.com would be something like:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^subdomain/(.*)$ https://subdomain.example.com/$1 [P]
The [P] flag means "reverse proxy" which will cause the server to fetch the content from the remote subdomain. This will necessarily make it slower for users. So much so that it would be better for SEO to use a subdomain.
For this to work you would also need to leave the subdomain up and running and serving content for the main server to fetch. This causes duplicate content. You could solve this issue by implementing canonical tags pointing to the subdirectory.
This requires several Apache modules to be available. On my Debian based system I needed to run sudo a2enmod ssl proxy rewrite proxy_connect proxy_http and sudo service apache2 reload. I also had to add SSLProxyEngine on in my <VirtualHost> directive for the site I wanted to use this on.

Htaccess redirect URL to another one and delete characters

I want an old website to be redirect to the new one, the URL looks like this : https://test.fr/directory/homepage.html
In my .htaccess file I have :
RedirectPermanent / https://google.com/`
But what it does : https://google.com/directory/homepage.html
I'd like to redirect to https://google.com/ and delete everything after the .com/ but I have no idea how.
Just use the rewriting module:
RewriteEngine on
Rewrite ^ https://google.com/ [R=301,END]
Obviously the rewriting module needs to be loaded into the http server for that. This usually is the case, certainly for all hosting providers.
If you only want to redirect that specific URL inside your http host, then that should do:
RewriteEngine on
Rewrite ^/?directory/homepage\.html$ https://google.com/ [R=301,END]
You can implement such directives in a distributed configuration file (".htaccess"). You should prefer the actual http server's host configuration though, if you have access to that.

Rewrite URL .htaccess - Apache server

On my website, I would rename the URL on address bar, from
I wrote this .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)-([^\.]*)\.html$ http://domain.com/economy/article.php?id=$1 [L]
I have an anchor with this href: href="economy/id-name-article.html" and when I click on it, the server is redirected on article.php, it runs the script in the correct way and I can view the article, but on the address bar is still written domain.com/economy/article.php?id=00 instead domain.com/economy/id-name-article.html. Why?
This happens only on my online server, while locally it's all right.
The mod_rewrite module is issuing a redirect to your browser rather than transparently rewriting the url, causing you to see the new url in your browser.
Try removing the http://domain.com portion from your RewriteRule to see if it avoids the redirect to your browser by changing the rule to:
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)-([^\.]*)\.html$ /economy/article.php?id=$1 [L]
If that fails, you could also use the proxy flag [P] to force apache to transparently fetch the page and return it to your users without the redirect. I don't recommend this approach since it can have security implications but it should work if the above doesn't.
EDIT: To clarify, rewriting the url with a fully-qualified domain rather than a relative uri tells apache that the redirect is on a different server, and therefore it doesn't know that the new url is accessible on the same host without redirecting the client.

using proxy instead of redirection with htaccess rewriteRule

I'm developing a webapp and for the static files I'm simply using apache at localhost while the backend is on a couchdb instance running at localhost:5984.
The webapp interacts with files from the backend all the time. So what is happening when trying to test on apache all file requests to localhost:5984 are getting blocked due the cross-domain policy so the only way to get that working is starting the browser by setting flags to ignore that.
But again I get stuck when trying to test the app on mobile such ipad or iphone.
Currently I have this on my .htaccess file.
RewriteEngine on
# these are 302 http redirections instead of serving as a proxy
RewriteRule auth http://localhost:5984/auth [L]
RewriteRule db/([\s\S]+) http://localhost:5984/db/$1 [L]
RewriteRule send/([\s\S]+) http://localhost:5984/send/$1 [L]
# these are just redirections to static files and work great
RewriteRule ^([a-z/.]+) _attachments/$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^$ _attachments/ [L]
As you can see I have really no idea on how to deal with apache configuration unfortunately.
But what is happening right now is that for some of these rules apache is simply redirecting the page instead of provide it as a proxy server which causes the issue with cross-domain.
Also on the first auth rule I send POST and DELETE requests which as a redirection instead of proxy it won't pass the data being POSTed through.
So what I would like to achieve is to activate some kind of feature (if it exists) which will make apache simply render the page as it was on the localhost domain instead of redirect it. (I named this a a proxy, but perhaps that's not even the right term, sorry for any mistake committed with the nomenclatures).
Is is possible to achieve such action?
Thanks in advance
Have a look at these links / options:
[P] flag:
mod_proxy (possibly -- but I think #1 should be enough if it's on the same server):