Recursive Makefile - Passing Variables to the Root Makefile - variables

Currently i am having problems with a makefile due to some unexpected recursion and the neccessary collection of filenames. I want to call recursively a Makefile in the root folder of my project and that one should go through every possible subfolder (and their subfolders...) with the goal to collect all files and write them to a variable to be used as "targets" or dependent files.
For example: /Makefile goes through /Source, /Source/Boot and finds /Source/Boot/Boot.s (-> one target is therefore /Source/Boot/Boot.o) and it goes on with /Source/Kernel and finds /Source/Kernel/Foo.c (-> second target is therefore /Source/Kernel/Foo.o). I can compile these files in the Makefiles in the subfolders, but i need to link them when my root Makefile returns to the root.
So the question is, how can i pass adequately the paths to these object files to the root makefile to link them?

Recursively called makefiles can't pass info back to their caller (unless you resort to a hack, like using external files to collect the object file names).
Have a look at the paper Mark linked to. It shows a way of organising your project to do what you want, in a maintainable way.


How to avoid long paths in code built with CMake

I am using CMake to link and build my C++ project, and in said project I am using the fstream library to read from a file. However, when passing the path of the file to my code, I am forced to use a long string such as "../../../../folder/folder/folder/file" to properly reference which file I want opened. I presume this is because my .exe that CMake creates is buried deep, "far" away from my source code, which is why I would have to backtrack so much.
I am wondering if there is something I could put in my CMakeLists.txt to potentially allow for the shortening of this inclusion path.
To save myself some time I have not included my file structure as of now, but if it is needed in order for a solution to be formed I certainly can edit and add it in. I do not necessarily need a case-specific solution, rather just a generalized method in which I could go about doing this.
It looks like CMake doesn't provide such functionality , CMake doesn't do much with execution of your application.
So, For solution you have following
can either create a shell script to copy the file into the desired location which can be picked by the executable and shell script can be run while make process
pass it as a commandline argument to your c++ executable.
create a macro with this location and use this macro in the source file : - CMake can help you in this
Using add_compile_definitions( ...)

Hierarchical CMake project that also works when building an "inner" (non-root) project

Suppose I have a hierarchical CMake project, composed of n different projects:
Evidently there'll be the source files for each project as well.
I'd ensure all commands of interest are added to the root CMakeLists.txt file -- say, CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD, enable_testing(), add_compile_options(), etc. If I understand correctly, whichever options are included in the root CMakeLists.txt file are also applied to all children CMakeLists.txt file -- please correct me if I'm wrong, since I'm counting on this behavior. The root CMakeLists.txt also contains an add_subdirectory(proj-X) statement for each X = 1, ..., n.
Anyway. Suppose, for some reason, that I would like to build only one of the proj-X folders, say proj-1. Maybe the build is broken in one of the other projects, or maybe I need to fix a bug on proj-1, it doesn't depend on the other projects, and it would take forever to build all projects.
The point is: I would like to run cmake on proj-1/CMakeLists.txt rather than on the root CMakeLists.txt file, and yet I would like to ensure that proj-1 is built in exactly the same way it would be build, had I run cmake on the root CMakeLists.txt file. This is an issue since the root CMakeLists.txt contains statements that the children CMakeLists.txt should "inherit" from in the regular situation where it's built from the root, and yet in this scenario I'm building directly from proj-1/CMakeLists.txt (the root CMakeLists.txt file doesn't come into the picture in this scenario.)
One possibility, as I understand, would be to copy all options from the root CMakeLists.txt file to every other proj-X/CMakeLists.txt file. Of course, this is a hack and a maintenance nightmare, but I suppose it would work.
Are there other possible solutions? Can I, say, create a file containing all the common options and save it to the root, and then do the CMake equivalent of #include within each of the proj-X/CMakeLists.txt files? Would there be an issue due to running the same commands twice (once on the root CMakeLists.txt and another on the proj-X/CMakeLists.txt file, when starting the build from the root)?
You may need to rework some of your CMakeLists.txt files.
I would recommend watching Daniel Pfeifer's Effective CMake talk at CPPcon (slides available here).
The gist of it is that all of your projects should provide everything they need in order to be build or compiled, in essence build requirements and usage requirements. To achieve this in a maintainable and scalable way you have to move away from variables and setting global options (add_compile_options, include_directories, etc) and instead focus on targets (target_compile_options, target_include_directories, etc).
So, in your case proj-1/CMakeLists.txt will provide one target (let's call it proj::proj1) that sets the proper PUBLIC and INTERFACE options (by options I mean needed compiler features, dependencies, include directories, etc).
An abstract example:
add_library(proj1 src.cpp)
# This are private include files, whoever uses this library does not need them
target_include_directories(proj1 PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
# These are public, needed both by this target and by whoever uses it.
target_include_directories(proj1 PUBLIC
# This is used when building the target
# This is used when the target is installed
# Instead of asking directly for a language standard we ask for a compiler feature. We make this public so whoever depends on this target knows they also need this feature.
target_compile_features(proj1 PUBLIC cxx_strong_enums)
# As above, but this is needed only by this target during the build.
target_compile_features(proe1 PRIVATE cxx_lambdas)
# Add an alias, users can use target_link_libraries(target PRIVATE|PUBLIC proj::proj1) to add this target as a dependency (this will propagate all the PUBLIC include paths, compile options, compile features, dependencies, etc.
add_library(proj::proj1 ALIAS proj1)
This is highly abstract, it depends on what you're actually doing in your build scripts, it's hard to give a better explanation than Daniel Pfeifer, so I recommend watching his talk or at least reading the slides. It will make your build scripts a lot easier to write, read, and use.
Another great resource is this site.

Code generator generating its own CMake files and targets

Let's assume I have a script that generates a set of source files forming a target I want to link against in a CMakeLists.txt. If the file names are known to the latter then the usual add_custom_target() and add_custom_command() commands will make it possible to use the generated files as target sources.
Let's assume, though, that only the generator script knows the file names and locations. How can a target library be generated so that the parent CMakeLists.txt can link against it without its knowing the actual file names?
Note that the dependency topic isn't in this question's scope as the script knows itself when to regenerate or not. It's not the finest use of CMake, but it's sufficient in this use case.
Idea #1
The script also generates a generated.cmake file included by the parent one using include(generated.cmake). Problem: CMake doesn't find generated.cmake as it isn't existing at configuration time.
Idea #2
Similar to idea #1, but the script is called with the execute_process() so that generated.cmake is present at configuration time. Problem: The script is not called anymore at subsequent builds, thus ignoring possible changes to its input.
Idea #3
The script passes back a list of targets and files that is somehow considered by the parent CMakeLists.txt. So far I couldn't find a way to do so.
The solution I came with is eventually a mixture of all three ideas.
Solution to idea #1's problem
execute_process() actually ensures that generated_targets.cmake is present at configure time.
Solution to idea #2's and #3's problems
As stated in this answer to "Add dependency to the CMake-generated build-system itself", the CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS directory property can be edited to add files whose touching re-triggers the configure step.
The key success factor is that this property can be set after the initial execute_process() call so that the script can identify and list its input dependencies (in an output file) that are then added to CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS, hence also solving the input dependency problem.
Resulting pseudo code
# The script generates:
# - <output_dir>/cmake/input_files
# - <output_dir>/cmake/generated_targets.cmake
COMMAND myScript
--output-dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/generated
# Mark the input files as configure step dependencies so that the execute_process
# commands are retriggered on input file change.
file(STRINGS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/generated/cmake/input_files _input_files)
# Add the generated CMake targets.

Symbolic links from each target dir to common resources dir

I need to create symbolic links to directory common_resources which contains textures, fonts, 3D models, shaders, and is located in my CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR. I have to put such a link into all of my compiled binary target's working directories (~50 directories).
I can probably do it one-by-one by adding this ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET to each subfolder
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET( common_resources ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/common_resources ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/common_resources )
but I do not want to do it because:
I don't want to to edit all those CMakeList.txt files and
I don't want to create so many custom targets for no reason. I use Code::Blocks IDE and I already have very long list of targets to select from, which makes it difficult to work with.
The answer is two-fold:
Write a function wrapping the custom command.
You have to automatically iterate over all sub-directories, see how to do that. Call your function for every sub-directory.
Your second concern is probably a misconception. custom_command does not add a new target, that is only custom_target.

Can CMake recognize CMakeLists.txt with another name (CMakeLists_nightly.txt)?

I am wanting to create CMakeLists.txt files that are more specifically named such as "CMakeLists_nightly.txt", "CMakeLists_weekly.txt" and so forth. The reason I want to do this is to cut down on the folder hierarchy clutter of my project. I could easily put each of these files in their own folder with the postfix I showed above but I do not want to do this.
Can I tell cmake to take a CMakeLists.txt file by another name? I have seen this question asked before on another forum ( but it was back in 2007 and the answer was no. Does the current version of CMake provide this capability?
Not really, but you can emulate this by putting CMakeLists.txt in separate directories, e.g. continous/CMakeLists.txt and nightly/CMakeLists.txt. Use INCLUDE to include the appropriate scripts for each of the build configs.
Consider if this really is the right approach - completely separating the nightly and continuous script is a really bad idea as that will lead to duplication and a very bug prone build setup.
Answer, which came into my mind, while I was reading an answer from larsmoa and thinking about it little bit longer:
(this is not exactly the answer to the question about different name for CMakeLists.txt, but rather, to "how to have two different CMake configuraiton files in the same directory")
You can avoid creating multiple directories and storing there CMakeLists.txt (it may also be problematic, if you want your script to be the parent of everything). My Idea is, that you can have two "include" cmake files with any names you like. And then in CMakeLists.txt you may have an set(CACHE), which controlls, which include-script should be actually included.
With this setup you can have two build directories: one configured with one value of the option, and another - with another. Depending on that, in which build-directory you do the build, corresponding build definition will be used.
It can look something like this:
"Select build kind: BUILD_A or BUILD_B"
if ( MY_BUILD_KIND strequal "BUILD_A" )
elseif (MY_BUILD_KIND strequal "BUILD_B")
else ()
message ( FATAL_ERROR "Unknown build kind: ${MY_BUILD_KIND}" )
endif ()
Background (why do I need it?): My situation is kind of exotic, I guess. I have a C++ project, different parts of which use two different compilers. And there is a part of it, which needs to be built by each of them. So the directory structure is like this:
Here "CommonProjects" are included as Part of "CompilerAProjects" and also as part of "CompilerBProjects". Now we try to integrate cmake and I was thinking, how can we keep the structure, but do the build with CMake. If I put CMakeLists.txt in the root directory, then I don't understand, how to differentiate between two compilers. And if I don't have the root project, then it is not clear, how to refer to "sibling" project. So I came to the idea, that I can included sub-directories basing on the current compiler. And then I decided, that actually it is not necessary, that compiler is the driving factor, we can use set(CACHE) instead. And we are not restricted to select, which sub-directory we select, but can also include ".cmake" files.