I'm beta testing my new Mac App which works great on my two MacBook Pro's, and on one other beta tester's iMac. But with two other of my beta testers (both having the exact same osx as I do, 10.6.7) my app window won't open at launch.
Upon inspecting their console logs, I narrowed the problem down to the showWindow call on my class MainWindowController, a subclass of NSWindowController.
m_pMainWindowController= [[MainWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:MAIN_WINDOW_NIB_NAME];
[m_pMainWindowController showWindow:nil];
The showWindow call triggers all the viewController's awakeFromNib methods to be called and this all seems to happen correctly, but right before showWindow is to return, this message is sent to the console from my app:
-[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:]: number of objects (0) not equal to number of keys (2)
-[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:]: number of objects (0) not equal to number of keys (2)
I am finding this bug very hard to fix because I can't reproduce it on my Macs, and it doesn't appear to be originating in any of my code.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I figured it out. The problem was in a drawRect function. I was initializing a NSDictionary for font attributes, and did not check to see if a certain font was available to be loaded. Thus loading a nil into an NSDictionary. Classic noob mistake.
How can I track down abandoned memory if in Xcode Instruments don´t show my custom classes?
So I can see the heap is growing after I perform an action with my app (open a view and go back to the previous in my case) and I could fix some memory issues before by tracking down my mistakes in my code.
Now however, I only see things like in Generation N (= Heapshot N), non-object and I don´t know any more how I can fix the leaks. The responsible caller (not seen in the screenshots) also show no own classes/objects.
The Showing View is a UIWebView. I searched the web and found rumors that UIWebView doesnt properly releasing data. Could that be the issue? I can´t find any solution.
UIWebView is notorious for causing memory issues.
Make sure you set the UIWebView object's delegate property to nil if you assigned an object to it as documented in the class reference. You can do this in dealloc.
Cleanup the web view in viewWillDisappear:animated: by stopping URL loading with a call to stopLoading and/or setting the HTML string to nil by calling loadHTMLString:baseURL: to workaround any memory being held.
My question is specific to iPAD, and I also aware of the basic memory management of iOS, but I am having a different problem.
As I have build an application where I have several UIViewControllers and UIViews,
I have a loginController thats gets called when I launch the App.
My MainView is a single screen with all the ViewController loaded and placed at their respective places and the app runs fine and smoothly.
Problem comes when I logout, most of the time my App crashes by saying EXC_BAD on the
[super dealloc] line of my mainView controller.
As for now on I have added a custom function cleanUP in all my viewControllers that gets called when user logout from the app.
Is this the right approach ?
As I know that we can clean up in our didload etc. function and the dealloc gets called too.
but here i have an iPAD when my all viewControllers are just open in front of me, They will be closed or not visible when I logout from the App.
So how to approach on my crash issue and How to manage memory here in my iPAD?
The best way I know to resolve bad-access problems is to use Instruments with the Zombie tool. As you probably know, when you get a bad access issue, is because you try to access to an object that is deallocated.
Try go to Product -> Profile and choose Zombie. Hit record and reproduce your crash. then inspect the pointer to the object that produced that crash and look for the retain count.
I am working on an iPad (only) app and I stumbled across a weird problem. The app gets terminated after a memory warning on iPad 1 but works fine on iPad 2.
I am using ARC and targeting iOS 5. I use nibs and most of my assets are displayed using UIImageViews. I also have a few hundred buttons and plenty of gesture recognizers... I re-watched the WWDC11 videos (sessions 323 and 322) on ARC and I don't seem to be doing anything special.
The app is UIImage intensive, I am doing lots of animations using UIImage. I am however using the initWithContentsOfFile constructor rather than the imageNamed call. I'm trying to prevent the images from being cached by the system.
I'm also using GCD to schedule sound effects and to animate views. I'm always doing this on the main thread.
The app uses a UINavigationController that never has more than 1 UIViewController on it's stack. I can confirm that this is true because the didReceiveMemoryWarning only gets called on the current view controller (I'm logging the call).
The thing I don't understand is why Instruments is reporting high numbers (as if the view controllers don't get deallocated) in both the Allocations and VM Tracker instruments. The Allocations instrument shows a small drop when I navigate from one view controller to another (which is what I expect) but the VM Tracker Instrument shows that the Dirty Size is not dropping when I do the same thing. Eventually the app uses too much memory and gets terminated (on iPad 1). When I get memory warnings on the iPad 2 the app does NOT get terminated though...
It feels as if my images, sounds or views don't get destroyed and the memory does not get reclaimed... My object hierarchy is very basic and there should not be any retain cycles of any sort. I don't even have simple delegates...
Do you have any suggestions? I really don't want to release this app only for the iPad 2 or newer... It's an app for kids and it would be a pitty... I'd be so much happier to learn that I'm doing something wrong, as I really want to make sure this app is the best it can be...
There are ways to say, 'optimise' your objects by setting their properties to nil when certain things aren't needed -- so while you can't write a dealloc method anymore, you can do self.object = nil (when pertinent) which ends up doing something like this in a non-ARC world for an 'retain' (i.e., strong) property:
- (void)setObject:(id)newObject
[object release]; // send release message to current object
object = newObject; // set reference to newObject
[object retain]; // send retain message to newObject
Now while in ARC you don't/can't write retain/release yourself in your code, the compiler inserts these calls for you, meaning that in practise, setting a property to nil would do this in the above example:
[object release]; // send release message to current object
object = nil; // set reference to nil
[object retain]; // send retain message to nil (no effect)
Moreover, this is just the tip of the iceberg -- you should make sure that there are no retain cycles in your code, which could be resulting in objects leaking without recourse to their destruction. This means, that there may be places where you're using strong references to a property (i.e., an object), when you should be using a weak property. The difference being, that strong references are retained, and weak references are assigned, the former having its retainCount incremented and the latter resulting in a property assignment that looks like this if handwritten:
- (void)setObject:(id)newObject
object = newObject;
I don't like answering my own question but I figured it could be helpful to future googlers. I implemented my own UIImage based animation and I no longer use the animationImages property. Turns out my memory issues are now gone as I no longer need to store all the images in memory and I load them as they are required using a timer.
I actually think that rolling out a custom animation is beneficial since it allows for callbacks and more powerful customisation options.
Once I'm happy with it and I feel like it's ready to be shared I will post the class(es) on GitHub.
i'm seeing a weird issue trying to add custom URL support to my Mac app. i've defined the URL(s) in Info.plist, and when i navigate to them my app gets launched (or, if running, activated), but then, regardless of whether my app delegate implements handleGetURLEvent:withReplyEvent: or not, i see a couple of the following messages in the debug output:
+[NSKVONotifying_MyAppDelegate handleGetURLEvent:withReplyEvent:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x1d096e0
Apparently, NSKVONotifying_MyAppDelegate is a wrapper created by KVO for my real delegate (called MyAppDelegate), and that seems to obscure my implementation of handleGetURLEvent:withReplyEvent:, which never gets called. AFAICT, nothing in my app uses KVO on the delegate, and i'm running out of ideas as to what could be causing this.
any suggestions?
turns out the KVO thing was a red herring. the method needs to be static, as careful reading of the error message (or docs) would have made clear, while i had an instance method (as one would expect, for delegate methods? weird API design choice).
I'm working on a simple proof-of-concept for an iPhone app (and important bit of info, I'm pretty new to Mac OSX development all around). I created a view based app with a timer. I declared my NSTimer in the interface of my app's controller, used #property and #synthesize, and I initialize it in the controller's viewDidLoad method with scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval method. My selector is a method with the signature -(void)someMethod:(NSTimer *)timer which is declared in the interface and defined in the implementation file of the controller as well. I can step past the line where I assign the timer and see that it points to a valid object, but my program goes no further than the end of the viewDidLoad method and never reaches the breakpoint at the first line of my method that is called by the timer. Also, I see GDB: Program received bad signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" in the status bar of xcode at this point (viewDidLoad end is reached). I didn't do anything in IB but add a view and a picker just so I'd see if the UI actually loads...it never does.
So, am I doing something wrong with the NSTimer, or are my troubles elsewhere? How can I use the debugging tools in xcode to get more information?
EXC_BAD_ACCESS usually indicates a memory management error, without seeing the code probably from somewhere else in your app. It's a very common error for beginners, but an important subject to fully understand, so I'd suggest looking through some of the questions on memory management here and find a few guides or tutorials to look through. It's actually pretty easy to learn.
Also, it shouldn't hurt but unless you need to access the timer in between fire events, you don't actually need to store it as an instance variable. Once you create and start a timer it's added to and retained by the application's run loop.
Have you got NSZombieEnabled?
Might be useful if this is failing on an over released object.