Stored Procedures classic asp - sql

Using the below functions how could I use a stored procedure with parameters.
I have to call a stored procedure using parameters for work experience but i can't seem to work how this would work, usually i would have a command.execute in a recordset parameter then loop through the recordset to get my output.
The below functions are a selected few of which I narrowed down to use. I have called a stored procedure using the recordset function.
function Recordset(sNewCommandText, iNewCommandType, iNewCommandTimeout, lng_RecordsetNumber)
obj_Command.CommandText = sNewCommandText
if IsNumeric(iNewCommandType) then
obj_Command.CommandType = iNewCommandType
obj_Command.CommandType = 1
end if
if IsNumeric(iNewCommandTimeout) then
obj_Command.CommandTimeout = iNewCommandTimeout
obj_Command.CommandTimeout = 3
end if
if RecordsetIsOpen(lng_RecordsetNumber) = 1 then
CloseRecordset lng_RecordsetNumber
end if
select case lng_RecordsetNumber
case 0
case 1
obj_Recordset1.Open obj_Command
case 2
obj_Recordset2.Open obj_Command
case 3
obj_Recordset3.Open obj_Command
case else
obj_ExtraRecSets.Item(lng_RecordsetNumber).Open obj_Command
end select
end function
function Execute(sNewCommandText, iNewCommandType, iNewCommandTimeout)
Execute= 0
obj_Command.CommandText = sNewCommandText
if IsNumeric(iNewCommandType) then
obj_Command.CommandType = iNewCommandType
obj_Command.CommandType = 1
end if
if IsNumeric(iNewCommandTimeout) then
obj_Command.CommandTimeout = iNewCommandTimeout
obj_Command.CommandTimeout = 3
end if
Execute= 1
end function
Get field
function GetField(FieldNumber, iFieldAttribute, lng_RecordsetNumber)
dim lng_tmpcnt
if RecordsetIsOpen(lng_RecordsetNumber) = 1 and IsNumeric(iFieldAttribute) and BOF(lng_RecordsetNumber) = 0 and EOF(lng_RecordsetNumber) = 0 then
select case iFieldAttribute
case 0
select case lng_RecordsetNumber
case 1
GetField = obj_Recordset1.Fields(FieldNumber).Type
case 2
GetField = obj_Recordset2.Fields(FieldNumber).Type
case 3
GetField = obj_Recordset3.Fields(FieldNumber).Type
case else
GetField = obj_ExtraRecSets.Item(lng_RecordsetNumber).Fields(FieldNumber).Type
end select
case 1
select case lng_RecordsetNumber
case 1
GetField = obj_Recordset1.Fields(FieldNumber).Name
case 2
GetField = obj_Recordset2.Fields(FieldNumber).Name
case 3
GetField = obj_Recordset3.Fields(FieldNumber).Name
case else
GetField = obj_ExtraRecSets.Item(lng_RecordsetNumber).Fields(FieldNumber).Name
end select
case 2
select case lng_RecordsetNumber
case 1
GetField = obj_Recordset1.Fields(FieldNumber).Value
case 2
GetField = obj_Recordset2.Fields(FieldNumber).Value
case 3
GetField = obj_Recordset3.Fields(FieldNumber).Value
case else
GetField = obj_ExtraRecSets.Item(lng_RecordsetNumber).Fields(FieldNumber).Value
end select
case 3
select case lng_RecordsetNumber
case 1
GetField = obj_Recordset1.Fields(FieldNumber).ActualSize
case 2
GetField = obj_Recordset2.Fields(FieldNumber).ActualSize
case 3
GetField = obj_Recordset3.Fields(FieldNumber).ActualSize
case else
GetField = obj_ExtraRecSets.Item(lng_RecordsetNumber).Fields(FieldNumber).ActualSize
end select
case else
select case lng_RecordsetNumber
case 1
for lng_tmpcnt=0 to obj_Recordset1.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties.count-1
if lng_tmpcnt <> 15 and lng_tmpcnt <> 17 then
GetField = GetField & lng_tmpcnt & " (" & obj_Recordset1.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties(lng_tmpcnt).name & "(" & obj_Recordset1.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties(lng_tmpcnt).type & ")= " & obj_Recordset1.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties(lng_tmpcnt).value & ")<br>" & vbcrlf
end if
case 2
for lng_tmpcnt=0 to obj_Recordset2.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties.count-1
if lng_tmpcnt <> 15 and lng_tmpcnt <> 17 then
GetField = GetField & lng_tmpcnt & " (" & obj_Recordset2.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties(lng_tmpcnt).name & "(" & obj_Recordset2.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties(lng_tmpcnt).type & ")= " & obj_Recordset1.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties(lng_tmpcnt).value & ")<br>" & vbcrlf
end if
case 3
for lng_tmpcnt=0 to obj_Recordset3.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties.count-1
if lng_tmpcnt <> 15 and lng_tmpcnt <> 17 then
GetField = GetField & lng_tmpcnt & " (" & obj_Recordset3.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties(lng_tmpcnt).name & "(" & obj_Recordset3.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties(lng_tmpcnt).type & ")= " & obj_Recordset3.Fields(FieldNumber).Properties(lng_tmpcnt).value & ")<br>" & vbcrlf
end if
case else
end select
end select
end if
end function

This function takes the name of the SP and an array of parameters and returns a disconnected recordset
Function RunSPReturnRS(strSP, params())
On Error Resume next
''//Create the ADO objects
Dim rs , cmd
Set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = server.createobject("ADODB.Command")
''//Init the ADO objects & the stored proc parameters
cmd.ActiveConnection = GetConnectionString()
cmd.CommandText = strSP
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd.CommandTimeout = 900 ' 15 minutos
collectParams cmd, params
dim i
for i = 0 to ubound( Params )
''//Use: .CreateParameter("#inVar1", 200, 1, 255, VALUE1) to create the parameters
cmd.Parameters.Append Params(i)
''//Execute the query for readonly
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.Open cmd, , adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
If err.number > 0 then
exit function
end if
''//Disconnect the recordset
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
Set rs.ActiveConnection = Nothing
''//Return the resultant recordset
Set RunSPReturnRS = rs
End Function
Or check this question for more info creating parameters Execute Stored Procedure from Classic ASP


Update previous row

I have an Excel file that contains some datas that I want to export into an Access db. In the C column I've got a field called 'Description'. Usually this field occupy just one cell, but it can happens that is more long.
In this case, for example, AP.01 has got 5 rows of description. How can update the first row with the next rows?
Public Sub updateDB(ByVal PathDB As String, str As String, id As Integer)
Dim db As New cDB
Dim v As New cVoce
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset = db.RecordSet
v.Description = str
db.get_rs("UPDATE Voice SET Description = '" + v.Description + "' WHERE id= '"+id+"'")
End Sub
Public Function get_rs(ByVal query As String) As ADODB.Recordset
If db Is Nothing Then rs = Nothing : Return rs
rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic
rs.LockType = ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic
rs.Open(query, db)
Return rs
End Function
This code doesn't work because I update my current row, for this reason is useless the UPDATE instruction. How can I fix my code?
EDIT I post here the For loop
For r = 2 To grid.RowCount - 1
vett = Split(grid(r, 1).Text)
total = UBound(Split(grid(r, 1).Text, "."))
If grid(r, 1).Text <> "" Then
Select Case total
Case 0
Dim chapter As New cChapter
flag = 1
id = id + 1
chapter.Cod = grid(r, 1).Text.Substring(0, 1)
chapter.Description = grid(r, 3).Text
If Left(vett(0), 1) >= Chr(65) And Left(vett(0), 1) <= Chr(90) Then
chapter.Cod = Left(vett(0), 1)
oldChap = chap.Cod
If chapter.Cod <> oldCap Then
End If
End If
stringChap = chap.Description
Dim par As New cParagraph
If Left(vett(0), 2) >= Chr(65) And Left(vett(0), 2) <= Chr(90) Then
par.Cod = Left(vett(0), 2)
par.Cod_Chapter = Left(vett(0), 1)
oldPar = par.Cod
If par.Cod <> oldPar Then
End If
End If
If grid(r, 3).Text.Length > 255 Then
par.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
par.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString
End If
stringPar = par.Description
Case 1
flag = 2
id = id + 1
c_Voc = voc.Cod_Chapter
p_Voc = voc.Cod_Paragraph
voc.Cod_Chapter = grid(r, 1).Text.Substring(0, 1)
voc.Cod_Paragraph = grid(r, 1).Text.Split(".")(0)
voc.Cod_Voice = Right(vett(0), 2)
If grid(r, 3).Text.Length > 255 Then
voc.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
voc.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString
If voc.Description.EndsWith("-") Then
a = Replace(voc.Description, "-", "")
voc.Description = a
End If
End If
stringVoice = voc.Description
Case 2
flag = 3
id = id + 1
sVoice = New cVoice
oldSvoice = voice.Cod_SVoice
sVoice.Cod_SVoice = Left(vett(0), 2)
If sVoice.Cod_SVoce <> oldSvoice Then
End If
If grid(r, 3).Text.Length > 255 Then
sVoice.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
sVoice.Description = grid(r, 3).Text
End If
stringSvoice = sVoice.Description
sVoice.Cod_Voce = Left(vett(0), 5)
sVoice.Price1 = grid(r, 12).Text
sVoice.Price2 = sVoice.Price1
sVoice.UniMi = grid(r, 11).Text
sVoce.Sep = "."
End Select
If flag = 1 Then
stringChap = grid(r, 3).Text
chap.Description = stringChap & grid(r, 3).Text
stringPar = grid(r, 3).Text
paragraph.Description = stringPar & grid(r, 3).Text
End If
If flag = 2 Then
stringVoice = grid(r, 3).Text
voc.Description = voc.Description & stringVoice
voices.updateDB(dbDest, stringVoice, id)
End If
If flag = 3 Then
stringSvoice = grid(r, 3).Text
sVoice.Description = stringSvoice & grid(r, 3).Text
End If
End If
EDIT2 I declared id As Integer and when Code column has a value then id=id+1. In this way I always know which row I have to modify. I modified also updateDB (now I'm using 3 parameters) and I added a WHERE condition into my query. Despite the update, nothing has changed
In database you cannot store records without PrimaryKey (actually you can, but it is bad idea). Since in your solution id is in fact Excel row number (sorry if I'm not correct but it looks like from code) it could be very hard to maintain it in future (in case someone add or remove description row). It would be better to change id column to text and use code as PK.
Storing description then could be solved in 2 ways:
1) Concatenate all rows containing description into 1 variable adding vbNewLine in between and store it in description field.
2) More relational but also more complex - create 2nd table for description with PK as i.e. autonumber, ForeignKey Code referring to main table. Maintenance will be here very complex. Not really worth effort.
Amount of changes in code is quite big, so sorry I'll not provide fixed code but I hope idea is clear.
BTW: The reason why description is not updated is described in your post. You are increasing id only when code is present, so every description field from first group have id = 1. The most simple fix in your code would be to create 2 update statements - One for rows with code
UPDATE Voice SET Description = '" + v.Description + "' WHERE id= '"+id+"'
Second one for rows without code:
UPDATE Voice SET Description = Description + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + '" + v.Description + "' WHERE id= '"+id+"'

SQL Syntax error, expression of non-boolean type

This code is supposed to create a graph of revenue from money made through sales tickets at an event.
The code only executes up to da.Fill(ds) when it returns the error, which can be seen at the end of the code.
Does anybody know why
Private Sub frmRevenue_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim dt As DataTable
dt = New DataTable
Dim sales As Integer = 0
Dim gridtable As New DataTable
For i = 1 To 12
sql = "SELECT Fee FROM tblTickets WHERE MONTH(DatePurchased) = " & i & " AND (YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Today.Year & " OR " & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & ") AND (Status = 'SOLD' OR RESERVED" _
da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con)
ds = New DataSet
Dim dr As DataRow
For Each dr In ds.Tables(0).Rows
monthly(i) = monthly(i) + 1
contracts = sales + 1
total(i) = total(i) + dr.Item("Fee")
yearlytotal = yearlytotal + dr.Item("Fee")
For i = 1 To 12
Dim month As String
Select Case i
Case 1
month = "Jan"
Case 2
month = "Feb"
Case 3
month = "Mar"
Case 4
month = "Apr"
Case 5
month = "May"
Case 6
month = "Jun"
Case 7
month = "Jul"
Case 8
month = "Aug"
Case 9
month = "Sep"
Case 10
month = "Oct"
Case 11
month = "Nov"
Case 12
month = "Dec"
Case Else
month = "ERR"
End Select
gridtable.Rows.Add(month, FormatCurrency(total(i)), monthly(i))
ugTickets.DataSource = gridtable
ugTickets.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("Month").Width = 35
ugTickets.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("#").Width = 20
ugTickets.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowUpdate = DefaultableBoolean.False
txtAnnual.ReadOnly = True
txtAnnual.BackColor = Color.White
txtAnnualContracts.ReadOnly = True
txtAnnualContracts.BackColor = Color.White
chRevenue.Titles("chTitle").Text = "Predicted revenue for " & Today.Year & " - " & Year(Today.AddYears(1))
txtAnnual.Text = FormatCurrency(yearlytotal, 2)
txtAnnualContracts.Text = contracts
chRevenue.Series("Series1").Name = "Revenue"
For i = 1 To 12
chRevenue.BackColor = Color.Transparent
chRevenue.Legends("Revenue").BackColor = Color.Transparent
chRevenue.Series("Revenue").ChartArea = "ChartArea1"
chRevenue.Series("Revenue").Color = Color.SkyBlue
chRevenue.Series("Revenue").ToolTip = FormatCurrency("#VALY", 2)
End Try
End Sub
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ')'.
The problem is with this bit of the SQL:
(YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Today.Year & " OR " & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & ")
It should probably be
(YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Today.Year & " OR YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & ")
The OR in SQL (and in most other languages) needs to have two independently valid conditions on each side. The left hand side currently looks like this:
YEAR(DatePurchased) = 2016
...which is fine. But the right looks like this:
...which isn't a valid boolean.
When you get an error like this on the da.Fill() line (ie. the line that's actually running the SQL in the database), the easiest way to debug it is to print out the value of the "sql" variable.
Often, you can just look at the SQL it's generated and the problem will be obvious. Other times you have to copy it and run it directly against your database to see what the problem is.
Might be your SQL, try:
"SELECT Fee FROM tblTickets WHERE MONTH(DatePurchased) = '" & i &
"' AND (YEAR(DatePurchased) = '" & Today.Year &
"' OR '" & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & "') " &
"OR Status = 'AVAILABLE' " &
"OR Status = 'AWAITING PAYMENT');" implict inner join syntax error (missing operator) in query expression

This is the code where I am getting exception message. However this code worked perfect in sql server 2005 but generating error in access.
This code working fine in sql server project but in access its generating exception as I mentioned..
Public Function CalculateFeeReciept(ByVal monthid As Integer) As DataTable
Dim cmd1 As New OleDbCommand("Select * from mstFeeHead", sqlcon)
Dim dtmstFeeHead As New DataTable 'dtmstFeeHead contains all the fee heads id's
Dim adp1 As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd1)
Dim selectedmonth As Integer
Dim feeheadid As Integer
Dim arr(25) As Integer 'arr contains Fee head id's that should be paid in the selected month
If monthid = 13 Then
monthid = 1
ElseIf monthid = 14 Then
monthid = 2
ElseIf monthid = 15 Then
monthid = 3
End If
selectedmonth = monthid + 3
Dim m As Integer = 0
For j As Integer = 0 To dtmstFeeHead.Rows.Count - 1
feeheadid = Convert.ToInt32(dtmstFeeHead.Rows(j)(0))
If dtmstFeeHead.Rows(j)(selectedmonth) Then
arr(m) = feeheadid
m = m + 1
End If
Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID, mstFeeHead.FeeHeadName, mstFeePlan.Amount " & _
"FROM " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead " & _
"mstFeeHead " & _
"ON " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID " & _
"mstFeePlan " & _
"ON " & _
"mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeePlan.FeeHeadID " & _
"WHERE " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID = #StudentID) " & _
"AND " & _
"(mstFeePlan.SessionID = #SessionID) " & _
"AND " & _
"(mstFeePlan.ClassID = #ClassID) ", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#StudentID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#ClassID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbClass.SelectedValue)
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbSession.SelectedValue)
Dim dt As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
Dim adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)
Dim dt2 As New DataTable 'dt2 contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the student and that should be paid in that particular month
' dt2 contains the filtrate of dt and arr
dt2 = dt.Clone()
For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Length - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
Dim dtrow As DataRow = dt2.NewRow()
If arr(i) = dt.Rows(j)(0) Then
dtrow(0) = arr(i)
dtrow(1) = dt.Rows(j)(1)
dtrow(2) = dt.Rows(j)(2)
End If
cmd2 = New OleDbCommand("Select Sum(TotalFees) as TotalFees, Sum(LateFees) as TotalLateFees, Sum(OldBalance) as TotalOldBalance, Sum(Discount) as TotalDiscount, Sum(Scholarship) as TotalScholarship, Sum(Concession) as TotalConcession, Sum(AmountReceived) as TotalAmountReceived from txnFeePayment where SessionID=#SessionID and StudentID=#studentid and MonthID=#monthid Group by StudentId,MonthID", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#studentid", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = cmbSession.SelectedValue
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#monthid", OleDbType.Integer).Value = monthid
Dim dtStudentReciept As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
adp = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)
Dim dtrow1 As DataRow = dt2.NewRow()
If (dtStudentReciept.Rows.Count > 0) Then
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Late Fees"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(1))
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Discount"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(3)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Scholarship"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(4)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Concession"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(5)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Amount Received"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(6)) * -1
Dim totalamount As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To dt2.Rows.Count - 1
totalamount = totalamount + dt2.Rows(k)(2)
'dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
'dtrow1(0) = totalamount
'dtrow1(1) = "Current Month Fee"
'dtrow1(2) = totalamount
Dim totalamount As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To dt2.Rows.Count - 1
totalamount = totalamount + dt2.Rows(k)(2)
'dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
'dtrow1(0) = totalamount
'dtrow1(1) = "Current Month Fee"
'dtrow1(2) = totalamount
End If
dgvDisplay.DataSource = dt2
For i As Integer = 0 To dgvDisplay.Columns.Count - 1
dgvDisplay.Columns.Item(i).SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
dgvDisplay.Columns(2).Width = 65
dgvDisplay.Columns(1).Width = 132
dgvDisplay.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
'txtTotalFees.Text = dt2.Rows(dt2.Rows.Count - 1)(0)
Return dt2
End Function
There are a couple of things wrong with your query.
You havent left any spaces once a line in code is finished and whole query may look like they are separate lines but it is a one long string without any spaces.
I have added spaces in the following piece of code at the end of each line.
("SELECT [txnStudentFeeHead].[FeeHeadID],[mstFeeHead].[FeeHeadName]," & _
"[mstFeePlan].[Amount] " & _
"FROM " & _
"[txnStudentFeeHead] " & _
"[mstFeeHead] " & _
You have put your variables in sqaure brackets [] , which means SQL Server will treat them as SQL Server Object(table name, Column Name) names and not as Variables. Remove the Square brackets.
"WHERE " & _
"([txnStudentFeeHead].[StudentID] = #StudentID) " & _
"AND" & _
"([mstFeePlan].[SessionID] = #SessionID) " & _
"AND" & _
"([mstFeePlan].[ClassID] = #ClassID) ", sqlcon)
Solved it myself by long time of effort and headache
Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID, mstFeeHead.FeeHeadName, mstFeePlan.Amount, txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID, mstFeePlan.ClassID, mstFeePlan.SessionID FROM (txnStudentFeeHead INNER JOIN mstFeeHead ON txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID) INNER JOIN mstFeePlan ON mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeePlan.FeeHeadID WHERE (((txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID)=#StudentID) AND ((mstFeePlan.ClassID)=#ClassID) AND ((mstFeePlan.SessionID)=#SessionID))", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#StudentID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#ClassID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbClass.SelectedValue)
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbSession.SelectedValue)
Dim dt As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
Dim adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)

VB select case not working as expected

I am a total novice with visual basic and teaching myself as I go along. I am building a VB in studio 2008 (I'm obliged to use this version) that logs into a device , transmits log in and password and then transmits commands read from a .txt file using reflections. All of this is working fine. The device executes the command and outputs 1 of 28 possible responses.
I am using select case to evaluate the responses and act accordingly. The device session stops as expected when EXECUTED is seen in the session window, my test data is designed so the first response I get is "EXECUTED", the weird thing is my VB "sees" the EXECUTED message (Case 1) but select case responds as if it has seen FAILED (Case 2), subsequent lines of the test data illicit different cases (5 and 6) but the response is always the next case along. I have tried Case n, case is = n, case "string value" but I get errors.
Here's my code - note that I haven't defined all 28 cases yet but the undefined ones are REM'ed out in my active version. Any ideas or suggestions would be gratefully received!
Option Explicit On
Public Class modCaseSelect
Shared Sub Dev_Responses(ByVal refl)
Dim Result As String
Dim CR = vbCr
Dim Resp As Integer
Dim Dev_Resp(28) As String
Dev_Resp(0) = "RUNNING"
Dev_Resp(1) = "EXECUTED"
Dev_Resp(2) = "FAILED"
Dev_Resp(4) = "NONEXISTENT"
Dev_Resp(5) = "NOT FOUND"
Dev_Resp(6) = "SPECIAL"
Dev_Resp(7) = "CONFIRM: Y/N"
Dev_Resp(8) = "CONFIRM (Y/N)"
Dev_Resp(11) = ""
Dev_Resp(12) = ""
Dev_Resp(13) = ""
Dev_Resp(14) = ""
Dev_Resp(15) = ""
Dev_Resp(16) = ""
Dev_Resp(17) = ""
Dev_Resp(18) = ""
Dev_Resp(19) = ""
Dev_Resp(20) = ""
Dev_Resp(21) = ""
Dev_Resp(23) = ""
Dev_Resp(23) = ""
Dev_Resp(24) = ""
Dev_Resp(25) = ""
Dev_Resp(26) = ""
Dev_Resp(27) = ""
Dev_Resp(28) = "IN PROGRESS"
With refl
Select Case .WaitForStrings(Dev_Resp, "0:4:30") 'checkDev_Resp
Case 0 ' "RUNNING"
Result = Dev_Resp(0)
Resp = MsgBox((Dev_Resp(0) & CR & CR & Continue?"), 17, "Case 0 error")
Case 1 ' "EXECUTED"
Result = Dev_Resp(1)
Resp = MsgBox((Dev_Resp(1) & CR & CR & "Continue?"), 17, "Case 1")
Case 2 ' "FAILED"
Result = Dev_Resp(2)
Resp = MsgBox((Dev_Resp(2) & CR & CR & "Continue?"), 17, "Case 2 error")
Result = Dev_Resp(3)
Resp = MsgBox((Dev_Resp(3) & CR & CR & "Continue?"), 17, "Case 3 error")
Result = Dev_Resp(4)
Resp = MsgBox((Dev_Resp(4) & CR & CR & "Continue?"), 17, "Case 4 error")
Case 5 ' "NOT FOUND"
Result = Dev_Resp(5)
Resp = MsgBox((Dev_Resp(5) & CR & CR & "Continue?"), 17, "Case 5 error")
Case 6 ' "SPECIAL"
Result = Dev_Resp(6)
Resp = MsgBox((Dev_Resp(6) & CR & CR & "Continue?"), 17, "Case 6 error")
Case 7 ' "CONFIRM: Y/N"
Result = Dev_Resp(7)
.Transmit("Y" & CR)
Case 8 ' "CONFIRM (Y/N)"
Result = Dev_Resp(8)
.Transmit("Y" & CR)
Result = Dev_Resp(9)
.Transmit("Y" & CR)
Result = Dev_Resp(10)
Resp = MsgBox((Dev_Resp(10) & CR & CR & "Continue?"), 17, "Case 10 error")
Case 11 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(11)
Case 12 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(12)
Case 13 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(13)
Case 14 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(14)
Case 15 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(15)
Case 16 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(16)
Case 17 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(17)
Case 18 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(18)
Case 19 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(19)
Case 20 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(20)
Case 21 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(21)
Case 22 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(22)
Case 23 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(23)
Case 24 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(24)
Case 25 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(25)
Case 26 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(26)
Case 27 ' ""
Result = Dev_Resp(27)
Case 28 ' "IN PROGRESS"
Result = Dev_Resp(28)
Resp = MsgBox((Dev_Resp(28) & CR & CR & "Continue?"), 17, "Case 28 error")
Case Else
End Select
End With
End Sub
End Class
You are missing a double quote " in your first Case. Try changing it to this:
Case 0 ' "RUNNING"
Result = Dev_Resp(0)
Resp = MsgBox((Dev_Resp(0) & CR & CR & "Continue?"), 17, "Case 0 error")
Notice I've added the double quote before "Continue?".
Get rid of the With statement. Create and assign a holder variable and use that with the select statement. Doing so will allow you to see what is actually getting passed into the select statement by setting a stop point in the debugger.
Dim temp_resp as integer = refl.WaitForStrings(Dev_Resp, "0:4:30")
Select Case temp_resp
'the case statements here.
End Select
Reflections WaitForStrings uses a zero-based array parameter, but it returns a 1-based index of strings. Waitforstrings sees array entry zero as the first valid entry so the first select case (Case = 1) corresponds to array entry 0.

commandtext property has not been initialized

I am new to and tried to execute the code its working fine but when I am scheduling the code in another server in network by running the exe file only, then I am getting the error as:
"commandtext property has not been initialized"
Sub send_SMS()
Console.WriteLine("Begining of the send_SMS() ")
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim st1, sql As String
Dim fetcheduser, fetchedpno As String
Dim J As Integer
J = Now.Hour
Console.WriteLine("J Now.Hour =: " + J.ToString)
'A shift
If J >= 14 And J < 22 Then
sql = sql & " WHERE KPV_USER_ID='QEXP' "
sql = sql & " AND KPV_TYP_ID='A' "
Console.WriteLine("J = 14 ")
st.Text = "A"
End If
'B Shift
If J >= 22 And J < 6 Then
sql = sql & " WHERE KPV_USER_ID='QEXP' "
sql = sql & " AND KPV_TYP_ID='B' "
Console.WriteLine("J = 22 ")
st.Text = "B"
End If
'C Shift
If J >= 6 And J < 14 Then
sql = sql & " WHERE KPV_USER_ID='QEXP' "
sql = sql & " AND KPV_TYP_ID='C' "
Console.WriteLine("J = 6 ")
st.Text = "C"
DAT = DAT.AddDays(-1)
End If
Dim DA As New OracleDataAdapter(sql, oraconn)
Console.WriteLine("Before dt.Rows count ")
Dim MaxRows, MaxColums, inc As Integer
MaxRows = dt.Rows.Count
MaxColums = dt.Columns.Count
Dim multiarray(,) As String = New String(MaxRows, MaxColums) {}
Console.WriteLine("Value of MaxRows = " + MaxRows.ToString)
Console.WriteLine("Value of MaxColums = " + MaxColums.ToString)
If (inc <> MaxRows) Then
'inc = inc + 1
Console.WriteLine("Inside dt.Rows and Before for loop ")
For inc = 0 To MaxRows - 1
'For col = 0 To MaxColums
dt.Rows(inc).Item(10) = dt.Rows(inc).Item(10).ToString.Replace("Q", "")
multiarray(inc, 1) = dt.Rows(inc).Item(2).ToString()
multiarray(inc, 2) = dt.Rows(inc).Item(4).ToString()
multiarray(inc, 3) = dt.Rows(inc).Item(10).ToString()
End If
Dim queryusr As String
queryusr = ""
Dim sql_CMD_TD As New OracleCommand(sql, oraconn)
If Not oraconn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
Dim doNotSendSMS = False
Dim sqldr As OracleDataReader = sql_CMD_TD.ExecuteReader()
If sqldr.HasRows Then
dt = New DataTable
DA = New OracleDataAdapter(queryusr, oraconn)
If Not doNotSendSMS Then
Dim ora_CMD_SMS As New OracleCommand(queryusr, oraconn)
If oraconn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
st1 = st.Text
Dim ORA_DR As OracleDataReader = ora_CMD_SMS.ExecuteReader()
If ORA_DR.HasRows Then
While ORA_DR.Read()
fetcheduser = ORA_DR("TSU_USERNAME")
fetchedpno = ORA_DR("TSU_USER")
Console.WriteLine("Before insertIntoSMS function call ")
Console.WriteLine(" Value of st1 :" + st1.ToString)
insertIntoSMS_hbf(fetcheduser, fetchedpno, st1, multiarray, MaxRows, MaxColums)
Console.WriteLine("Outside of insertIntoSMS function call ")
End While
End If
If oraconn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub