Bteq Scripts to copy data between two Teradata servers - sql

How do I copy data from multiple tables within one database to another database residing on a different server?
Is this possible through a BTEQ Script in Teradata?
If so, provide a sample.
If not, are there other options to do this other than using a flat-file?

This is not possible using BTEQ since you have mentioned both the databases are residing in different servers.
There are two solutions for this.
Arcmain - You need to use Arcmain Backup first, which creates files containing data from your tables. Then you need to use Arcmain restore which restores the data from the files
TPT - Teradata Parallel Transporter. This is a very advanced tool. This does not create any files like Arcmain. It directly moves the data between two teradata servers.(Wikipedia)

If I am understanding your question, you want to move a set of tables from one DB to another.
You can use the following syntax in a BTEQ Script to copy the tables and data:
Or just the table structures:
If you get real savvy you can create a BTEQ script that dynamically builds the above statement in a SELECT statement, exports the results, then in turn runs the newly exported file all within a single BTEQ script.
There are a bunch of other options that you can do with CREATE TABLE <...> AS <...>;. You would be best served reviewing the Teradata Manuals for more details.

There are a few more options which will allow you to copy from one table to another.
Possibly the simplest way would be to write a smallish program which uses one of their communication layers (ODBC, .NET Data Provider, JDBC, cli, etc.) and use that to take a select statement and an insert statement. This would require some work, but it would have less overhead than trying to learn how to write TPT scripts. You would not need any 'DBA' permissions to write your own.
Teradata also sells other applications which hides the complexity of some of the tools. Teradata Data Mover handles provides an abstraction layer between tools like arcmain and tpt. Access to this tool is most likely restricted to DBA types.

If you want to move data from one server to another server then
We can do this with the flat file.
First we have fetch data from source table to flat file through any utility such as bteq or fastexport.
then we can load this data into target table with the help of mload,fastload or bteq scripts.


SQL, moving million records from a database to other database

I am a C# developer, I am not really good with SQL. I have a simple questions here. I need to move more than 50 millions records from a database to other database. I tried to use the import function in ms SQL, however it got stuck because the log was full (I got an error message The transaction log for database 'mydatabase' is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'). The database recovery model was set to simple. My friend said that importing millions records using task->import data will cause the log to be massive and told me to use loop instead to transfer the data, does anyone know how and why? thanks in advance
If you are moving the entire database, use backup and restore, it will be the quickest and easiest.
If you are just moving a single table read about and use the BCP command line tools for this many records:
The bcp utility bulk copies data between an instance of Microsoft SQL Server and a data file in a user-specified format. The bcp utility can be used to import large numbers of new rows into SQL Server tables or to export data out of tables into data files. Except when used with the queryout option, the utility requires no knowledge of Transact-SQL. To import data into a table, you must either use a format file created for that table or understand the structure of the table and the types of data that are valid for its columns.
The fastest and probably most reliable way is to bulk copy the data out via SQL Server's bcp.exe utility. If the schema on the destination database is exactly identical to that on the source database, including nullability of columns, export it in "native format":
If the schema differs between source and target, you will encounter...interesting (yes, interesting is a good word for it) problems.
If the schemas differ or you need to perform any transforms on the data, consider using text format. Or another format (BCP lets you create and use a format file to specify the format of the data for export/import).
You might consider exporting data in chunks: if you encounter problems it gives you an easier time of restarting without losing all the work done so far.
You might also consider zipping the exported data files up to minimize time on the wire.
Then FTP the files over to the destination server.
bcp them in. You can use the bcp utility on the destination server for the BULK IMPORT statement in SQL Server to do the work. Makes no real difference.
The nice thing about using BCP to load the data is that the load is what is described as a 'non-logged' transaction, though it's really more like a 'minimally logged' transaction.
If the tables on the destination server have IDENTITY columns, you'll need to use SET IDENTITY statement to disable the identity column on the the table(s) involved for the nonce (don't forget to reenable it). After your data is imported, you'll need to run DBCC CHECKIDENT to get things back in synch.
And depending on what your doing, it can sometimes be helpful to put the database in single-user mode or dbo-only mode for the duration of the surgery:
Another approach I've used to great effect is to use Perl's DBI/DBD modules (which provide access to the bulk copy interface) and write a perl script to suck out the data from the source server, transform it and bulk load it directly into the destination server, without having to save it to disk and move it. Also means you can trap errors and design things for recovery and restart right at the point of failure.
Use BCP to migrate data.
Another approach i have used in the past is to take a backup of the transaction log and shrink the log Prior to the migration. Split the migration script in parts and run the log backup- shrink - migrate iteration a few times.

Copy all data from one SQLServer database to another on same machine

I want to copy all data from one database to another which has the same structure. The databases reside on the same machine & on same sql server.
I have googled a bit & have found solutions like this
INSERT states (statecode, statename)
SELECT statecode, statename
FROM server1.database1.dbo.states
But the problem is they are copying table by table & I have like more then 100 tables. I was thinking that is there a way to copy all of the data at once.
Views & stored procedures all should be copied.
Or should I be looking in some other direction to achieve this ...?
If this is a one-time need, use the (Database) > Tasks > Generate Scripts menu option in SQL Server Management Studio.
Some options:
Use the DB back up and restore tools to just move a big backup file. This is the simplest option.
Slave the 2nd instance off of the 1st. It'll keep it up to date, but can be a pain.
Use import export wizard to transfer the data from one DB to another DB and use Generate script for the Transfer the Procedure and views.
Check out tools like Red-Gate SQL Compare (for structural comparison) and SQL Data Compare (for data content compare). With Data Compare, you can also easily update one database from another (or a database backup, even).
They're not free - but if you have to do this several times over and over, just the time (not to speak of the hassle) you save yourself will easily outweigh the cost of purchasing these tools. Excellent stuff - highly recommended!

SQL Server Schema to Schema Migration

I would like to know which one is the best approach for migrating existing DB data to another new DB with entirely different structure. I want to copy the data from my old DB and need to insert the data in new DB. For me the table names and column names of new DB is entirely different. I am using SQL Server 2008.
You should treat this as an ETL problem, not a migration, as the two schemas are entirely different. The proper tool for this is SSIS. SSIS allows you to create dataflows that map columns from one table to another, add derived sources, perform splits, merges, etc. If possible you should create source queries that return results close to the schema of the target database so you need fewer transformations.
In this you have to migrate most of the parts manually by running scripts. AFAIK automatically it will not synchronize. But using SSMS you Map tables of two different db's. hope that will help.

Applying changes easily in Access Database

I have got a backup of a live database (A copy of an ACCDB format Access database) in which I've worked, added new fields to existing tables and whole new tables.
How do I get these changes and apply that fast in the running database?
In MS SQL Server, I'd right-click > Script Table As > Alter To, save the query and run it wherever I desire, is there an as easy way as that to do it in an Access Database ?
It's an ACCDB MS-Access database created on Access 2007, copied and edited in Access 2007, in which I need to get some "alter" scripts to run on the other database so that it has all the new columns and tables I've created on my copy.
For new tables, just import them from one database into the other. In the "External Data" section of the ribbon, choose the Access icon above "Import". That choice starts an import wizard to allow you to select which objects you want imported. You will have a choice to import just the table structure, or both structure and data.
Remou is right that you can use DDL ALTER TABLE statements to add new columns. However, DDL might not support every feature you want for your new columns. And if you want not just the empty columns added, but also also any data from those new columns, you will probably need to run UPDATE statements to get it into your new columns.
As far as "Script Table As", see if OmBelt's Export Table to SQL tool for MS Access can do what you want.
Edit: Allen Browne has sample ALTER TABLE statements. See CreateFieldDDL and the following one, CreateFieldDDL2.
You can run DDL in Access. I think it would be easiest to run the SQL with VBA, in this case.
There is a product called DbWeigher that can compare Access database schemas and synchronize them. You can get a free trial (30 days). DbWeigher will write a script of all schema differences and write it out as DDL. The script is thorough and includes relationships, indexes, validation rules, allow zero length, etc.
A free tool from the same developer, DBWConsole, will let you execute a DDL script against any Access database. If you wrote your own DDL scripts this would be an easy way to apply the changes to your live database. It even handles some DDL that I don't know how to process in VBA (so it must be magic). DBWConsole is included if you downloaded the trial version of DBWeigher. Be aware that you can't make schema changes to a table in a shared Access database if anyone has the table open.
DbWeigher creates a script of all differences between the two files. It can be a lot to manually parse through if you just want a few of the changes. I built a parser for DbWeigher script files so they could be filtered by table, to extract just the parts I wanted. I contacted the DbWeigher author about it but never heard back. It's safe to say that I have no affiliation with this developer.

Few questions from a Java programmer regarding porting preexisting database which is stored in .txt file to mySQL?

I've been writing a Library management Java app lately, and, up until now, the main Library database is stored in a .txt file which was later converted to ArrayList in Java for creating and editing the database and saving the alterations back to the .txt file again. A very primitive method indeed. Hence, having heard on SQL later on, I'm considering to port my preexisting .txt database to mySQL. Since I've absolutely no idea how SQL and specifically mySQL works, except for the fact that it can interact with Java code. Can you suggest me any books/websites to visit/buy? Will the book Head First with SQL ever help? especially when using Java code to interact with the SQL database? It should be mentioned that I'm already comfortable with using 3rd Party APIs.
View from 30,000 feet:
First, you'll need to figure out how to represent the text file data using the appropriate SQL tables and fields. Here is a good overview of the different SQL data types. If your data represents a single Library record, then you'll only need to create 1 table. This is definitely the simplest way to do it, as conversion will be able to work line-by-line. If the records contain a LOT of data duplication, the most appropriate approach is to create multiple tables so that your database doesn't duplicate data. You would then link these tables together using IDs.
When you've decided how to split up the data, you create a MySQL database, and within that database, you create the tables (a database is just something that holds multiple tables). Connecting to your MySQL server with the console and creating a database and tables is described in this MySQL tutorial.
Once you've got the database created, you'll need to write the code to access the database. The link from OMG Ponies shows how to use JDBC in the simplest way to connect to your database. You then use that connection to create Statement object, execute a query to insert, update, select or delete data. If you're selecting data, you get a ResultSet back and can view the data. Here's a tutorial for using JDBC to select and use data from a ResultSet.
Your first code should probably be a Java utility that reads the text file and inserts all the data into the database. Once you have the data in place, you'll be able to update the main program to read from the database instead of the file.
Know that the connection between a program and a SQL database is through a 'connection program'. You write an instruction in an SQL statement, say
Select * from Customer order by name;
and then set up to retrieve data one record at a time. Or in the other direction, you write
Insert into Customer (name, addr, ...) values (x, y, ...);
and either replace x, y, ... with actual values or bind them to the connection according to the interface.
With this understanding you should be able to read pretty much any book or JDBC API description and get started.