Has PDF file generated through Crystal Report anything to do with Adobe installed in the local machine? - vb.net

I am generating PDF file using Crystal report ExportToDisk method in VB.NET 3.5.
Locally and on integration environment generated PDF file is much readable i.e.font size is good.
But the PDF file generated on production environment is different in formatting.The lines are wrapping and font size is also little small.
There is not Adobe installed on integration.
What may be causing this issue.Any suggestion?

Most reporting tools try and default page sizes and setting to the local default printer, or set specifically through code if this is not present, you could check that for page size.
If you are using a specific font, you may need to install that on the server.
There should be no dependency to Adobe Acrobat/Reader.


How to make Pycharm view pdf automatically after compiling latex file?

I'm using Texify plugin for Pycharm to write latex. After running, I have to go manually to "out" folder and open it with Adobe. How to make Pycharm do that automatically?
I see this option but I don't know how to fill it up.
Adobe locking the pdf file is a well-known issue, and so Adobe is not supported by TeXiFy. Depending on which OS you are on, the following pdf viewers are supported (links to TeXiFy wiki pages):
All: internal PDF viewer, via the PDF viewer plugin.
Windows: SumatraPDF
Linux: Evince, Okular, and Zathura
Mac: Skim
where supported means that the pdf automatically opens on compilation and that forward and backward search should work, the latter possibly after some configuration.
When you want to use some other pdf viewer, make sure that it does not lock the pdf file (so Adobe is not possible) and enter the command you would use to open the viewer from the command line in the Select custom pdf viewer command field. This should work on (at least) most Linux and Mac distributions.
As of TeXiFy b0.7.4 the internal PDF viewer is supported through the PDF viewer plugin.
Alternatively there is a PDF Plugin, to open it within PyCharm, which you can install from the store.

VSTO version 40820 download link

Where I can download VSTO Office Runtime version 10.0.40820?
I need link for this specific version, NOT for the newest one (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=158918).
Why I need this specific version? I created custom InstallShield .PRQ for VSTO that download file from web and checks if file is not corrupted using MD5 hash.
If I use generic download link and MS will deploy new version of VSTO then setup will complaint about corrupted file.
InstallShield has abstractions in their PRQ file that are meant to help but I have found problematic.
First, the PRQ itself can have a URL. This means that at runtime the PRQ embedded into the setup.exe will go try to download a newer version of itself from this URL. If this happens, the new XML is used and yours is ignored. This sounds like a good idea to keep things fresh and up to date but the CM Nazi in me see's this as a man in the middle vunerability that compromises the integrity of the build.
The second is that your XML or the downloaded XML both have URL attributes on the individual files. Again the CM Nazi in me says that while this seems like a good idea, it's really inserting an external dependency that isn't under my control and again violating the integrity of the build.
If it was me, I'd never use InstallShield and/or Microsoft URL's in my PRQ files. Host the content yourself and do change management of that so you can have complete control. If longevity of the build is desired then don't use web downloads in the first place. Bake it all into the EXE.
As for the exact question you asked, I'll have to google for it. But really I'd probably just move onto the latest version and then implement the above advice starting there.

Installing print driver on Windows Azure VM

We have a native, stand alone Win32 application that we use to generate .PDF files. It is command line driven to take one of our data files in and generate a PDF file. It works in conjunction with a print driver that is installed on the computer.
I know there are libraries for generating PDF files in .NET that we can use in Azure, however, there is specific type layout being carried out in our App that we must support, and that logic is not yet on the server side. This is a short term cheat, before we port (or rewrite) our 20 year old type layout engine out of C/C++. There is alot of code here with alot of complexity.
I see that we can now run native apps in Azure (yay). However, my issue seems to be that this native application requires a print driver installed. I have not been able to find any information about installing print driver in Azure worker role.
I found this discussion: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9125385/printing-to-pdf-from-azure-worker-role. The end result of this is to use a PDF library on Azure, which is not something that will work for us.
Also, I am aware that it is not the best use of a server to fire up a process to generate a PDF file everytime somebody wants to preview their data file in our web site. We are planning on cheating by showing the user the PDF, when they want to preview our proprietary data format in a browser. This is Phase I of a project, and rewriting our 20 year old type layout engine in C# is going to take alot longer to accomplish, and we are talking about this (admitted hack) as a short term (in the bigger sense of things) measure.
How do I install a Print Driver in Windows Azure worker role? Is it possible? Are there any other options?
Many Thanks.
If you can do a command line, silent install of the Amyuni software that yms mentioned then you could run that as part of a startup task on your worker role, probably with elevated permissions. People use startup tasks to do all sorts of things and many of them have written blog posts about it or answer questions about them here on SO, but a good place to start would be the official documentation.
This may help: Amyuni PDF Converter is a PDF printer driver with an API exposed as a COM interface and as a net. assembly that allows you to silently install and uninstall the driver programmatically. This can be done by using the methods PDFDriverInit and DriverEnd from your application.
Once your application installs the driver, you can print to PDF using a memory stream as destination and upload it to a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
There are 2 ways of installing Amyuni PDF Converter:
1- Using the installation program provided with the package.
2- Copying the dll files to their corresponding folders and then calling the method DriverInit.
The complete process is explained here:
Using the Developer Version of the Amyuni Document Converter
About your specific scenario, if you have an application that uses Amyuni PDF Converter, then there is indeed a printer driver that should be installed with it. Your application could be installing the driver every time it is launched and removing it when it is closed, or it could be installing it only during the installation of your program.
If you do not have the source code of this application but you still have the license information of the library provided by Amyuni, you could try building a small application or batch script that just takes care of the installation process. You can contact Amyuni support for a link to the latest build of the version you are using.
You mentioned that you are using Windows Azure VM, so I am assuming that you have administrative rights on the virtual system and that you can connect to it using remote desktop and run any kind of applications.
Usual disclaimer applies

PDFs look differnet when exported by Jasper Reports on Windows and on Linux (Debian)

When we're exporting PDFs in Windows they look ok, but when deployed to test server on Linux, they look different, i.e. basically the situation is the same as in http://jasperforge.org/uploads/publish/jasperreportswebsite/trunk/faq.html#FAQ25
So according to Jasper FAQ, I should use the same font for AWT and PDF. But I do not have control over how AWT maps logical fonts to physical fonts (I do it for PDF, I am embedding Arial.ttf in generated PDF).
Do you have any suggestions, what can I do to match fonts that are used by AWT to calculate the size of text and the fonts embedded in PDF?
I'm using Jasper Reports 3.5.3 and I am not allowed to switch to new version.
Use font extensions. This allows you to, for example, specify that the report uses Arial and to provide Arial even if you don't have control over the JVM and in the fonts installed on the machine.

Joomla good PDF viewer

I'm searching for a good PDF viewer for Joomla, the problem is when there is a module in an article all the PDF viewers I tried so far show: {loadposition myposition} in place of that module.
Does anybody know a PDF viewer that will show the module.
I would also like it to have a header and footer option.
I suspect that your extensions 'might' not be the sole source of your troubles.
Have you installed "Modules Anywhere" from nonumber.nl?
I recommend you try that first before assuming that the problem lies in your extensions.
Here is the appropriate link: http://www.nonumber.nl/extensions/modulesanywhere
Install it, and make sure the editor plugin is also installed and enabled (Modules Anywhere may perform these steps upon installation), then open up the content item you wish to inject your module into and use the module selection tool provided to you by the editor plugin.
After you perform this test, you can more reliably assume that your PDF related modules are the culprits.
Good luck!