Implementing distributed objects in cocoa - objective-c

I have two Cocoa applications out of which one is a launchd daemon (Foundation tool). I need to call some of the methods in the main application from the daemon. How do I use Distributed Objects here? Can anybody suggest a complete tutorial (except Apple documentations) for this?

My (otherwise pretty out of date now) comp.lang.objective-c FAQ listing includes a question: How do I forward messages between remote objects? which explains how to do DO and includes a link to some GNUstep documentation on DO.

Much of the documentation on Distributed Objects on the web (in 2016) appears largely out of date and won't even compile on XCode 7.1. Also, #user23743 's answer had a broken link. Here's a more current (as of 2016) StackOverflow answer that shows you how to do it now.


Some questions about Windows' DLLs?

I wrote an application in a JS-based framework called Titanium. This framework doesn't have some functions, so I'm bundling autohotkeys, and using STDIN/STDOUT to connect the two. Autohotkeys has a cool function DllCall which allows to interconect with the operating system and should help me close the gap between the JS-based framework and the missing functionality.
To give you an example, Titanium allows me to bind to a specific port. But if I bind to 0 and let the OS pick a free port (as it should), it will work, but there's no way to tell which port it actually bound to.
Now since I come from web applications, DLLs are new to me; so I have a few questions:
Is there like a big doc with all the DLLs and all their methods?
How do I know if some methods are dependent on some services? I mean I've heard some rely on RPCs, COM, COM+, WMIs, etc. which a user can turn off and if it does, these methods won't work. Is there also a place where I can get more info on this?
Are there any off-the-shelf DLLs, with their methods, which I can trust that they will work 100% from XP up to 7?
Are there any access permissions I should know about? Are they documented.
If you also come from web programming, is there anything else I should be aware about?
Thank you very much.
You can find a (mostly) complete documentation of all Windows API functions (which reside in DLLs) either online on MSDN or offline using the documentation from the Windows SDK.
For example look at the documentation for SHGetSpecialFolderPath. There you can find various information, like the DLL (shell32.dll), any prerequisites (min. IE 4) and the platform availablity. (min. Windows 2000) Also security considerations are documented.
All API functions are documented more or less in this manner. A good starting point is the Windows Developer Reference. From there you can browse through the many API functions.
Basically the answer to every question is that you should search MSDN for the functions or APIs you are interested in and read the documentation there:
They document which operating systems the functions are available in so it should be easy to write something that works in Windows XP and up.

MessagePack: fast cross-platform serializer and RPC - please share experience

Looking for some fast, simple and stable RPC library I stumbled upon MessagePack project which seems to be very good. It is also under active development.
If you used it in any way, could you please share your experience?
P.S. I think this question should be community wiki
Well, after some time I found that MessagePack is not well-documented (there was even non-working tutorial in Wiki for Java), there are like 7 outstanding bugs several months old without any replies. Code even is not JavaDoc'ed so that you can take and learn it quickly...
But it seems developer activity there is quite high despite of some outstanding pull requests from the community, that are several months old.
So, well, if GPL suits you, go for ICE. If not... don't know yet. Still looking.
I'm also looking into a fast, cross-platform, cross-language, non-GPL-licensed RPC library.
From looking at the C++ source of MessagePack it seems that it doesn't work on Win32 though, which is a requirement for myself.
Except for that that single item it is on top of my list of serialization/RPC libraries. - Win32 missing - Win32 missing - GPL license - RPC missing

How to create an online rebol console?

Where can I find the code for creating an online rebol console like the one here ?
Update: for the sandbox system on the server, can't Rebol manage it itself with some security wrapper and its security options ?
As for console itself, I don't know Ruby so I don't want to use TryRuby and why would I need it ? Can't I mimic Rebol console itself by "remoting" it somehow ? Why RT or Esper Consultancy can't make an opensource version ? There's no value in keeping it closed source. Rebol needs to prove it's more open than in the past.
In my opinion, you should aim higher with something like the already open-sourced Try Ruby. You'd type in expressions and it would guide you. Their showcase site is at and is fairly slick.
I modified TryRuby to work with Rebol and it wound up looking like this:
But I'm not going to run it on my server because I didn't want to belabor the necessary sandboxing/etc. or protections against someone running an infinite loop. I can give you what I've got so far if you want it.
I started a tutorial script here that no one seemed interested in helping me with, so I wandered off to other tasks:
I'm not sure what exactly you want. You mention you want a remote REBOL shell instead of a tutoring setup, but that's what the Try REBOL site is. There are several reasons it's not open source:
It's in heavy development. I'm currently changing the code regularly.
So it's not in a release state. Preparing it for release, documenting and publishing it would take a lot of extra work, as with most projects.
It's written in my CMS that's also in heavy development. Even if the Try REBOL site were open source, it wouldn't run. The CMS is not planned to be open sourced soon.
It's not meant as a generic REBOL remoting tool, but as a one-off demo site. If that site is running, what's the use of more of them?
As others have answered, there are many generic solutions for remoting that you could use. Also, most parts of the Try REBOL site are readily available as open source:
Syllable Server, produced and published by us.
The Cheyenne web server.
The HTML source of the web client can be viewed, including my simple JavaScript command service bus.
Syllable Server is an essential part of the site, as the sandboxing is not done with REBOL facilities (except some extra limits in the R3 backend), but with standard Linux facilities.
A truly air tight (do I mean silica tight?) sandbox is close to impossible with R2.
R3 (still in alpha) is looking a lot more promising. The deep technical discussions in flight right now (see Cure code and AltME/REBOL3 Proposals regarding unwinds and protect and even occasionally mentioning sandboxes should lead to an excellent sandbox capability.
Right now, the big advance R3 has that makes Kaj's tryREBOL possible is R3's secure policy settings which make it possible (with some careful wrapper code) to construct an alpha/demo sandbox.
To answer your precise question("where can I find code...", you could try asking Kaj for his :)
I'm new to StackOverflow. I'm not sure if this is going to end up as a reply to your comment, or as a new answer.
The somewhat common idea that any project can be open sourced and contributed to by others is a naive view. In the case of my Try REBOL site, it makes no sense. It's not just in heavy development; it's written in a CMS that's also in heavy development. Basically noone could contribute to it at this point, because I'm the only one who knows my CMS. Or in any case its newest features, which I develop by developing Try REBOL, and other example sites. So developing Try REBOL means developing the CMS at the same time, and by definition, I'm the only one who can do that.
More generally, my projects are bleeding edge, innovative technology with a strong vision. The vision is mine, and to teach it to others, I have to build it to show how I intended it to work. So there's a catch 22: to enable others to contribute, I have to finish my projects first, because people typically don't understand them until I show them how they work.
There certainly are other projects where mass contribution makes more sense. Still, only the top projects get the contributors. We found that out the hard way. We created Syllable Desktop and Syllable Server with surrounding infrastructure for contributions. These are fairly classic, well understood operating systems that many people could work on in parallel. However, despite years of begging, we get very few contributions.
So, if you feel a burning need to contribute to our projects, please pick one of the many tasks in Syllable to execute. :-)

Documentation for Objective C and Cocoa APIs?

Super-newbie question!
I've been looking for a list of all the classes that come with Objective-C and Cocoa but can't seem to find one.
Hoping that it has matching methods and syntax(?) as well.
Be gentle with me!
I would start here:
The system is broken up into frameworks, so you will not find a single listing. It depends on which frameworks you include with your project. good luck.
If you're using XCode, there's a documentation browser (Help -> Documentation) that's searchable. If you want to browse by classes you can also do so here. You might need to subscribe or download the documentation first though.
I'm finding this very convenient for iPhone development at least, since I can just type in a class or method name and get its documentation very quickly. YMMV for Mac OS X documentation though since I haven't used that at all.

Is there any Subtext IDE or equivalent Example-driven Visual Programming Language/Interface published on the Internet?

I'm really excited about this new and experimental language named Subtext. But it's author haven't released nothing about it besides some papers and videos. Should I clone it? There are similar alternatives?
UPDATE I'm looking for an example-driven VPL, not just a VPL.
As Edwards' says in his related work section, the Self programming language is very similar. It shares subtext's emphsis on directness, uniformity, and liveness, but doesn't emphasize a tabular format (Schematic tables).
A lot of of work went into the Solaris version:
seems there's a Mac & linux version, not sure how mature it is:
Here's a video demo'ing Self, where they emphasize directness, uniformity, and liveness:
When you say "any VPL", do you mean none at all, or not a run-of-the-mill one? From the wording of the title question, I'll assume the latter. Here're a couple with some serious programming theory behind them:
Morphic is/was a/the UI piece of Self, and is now ported to Squeak:
Prograph was a way-cool system, but I don't know of an available version.
A bit further out there is Kahn's Toontalk, based on Pictorial Janus:
I am sure you are aware of VPL On Wikipedia that lists many different VPL languages. You have not supplied information on what you are trying to achieve but another site is Synopsis. This is a commercial product.
From their website:
Synopsis is a completely visual RAD tool for Windows that frees you from having to write textual code and learning unnecesary programming details. With Synopsis you can concentrate on creating software instead of wrestling with mundane and complex low-level development tasks.
The image below shows how this application looks:
Granted my knowledge on this subject is limited and I do follow this to see if something really powerful can be created. I did see a project on CodeProject or CodePlex that was written in C# that allowed VPL but I cant find that URL.
If I ever do find that application I will edit this post!
You haven't provided more information about features you expect from such a VPL environment, but I think that "Tersus" could be interesting thing to look at. There're many VPLs, but mainly they're targeted as educational tools or addition to particular technologies (i.e VPL for Microsoft Robotics Studio) to simplify common tasks programming. The "Tersus" is full blown application development platform. It's open source and free to download for many OSes.
Coherence — The Director’s Cut
The Coherence home page is up at The submitted version of the paper is there, with a new intro and a surprise ending.
Coherence claims to be an experimental programming language, a continuation of Subtext using other means.
Intentional shipped, but they are still kind of alpha, with limited distribution and testing. You can make example driven DSLs, but I don't know if the environment itself works that way.
You could look at the work on eve that is happening too: