Possible to extend static SQL statements with dynamic parts? - sql

I'd like to create a Oracle package where I have a procedure that executes some dynamic SQL. This is no problem if I'm doing it all dynamic with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE but it would be better if the static parts of the query could be coded static (to have compile time checking).
Example of fully dynamic query:
-- v_stmt is built dynamically.
v_stmt := 'SELECT count(*) FROM <here some joins> WHERE <here some conditions>';
USING v_param1, v_param2
Example of what I tried to make the FROM-part static:
-- v_stmt is built dynamically.
v_stmt := 'SELECT count(*) FROM my_package.my_function(:param1, :param2) WHERE <here some conditions>';
USING v_param1, v_param2
FUNCTION my_function(
i_param1 IN VARCHAR2,
i_param2 IN NUMBER
-- Open a cursor for different queries depending on params.
IF i_param2 = 1 THEN
OPEN v_cursor FOR <some static query>;
OPEN v_cursor FOR <some other static query>;
RETURN v_cursor;
This doesn't work because it's not possible to select from a SYS_REFCURSOR (at least that's what I found with Google).
Is there any way to reach this goal?
edit: As requested, here are some examples:
Static queries:
SELECT a.*, ca.CUS_ID FROM adresses a INNER JOIN customer_adresses ca ON (ca.adr_id = a.adr_id);
SELECT p.*, cp.CUS_ID FROM persons p INNER JOIN customer_persons cp ON (cp.per_id = p.per_id);
Then they are extended dynamically like the following examples:
-- Checks if there is an adress in the customer where the zip is null.
SELECT count(*) FROM <static adresses query> q WHERE q.cus_id = :param1 AND a.zip IS NULL;
-- Checks if there is at least one person in the customer.
SELECT count(*) FROM <static persons query> q WHERE q.cus_id = :param1;

Sorry, but why the need to do this? Seems you're over complicating things by introducing a function that will return different types of data/tables depending on the parameter list. Very confusing imo. Besides, you have to do the work somewhere, you're just trying to hide it in this function (inside if param1=this then x if param1=that then y...)
Besides, even if you did implement a cursor function (even pipelined), it would be a bad idea in this case because you'd be forcing Oracle into doing work that it wouldn't necessarily need to do (ignore all the context switching for now). To just get a count, you'd have Oracle grab each an every row result and then count. Many times Oracle can just do a fast full index scan to get the count (depending on the query of course). And often same query run multiple times will not need to do all the work each time if blocks are found in buffer cache. I'd challenge you to run the count multiple times using straight SQL vs using a function returning a cursor. You might be surprised. And to my knowledge (check me on this) the new 11g function result cache won't work on a pipelined functions or a function returning a ref cursor (along with other issues like invalidations due to relies on tables).
So, what I'm saying is why not just do: select count(1) into v_variable from ...;
If you want to hide and modularize, then just know what you're potentially losing.

You may want to open a query in function1 and then pipeline the results of it as a table to function2 which then will add a where clause to this "table"
In this case you'll want to rewrite your function1 as a pipelined table function
v_stmt := 'SELECT count(*) FROM table(my_package.my_function(:param1, :param2)) WHERE <here some conditions>';
USING v_param1, v_param2
CREATE TYPE object_row_type AS OBJECT (
CREATE TYPE object_table_type AS TABLE OF object_row_type;
FUNCTION my_function(
i_param1 IN VARCHAR2,
i_param2 IN NUMBER
RETURN object_table_type PIPELINED AS

You can have compile time checking of expressions with Oracle expression filter.
It's probably more complicated than the other solutions, but if you really need to verify your conditions it can be helpful.


Oracle Query Logic Declare and With

I want to printout a Dynamic built query. Yet I am stuck at variable declaration; Error At line 2.
I need the maximum size for these VARCHAR2 variables.
Do I have a good overall structure ?
I use the result of the WITH inside the dynamic query.
DECLARE l_sql_query VARCHAR2(2000);
l_sql_queryFinal VARCHAR2(2000);
with cntp as (select distinct
cnt.code code_container,
FROM container cnt
cnt.status !='DESTROYED'
order by cnt.code)
FOR l_counter IN 2022..2032
l_sql_query := l_sql_query || 'SELECT cntp.code_container *STUFF*
FROM cntp
GROUP BY cntp.code_container ,cntp.label_container, cntp.Plan_Classement, Years
cntp.Years=' || l_counter ||'
/*stuff*/ TO_DATE(''31/12/' || l_counter ||''',''DD/MM/YYYY'')
AND SUM(cntp.IsA)=0
AND SUM(cntp.IsB)=0
l_sql_queryFinal := SUBSTR(l_sql_query, 0, LENGTH (l_sql_query) – 5);
l_sql_queryFinal := l_sql_queryFinal||';'
The code you posted has quite a few issues, among them:
you've got the with (CTE) as a standlone fragment in the declare section, which isn't valid. If you want it to be part of the dynamic string then put it in the string;
your END; is in the wrong place;
you have – instead of -;
you remove the last 5 characters, but you end with a new line, so you need to remove 6 to include the U of the last UNION;
the line that appens a semicolon is itself missing one (though for dynamic SQL you usually don't want a semicolon, so the whole line can probably be removed);
2000 characters is too small for your example, but it's OK with the actual maximum of 32767.
l_sql_query VARCHAR2(32767);
l_sql_queryFinal VARCHAR2(32767);
-- initial SQL which just declares the CTE
l_sql_query := q'^
with cntp as (select distinct
cnt.code code_container,
FROM container cnt
cnt.status !='DESTROYED'
order by cnt.code)
-- loop around each year...
FOR l_counter IN 2022..2032
l_sql_query := l_sql_query || 'SELECT cntp.code_container *STUFF*
FROM cntp
GROUP BY cntp.code_container ,cntp.label_container, cntp.Plan_Classement, Years
cntp.Years=' || l_counter ||'
MAX(TO_DATE(cntp.DISPOSITION_DATE,''DD/MM/YYYY'')) BETWEEN TO_DATE(''01/01/'|| l_counter ||''',''DD/MM/YYYY'') AND TO_DATE(''31/12/' || l_counter ||''',''DD/MM/YYYY'')
AND SUM(cntp.IsA)=0
AND SUM(cntp.IsB)=0
l_sql_queryFinal := SUBSTR(l_sql_query, 0, LENGTH (l_sql_query) - 6);
l_sql_queryFinal := l_sql_queryFinal||';';
The q[^...^] in the first assignment is the alternative quoting mechanism, which means you don't have to escape (by doubling-up) the quotes within that string, around 'DESTYORED'. Notice the ^ delimiters do not appear in the final generated query.
Whether the generated query actually does what you want is another matter... The cntp.Years= part should probably be in a where clause, not having; and you might be able to simplify this to a single query instead of lots of unions, as you're already aggregating. All of that is a bit beyond the scope of your question though.
Is there a way to put the maximum size "automaticcaly" like "VARCHAR2(MAX_STRING_SIZE) does it work ?
No. And no.
The maximum size of varchar2 in PL/SQL is 32767. If you want to hedge against that changing at some point in the future you can declare a user-defined subtype in a shared package ...
create or replace package my_subtypes as
subtype max_string_size is varchar2(32767);
end my_subtypes;
... and reference that in your program...
l_sql_query my_subtypes.max_string_size;
l_sql_queryFinal my_subtypes.max_string_size;
So if Oracle subsequently raises the maximum permitted size of a VARCHAR2 in PL/SQL you need only change the definition of my_subtypes.max_string_size for the bounds to be raised wherever you used that subtype.
Alternatively, just use a CLOB. Oracle is pretty clever about treating a CLOB as a VARCHAR2 when its size is <= 32k.
To solve your other problem you need to treat the WITH clause as a string and assign it to your query variable.
l_sql_query my_subtypes.max_string_size := q'[
with cntp as (select distinct
cnt.code code_container,
FROM container cnt
WHERE cnt.status !='DESTROYED'
order by cnt.code) ]';
Note the use of the special quote syntax q'[ ... ]' to avoid the need to escape the quotation marks in your query snippet.
A dynamic string query do not access a temp table ?
Dynamic SQL is a string containing a DML or DDL statement which we execute with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE or DBMS_SQL commands. Otherwise it is exactly the same as static SQL, it doesn't behave any differently. In fact the best way to write dynamic SQL is to start by writing the static statement in a worksheet, make it correct and then figure out which bits need to be dynamic (variables, placeholders) and which bits remain static (boilerplate). In your case the WITH clause is a static part of the statement.
As has already been pointed out, you seem to have misunderstood what a with clause is: it's a clause of a SQL statement, not a procedural declaration. My definition, it must be followed by select.
But also, as a general rule, I would recommend avoiding dynamic SQL when possible. In this case, if you can simulate a table with the range of years you want, you can join instead of having to run the same query multiple times.
The easy trick to doing that is to use Oracle's connect by syntax to use a recursive query to produce the expected number of rows.
Once you've done that, adding this table as a join pretty trivially:
WITH cntp AS
SELECT DISTINCT code code_container,
[additional columns]
FROM container
WHERE status !='DESTROYED') cntc,
SELECT to_date('01/01/'
|| (LEVEL+2019), 'dd/mm/yyyy') AS start_date,
|| (LEVEL+2019), 'dd/mm/yyyy') AS end_date,
(LEVEL+2019) AS year
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 11) year_table
SELECT cntp.code_container,
[additional columns]
FROM cntp
join year_table
ON cntp.years = year_table.year
GROUP BY [additional columns],
HAVING max(to_date(cntp.disposition_date,''dd/mm/yyyy'')) BETWEEN year_table.start_date AND year_table.end_date
AND SUM(cntp.isa)=0
AND SUM(cntp.isb)=0
(This query is totally untested and may not actually fulfill your needs; I am providing my best approximation based on the information available.)

PL/SQL: SELECT INTO using a variable in the FROM clause

lc_tab1_col1 VARCHAR2(4000);
lc_tab1_col2 VARCHAR2(4000);
lc_tab2_col2 VARCHAR2(4000);
lc_tab2_col2 VARCHAR2(4000);
CURSOR my_cursor IS select col1, col2 from tab1;
OPEN my_cursor;
FETCH my_cursor INTO lc_tab1_col1, lc_tab1_col2;
SELECT lc_tab1_col2.col1, lc_tab1_col2.col2 INTO lc_tab2_col2, lc_tab2_col2 FROM lc_tab1_col2 WHERE lc_tab1_col2.col3 = lc_tab1_col1;
CLOSE my_cursor;
Hey folks,
I am trying to get the above code working.
The issue I am having is that a SELECT INTO statement apparently does not support using a variable (in that case lc_tab1_col2) as the table name in the FROM clause of the statement.
When compiling the package an ORA-000942 is thrown (table or view does not exist), which tells me the variable is interpreted directly instead of being replaced and interpreted at runtime.
I can't think of a workaround on the fly, any ideas on how to fix this?
Some more background: lc_tab1_col2 contains the name of a table in the database whereas lc_tab1_col1 contains an ID.
This ID is present in all of the tables that can be contained in lc_tab1_col2 (hence the WHERE clause).
Apart from the ID there are two other columns (lc_tab1_col2.col1 and lc_tab1_col2.col2) that are present in all those tables, but that are not present in tab1. I need to select those two values to work with them inside the loop.
As there are many tables to consider, I need this SELECT INTO statement to be dynamic. It wouldn't be feasible to parse the tables one by one. Looking forward to anyone sharing a clever idea for overcoming this issue :) Thanks in advance!
I think, you exception really means that this table does not exist or you don't have privileges to SELECT it.
I've executed a below code and everything was ok. I have tried to compile it in a package and also I didn't have any compilation errors
user_tables varchar2(30) := 'TBLCOMPANIES';
SELECT table_name
INTO user_tables
FROM user_tables
WHERE user_tables.table_name = user_tables;
dbms_output.put_line(user_tables) ;

Oracle SQL - SELECT with Variable arguments stored procedure

I'm struggling with a variable argument stored procedure that has to perform a SELECT on a table using every argument passed to it in its WHERE clause.
Basically I have N account numbers as parameter and I want to return a table with the result of selecting three fields for each account number.
This is what I've done so far:
function sp_get_minutes_expiration_default(retval IN OUT char, gc IN OUT GenericCursor,
p_account_num IN CLIENT_ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNT_NUM%TYPE) return number
r_cod integer := 0;
open gc for select account_num, concept_def, minutes_expiration_def from CLIENT_ACCOUNTS
where p_account_num = account_num; -- MAYBE A FOR LOOP HERE?
return r_cod;
end sp_get_minutes_expiration_default;
My brute force solution would be to maybe loop over a list of account numbers, select and maybe do a UNION or append to the result table?
If you cast your input parameter as a table, then you can join it to CLIENT_ACCOUNTS
select account_num, concept_def, minutes_expiration_def
from CLIENT_ACCOUNTS ca, table(p_account_num) a
where a.account_num = ca.account_num
But I would recommend you select the output into another collection that is the output of the function (or procedure). I would urge you to not use reference cursors.
A more complete example follows:
create or replace type id_type_array as table of number;
ti id_type_array := id_type_array();
n number;
ti(1) := 42;
select column_value into n from table(ti) where rownum = 1;
In your code, you would need to use the framework's API to:
create an instance of the collection (of type id_type_array)
populate the collection with the list of numbers
Execute the anonymous PL/SQL block, binding in the collection
But you should immediately see that you don't have to put the query into an anonymous PL/SQL block to execute it (even though many experienced Oracle developers advocate it). You can execute the query just like any other query so long as you bind the correct parameter:
select account_num, concept_def, minutes_expiration_def
from CLIENT_ACCOUNTS ca, table(:p_account_num) a
where a.column_value = ca.account_num

using comma separated values inside IN clause for NUMBER column

I have 2 procedures inside a package. I am calling one procedure to get a comma separated list of user ids.
I am storing the result in a VARCHAR variable. Now when I am using this comma separated list to put inside an IN clause in it is throwing "ORA-01722:INVALID NUMBER" exception.
This is how my variable looks like
l_userIds VARCHAR2(4000) := null;
This is where i am assigning the value
l_userIds := getUserIds(deptId); -- this returns a comma separated list
And my second query is like -
select * from users_Table where user_id in (l_userIds);
If I run this query I get INVALID NUMBER error.
Can someone help here.
Do you really need to return a comma-separated list? It would generally be much better to declare a collection type
CREATE TYPE num_table
Declare a function that returns an instance of this collection
RETURN num_table
l_nums num_table := num_table();
for i in 1 .. 10
l_nums(i) := i*2;
end loop;
and then use that collection in your query
FROM users_table
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE( l_nums ));
It is possible to use dynamic SQL as well (which #Sebas demonstrates). The downside to that, however, is that every call to the procedure will generate a new SQL statement that needs to be parsed again before it is executed. It also puts pressure on the library cache which can cause Oracle to purge lots of other reusable SQL statements which can create lots of other performance problems.
You can search the list using like instead of in:
select *
from users_Table
where ','||l_userIds||',' like '%,'||cast(user_id as varchar2(255))||',%';
This has the virtue of simplicity (no additional functions or dynamic SQL). However, it does preclude the use of indexes on user_id. For a smallish table this shouldn't be a problem.
The problem is that oracle does not interprete the VARCHAR2 string you're passing as a sequence of numbers, it is just a string.
A solution is to make the whole query a string (VARCHAR2) and then execute it so the engine knows he has to translate the content:
aVar T_UT;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select * from users_Table where user_id in (' || l_userIds || ')' INTO aVar;
A more complex but also elegant solution would be to split the string into a table TYPE and use it casted directly into the query. See what Tom thinks about it.
Firstly, I wanted to delete it, but I think, it might be informative for someone to see such a bad solution. Using dynamic SQL like this causes multiple execution plans creation - 1 execution plan per 1 set of data in IN clause, because there is no binding used and for the DB, every query is a different one (SGA gets filled with lots of very similar execution plans, every time the query is run with a different parameter, more memory is needlessly used in SGA).
Wanted to write another answer using Dynamic SQL more properly (with binding variables), but Justin Cave's answer is the best, anyway.
You might also wanna try REF CURSOR (haven't tried that exact code myself, might need some little tweaks):
deptId NUMBER := 2;
l_userIds VARCHAR2(2000) := getUserIds(deptId);
TYPE t_my_ref_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
c_cursor t_my_ref_cursor;
l_row users_Table%ROWTYPE;
l_query VARCHAR2(5000);
l_query := 'SELECT * FROM users_Table WHERE user_id IN ('|| l_userIds ||')';
OPEN c_cursor FOR l_query;
FETCH c_cursor INTO l_row;
WHILE c_cursor%FOUND
-- do something with your row
FETCH c_cursor INTO l_row;

How to improve query performance for dynamic sql in Oracle

I have to fetch data from a running-time-defined table and get data based on a running-time-defined column, I'm now using dynamic sql with ref cursor as below. Is there any more efficient ways to improve the performance ?
PROCEDURE check_error(p_table_name IN VARCHAR2
,p_keyword IN VARCHAR2
,p_column_name IN VARCHAR2
,p_min_num IN NUMBER
,p_time_range IN NUMBER
,p_file_desc IN VARCHAR2
type t_crs is ref cursor;
v_cur t_crs;
v_file_name VARCHAR2(100);
v_date_started DATE;
v_date_completed DATE;
v_counter NUMBER := 0;
v_sql VARCHAR2(500);
v_num NUMBER :=0;
v_sql := 'SELECT '||p_column_name||', DATE_STARTED,DATE_COMPLETED FROM '||p_table_name
|| ' WHERE '||p_column_name||' LIKE '''||p_keyword||'%'' AND DATE_STARTED > :TIME_LIMIT ORDER BY '||p_column_name;
OPEN v_cur FOR v_sql USING (sysdate - (p_time_range/1440));
FETCH v_cur INTO v_file_name,v_date_started,v_date_completed;
IF v_date_started IS NOT NULL AND v_date_completed IS NULL
AND (sysdate - v_date_started)*1440 > p_time_range THEN
BTW, will this make it better ?
OPEN v_cur FOR v_sql USING p_column_name,p_table_name,p_column_name,p_keyword||'%',(sysdate - (p_time_range/1440)),p_column_name;
First, I'm not sure that I understand what the code is doing. In the code you posted (which you may have cut down to simplify things), the IF statement checks whether v_date_started IS NOT NULL which is redundant since there is a WHERE clause on DATE_STARTED. It checks whether (sysdate - v_date_started)*1440 > p_time_range which is just a redundant repetition of the WHERE clause on the DATE_STARTED column. And it checks whether v_date_completed IS NULL which would be more efficient as an additional WHERE clause in the dynamic SQL statement that you built. It would make sense to do all of your checks in exactly one place and the most efficient place to do them would be in the SQL statement.
Second, how many rows should this query return and where is the time being spent? If the cursor potentially returns many rows (for some definition of many), you'll get a bit of efficiency from doing a BULK COLLECT from the cursor into a collection and modifying the insert_record procedure to accept and process a collection. If the time is all spent executing the SQL statement and the query itself returns just a handful of rows, PL/SQL bulk operations would probably not make things appreciably more efficient. If the bottleneck is executing the SQL statement, you'd need to hope that an appropriate index existed on whatever table was passed in. If the bottleneck is the insert_record procedure, we'd need to know what that procedure is doing to comment.
Third, if the insert_record procedure is (at least primarily) just inserting the data that you fetched into a different table, it would be more efficient to get rid of all the looping and just generate a dynamic INSERT statement.
Fourth, with respect to your edit, you cannot use bind variables for table names or column names so the syntax you're proposing is invalid. It won't be more efficient because it will generate a bunch of syntax errors.