Suspend a thread while waiting for events -

I am trying to use a separate thread to handle specific events in VB.Net. The idea being that I do not want the main application to be held up if a particular event handler takes awhile to finish. How do I get my main thread loop to suspend the thread while allowing it to handle events when they occur?
When I create a Windows Forms application, there is a UI thread that handles the UI events. I do not imagine that this thread is continuously polling some variable to see if someone has pressed a button. I imagine the thread is suspended until the OS tells it there is something to do. I was trying to figure out how to ensure that my event handlers were not being executed by the UI thread. From what I have read, I can do this by raising the events from a different thread. But what does that thread do while it is waiting for other events, just exit?
I wanted to know how to create a thread that works like the UI thread, only it processes the events I want it to process. I am not sure how events work in .Net. I understand that event handlers are run on the thread that raises the event. I believe that .Net allocates threads from some thread pool to process events such as timer events. I am not clear on how it works, though, and what those threads are doing when they are not handling events.

Based on your comments I can see that what you want can best be solved by using the producer-consumer pattern. With this pattern the consumer thread is constructed and started in such a manner that it spins around a loop indefinitely waiting for items to appear in a queue. A UI thread will use this same pattern to implement its message loop. Here is how it works.
public class DedicatedProcessingThread
private BlockingCollection<object> m_Queue = new BlockingCollection<object>();
public Consumer()
new Thread(
() =>
while (true)
object item = m_Queue.Take(); // This blocks until an item appears.
// Do something with item here.
public void Post(object item)
The magic happens in the Take method. This method is designed to "suspend" (your terminology, not mine) or change the state of the thread to WaitSleepJoin while the queue is empty. Once an item is queued the consuming thread wakes up and the Take method returns the next item. That is the general pattern used in the message loop of a UI thread except instead of queueing plain old object instances Windows is posting System.Windows.Forms.Message values. You could do something similar by posting Delegate instances that would then be processed on the consumer thread once they arrive.

You can have the current thread sleep for a specified amount of milliseconds:
This will sleep for 1/10sec.
However if you need queued events to happen on the current thread, you can use:
The primary issue with using DoEvents is you don't know how much work actually gets done so it can be somewhat unreliable depending on what you are trying to accomplish.


How can I safely terminate UdpClient.receive() in case of timeout?

I want to implement a timeout in my UDP Multicast receiver using VB.Net. Basically, if I don't receive any packets in 10 seconds I want to stop listening. I can very easily use a Timer with an interval of 10000 to know when I need to time out, but the question is how do I stop the receive function? If I use the Receive() function (the one that blocks), I could simply stop it with a Thread.Abort() call. Everything I have read, however, has said that this is not a safe practice. If I use the asynchronous BeginReceive() function, I don't know how to terminate it before it finishes normally because EndReceive() will throw an exception if it isn't called with an IASyncResult that is returned from BeginReceive().
The answers to this question led me to investigate the CancelAsync() method. But, the answer to this question made me nervous.
If I use the blocking receive, I will not be able to continuously poll the CancellationPending property unless I call Receive() in its own thread from within the DoWork handler. But that would mean it would continue to run after the cancel takes effect right? If I use BeginReceive(), I am worried that CancelAsync() wil get "eaten" by the DoWork handler and I will end up with the same problem.
Plus, this snippet from the BackgroundWorker documentation is less than reassuring...
Be aware that your code in the DoWork event handler may finish its work as a cancellation request is being made, and your polling loop may miss CancellationPending being set to true. In this case, the Cancelled flag of System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs in your RunWorkerCompleted event handler will not be set to true, even though a cancellation request was made.
One alternative I thought of was having the UdpClient that is sending the packets be in charge of timing out, and then have it send some kind of cancellation signal packet to indicate that the receiver(s) should stop listening. The problem with this is that given the nature of UDP, there is no guarantee that said packet will arrive, or be picked up in the correct order.
Is there a way to safely terminate a UDP receive procedure before it finishes?
I have ran into the same issue with UdpClient and I am not sure what the safe solution is/if a "safe" solution exists. However, I came across a function that a user posted for a different question which tracks and terminates a code block that exceeds a certain time span and I just wrap my call to UdpClient.receive() in it. If you would like to give it a try, the function looks like this:
private static bool TrackFunction(TimeSpan timeSpan, Action codeBlock)
Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => codeBlock());
return task.IsCompleted;
catch (AggregateException ae)
throw ae.InnerExceptions[0];
And you would simply wrap it around your code like such:
bool timeTracker = TrackFunction(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
Byte[] received = myUdpClient.Receive(ref myIPEndPoint);
Again, there may be a better solution, but this is just what I have used.
I've run in to a similar situation where I open several connections (Udp, Serial, etc.) with remote devices and need to switch among them in a "listener" thread that uses the blocking UdpClient.Receive() call. Calling Thread.Abort() caused crashes, switching the connection instance (the UdpClient) without first exiting the thread didn't work either, because the thread was hung on the UdpClient.Receive() and a simple flag in a while loop never exited.
What did finally work was to close the connection in the main application thread, this would cause UdpClient.Receive() to throw an exception that could be caught and dealt with. The application creates instances of UdpClient that represent the various connections and starts a "listener" thread that can be terminated by setting a global flag and closing the current UdpClient instance. I used VB.NET and it looked something like this:
Dim mListening as Boolean 'application flag for exiting Listener thread
Dim mReceiver as UdpClient 'a connection instance
Private Sub Listener()
While mListening
Dim reply = mReceiver.Receive()
Catch ex As Exception
'execution goes here when mReceiver.Close() called
End Try
End While
End Sub
The app sets mListening and starts the Listener thread.
When the app needs to "unblock" mReceiver, it calls mReceiver.Close() and handles it accordingly. I've used this scheme without any problems. I'm using VS 2019 and .NET v4.7

thread does not start until sub is completed VB.NET

I have the following sub in my program:
public sub RunThis()
Dim t = New Thread(Sub() Me.printToPowerPoint(saveLocation, printlist))
t.IsBackground = True
While t.isAlive
end while
end sub
Running this my program hangs. Does anyone have a solution for this problem.
I am new to threading.
As you probably know, in WinForm projects, the UI can only be dealt with from a single thread. This is affectionately known as the UI thread. That's why, any time you need to access or modify a UI element, you must call the control or form's Invoke method. The Invoke method causes the given delegate to be run on the UI thread. However, doing so will not interrupt any processing that is already being performed by the UI thread. If the UI thread is currently busy, when you call Invoke, it will hang until the UI thread is no longer busy, then it will execute the given delegate.
So, in your code, you are starting a new thread which inside it is trying to invoke a method back on the UI thread. However, immediately after starting the new thread, you then enter a loop which keeps the UI thread busy until the other thread is done. So, when your new thread invokes back to the UI thread, the UI thread is busy and both threads are effectively hung forever.
DoEvents is a keyword you can call from within a lengthy process or loop in the UI thread to signal that you want to, essentially, pause your current processing thereby freeing up the UI thread to process any waiting window messages (painting events, click events, invoke requests, etc.). As soon as all those pending window messages are processed, it will return to doing whatever the next statement is after you called DoEvents. Therefore, if calling DoEvents inside the loop causes it to work properly, that means that your new thread must be invoking back onto the UI thread, or waiting for some other window message to be processed before continuing.
Calling DoEvents is dangerous and widely panned as being bad practice. Typically, if you need to call DoEvents, it's a sign that you need to rethink your design. Usually there is a better way to do what you are doing.
In your case, it looks like starting the new thread is utterly pointless. Unless you have abbreviated you code, it appears that as soon as you start the new thread, you simply put the UI thread on hold waiting for the other thread to finish. If that's the case, it would make much more sense to simply do the work on the UI thread itself rather than starting a new one. In the code you provided, no two threads will ever be effectively be doing processing at the same time, so it's no better than a single thread.

Difference between Main Queue / Current Queue & Main Thread / Background Thread in this case?

I'm executing the following method :
[motionManagerstartDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]withHandler:^(CMDeviceMotion *motion, NSError *error){.....}
on a background thread, as follows:
[currentMotionHandler performSelectorInBackground:#selector(startAccelerationUpdates) withObject:nil];
But the above method uses the main Queue (which is on the main thread) to perform the necessary updates even though I'm calling it on a background thread.. So are acceleration updates being performed on a background thread or on the main thread, I'm confused..?
What's even more interesting is that when I call the above method on background thread again, but this time using the current Queue, I get no updates. Could someone please explain the difference between running something on :
1. a background thread but on the main queue
2. a background thread but on the current queue
3. the main thread but on the main queue
4. the main thread but on the current queue
in the current implementation? Thank you!
I'll give it a shot. First, without being told by the NSOperationQueue class reference, we could not infer anything about what thread the 'mainQueue' would run on. Reading it we see that in fact that queue runs its operations on the mainThread, the one the UI uses, so you can update the UI in operations posted to that queue. Although it doesn't say it, these operations must be serial, due to them being executed by the runLoop (its possible they can get preempted too, not 100% sure of that).
The purpose for currentQueue is so that running operations can determine the queue they are on, and so they can potentially queue new operations on that queue.
a background thread but on the main queue
Not possible - the NSOperation's mainQueue is always associated with the mainThread.
a background thread but on the current queue
When you create a NSOperationQueue, and add NSOperations to it, those get run on background threads managed by the queue. Any given operation can query what thread its on, and that thread won't change while it runs. That said, a second operation on that queue may get run on a different thread.
the main thread but on the main queue
See 1)
the main thread but on the current queue
If you queue an operation to the mainQueue (which we know is always on the mainThread), and you ask for the currentQueue, it will return the mainQueue:
[NSOperationQueue currentQueue] == [NSOperationQueue mainQueue];
You are confusing queues with threads. Especially since NSOpertionQueue has been rewritten to use GCD, there is little connection between queues and specific threads (except for the special case of the main thread).
Operations/blocks/tasks - whatever you want to call them - are inserted into a queue, and "worker thread(s)" pull these off and perform them. You have little control over which exact thread is going to do the work -- except for the main queue. Note, this is not exactly right, because it's a simplification, but it's true enough unless you are doing something quite advanced and specific.
So, none of your 4 scenarios even make sense, because you can't, for example, run something on "a background thread but on the main queue."
Now, your method startAccelerationUpdates specifically tells the CMMotionManager to put your handler on the main queue. Thus, when startAccelerationUpdates is called, it gets run in whichever thread it's running, but it schedules the handler to be executed on the main thread.
To somewhat complicate things, you are calling the startAccelerationUpdates method by calling performSelectorInBackground. Again, you don't know which thread is going to actually invoke startAccelerationUpdates, but it will not be the main thread.
However, in your case, all that thread is doing is calling startAccelerationUpdates which is starting motion updates, and telling them to be handled on the main thread (via the main queue).
Now, here's something to dissuade you from using the main queue to handle motion events, directly from the documentation...
Because the processed events might arrive at a high rate, using the main operation queue is not recommended.
Unfortunately, your statement
What's even more interesting is that when I call the above method on
background thread again, but this time using the current Queue, I get
no updates.
does not provide enough information to determine what you tried, how you tried it, or why you think it did not work. So, I'll make a guess... which may be wrong.
I'll key on your use of the current Queue.
I assume you mean that you substitute [NSOperationQueue mainQueue] with [NSOperationQueue currentQueue].
Well, let's see what that does. Instead of using the main queue, you will be using "some other" queue. Which one? Well, let's look at the documentation:
Returns the operation queue that launched the current
+ (id)currentQueue
Return Value
The operation queue that started the operation or nil if the queue could not be determined.
You can use this method from within a running operation
object to get a reference to the operation queue that started it.
Calling this method from outside the context of a running operation
typically results in nil being returned.
Please note the discussion section. If you call this when you are not running an operation that was invoked from an NSOperationQueue, you will get nil which means there will be no queue on which to place your handler. So, you will get nothing.
You must specify which queue is to be used, if you want to use an NSOperationQueue other than the main queue. So, if that's the route you want to go, just create your own operation queue to handle motion events, and be off!
Good Luck!

Does using dispatch_get_main_queue() mean that my code will be on the main thread?

Does the following code run on the main thread? Does "main queue" refer to the main thread?
// Some code
The async part of dispatch async vs sync is different than concurrent vs serial. Async means that the function returns immediately, sync means that it'll wait until the block is executed. Since the main thread/queue is serial, things are going to get executed in order - I believe this means that since you're asking it to async dispatch on the same thread you're dispatching from, it'll return immediately, wait till the end of the current run loop and anything else in the queue, and then execute your block.
This is more useful for inside a queue than it is on the main thread - you can process your data, let the UI know to update, and continue processing without waiting for everything to redraw, etc. That's why you'll often see a dispatch_async call to the main thread inside another dispatch_async(concurrent queue) instead of just a dispatch_sync.
Yes. From Apple developer site:
The dispatch framework provides a default serial queue for the
application to use. This queue is accessed via
This is documented in multiple places, including the docs for dispatch_get_main_queue() itself. The Concurrency Programming Guide says:
The main dispatch queue is a globally available serial queue that executes tasks on the application’s main thread.

Make Thread sleep first before it runs

How can I make my thread sleep first before it runs? I know how to get sleep to work, however, whenever my program is run, the thread immediately runs. I want it to WAIT once it is first created to start running. (I am using handlers)
You cannot control when threads are scheduled. If you want it to go to sleep, have the first statement in the thread subroutine do a wait on a condition or something like that and when you are ready you can broadcast to that condition. In pseudo-code:
if (we-are-still-supposed-to-sleep)
I suppose you could have the parent hold the lock while creating the children and then all they have to do is:
and avoid the condition thing.
What OS? Windoze allows you to create threads in a suspended state. When you have loaded up the thread fields in the ctor, you can resume the thread. Failing that, pass some synchro object in the thread start parameter for the new thread to wait on.