Combine rows adding specific columns - sql

I have a table similar to the following:
employee_id | totalWorkHours | projectID
1 20 123
1 20 321
2 15 222
2 25 333
3 10 434
3 12 343
Is it possible to combine rows based on employee_id, but add totalWorkHours into an actual total for an employee and present in a result set without modifying the table?
So the results would be something like:
employee_id | actualTotalWorkHours
1 40
2 40
3 22
Or is this something better done with the raw result set?
Any help is much appreciated.

Select employee_id, Sum(totalWorkHours) As actualWorkHours
From YourTableName
Group By employee_id
Order By employee_id


select from table with between

please, help advice.
I have a table.
id|score_max|score_min| segment
1 |264 | |girl
2 |263 | 250 |girl+
3 |249 | 240 |girl
4 | | 239 |girl
It is not necessary to obtain a value depending on the value of the score.
But it can be null.
For example, 260 is value from other table
select segment
from mytable
where score_max<260 and score_min>260
2 |263 | 250 |girl+
but if value =200, sql is not correct
How to make a request correctly?
For this sample data that makes more sense:
id|score_max|score_min| segment
1 | | 264 |girl
2 |263 | 250 |girl+
3 |249 | 240 |girl
4 |239 | |girl
you can get the result that you want like this:
select *
from tablename
(? >= score_min or score_min is null)
(? <= score_max or score_max is null)
Replace ? with the value that you search for.
See the demo.

Increment a counter in a sql select query and sum by value?

I'm trying to do something a little different in a Pervasive DB.
I have a query result that comes out a little like this
part# Qty
A123 10
A123 3
B234 13
B234 43
A123 24
I can sort them with no problem. What I need is to iterate over the unique values and get a total count of them so I get something like this:
part# Qty Num OfNum
A123 10 1 3
A123 3 2 3
B234 13 1 2
B234 43 2 2
A123 24 3 3
I am stuck on how to this in Pervasive.
Would something like this work for you:
SELECT t1.PartNumber, t1.Qty, (SELECT COUNT(PartNumber) FROM "myTable" WHERE PartNumber = t1.PartNumber) AS "OfNum"
FROM "myTable" AS t1
...replacing names as appropriate, of course.

Filter SQL query results by aggregrate

I need a query that shows the JobIDs where the Worker has not been paid BUT where the Company has been paid. Below are the table columns and sample data:
tblInvoices columns:
Sample data
JobID | InvoiceID | WorkerPaidAmountTotal | CompanyPaidAmountTotal
1 30 100 150
1 31 0 100
2 32 0 75
3 33 25 50
3 34 10 30
4 35 0 0
I know how to get the SUM of the amounts paid to either a Worker or the Company. The results look like this:
JobID Worker Company
1 100 250
2 0 75
3 35 80
4 0 0
But what I need are the results of just the JobIDs where the Worker has got 0 and the company >0. The results I want should be this, but I can't figure out the query to do so:
JobID Worker Company
2 0 75
Use HAVING clause to filter the groups. Try this :
SELECT jobid,
FROM tablename
GROUP BY jobid
HAVING Sum(WorkerPaidAmountTotal) = 0
AND Sum(CompanyPaidAmountTotal) > 0
select jobid, worker, company where WorkerPaidAmountTotal = 0 and CompanyPaidAmountTotal
Seems to plain to do it... may be i did'nt understand the question

Finding double mrp's in SQL

I have table with productcode and mrp like
Pcode MRP
1 30
2 30
2 35
3 100
4 150
4 150
5 45
6 120
6 122
6 125
I want to find which productcodes have more than two mrp.
Thanks in advance.
If you get the count and use the having clause, you should get what you are looking for.
select pcode, count(pcode)
From tab
group by pcode
having count(pcode) > 1

Access SQL - Select only the last sequence

I have a table with an ID and multiple informative columns. Sometimes however, I can have multiple data for an ID, so I added a column called "Sequence". Here is a shortened example:
ID Sequence Name Tel Date Amount
124 1 Bob 873-4356 2001-02-03 10
124 2 Bob 873-4356 2002-03-12 7
124 3 Bob 873-4351 2006-07-08 24
125 1 John 983-4568 2007-02-01 3
125 2 John 983-4568 2008-02-08 13
126 1 Eric 345-9845 2010-01-01 18
So, I would like to obtain only these lines:
124 3 Bob 873-4351 2006-07-08 24
125 2 John 983-4568 2008-02-08 13
126 1 Eric 345-9845 2010-01-01 18
Anyone could give me a hand on how I could build a SQL query to do this ?
Thanks !
You can calculate the maximum sequence using group by. Then you can use join to get only the maximum in the original data.
Assuming your table is called t:
select t.*
from t join
(select id, MAX(sequence) as maxs
from t
group by id
) tmax
on = and
t.sequence = tmax.maxs