OCaml: Why I can't use this operator infix? - operators

I defined a custom equality operator (the definition is not really important so I will insert dummy stuff):
let ( ~=~ ) a b = true
If I try to use it infix:
if a ~=~ b then 1 else 2
I get the following error:This expression is not a function; it cannot be applied.
I can fix this either by renaming the operator from ~=~ to =~ or by calling it as a function: if (~=~) a b then 1 else 2.
This seems that is a general problem with operators that start with ~.
My question is why I can't use such operators infix? Is anything special about ~ symbol?
Note: I already went through documentation but I couldn't find anything relevant. Maybe I missed something?

In OCaml, whether an operator is infix or prefix is determined by its first character.
In you case, the character '~' is for prefix: by let (~=~) a b = ..., you are defining a prefix operator. ~=~ a is a valid expression, and returns a function.
In addition to infix or prefix, infix operator associativity (left or right) and operator precedences (which of + and * has stronger?) are syntactically determined by the first character of the operator.
This sounds ugly, since you cannot have control of your fancy operators characteristics, but it makes easier to read OCaml source code by someone else with lots of strange custom operators.
Here is the table of chars for operators:
The first char : prefix/infix/connectivity power/left-or-right
! ~ ? : prefix
= < > | & $ : infix0, left
# ^ : infix1, right
+ - : infix2, left
* / : infix3, left ( ** is exceptional. It is right assoc and have power 4)

By lexical conventions of ocaml ~ is reserved for prefix operators, see


Anti-matching against an infinite family of <!before> patterns in Raku

I am trying to avoid matching whitespace at the end of a string while still matching whitespace in the middle of words.
Here is an example of a regex that matches underscores within x but does not match up to three trailing underscores.
say 'x_x___x________' ~~ /
| 'x'
| '_' <!before [
| $
| '_' <?before $>
| '_' <?before ['_' <?before $>]>
| '_' <?before ['_' <?before ['_' <?before $>]>]>
# ...
Is there a way to construct the rest of the pattern implied by the ...?
It is a little difficult to discern what you are asking for.
You could be looking for something as simple as this:
say 'x_x___x________' ~~ / 'x'+ % '_' ** 1..3 /
# 「x_x___x」
say 'x_x___x________' ~~ / 'x'+ % '_' ** 1..2 /
# 「x_x」
say 'x_x___x________' ~~ / 'x'+ % '_'+ /
# 「x_x___x」
I would suggest using a Capture..., thusly:
'x_x___x________' ~~ /(.*?) _* $/;
say $0; #「x_x___x」
(The ? modifier makes the * 'non-greedy'.)
Please let me know if I have missed the point!
avoid matching whitespace at the end of a string while still matching whitespace in the middle of words
Per Brad's answer, and your comment on it, something like this:
/ \w+ % \s+ /
what I'm looking for is a way to match arbitrarily long streams that end with a known pattern
Per #user0721090601's comment on your Q, and as a variant of #p6steve's answer, something like this:
/ \w+ % \s+ )> \s* $ /
The )> capture marker marks where capture is to end.
You can use arbitrary patterns on the left and right of that marker.
an infinite family of <!before> patterns
Generalizing to an infinite family of patterns of any type, whether they are zero-width or not, the most natural solution in a regex is iteration using any of the standard quantifiers that are open ended. For example, \s+ for one or more whitespace characters.[1] [2]
Is there a way to construct the rest of the pattern implied by the ...?
I'll generalize that to "Is there a way in a Raku regex to match some arbitrary pattern that could in theory be recognized by a computer program?"
The answer is always "Yes":
While Raku rules/regexes might look like traditional regexes they are in fact arbitrary functions embedded in an arbitrary program over which you ultimately have full control.
Rules have arbitrary read access to capture state.[3]
Rules can do arbitrary turing complete computation.[4]
A collection of rules/regexes can arbitrarily consume input and drive the parse/match state, i.e. can implement any parser.
In short, if it can be matched/parsed by any program written in any programming language, it can be matched/parsed using Raku rules/regexes.
[1] If you use an open ended quantifier you do need to make sure that each match iteration/recursion either consumes at least one character, or fails, so that you avoid an infinite loop. For example, the * quantifier will succeed even if the pattern it qualifies does not match, so be careful that that won't lead to an infinite loop.
[2] Given the way you wrote your example, perhaps you are curious about recursion rather than iteration. Suffice to say, it's easy to do that too.[1]
[3] In Raku rules, captures form a hierarchy. There are two special variables that track the capture state of two key levels of this hierarchy:
$¢ is the capture state of the innermost enclosing overall capture. Think of it as something analogous to a return value being constructed by the current function call in a stack of function calls.
$/ is the capture state of the innermost enclosing capture. Think of it as something analogous to a value being constructed by a particular block of code inside a function.
For example:
'123' ~~ / 1* ( 2* { print "$¢ $/" } ) 3* { print "$¢ $/" } / ; # 1 2123 123
The overall / ... / is analogous to an ordinary function call. The first 1 and first 123 of the output show what has been captured by that overall regex.
The ( ... ) sets up an inner capture for a part of the regex. The 2* { print "$¢ $/" } within it is analogous to a block of code. The 2 shows what it has captured.
The final 123 shows that, at the top level of the regex, $/ and $¢ have the same value.
[4] For example, the code in footnote 3 above includes arbitrary code inside the { ... } blocks. More generally:
Rules can be invoked recursively;
Rules can have full signatures and pass arguments;
Rules can contain arbitrary code;
Rules can use multiple dispatch semantics for resolution. Notably, this can include resolution based on longest match length.
I’m wondering if Raku’s trim() routines might suit your purpose, for example: .trim, .trim-trailing or even .trim-leading. In the Raku REPL:
> say 'x x x ' ~~ m:g/ 'x'+ \s* /;
(「x 」 「x 」 「x 」)
> say 'x x x '.trim-trailing ~~ m:g/ 'x'+ \s* /;
(「x 」 「x 」 「x」)
https://docs.raku.org/routine/trim https://docs.raku.org/routine/trim-trailing https://docs.raku.org/routine/trim-leading

Grammars: How to add a level of precedence

So lets say I have the following Context Free Grammar for a simple calculator language:
S'->OP1 TE'|e
T'->OP2 FT'|e
As one can see the * and / have higher precedence over + and -.
However, how can I add another level of precedence? Example would be for exponents, ^, (ex:3^2=9) or something else? Please explain your procedure and reasoning on how you got there so I can do it for other operators.
Here's a more readable grammar:
expr: sum
sum : sum add_op term
| term
term: term mul_op factor
| factor
factor: ID
| '(' expr ')'
add_op: '+' | '-'
mul_op: '*' | '/'
This can be easily extended using the same pattern:
expr: bool
bool: bool or_op conj
| conj
conj: conj and_op comp
| comp
/* This one doesn't allow associativity. No a < b < c in this language */
comp: sum comp_op sum
sum : sum add_op term
| term
term: term mul_op factor
| factor
/* Here we'll add an even higher precedence operators */
/* Unlike the other operators, though, this one is right associative */
factor: atom exp_op factor
| atom
atom: ID
| '(' expr ')'
/* I left out the operator definitions. I hope they are obvious. If not,
* let me know and I'll put them back in
I hope the pattern is more or less obvious there.
Those grammars won't work in a recursive descent parser, because recursive descent parsers choke on left recursion. The grammar you have has been run through a left-recursion elimination algorithm, and you could do that to the grammar above as well. But note that eliminating left recursion more or less erases the difference between left- and right-recursion, so after you identify the parse with a recursive descent grammar, you need to fix it according to your knowledge about the associativity of the operator, because associativity is no longer inherent in the grammar.
For these simple productions, eliminating left-recursion is really simple, in two steps. We start with some non-terminal:
foo: foo foo_op bar
| bar
and we flip it around so that it is right associative:
foo: bar foo_op foo
| bar
(If the operator was originally right associative, as with exponentiation above, then this step isn't needed.)
Then we need to left-factor, because LL parsing requires that every alternative for a non-terminal has a unique prefix:
foo : bar foo'
foo': foo_op foo
| ε
Doing that to every recursive production above (that is, all of them except for expr, comp and atom) will yield a grammar which looks like the one you started with, only with more operators.
In passing, I emphasize that there is no mysterious magical force at work here. When the grammar says, for example:
term: term mul_op factor
| factor
what it's saying is that a term (or product, if you prefer) cannot be the right-hand argument of a multiplication, but it can be the left-hand argument. It's also saying that if you're at a point in which a product would be valid, you don't actually need something with a multiplication operator; you can use a factor instead. But obviously you cannot use a sum, since factor doesn't parse expressions with a sum operator. (It does parse anything inside parentheses. But those are things inside parentheses.)
That's the sense in which both associativity and precedence are implicit in the grammar.

shift/reduce error in yacc

I know this part of my grammar cause error but I don't know how to fix it I even use %left and right but it didn't help. Can anybody please help me to find out what is the problem with this grammar.
Thanks in advance for your help.
%right '='
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%left '^'
%start S_PROOP
| '(' EXPRESSION ')'
Normal style is to use lower case for non-terminals and upper case for terminals; using upper case indiscriminately makes your grammar harder to read (at least for those of us used to normal yacc/bison style). So I've written this answer without so much recourse to the caps lock key.
The basic issue is the production
expression: expression expression
which is obviously ambiguous, since it does not provide any indication of associativity. In that, it is not different from
expression: expression '+' expression
but that conflict can be resolved using a precedence declaration:
%left '+'
The difference is that the first production does not have any terminal symbol, which makes it impossible to use precedence rules to disambiguate: in yacc/bison, precedence is always a comparison between a potential reduction and a potential shift. The potential reduction is some production which could be reduced; the potential shift is a terminal symbol which might be able to extend some production. Since the potential shift must be a terminal symbol, that is what is used in the precedence declaration; by default, the precedence of the potential reduction is defined by the last terminal symbol in the right-hand side but it is possible to specify a different terminal using a %prec marker. In any case, the precedence relation involves a terminal symbol, and if the grammar allows juxtaposition of two terminals, there is no relevant terminal symbol.
That's easy to work around, since you are under no obligation to use precedence to resolve conflicts. You could just avoid the conflict:
/* Left associative rule */
expr_sequence: expr | expr_sequence expr
/* Alternative: right associative rule */
expr_sequence: expr | expr expr_sequence
Since there is no indication what you intend by the juxtaposition, I'm unable to recommend one or the other of the above alternatives, but normally I would incline towards the first one.
That's not terribly different from your grammar for equation_sequence, although equation_sequence actually uses a terminal symbol so it could have been handled with a precedence declaration. It's worth noting that equation_sequence, as written, is right-associative. That's usually considered correct for assignment operators, (a = b = c + 3, in a language like C, is parsed as a = (b = c + 3) and not as (a = b) = c + 3, making assignment one of the few right-associative operators.) But if you are using = as an equality operator, it might not actually be what you intended.

is this regular grammar- S -> 0S0/00?

Let L denotes the language generated by the grammar S -> 0S0/00. Which of the following is true?
(A) L = 0+
(B) L is regular but not 0+
(C) L is context free but not regular
(D) L is not context free
HI can anyone explain me how the language represented by the grammar S -> 0S0/00 is regular? I know very well the grammar is context free but not sure how can that be regular?
If you mean the language generated by the grammar
S -> 0S0
S -> 00
then it should be clear that it is the same language as is generated by
S -> 00S
S -> 00
which is a left regular grammar, and consequently generates a regular language. (Some people would say that a left regular grammar can only have a single terminal in each production, but it is trivial to create a chain of aN productions to produce the same effect.)
It should also be clear that the above differs from
S -> 0S
S -> S
We know that a language is regular if there exists a DFA (deterministic finite automata) that recogognizes it, or a RE (Regular expression). Either way we can see here that your grammar generates word like : 00, 0000, 000000, 00000000.. etc so it's words that starts and ends with '0' and with an even number of zeroes greater or equal than length two.
Here's a DFA for this grammar
Also here is a RE (Regular expression) that recognizes the language :
Therefore you know this language recognized by this grammar is regular.
(Sorry if terms aren't 100% accurate, i took this class in french so terms might differ a bit) let me know if you have any other questions!
Consider first the definition of a regular grammar here
So first we need a set N of non terminal symbols (symbols that can be rewritten as a combination of terminal and non-terminal symbols), for our example N={S}
Next we need a set T of terminal symbols (symbols that cannot be replaced), for our example T={0}
Now a set P of grammer rules that fit a very specific form (see link), for L we see that P={S->0S0,S->00}. Both of these rules are of regular form (meaning each non-terminal can be replaced with a terminal, a terminal then a non-terminal, or the empty string, see link for more info). So we have our rules.
Now we just need a starting symbol X, we can trivally say that our starting symbol is S.
Therefore the tuple (N={S},T={0},P={S->0S0,S->00},X=S) fits the requirements to be defined a regular grammar.
We don't need the machinery of regular grammars to answer your question. Just note the possible derivations all look like this:
S -> (0 S 0) -> 0 (0 S 0) 0 -> 0 0 (0 S 0) 0 0 -> ... -> 0...0 (0 0) 0...0
\_ _/ \_ _/
k k
Here I've added parens ( ) to show the result of the previous expansion of S. These aren't part of the derived string. I.e. we substitute S with 0 S 0 k >= 0 times followed by a single substitution with 00.
From this is should be easy to see L is the set of strings of 0's of length 2k + 2 for some integer k >= 0. A shorthand notation for this is
L = { 02m | m >= 1 }
In words: The set of all even length strings of zeros excluding the empty string.
To prove L is regular, all we need is a regular expression for L. This is easy: (00)+. Or if you prefer, 00(00)*.
You might be confused because a small change to the grammar makes its language context free but not regular:
S -> 0S1/01
This is the more complex language { 0m 1m | m >= 1 }. It's straightforward to show this isn't a regular language using the Pumping Lemma.

Does logical AND and NOT exists in ANTLR?

Is there NOT logic in ANTLR? Im basically trying to negate a rule that i have and was wondering if its possible, also is there AND logic?
#larsmans already supplied the answer, I just like to give an example of the legal negations in ANTLR rules (since it happens quite a lot that mistakes are made with them).
The negation operator in ANTLR is ~ (tilde). Inside lexer rules, the ~ negates a single character:
NOT_A : ~'A';
matches any character except 'A' and:
NOT_LOWER_CASE : ~('a'..'z');
matches any character except a lowercase ASCII letter. The lats example could also be written as:
LOWER_CASE : 'a'..'z';
As long as you negate just a single character, it's valid to use ~. It is invalid to do something like this:
INVALID : ~('a' | 'aa');
because you can't negate the string 'aa'.
Inside parser rules, negation does not work with characters, but on tokens. So the parse rule:
: ~B
A : 'a';
B : 'b';
C : 'c';
does not match any character other than 'b', but matches any token other than the B token. So it'd match either token A (character 'a') or token C (character 'c').
The same logic applies to the . (DOT) operator:
inside lexer rules it matches any character from the set \u0000..\uFFFF;
inside parser rules it matches any token (any lexer rule).
ANTLR produces parsers for context-free languages (CFLs). In that context, not would translate to complement and and to intersection. However, CFLs aren't closed under complement and intersection, i.e. not(rule) is not necessarily a CFG rule.
In other words, it's impossible to implement not and and in a sane way, so they're not supported.