get combinations with repetition -

How can I write all possible combinations to the console? For example, if user enters abc, then it will write aaa, aab, aac, abb, abc, acc, bbb, bbc, ccc. Please help me.
Here's some code:
Dim abc() As String = {"a", "b", "c"} '
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount of characters")
Dim count As Integer = Console.ReadLine
outputStrings("", count)
End Sub
Private Sub outputStrings(ByVal startString As String, ByVal letterCount As Integer)
For i = 0 To abc.Length - 1
Dim temp As String = startString
temp += abc(i)
If temp.Length = letterCount Then
If i = abc.Length - 1 Then
End If
outputStrings(temp, letterCount)
End If
End Sub
Something has to be done after the dashed lines to remove unwanted permutation to leave out only valid combinations.

You can restrict the letters used to ones at or to the right of abc(i) with an additional parameter abcIndex, and start the for loop from there. Only strings which have their letters in alphabetical order will be written, which prevents duplicates.
Private Sub outputStrings(ByVal startString As String, ByVal letterCount As Integer, ByVal abcIndex As Integer)
For i = abcIndex To abc.Length - 1
Dim temp As String = startString
temp += abc(i)
If temp.Length = letterCount Then
outputStrings(temp, letterCount, i)
End If
End Sub
Call with:
outputStrings("", 3, 0)

def go(chars,thusfar):
if len(thusfar) = len(chars):
print thusfar
for char in chars:
This should be easy enough to translate to VB (read: I don't know VB)

You just need to make a recursive call there.
Dim abc() As String = {"a", "b", "c"} '
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount of characters")
Dim count As Integer = Console.ReadLine
outputStrings("", count)
End Sub
Private Sub outputStrings(ByVal startString As String, ByVal letterCount As Integer)
For i = 0 To abc.Count - 1
Dim temp As String = startString
temp += abc(i)
If temp.Length = letterCount Then
outputStrings(temp, letterCount)
End If
End Sub
Do note that if someone enters a negative number that your code will run forever. I'll leave fixing that as an easy exercise.

Amazing code from here:
Private Shared Function PermutationsWithRepetition(Of T)(list As IEnumerable(Of T), length As Integer) As IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of T))
If length = 1 Then
Return list.[Select](Function(x) New T() {x})
End If
Return PermutationsWithRepetition(list, length - 1).SelectMany(Function(x) list, Function(t1, t2) t1.Concat(New T() {t2}))
End Function
Can be used with Integer, Char, Double etc.
Example of use:
Dim myarray(1) As Integer
myarray(0) = 1
myarray(1) = 2
Dim k As Integer = 2 'number of "slots" to do the permutations
mypermutations = PermutationsWithRepetition(myarray,k)
For Each row As IEnumerable(Of Integer) In mypermutations
For Each col As IntegerIn row


Find Value as Integer in a Textbox

I would need a little help. If in the Textbox - TxtStringNum1.Text - we have the Digit 3. and TxtIntDraws.Lines (1) - contains the following set: 13,20,21,23,47,49,50,51,63,64,66,70
It shows me that there is Exists a Digit of 3, but it is actually the Digits of 13. It fails to look for it as a whole.
Private Sub ScanareLinia1()
Dim textsrtring As String = TxtStringNum1.Text
Dim words As String() = textsrtring.Split(New Char() {" "c})
' Split string based on space
Dim found As Boolean = False
' Use For Each loop over words
Dim word As Integer
For Each word In words
For i As Integer = 0 To TxtIntDraws.Lines.Count - 1
If TxtIntDraws.Lines(1).Contains(word) Then
TxtResultStr1.Text = word
End If
End Sub
I have a good comparison code, but I do not know how to use it for the code above.
Private Sub CompareNumbers()
'Pentru funcția de Check-In (For Match Exactly Value Number in List)
'First Textbox that is to be used for compare
Dim textBox1Numbers As List(Of Integer) = GetNumbersFromTextLine(TxtStringNum1.Text)
'Second Textbox that is to be used for compare
Dim textBox2Numbers As List(Of Integer) = GetNumbersFromTextLine(TxtbValBeforeCompar.Text)
'Union List of Common Numbers (this uses a lambda expression, it can be done using two For Each loops instead.)
Dim commonNumbers As List(Of Integer) = textBox1Numbers.Where(Function(num) textBox2Numbers.Contains(num)).ToList()
'This is purely for testing to see if it worked you can.
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
For Each foundNum As Integer In commonNumbers
TxtbValAfterCompar.Text = (sb.ToString())
End Sub
Private Function GetNumbersFromTextLine(ByVal sTextLine As String) As List(Of Integer)
'Pentru funcția de Check-In (For Match Exactly Value Number in List)
Dim numberList As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer)()
Dim sSplitNumbers As String() = sTextLine.Split(TextBox8.Text)
For Each sNumber As String In sSplitNumbers
If IsNumeric(sNumber) Then
Dim iNum As Integer = CInt(sNumber)
TxtbValAfterCompar.Text = iNum
If Not numberList.Contains(iNum) Then
TxtbValAfterCompar.Text = ("")
End If
End If
Return numberList
End Function
You can use the following condition using String.Split and Array.IndexOf:
If Array.IndexOf(TxtIntDraws.Lines(1).Split(","c), CStr(word)) > -1 Then
TxtResultStr1.Text = word
End If
So the following Array.IndexOf(CStr("13,14,15,16,17").Split(","c), "13") > -1 is True and Array.IndexOf(CStr("13,14,15,16,17").Split(","c), "3") > -1 is False.

VB.NET combination Array x2

I would like all possible combinations from two string arrays.
Both arrays must have same length.
Result must keep order
For example :
dim lStr1() as string = {"One", "Two", "Three"}
dim lStr2() as string = {"EditOne", "EditTwo", "EditThree"}
dim res() as string = myAwesomeFunction(lStr1, lStr2)
// res :
One Two Three
One Two EditThree
One EditTwo Three
One EditTwo EditThree
EditOne Two Three
EditOne Two EditThree
EditOne EditTwo Three
EditOne EditTwo EditThree
It's like the binary composition of 2 arrays of strings.
Here's another solution. Since only 2 arrays are involved, we can bit-fiddle to get all of the "combinations". The & " " is just to format the output to match the example.
Private Function myAwesomeFunction(Array1() As String, Array2() As String) As String()
If Array1.Length <> Array2.Length Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Array lengths must be equal.")
End If
Dim combos(CInt(2 ^ Array1.Length) - 1) As String
For i As Integer = 0 To combos.Count - 1
For j = 0 To Array1.Length - 1
If (i And (1 << j)) > 0 Then
combos(i) += Array2(j) & " "
combos(i) += Array1(j) & " "
End If
Return combos
End Function
The following code will produce the array in your example. It should work for any pair of input arrays. The function checks that the input arrays are of the same length.
The GetPermutations function is taken from a more general class I use for generating permutations of numbers. It returns arrays of total Integers between 0 and choose - 1, and being an Iterator function, it returns the next array each time it is called.
In order to match your example, I returned an array of String where each element is a single string consisting of each of the selected strings separated by spaces. You may find it more useful to return a List(Of String()) or even a List(Of List(Of String))
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lStr1() As String = {"One", "Two", "Three"}
Dim lStr2() As String = {"EditOne", "EditTwo", "EditThree"}
Dim res() As String = myAwesomeFunction(lStr1, lStr2)
End Sub
Function MyAwesomeFunction(lStr1() As String, lStr2() As String) As String()
Dim combos As New List(Of String)
If lStr1.Length <> lStr2.Length Then Throw New ArgumentException("Arrays must have the same length")
For Each combo() As Integer In GetPermutations(lStr1.Length, 2)
Dim elem As New List(Of String)
For i As Integer = 0 To combo.Length - 1
elem.Add(If(combo(i) = 0, lStr1(i), lStr2(i)))
combos.Add(String.Join(" ", elem))
Return combos.ToArray
End Function
Public Iterator Function GetPermutations(choose As Integer, total As Integer) As IEnumerable(Of Integer())
Dim totals() As Integer = Enumerable.Repeat(Of Integer)(total, choose).ToArray
Dim value(choose - 1) As Integer
Yield value
For index As Integer = choose - 1 To 0 Step -1
value(index) += 1
If value(index) < totals(index) Then Continue Do
value(index) = 0
Exit Do
End Function

My vowel counter won't count in VB

I need to make a vowel then word counter in vb and it will not work. i have just tried the vowel bit for now but its not working. Any ideas ?
Dim analsyedtext As String
Dim lettercount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
lettercount = 0
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the text to be analysed.")
analsyedtext = Console.ReadLine()
If analsyedtext = "a" Or "e" Or "i" Or "o" Or "u" Then
lettercount = lettercount + 1
End If
Console.Writeline("The number of vowels is,{0}", lettercount)
End Sub
' My preferred function
Private Function VowelCount(str As String) As Integer
Dim vowels() As Char = "aeiou".ToCharArray()
Return (From letter In str.ToLower().ToCharArray()
Where vowels.Contains(letter)
Select letter).Count()
End Function
' This tests all of the functions and Asserts they're identical output
Sub Main()
For Each itm In {"this", "is", "some sort of", "a test that we're doing"}
Dim vowelNum = VowelCount(itm)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", itm, vowelNum)
Debug.Assert(vowelNum = VowelCount2(itm) AndAlso
vowelNum = VowelCount3(itm) AndAlso
vowelNum = VowelCount4(itm) AndAlso
vowelNum = VowelCount5(itm))
End Sub
' Identical to above, different syntax
Private Function VowelCount2(str As String) As Integer
Dim vowels() As Char = "aeiou".ToCharArray()
Return str.ToLower().ToCharArray().Where(Function(ltr As Char) vowels.Contains(ltr)).Count()
End Function
' Uses another function IsVowel that does the same thing as vowels.Contains()
Private Function VowelCount3(str As String) As Integer
Dim vowelsInStr As New List(Of Char)
For Each letter As Char In str.ToLower().ToCharArray()
If IsVowel(letter) Then
End If
Return vowelsInStr.Count
End Function
' Different since this doesn't first put vowels into an IEnumerable and then count the vowels, it only does the count
Private Function VowelCount4(str As String) As Integer
Dim vowels() As Char = "aeiou".ToCharArray()
Dim count As Integer
For Each letter In str.ToLower().ToCharArray()
If IsVowel2(letter) Then
count += 1
End If
Return count
End Function
' Same as above but uses a For loop instead of For Each
Private Function VowelCount5(str As String) As Integer
Dim vowels() As Char = "aeiou".ToCharArray()
Dim count As Integer
Dim letters() As Char = str.ToLower().ToCharArray()
For i = 0 To letters.Length - 1
If IsVowel2(letters(i)) Then
count += 1
End If
Return count
End Function
Private Function IsVowel(ltr As Char) As Boolean
Dim vowels() As Char = "aeiou".ToCharArray()
Return vowels.Contains(ltr)
End Function
Private Function IsVowel2(ltr As Char) As Boolean
Dim vowels() As Char = "aeiou".ToCharArray()
For Each vowel As Char In vowels
If vowel = ltr Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
EDIT: Just realized there is more work for you to do, to get each individual letter. But assuming you get to the point where analsyedtext is one letter:
Select Case analsyedtext
Case "a", "e", "i", "o", "u"
lettercount += 1
Case Else
' Do nothing
End Select
What you need to do is examine the input string one character at a time.
You can extract one character at a time by using the SubString function like this (instead of your If..Then..End If piece of code):
For i = 0 To analsyedtext.Length - 1
Dim c = analsyedtext.Substring(i, 1)
If c = "a" OrElse c = "e" OrElse c = "i" OrElse c = "o" OrElse c = "u" Then
lettercount = lettercount + 1
End If
Notice how it starts from zero and goes to analsyedtext.Length - 1 - that is because the first character has an index of zero.

Declaration of Arrays in Sub Procedure

I can not figure out what problems with those codes are?
It keeps producing:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Please input the length of the array")
Dim n As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
Dim numbers(n - 1) As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Please inform us the number you want to find")
Dim x As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
For i = 0 To n - 1
Console.WriteLine("Please input the {0} number", i)
numbers(i) = Console.ReadLine()
examining(x, n, numbers(n - 1))
End Sub
Sub examining(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal n As Integer, ByVal ParamArray numbers() As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To n - 1
If numbers(i) = x Then
Console.WriteLine("There exists {0} in the array", x)
Exit For
End If
If i = n - 1 Then Console.WriteLine("{0} does not exist in the array", x)
End Sub
End Module
Simply way to check of an array contains something:
If numbers.Contains(x) Then
'it does
'it does not
End If

Select the first 2 Characters of each word on String

I created the following function, but have not been able to finish. I want to return the first 2 characters of each word in the string. Here is what I have so far:
Function SelectWords(ByVal text As String, ByVal maxWords As Integer) As String
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(text) Then Return String.Empty
If maxWords <= 0 Then Return String.Empty
Dim words As String() = text.Split(" "c)
Return String ''I am stuck here
End Function
You did not describe the purpose of maxwords, nor what to do with a. The loop part:
Dim words = str.Split(" "c)
Dim ret As New StringBuilder ' in case it is a long string
For Each w As String In words
If w.Length > 1 Then
ret.Append(w.Substring(0, 2))
' decide if you want 1
End If
return ret.toString
The code you have doesn't do anything that you describing .. Try this function instead.
Function SelectWords(ByVal text As String, ByVal maxWords As Integer) As String
Dim collection As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(text, "(\w{2})\w*\b")
Dim output As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim counter As Integer = 0
For Each M As Match In collection
counter += 1
If counter = maxWords Then
Exit For
End If
Return output.ToString
End Function