Selenium popup support - selenium

Please give me an example java code to open a popup and move RC control to popup.
is there any way to come back on main window after checking some element on popup window.
I have few questions on this as selenium always need windowid to get control over popup.
1-What is the best way to get the windowid of any popup.
2-Should i have to search it in view sources of base page.
3-is it necessary that we must get the windowid of the each & every popup in the view source of the page. if not so what will be work-around.
4-Is window id present in any java-script function? if so ,there is one example
I didn’t get Window id of popup
script language="javascript"
function popup(){'URL/to/popup.html','PopupName','toolbar=0,location=0,
// end

This will definitely help you. Handling Popups
Hope this helps


How to get driver when pop up appears - Selenium

I am finding difficulties to get the driver when popup appears. when I click a button, then it will open another browser window. can someone give me the tips how to get the driver on the popup browser? thank you
Please review again, this may be iframe, Please inspect with fire bug properly,and if page have iframe , then code with frame related property. If you feel again problem, please share the more information about code.
You can read more about iFrames and do something like this driver.switchtoiFrame. You will have to read its HTML to find it out if thats an iFrame, else if its a Pop-up then you need to switch to that Popup first

Unable to switch among the windows

I am automating using selenium 2.0, my application launches the login page by default in a new window, hence my application has by default two windows. These two windows will remain open always. In this case I could switch between the windows without any problem. The below code is executed without any errors.
for(String winHandle : driver.getWindowHandles()){
The problem starts while clicking the menu options a pop up window launches to search the records. Here, I need to switch between these three windows. I tried the below piece of code. It returns only the first two window handles.
Set availableWindows = driver.getWindowHandles();
This popup window is coded in such a way that, "In a .jsp file it is parameterised as".
Please let me know, if some one could help me on this?
If you're only seeing 2 window in getWindowHandles(), then the popup is probably a iframe. In this event, use driver.switchTo().frame() to switch focus to that frame instead of looking for an entirely new window.
Here's the documentation on the switch method:
One probable solution is to use JavascriptExecutor.executeScript() method to run a javascript code and handle the pop up window without switching into pop up window.
For example, from parent window of pop up window, run a javascript code which is something like this.
JavascriptExecutor exec = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;exec.executeScript("var popup = <<popupopener function>>; //operate on popup object to manipulate the markup of pop up window");

Selenium Webdriver 2.30 unable to identify object on the standard Salesforce lookup pop-up window

I am using Selenium Webdriver to automate functional TC in Salesforce application.
Test Scenario:
- On a case page, clicking the "Lookup" i.e., search icon opens up standard Salesforce search popup. I need to input specific string to the search field and click "Go" button.
Although I am able to click on the Search button, the script fails to identify any field on the popup.
I used Alert(), getWindowHandle & iterator functions to verify if the driver is working on the popup window. Yes it is.. the popup is is the working window. I could able to confirm this using the Java id for the browser window. But still it fails to identify any fields.
Let me know if any of you faces similar issue and any solution.
Do let me know if you like to have access to my working sandbox. Would be able to manage it.
Thanks, Manju
I believe the problem is that the elements inside the popup window are in a frame. After switching to the new popup window you need to switch to the frame first before being able to access any of those elements using:
WebElement frameLocator = driver.findElement("searchFrame"));
Further to Bob's answer you'll also then need to switch to the "resultsFrame" in order to use any of the links returned by the search. Note that in order to switch to a sibling frame you must first go up to the parent of the frameset using:
(frameset guidance here:
With Selenium IDE:
I was able to select the Salesforce PopUP with this code:
Value: Your popUp title
And the result frame:
Target: name=resultFrame

Unable to fetch URL of window containing an alert box while using selenium webdriver

I am using selenium webdriver + java + eclipse + testng for my automation scripts.
I am trying to get the URL of window which contains an alert box.
On clicking download button on a webpage, it opens an alert box in a new window. I want to fetch the URL of this window.
I tried getCurrentURL command for this but i am getting UnhandledAlertException : Modal dialog present. If i dismiss the alert box the window containing is immediately closed so it is not possible to get the URL.
It seems the alert box (modal dialog here) is blocking webdriver in reading the URL of the window.
Please suggest me a solution for this.
I'm not sure I understand the question as an alert box does not have any URL !
Anyhow, you can access it this way : Alert alert = webDriver.switchTo().alert();
You can then retrive the text content or interact with it as described in here :
I think you need to get the set of windowHandles first for this driver.getWindowHandles();. Then get the required Handle of the newly opened window by iterating them. After that you can switch to the opened window using driver.switchTo().window("pass the handle here");
Now your control comes to new window. Then use like driver.getCurrentUrl();
Hope this could help you. Best Regards :)

Unable to find popup window

I am having an issue with finding a popup window in some selenium test code. I am looking at the screen on the test runner and there are two IE windows, one of them is the popup and one of them the page which generated the popup. However selecting that window with
fails. Putting a break point in there and running some diagnostics shows that
returns only one window. Very odd. I have duplicated the problem in IE, chrome and firefox so I don't think it is browser specific. I am using C# to drive my tests. Any idea how I might solve this issue?
I looked a bit more at how this page actually creates its popup by reloading itself with added to its code. It is rather an odd way to open a popup but I don't see any reason why it isn't valid.
Is there title or some other attribute in popup window's source code? You can locate that using any info you find there. Try to record open popup window in Se IDE and click on something in that popup window. Usually this trick works.
IIRC, there are some situations where SElenium fails to register the window. In this case you can register the window anyway by using the openWindow(´´, ). I think this is described in the explanation of openWindow in Selenijum IDE...