Is there any chance to runtime xib loading from remote server? Or i need to compile into the build? And if its possible, how can I add remote image resouces in interface builder.
I assumed Bundles could be used but after checking with docs again, it looks like you can't use this. It makes sense. Apple wouldn't want you extend your app's functionality without them reviewing it. Malicious behavior could compromise security too.
So, I doubt you will be able to do this.
It's possible. You can't add functionality though. Check this solution here:
loading NSBundle files on iOS
Worth noting - WeCity probably has a javascript interpreter in it that allows for what you are seeing. Building that is a lot more complicated though.
I know its a bit of a far fetched question.
But is it possible to import code from online, like say I had a .h and .m file on my website server and in the code I wanted to use it would I be able to import it? And How?
I ask this because it makes it loads easier to update an app if all they need to do is reload the app and the app changes to the latest version.
If you're talking about a Mac OS X application, then yes it's possible. No need to share your source code, just compile on the server and have the app download the new binary.
However, if your App needs to go through the App Store, which is necessary for iOS apps, then this surely is not possible. The only thing you can do is streamline the submission process as much as possible (see this question).
If you love the idea of being able to push new code at any time, consider making a web app. There's lots of stuff you can do these days.
I'm not 100% (maybe 95%) sure but I think storing objc code online to keep it auto-upgradable is not possible since the app isn't able to rebuild itself.
But if you want you could do a generic app that firstly fetches an XML/plist (for example) stored online to retrieve data and the app is set to read it and present different behaviours depending on that, but you'll have to code it previously in a generic way to support dynamic changes.
Hope this helps.
I have developed a number of frameworks that I want to ship with my application. I don't want others to be able to use the frameworks, but i've seen utilities such as class-dump which can get the headers back easily.
My question is, how can I make my frameworks more secure? I know that they'll never be 100% secure, but are there some good general tips to follow?
In short, don't bother. The very nature of the Objective-C runtime is that there is significant metadata available.
The reality is that it would be exceedingly rare for someone to pick up your framework and try to embed/use it.
Note that code obfuscators don't really work very well; there is still quite a bit of metadata that must be exposed. You can go that route, but -- generally -- it makes debugging/crash analysis significantly more difficult without actually solving a real problem.
I see others have pointed you down the path of obfuscation (though I suspect that the answer of #define someSelector mmmrrrggglll wasn't really tested much).
Some specific points to consider as you go down this path (I'm sure I've missed many):
if you use KVO/KVC, make sure you obfuscate all those calls to addObserver:* and the like
if you are targeting Mac OS X, don't forget about Bindings, too!
Interface Builder's xib files will often contain references to instance variables and/or properties and/or methods. Don't forget about those!
Anything that uses runtime introspection will need obfuscation, too.
make sure you don't obfuscate anything that the system frameworks are dependent; wouldn't want to subclass NSView, say, and then obfuscate drawRect: or initWithFrame:.
In some cases, the Info.plist can refer to class names and entry points. Don't mess with those, either!
Also, make sure every use of #selector() is also properly obfuscated; nothing like setting up an NSTimer firing against a method that no longer exists.
Make sure your obfuscation plans also includes the engineering work necessary to create an un-obfuscator for crash logs.
You'll also want to consider how you are going to debug a production binary; assume your stack traces will be obfuscated. b mmmrrrggglll ftw!
If your framework has symbol exports control, make sure to obfuscate 'em, too! Keep in mind that the way symbols are created differs between architecture and compiler, in some cases.
You can use static libraries to link with your application instead of frameworks. However, if you want to ship frameworks, you can use code obsfucators to make your library more difficult to use.
This SO post has a pretty simple description of a basic obsfucation.
How can objective C classes be encrypted
There are products on the market that do this, but they are expensive.
I'm currently using BWToolkit, does anyone know if there are any steps that need to be taken before submitting to the app store (as far as licensing)? Do I need to put any disclaimers anywhere etc? I know it's BSD licensed but I don't want to have my app rejected because I missed a simple legal step.. Any help?
I don't think that NSGod is right.
You may want to read this and/or that.
You are not going to like this answer.
You will not be able to use the BWToolkit.framework as-is. Some of its classes rely on private APIs which Apple has strictly forbidden for apps that are submitted to the app store.
For example, the developer ran a tool called class-dump on the AppKit.framework Mach-O object and generated the .h files for 4 secret classes: NSTokenAttachment (an NSTextAttachment subclass), NSTokenAttachmentCell (an NSTextAttachmentCell subclass), NSWindow (NSTimeMachineSupport), some additional methods on NSWindow, and NSCustomView.
I'm not that familiar with the inner workings of the framework, but depending on what classes you've made use of, it may be possible to create a custom build of the framework from the source that doesn't include the private APIs. Or, you could just include the source files for the classes you use in your project (provided of course that they don't rely on private APIs).
What particular classes did you make use of? If you used BWSplitView, you might look into using RBSplitView. (I talked to Rainer and have confirmed that there's no private APIs used in it, so you'd be okay).
I'm trying to re-write an old image-viewing plugin for the mac. The old version uses QuickDraw (I said it was old) and resources (really really old) and so it doesn't work in Firefox 3.6 (which is why I'm re-writing it)
I know some Objective C, and so I figure I'm going co re-write this in that using new-fangled Mac routines and nibs, etc. However, I don't know how to start. I've got the BasicPlugin example that comes with mozilla source, so I know how to create a plugin with entrypoints, etc. However, I don't know how to create the nib, and how to interface Obj-C with the entrypoints, etc.
Does anyone know of a more advanced sample for mac than BasicPlugin.bundle? (Preferably simple enough that I can just look at it and understand it...)
Sadly i don't really know of any good "intermediate" example. However, integrating Obj-C isn't that difficult. Thus, following is a short overview of what needs to be done.
You can use Obj-C and C/C++-sources in the same project, its just recommendable to keep them seperated to some extent. This can for example be done by letting the source file with the entry-points and other NPAPI-interfacing stay plain C or C++ files and e.g. forward calls into the plugin from there.
Opaque pointers help to keep a clean seperation, see e.g. here.
The main changes to your plugin include switching to different drawing and event models. These have to be negotiated in NPP_New(), here is an example for the drawing model. When using Cocoa and to support 64bit enviroments, you need to use the Cocoa event model.
To draw UI elements you should be able to use a NSGraphicsContext from the CGContextRef and then draw an NSView in the context. See also the details provided in this post and its follow-ups.
I would prefer to create my interfaces programatically. Seems as if all the docs on Apple Developer assume you're using Interface Builder. Is it possible to create these interfaces programatically, and if so where do I start learning about how to do this
I thought the relevant document for this, if possible would be in this section:
I like the question, and I'd also like to know of resources for going IB-less. Usefulness (the "why") is limited only by imagination. Off the top of my head, here are some possible reasons to program UIs explicitly:
Implementing a better Interface Builder.
Programming dynamic UIs, i.e., ones whose structure is not knowable statically (at compile/xcode time).
Implementing the Cocoa back-end of a cross-platform library or language for UIs.
There is a series of blog posts on working without a nib and a recent description by Michael Mucha on cocoa-dev.
I would prefer to create my interfaces programatically.
Why? Interface Builder is easier and faster. You can't write a typo by drag and drop, and you don't get those oh-so-handy Aqua guides when you're typing rectangles by hand.
Don't fight it. Interface Builder is your friend. Let it help you.
If you insist on wasting your own time and energy by writing your UI in code:
Not document-based (generally library-based, like Mail, iTunes, iPhoto): Create a subclass of NSObject, instantiate it, and make it the application's delegate, and in the delegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching: method, create a window, populate it with views, and order it front.
Document-based (like TextEdit, Preview, QuickTime Player): In the makeWindowControllers method in your subclass of NSDocument, create your windows (and populate them with views) and create window controllers for them, making sure to send yourself addWindowController: for each window controller.
As a completely blind developer I can say that IB is not compatible with VoiceOver (the built-in screen-reader on OS X).
This means that without access to robust documentation on using Cocoa without IB I cannot develop apps for OS X / iPhone in Cocoa, which means I (ironically) cannot easily develop apps that are accessible to the blind (and all others) on OS X / iOS.
My current solution, which I would prefer not to use, is Java + SWT, of course this works for OS X, not so much for iOS.
In fact IB becomes totally unusefull when you start to write your own UI classes. Let say that you create your own button that use an skin system based on a plist. Or you create an dinamic toolbar that load and unload items based on user selection.
IB doesn't accept custom UI elements, so more complex UI can't use him. And YES you will want to do more complex things that the UIKit gives you.
Though this is quiet a bit old...
I tried many times to do everything only with programmatically. This is hard, but possible.
I posted another question for this specific issue: View-based NSOutlineView without NIB?, and now
I believe everything can be done in programmatical way, but it's incredibly hard without consulting from Apple engineers due to lack of information or examples.
Below argument might be off-topic, but I like to note why I strongly prefer programmatically way.
I also prefer programmatic way. Because
Static layout tool cannot handle anything dynamic.
Reproducing same UI state across multiple NIBs is hard. Everything is implicit or hidden. You need to visit all the panels to find parameters. This kind of job is very easy to make mistake - mistake friendly.
Managing consistent state is hard. Because reproducing same look is hard.
Automation impossible. You cannot make auto-generated input form.
Parameter indirection - such as variable element size chosen by user - is not possible.
Aiming small point is a lot harder than hitting finger sized keys at fixed location - funny that this is serious usability issue for developers!
IB sometimes screws. Which means it's compilable, and still working, but when I open the source, it looks broken and extra editing becomes impossible. (you may not experienced this yet, but if XIB file goes complex, this must happen)
It's image based serialization. The concept is good. But the problem is image-base only. IB doesn't keep the source code for clean boot by replaying the source code. Clean boot is very important to guarantee specific running state. Also, we cannot fix the bugs in source-code. Bug s just will be stacked infinitely. This is core reason why we cannot reproduce the equal(not similar looking) UI state in IB.
Of course these stuffs can be solved by post-processing NIB UI, but if we have to configure everything again, there's no reason to use IB at first.
With text code, it's easy to reproducing the same state - just copy the code. Also easy to inspecting and fixing wrong part - because we have full control. But in IB, we have no control on hard-core details.
IB can't be ultimate solution. It's like a Photoshop, but even Photoshop offers text-based scripting facility. GUI is a moving program, and not a static image or graphic. An IB approach is completely wrong even for visual editing of GUI. If you're one of the Apple folks reading this, I beg you to remove whole dependency to IB completely ASAP.