Issue with facebook in Sharekit - objective-c

I've an issue with Facebook service on Sharekit.
I create an app in Facebook developers, and I insert App ID in SHKConfig.h file and the secret key, I left empty the third line about proxy, is this correct?
I can login, then a box appears to insert a message from the app that I've created in facebook, but when I click "Send" ShareKit gets closed and nothing happens, where am I going wrong?

There are known issues in the last 24 hours about ShareKit.
See here for more info and work-arounds


xcode twitter api authorize screen issue

I have an app that I'm using the xcode IDE and writing in Objective-C that uses the twitter api and the 'default' twitter login page for username and password.
I already have all the oauth stuff set up and it is working fine.
I create a new view controller with a web view inside it, and pass the URL of
If I put in my email and password, everything works fine - the view disappears, and we are then off and running.
If I press cancel on the twitter login screen, I get a twitter page saying I need to log in. I need to capture the cancel in my code so I can dismiss the view controller, but I cannot find out what the name of the callback is? I tried didFailLoadWithError but that is not it.
Can someone shed some light on this please?
It turns out it can be handled from the same callback that handles a 'correct' login. except looking for a failure.
So, they have handled it correctly within the original callback.

Can we authenticate facebook user which view page in UIWebView?

I work on application which provide bonus content for certain actions Facebook Share, Facebook Like of our page and etc.
I have problem with Facebook Like, as we know Facebook SDK ToS don't allow us (developers) to programmatically like Facebook page, so I have two ideas
Open the native Facebook APP, which is straight forward.
UIWebView within' our APP. But here is the problem
How to authenticate the user in facebook, to skip the inconvenience of double login. (The first time is within' our app, to be able to fetch the result of /me/likes/(id))?
I also faced the same problem for liking pages
i found this it is very help full go through this it shows how to like face book pages by using web view
hope this helps

Can't Create Facebook App

First time trying to create a Facebook app. Browsed to and it had a link for to register before creating a link where you just accept the T&C's. Now it says, "Create an app to start..." But there is no button to click to create app.
I was having this SAME exact problem just now. I have a verified personal account (email and credit card) and I couldn't see the button. This is what I was getting:
I was at my wits end after 5 hours of reading similar questions and started pulling my eyelashes out...because I have no hair. I tried:
Turning off AdBlock
Testing in multiple browsers and OS'
Inspecting the area with Chrome Inspector...which turned up an empty #DeveleperAppDashHeader div
Praying to the rain gods
Eventually, I became so desperate that I started typing random urls, and this one, by the Odin's Raven, worked:
It creates a popup window that will let you get the ball rolling. Let me know if this worked, because I am damn near ready to hump my chair with excitement.
Also, I suspect that this is a bug...because if I can create an App using this link but not through the dev dashboard, then something is up.
Here is an explanation about how to create a new app -
First you should check that you are not trying to create a new application from business account. You can create new app only from a facebook account of a real user.
Also there is some facebook bug, that after you click on "Create app", nothing happens, but your app is created.

Request ID is not available when App Launches after clicking Facebook notification

A Facebook app is setup with iOS native app enabled with bundle id and App Store Id of another app.
Following are possible in the current scenario.
1.Sending an app request to a friend,
2.The request badge appears in the friend's Facebook,
3. And clicking on the request launches my app.
This was the link i referred to implement this.
I am supposed to get a NSURL from these functions
– application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:
– application:handleOpenURL:
and the expected format is as follows.
Here the request_ids contains The id of app request send, and which can be used to get the data attached to the App Request.
Now my issue is that, I am not getting the NSURL in expected form, instead I get the following format. So I am unable to find or use the request_ids.

iOS 5 remote notification when launching app from dashboard

since iOS 5, notifications are no more intrusive as previous. This is nice, but it seems that users prefer to tap directly on app icon from the Dashboard instead of the (small) banner area or notification center.
In such case, my app cannot get payload from notifications.. Even the 'application didReceiveRemoteNotification' method is not able to get the notification.
Has anyone got the same issue? Do you have any advice?
The intention of the push payload is just to display something useful/informative to the user in the alert. Not to actually send data to your app.
So you will need your own web service to provide the data your app needs. Your app should refresh/sync to that service when it launches to get the data.
Example: Instagram. It can push notify you that someone commented on your photo. But it's not actually sending the comment data in the push to display in the app. The comment data is downloaded when you launch Instagram and attempt to view the comment.