ORACLE After update trigger: solving ORA-04091 mutating table error - sql

I am trying to create a trigger:
create or replace trigger NAME_OF_TRIGGER
after insert or update on table1
for each row
to fill in automatically a couple of non obligatory fields when updating/inserting on a table.
This requires me to use a cursor that selects from table2 and also table1 (the subject of the trigger).
Is there any way to avoid the mutating table error without using a temporary table for values or an autonomous transaction?

"Is there any way to avoid the mutating table error without using a
temporary table for values or an autonomous transaction?"
tl;dr no.
The mutating table error is caused by querying the table which owns the trigger, or tables which are involved in a foreign key relationship with the owning table (at least in older versions of the database, not sure whether it still obtains).
In a properly designed application this should not be necessary. This is why many people regard mutating tables as an indicator of poor data modelling. For instance, mutation is often associated with insufficient normalisation.
To paraphrase Jamie Zawinski: Some people, when confronted with a mutating table exception, think "I know, I'll use autonomous transactions." Now they have two problems.
Sometimes the error can be avoided by simply modifying the :NEW values in a BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE trigger or by using virtual columns. But you'll need to post more details to see whether these apply.
But the best workaround is not to need any other kind.


Get all constraint errors when inserting data from another table

I have a staging table without any constraints in my Azure SQL database (Azure SQL database 12.0.2000.8). I want to insert the data from the Staging table into the "real" table on which multiple constraints are set. When inserting the data, I use a statement of the kind
INSERT INTO <someTable> SELECT <columns> FROM StagingTable;
Now I only get the first error when violating some constraints. However, for my use case, it is important to get all violations, so they can be resolved altogether.
I have tried using TRY...CATCH mechanisms, however, this will throw an error on the first error and run the catch clause, but it will not continue with the other data. Note that the correct data that has no violations should not be inserted, so the whole insert statement can be rolled back on one error, however, I want to see all violations to be able to correct them all without having to run the insert statement multiple times to get all errors.
The types of constraints that need to be checked are foreign key constraints, NOT NULL constraints, duplicate keys. No casting is done, so no need to check for conversions.
There are couple of options:
If you want to catch row level information, you have to go for cursors or while loop and try to insert each row in TRY CATCH block and see if you are getting any error, and log the same.
Create another table similar to main table(say, MainCheckTable) with all constraints and disable all the constraints and load the data.
Now, you can leverage DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS to see all the constraint violations.Read more on this .
First, don't look at your primary table(s). Look at the related tables e.g. lookups etc. Populate these first. Once you have populated the related tables (i.e.) satisfy all related constraints, then add the data.
You need to work backwards from the least constrained tables to the most constrained if that makes sense.
You should check that your related tables have the required reference values/fields that you intend to insert. This is easy to do, since you already have a staging table.

SQL Foreign Key in Another Database

I am currently creating a database at work that is essentially a child of another database. When our clients get our software they get a database, lets call it MasterBase. This database contains schema of two different smaller databases put together, lets call them MasterC and MasterF.
My job is to take all the schema that pertain to MasterF and put them in their own database. The problem is there are a lot of references to tables and views in MasterC. To work around this I will add a property that will pair MasterF with MasterC so that in my .NET solution I should be able to do things like:
Table tableName.... (table being created in MasterF)
References .... MasterC.dbo.tableC (table in MasterC)
However, in SQL this raises the error: MSG 1763 Cross-Database foreign key references are not supported.
I have read the most common work around is to add a trigger, but seeings how this is not that safe and there are MANY instances of this I was wondering if there was another way, perhaps a stored procedure or something of the sort.
If a trigger is really the best/only way and I MUST add a trigger to every table that has this problem, how would I go about writing this trigger, I know a little SQL but am hardly proficient.
Please Help!
Triggers (as you mention)...
Database Partitioning...
Duplicate the tables from MasterC (are they transactional? How often are they updated? Does MasterC need the updates? If so, can you allow for the copies to be updated every 24-hours, etc. via a "Job"?)
Per your last comment about individual builds, I guess I'd say that the threshold for when a client "needs" both is when they...well, "need" both. Sounds almost like you need a 3rd schema, for tables in MasterC that do NOT reference MasterF, for those clients you're categorizing as not needing both.
BTW -- this is all about referential integrity, yes? There are other strategies you could employ toward that goal, besides 'relationships'.
CREATE TRIGGER myTrigger ON myTable
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM OtherDatabase.otherschema.othertable F
JOIN inserted AS i
ON F.KeyYouAreLookingFor = i.KeyYouHave)
RAISERROR ('Lookup Value Not Found -- Insert Failed', 16, 1);

postgresql: \copy method enter valid entries and discard exceptions

When entering the following command:
\copy mmcompany from '<path>/mmcompany.txt' delimiter ',' csv;
I get the following error:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "mmcompany_phonenumber_key"
I understand why it's happening, but how do I execute the command in a way that valid entries will be inserted and ones that create an error will be discarded?
The reason PostgreSQL doesn't do this is related to how it implements constraints and validation. When a constraint fails it causes a transaction abort. The transaction is in an unclean state and cannot be resumed.
It is possible to create a new subtransaction for each row but this is very slow and defeats the purpose of using COPY in the first place, so it isn't supported by PostgreSQL in COPY at this time. You can do it yourself in PL/PgSQL with a BEGIN ... EXCEPTION block inside a LOOP over a select from the data copied into a temporary table. This works fairly well but can be slow.
It's better, if possible, to use SQL to check the constraints before doing any insert that violates them. That way you can just:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE stagingtable(...);
\copy stagingtable FROM 'somefile.csv'
INSERT INTO realtable
SELECT * FROM stagingtable
WHERE check_constraints_here;
Do keep concurrency issues in mind though. If you're trying to do a merge/upsert via COPY you must LOCK TABLE realtable; at the start of your transaction or you will still have the potential for errors. It looks like that's what you're trying to do - a copy if not exists. If so, skipping errors is absolutely the wrong approach. See:
Insert, on duplicate update in PostgreSQL?
Postgresql - Clean way to insert records if they don't exist, update if they do
Can COPY be used with a function?
Postgresql csv importation that skips rows
... this is a much-discussed issue.
One way to handle the constraint violations is to define triggers on the target table to handle the errors. This is not ideal as there can still be race conditions (if concurrently loading), and triggers have pretty high overhead.
Another method: COPY into a staging table and load the data into the target table using SQL with some handling to skip existing entries.
Additionally, another useful method is to use pgloader

Adding trigger to table with cascades

I'm trying to add a simple trigger to a table- the 1st issue i came accross was that this table has text columns - so the for delete, insert, update triggers aren't going to float. 'instead of' does though.
I am now up against the fact that the table has cascades set on it. Do you know if there's a way to get around that little gem or am I basically fubared?
Create a new table, which everyone uses instead of the cascading table. Then build your "instead of" trigger onto the new table, and update the old table within the trigger.
The old table will cascade as normal, but your new table doesn't have any cascades.
You could try adding a view rather that creating another table. You could even exclude those text columns from the view.
I don't know what version of SQL Server you are on but text columns are deprecated - they will NOT be in the next version of SQL Server. If you are on any version higher than 2000, I would suggest you make it an immediate prioroity to fix those by making them nvarchar(max) (You will also need to change code that uses CONTAINS, WRITETEXT and other text type code).
That said, I always got the value of text column in a trigger by joining inserted to the actual table itself on the primary key.
I'm not sure what to do about your cascade question as we do not allow cascade delete or update for performance reasons. As far as I can tell triggers will still fire (and should definitely be written to handle multiple record inserts, updates or deletes, but I strongly feel all triggers should be written this way). What problem exactly are you running into with the cascades?

Sql Server 2005 - Insert Update Trigger - Get updated, insert row

I want to create a table trigger for insert and update. How can I get the values of the current record that is inserted/updated?
within the trigger, you can use a table called 'inserted' to access the values of the new records and the new version of the updated records. Similarly, the table called 'deleted' allows you to access deleted records and the original versions of updated records.
using function 'update' on column ( if you wanna check the fact of update) or retrieving rows from table 'inserted'
While triggers can be used for this, I'd be very careful about deciding to implement them. They are an absolute bear to debug, and can lead to a lack of maintainability.
if you need to do cascading updates (i.e. altering table A in turn changes table B), I would either use a stored procedure (which can be tested and debugged more easily than a trigger), or if you're fortunate enough to be using an ORM (Entity framework, NHibernate, etc.) perform this function within your model or repository.