Uploadify - file select dialog goes behind the popup window - file-upload

I am using uploadify in a child window. that is if i click on a image it will open a new window using javascript.. inside the child popup window, i am having the uploadify.
everything works fine. but when clicking Browser Files flash button, the file select dialog goes behind the child window. anybody please help to focus the file select dialog to the current popup window.

Do you have a link so we can test this? It seems like a problem on how your computer is rendering dialogs.
I believe the browser can't control whether the dialog will be created on top of all windows or behind all windows.


Uploading a file with webdriverio and open modal

I'm having this problem:
At the website I'm trying to test with webdriverio, it has this functionality:
You click a button to upload a file (a window opens to choose your local file)
You select your file and click Accept.
When you click Accept, a modal opens and gives you a progress bar and also some mandatory inputs to continue the process and the test.
In other cases, uploading the file with this:
it works fine!
But in this case, I need to open the modal after you click Accept at the window (anyway I'm not really clicking on Accept button at the locals file window, so probably this should be solve before, but I don't know how to do it)… and its not happening.
Thanks for the help!

Can I make popup screen or file upload automatically with selenium?

Good morning. I have a web page control with selenium. However, when I click the button of the site, a pop-up screen appears and I want to test that the file attachment is saved by pressing the file attachment button in it. Can you control selenium with two windows (parent, child-popup) going up and down?
I guess you want to interact with file upload dialog which is native window via selenium. That is not possible. However you can select file to upload using sendKeys without the dialog being opened.
Something like that

How to prevent a dialog to popup while build?

I have a project that use a dll which always shows a popup window while building. It's very annoying and I want to get rid of it.
The problem is the popup window prevents me from doing the automate build because nobody can click on the automate build server.
If you know popup window Title you can write a simple application to find window's Handle and simulate Button click.

simplemodal close function

I love the osx version of the simple modal. However, I would like to do some data editing in the opened modal box.
Now when the user clicked outside of the modal, it'll close. So if the user accidentally clicked the outside of the modal, their information will be lost.
How do I disable closing when click outside of the modal? thanks!
Go to Line 28 of the file "osx.js" that is included in Simple Modal OSX Style Dialog. Change overlayClose: true to overlayClose: false.

Safari Web Inspector Showing Up In New Window By Default

I've been using Chrome and am going back and forth between switching to Safari or staying with Chrome. My one small issue with Safari though is that the web inspector always shows up in a new window every time I toggle it. I press Command-Option-I and it opens in a new window and when I press Command-Option-I again it does not go away. I love the way the web inspector functions in Chrome and am wondering if there's a way to run the same way in Safari.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I have had the issue for a long time. Here is the solution.
Right-click on a web page and select inspect element.
The console window appears in Fullscreen. Minimize the window like any Safari web page and it should a window like below.
Just above the 'Elements' tab, you should be able to see 2 icons. Clicking the icon on the left, opens the Console in right side of the browser and clicking the icon on the right, opens the Console in bottom of the browser
Hope this helps.
None of the methods upon are working for me (Safari 9.1), if you want to make the docking buttons of the inspector showing up:
open Terminal
type defaults read com.apple.Safari "__WebInspectorPageGroupLevel1__.WebKit2InspectorStartsAttached"
Once you checked if it returns 0,
defaults write com.apple.Safari "__WebInspectorPageGroupLevel1__.WebKit2InspectorStartsAttached" 1
It's a bug in the Safari codebase.
Here is the bugreport and they're working on it (source)!
You could press the leftmost button at the Inspector's status bar and Inspector will dock.
UPDATE: Now, the button is on the right. When Inspector is in a separate window, the two small buttons in its upper right corner make it move to the 1) bottom of the Safari window 2) right side of the Safari window.
The only method that seemed to work for me was to resize the browser to a big enough size that it was big enough to contain the smallest size of an individual Inspect window. This for me, was widening the browser to at least around 65% percent width of the screen, and then you can "Inspect Element" and the default would be that the Inspect window would be at the bottom of the browser, and the browser with the Inspect window in it is resizable to any size now. Hope this helps some people.
Follow these steps to fix safari issue
Go to Develop --> User Agent --> Safari --> Select iphone --> then click on right side top symbol...
Select it and do inspect then you can see the button on left side top corner.
Now set to default setting by redoing the first point.
Please follow the step
Try clicking as shown:
I hope you get as shown:
I noticed when you have an open tab like the start page, the web inspector will pop up in a separate window. Also, there are no icons in the web inspector to attach it to the bottom or side. If you have a webpage open and do the same thing in the same window, that tab will have the web inspector attached to the bottom of the page (or whatever your attachment selection was prior).