What is the value of the string #""? - objective-c

I'm writing an iPhone application that uses a lot of editable text fields. I've been learning a lot about UITextFields and NSStrings by reading various references online, but there are some details that still elude me. When a user puts in an incorrect value for one of my text fields, I throw up an error message and put the text field back to the way it was before their input. For empty text fields, I've been doing this:
theTextField.text = #"";
Is this the best way to do this? I just came up with the idea myself, I don't know if there are any problems with it (other than the fact that it seems to work just fine so far).
Also, does #"" have the same value as a "nil" string? In other words, if I set a string to #"" and then call this:
if (myString) {...}
will the statement return true or false?
One last thing. When an NSString is initialized using this:
NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] init];
what is that string's Length value?

The important thing to understand here is that an NSString with no characters in it, such as #"" or [[NSString alloc] init] is still a valid object. All the consequences that Nick has stated follow from that.
In Objective-C, any valid object will be "True" in a boolean context;* nil is the only false object value.
Since these strings are valid objects, they do have a length, but because they contain no characters, the length is 0.
There are no problems with assigning an empty string object #"" to another string pointer, such as the text of your text field. Since the string with no characters is still a valid NSString object, this is exactly the same as assigning a string which does happen to have characters.
*Unlike so-called "scripting" languages like Python or Perl, where an empty string or collection evaluates to boolean false.

theTextField.text = #"";
is absolutely ok. There should be no problems at all.
if (#"")
will evaluate to true. #"" is not the same as nil.
The length of
NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] init];
is 0.

This is not an answer to the question, but may be the answer to what you're trying to do.
If you're wondering whether you have to write if(str && str.length) to cover both nil and empty strings, you don't. You may use just if(str.length), since, in Objective-C, unknown messages to nil will return nil (so [a.b.c.d.e.f doStuff] will be nil if any of those values in the chain is nil). There is thus scarce need for specific nullity checks, unless what you want is precisely to determine nullity.

Check NSString's + string.


Unique Instances of NSString for empty or 1-char strings

I would like to understand more about the way XCode/Objective-C handle constant strings. I found a related question, but I would like more information. Consider the following code:
NSString *a = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:[[_textFieldA stringValue] UTF8String]];
NSString *b = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:[[_textFieldB stringValue] UTF8String]];
NSString *c = [a copy];
NSString *d = [a mutableCopy];
Note that the textFields are just a way to set the strings at runtime ensuring that the compiler doesn't get too smart on me and build in a single instance.
If my text fields are empty, or contain a single character such as "x" or "$", then a == b == c == the same constant NSString instance. If I instead provide "xy", then a == c != b. d is always unique, as one might expect since it is mutable.
Now normally this wouldn't be an issue, I'm not trying to modify the contents of these strings, however, I am working on a system where I frequently use objc_setAssociatedObject. So here now I might come accross an empty string, and then set associated object data on it, and then have another empty string and collide with the first.
I have, for the moment, solved my issue by creating mutable strings instead.
So my questions:
Is this an Objective-C specification, or an XCode excentricity?
Does anyone know how the instance is determined? Why "x" get's one instance, but not "xy"? I would think some internal dictionary is involved and there's no good reason to stop at 1 character.
Is there a way to turn this off, so all empty strings are unique instances, or other suggestions?
I am using XCode 5.1.1, OSX 10.9.4, SDK 10.9.
Thank you!
Is this an Objective-C specification, or an XCode excentricity?
It is just implementation detail. Not documented any where. These kind of behaviour may changed in future without notice.
Does anyone know how the instance is determined? Why "x" get's one instance, but not "xy"? I would think some internal dictionary is involved and there's no good reason to stop at 1 character.
No until someone able to access source code want to share the details with us.
Is there a way to turn this off, so all empty strings are unique instances, or other suggestions?
No way to turn it off. Don't use objc_setAssociatedObject with NSString
As #Ken Thomases said in comment
In general, it probably doesn't make sense to use objc_setAssociatedObject() with any value class.
Some other examples are NSNumber, NSData and NSValue. They are often cached and reused.

Putting NSData into an NSArray

I have NSData objects storing data (non character / non-ascii). I'm trying to put it into an array without it being interpreted as characters or ascii. I know this question has been asked a few times before, but none of the solutions posted have worked for me in this situation. I'm trying to avoid using property lists, which is what most answers suggested. I already tried converting the NSData to an NSString, then storing the string in the array, but of course it is interpreted as characters after putting it in the string, regardless of the encoding I've used. For example, one of the NSData's contains the value 2c, and when I put it into a string it is interpreted as ,. Does anyone know how I can store the raw data, in its original state, in an NSArray? Maybe by storing the data in user defaults, then somehow storing the defaults in an array? I'm at a loss.
Here is some possibly relevant code:
NSData *receivedData = [bleDevice readData];
NSString *receivedDataString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:receivedData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[dataArray insertObject:receivedDataString atIndex:0];
When I call:
[dataArray insertObject:receivedDataString atIndex:0];
It will store something like 2c ad a ,.
But, when I try and insert the raw data, like:
[dataArray insertObject:receivedData atIndex:0];
It will simply not store anything. There are no warnings, no errors. I'll NSLog the array and it is null.
[dataArray insertObject:receivedData atIndex:0]; most certainly will insert "receivedData" into "dataArray" (so long as both exist). "receivedData" can be any sort of NSObject -- need not be a string. If the array is "null" when you log it then the array itself never got created.
(It's important to remember that if an object pointer is nil then method calls on that pointer do not fail but rather silently return zero/nil, so "returns nil" strongly suggests the object never was created.)

Pros and Cons of using [NSString stringWithString:#"some string"] versus #"some string"

I want to compare the following simple assignments:
#property(nonatomic,retain) UITextField *textField;
self.textField.text = #"some string";
self.textField.text = [NSString stringWithString:#"some string"];
self.textField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"some string"];
Where textField is an UITextField and the text property a NSString. Of course all of them work. I know the difference of the last two when using parameters. But lets say we are only interested in this usage.
For doing this kind of assignment, why shouldn't I always use the first one?
Comparing the last two, is there any difference for the compile- and/or runtime of these two? And why should I use stringWithString: at all if not?
Always try to do what feels natural. If you're assigning a constant string then do that, i.e. the first option. #"..." strings are very efficient constants that do not need to be memory managed, so use them if it makes sense.
NSLog(#"%p", #"XX");
NSLog(#"%p", #"XX");
NSLog(#"%p", #"XX");
Results in:
i.e. They are all the same object in memory.
NSLog(#"%p", [NSString stringWithString:#"XX"]);
NSLog(#"%p", #"XX");
NSLog(#"%p", [NSString stringWithString:#"XX"]);
Also results in:
As you can see from this there is no difference between the two objects, thus using -stringWithString: is just an extra message to send. Having said that, the overhead is usually not big enough to make a difference, so it shouldn't be a big deal either way. Personally I'd go with method one as there is no benefit of using method two, it's just extra code.
NSLog(#"%p", [NSString stringWithFormat:#"XX"]);
NSLog(#"%p", [NSString stringWithFormat:#"XX"]);
NSLog(#"%p", [NSString stringWithFormat:#"XX"]);
Results in:
As you can see, a new string is created each time as the sting you provide is just a format string that is used to process the following substitution variables, as you have none avoid stringWithFormat: unless you need it.
(Obviously all addresses are examples...)
For doing this kind of assignment, why shouldn't I always use the first one?
For that kind of assignment you would always use the first one, and never the last two.
why should I use stringWithString: at all if not?
Your intuition is correct. In most cases -stringWithString: is of dubious value. It's primarily meant for use with NSMutableString, which is a subclass of NSString.
For example:
NSMutableString* myString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"Foo"];
[myString appendString:#"Bar"];
You can also use it if you want to convert an NSMutableString to NSString, or otherwise ensure that you're dealing with an NSString instance. For example:
- (void):setMyString:(NSString*)newString
[_myString release];
_myString = [[NSString stringWithString:newString] retain];
That's one way to ensure that the _myString ivar is pointing to an NSString instance and not an NSMutableString instance. And the newString instance is only copied if necessary.
However, most developers would just use _myString = [newString copy]; in that case.
For doing this kind of assignment, why shouldn't I always use the first one?
You should always use the first one in the situation you describe. The second and third cases potentially copy the constant string, but the text property of UITextField is specified as copying the provided string anyway. There's no sense in making a copy of a constant string just so UITextField's -setText: can copy that copy.
Comparing the last two, is there any difference for the compile-
and/or runtime of these two? And why should I use stringWithString: at
all if not?
My understanding is that -stringWithFormat: will always create a new string, while -stringWithString: might not (probably doesn't) for a constant string. hypercrypt's results above are pretty telling in this respect; if you wanted to explore that more, you might try the same test with a mutable string.
I don't think it matters if you use the first or the second for strings.
I usually use the second one however.
In the case of the second and third, if you have another variable you would like to include in your string then you use the stringWithFormat one. Otherwise, use stringWithString.
int number = 5;
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Number is: %i", number];
// Str is "Number is: 5"
Situation where you would use stringWithString:
NSString *myName = [NSString stringWithString:#"FN LN"];
// myName is "FN LN"
You would use the latter when you have no other variables to include in the string.
Also, this question has been answered countless times elsewhere.

What characters does a new empty NSString contain?

i created an NSMutableString with the method stringWithCapacity:5
How do i test if characterAtIndex:0 is empty
Empty string contains no characters, even if you created it with non-zero capacity. To check if string is empty simply check its length:
if ([myString length] == 0){
// empty
Moreover, trying to access a character at index which is >= of string's length will result in NSRangeException exception.
The *WithCapacity methods that we see on NSString, NSArray, etc, have nothing to do with pre-populating the contents of the object. They are simply a means by which you can suggest to the object how much it's going to hold. If you suggest a large enough number, it may use a different storage mechanism than if it were a small number.
So in other words, you could do [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:1234567890] and it give you exactly the same thing as if you had simply done [NSMutableString string], and the -length of the resulting object will always be 0.
Frankly, the *WithCapacity methods are pretty useless. I've never found a reason to use them.

NSString setter using isEqualToString

In the Pragmatic Core Data book, I came across this code snippet for an NSString setter:
- (void)setMyString:(NSString*)string;
#synchronized(self) {
if ([string isEqualToString:myString]) return;
[myString release];
myString = [string retain];
Is there any reason to use [string isEqualToString:myString] instead of string == myString here? Does it not mean that if the two strings have the same content, the result will be different than if they are actually the same object? Does this matter?
Notice that the variables you're comparing are pointers to NSStrings. Pointer comparison just checks if the pointers are referring to the same address. It doesn't know anything about the content at the end. Two string objects in two different places can have the same content. Thus you need isEqualToString:. In this case, I'm not sure either that it's a terribly important distinction to make though. It would make more sense to me if it were special-casing sending out change notifications based on whether the new string would actually be a change.
Incidentally, in an NSString setter, you almost always want copy rather than retain. I don't know the exact use case in this book, but if you just retain the string and it happens to be mutable, it can change behind your back and cause weird results. And if the string isn't mutable, copy is just an alias for retain.