Facebook C# authentication example - authentication

Authentication examples are missing from the documentation.
Would it be possible to have an authentication example for a desktop application, not a web one?

If you're writing a desktop application, consider using Facebook PowerShell Module. I would be interested to know more about your scenario! Jon


How can I add Microsoft authentication to my react native app?

I have a React-Native application in development that is an extension of a current web application. The web application makes use of MSAL to authenticate the users and I want to do this as well with the mobile app.
I have not really managed to find anything relevant, and what I have found was out of date or for the ReactJS framework.
I have been trying to make use of the MSAL-react-native component however it isn't that well documented so I'm lost over there as well
Use react-native-msal for Microsoft authentication
Enable authentication in your own React Application by using Azure Active Directory B2C:
For more information please check: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/enable-authentication-react-spa-app

Is it required to migrate to GIS when you're using google-oauth2?

This link https://developers.googleblog.com/2022/03/gis-jsweb-authz-migration.html says
Your full suite of apps and platforms may be using different methods of authentication and authorization from Google. The following are NOT affected by this deprecation announcement:
Android or iOS native app SDKs,
Backend platforms directly calling Google’s OAuth 2.0 or OpenID services.
I'm currently trying to understand our huge legacy code which might be affected by the GIS migration. Currently, we just redirect to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth to start the oauth2 process, once the user clicks the "Sign in with google" button. I've seen this link in the example of the old way from the migration document here: https://developers.google.com/identity/oauth2/web/guides/migration-to-gis#oauth-2.0-endpoints however I'm not sure if it is required to migrate to GIS or not.
From what I understand, only the frontend related libraries should be worried, but I'm dumb so maybe I'm misunderstanding. Can anyone help enlighten me?
You do not need to migrate if you are directly making calls to the Google's OAuth 2.0 endpoints.
The guide you reference recommends using the library with the note use the Google Identity Services library to support a less intrusive popup UX mode and to avoid having to manage complex OAuth 2.0 requests and responses. The intent there is to simplify your implementation not to force a migration.

Windows Authentication in Blazor WASM

I am implementing a WebApp in our company's intranet with Blazor WebAssembly. I need to make API-Calls to our DevOps Server hosted in our intranet and need to use Windows Authentication to access the API. In the former used WPF Client it was enough to just add the UseDefaultCredentials-Flag on the HttpClient, but that does not work in WebAssembly anymore since the App is running in the browser. The Microsoft Docs state We don't recommend using Windows Authentication with Blazor Webassembly, but not recommend does not mean not support, so it has to be possible somehow, to attach the current App-User's Windows Credentials(Token) to the API Call. Unfortunately there exists no example on the docs page on how to implement this and I have not found any code on how to tackle this, although on some forums people wrote that it is possible, but did not include the How in their comments.
I am using .NET5 for both Server and Client and need to make the Api-Call with Windows Authentication from the Client, not the Server as most examples are using it, as my Server-Project uses the same User for all Requests but I need the User of the Client-Project.
Any kind of help is appreciated.

How to implement Login with Google in UWP apps?

How to implement Login with Google in UWP apps?
I need help to implement Login with google feature in UWP apps.
Any help would be appreciated.
If I understood correctly what you are trying to accomplish, I would suggest using OAuth 2.0 to access Google APIs.As you can see there, support is provided for Java, .NET, Python, Ruby, JS, etc. For collecting authentication information I used a WebView.

How to implement oauth2 to external api in meteor app

I'm writing, beacuse i'm having trouble trying to implement a method to auntenticate oauth2 in a meteor APP (using react in view). In this case i have to connect to my own autentication server running in .net. I have read some tutorials with facebook, github, etc, but in my case is different
Anyone have any code, tutorial or know how to implement?.
PD: i'm new using Meteor.
There is a meteor package for OAuth2 here
It doesn't provide much information, except directing you to the Meteor accounts documentation at https://guide.meteor.com/accounts.html
There is also this page, which provides examples of both client and servers for OAuth2. I haven't explored it myself, but it looks like a good start. I always like to look at examples myself when picking up something new :)