I am pretty sure I am missing a basic mistake here, so I am hoping another set of eyes might help. I am using Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2 and Rspec 2.
I would like to define dynamic class methods on a model so that I can return base roles for an assignable object (such as account) as they are added to the system. For example:
Everything works fine via the console:
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :003 > BaseRole.respond_to?(:creator_for_account)
=> true
but when I run my specs for any of class methods, I get a NoMethodError wherever I call the method in the spec. I am assuming that something about how I am dynamically declaring the methods is not jiving with RSpec but I cannot seem to figure out why.
The lib dir is autoloaded path and the methods return true for respond_to?.
# /lib/assignable_base_role.rb
module AssignableBaseRole
def self.included(base)
module ClassMethods
BaseRole.all.each do |base_role|
role_type = RoleType.find(base_role.role_type_id)
assignable_name = base_role.assignable_type.downcase
method = "#{role_type.name}_for_#{assignable_name}"
define_method(method) do
self.where(:role_type_id => role_type.id,
:assignable_type => assignable_name).first
Then include the Module in BaseRole
# /models/base_role.rb
class BaseRole < ActiveRecord::Base
include AssignableBaseRole
belongs_to :role
belongs_to :role_type
Then in my spec:
it "adds correct authority for creator role" do
base_role = BaseRole.creator_for_account # <== NoMethodError here
user1 = Factory.create(:user)
account.users << user1
user1.roles_for_assignable(account).should include(base_role.role)
Did you have another class in your project or specs with the same name, but doesn't have the dynamic methods added? I had the exact same problem as you, and renaming one of the classes fixed it.
My guess is the other class is getting loaded first
It appears you are defining these methods based on values in the database:
BaseRole.all.each do |base_role|
Could it be that "creator" doesn't exist in the test database as a role type, or "account" doesn't exist as assignable_type?
Presumably you are testing this in the console for development, not test, so the data could be mismatched. Might need to set up the data in a before hook.
I have a module in a rails 3 app that's included in multiple models. I want to force the app to fail to load if any of the models do not have an appropriate attr_accessor defined. Due to the architecture of the app it's not feasible to include the attr_accessors as a part of the module to be added to the class during the self.included function.
Here's what I've tried at present:
module MyModule
def included(base)
raise "Accessor 'enabled' is not defined in #{base.name}" unless base.method_defined? :enabled
class MyModel < ActiveModel::Base
# attr_accessor :enabled
attr_accessor :attr_1, :attr_2
include MyModule
In this instance, I'd want the app to fail to load because MyModel does not have an enabled method.
Your code should work - on production. In development the classes in app/models are only loaded if used unless you set
config.cache_classes = true
in config/environments/development.rb. But that makes developing really no fun, since you have to restart your webserver every change to test your changes. On rails 4 you have another configuration option
config.eager_load = true
So you do not need to cache classes to get the behaviour to have loaded every class on starting your server / console.
If it's really only attribute accessor you check, it's better just to set it on including the module. And if you work with modules in rails: have a look into http://www.rubydoc.info/docs/rails/3.2.8/ActiveSupport/Concern
There you can just call attr_accessor :enabled in the included block.
I'm relatively new to testing and very new to Rails 4 and rSpec. I am trying to test a controller that uses Devise for authentication and I am stuck. All of the examples I can find are for Rails 3.
I'm using Rails 4.0.3, Devise 3.2.3, rSpec 2.14.1 and FactoryGirl 4.4.0.
class LessonPlansController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
# GET /lesson_plans
def index
#lesson_plans = current_user.lesson_plans.to_a
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_lesson_plan
#lesson_plan = LessonPlan.find(params[:id])
# Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through.
def lesson_plan_params
def lesson_plan_params
params.require(:lesson_plan).permit(:title, :synopsis)
Here are my factory definitions: (Maybe I don't need to define user_id in the lesson_plan factory?)
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
sequence( :username ) { |n| "user#{n}" }
sequence( :email ) { |n| "foo#{n}#example.com" }
password 'foobarbaz'
password_confirmation 'foobarbaz'
created_at Time.now
updated_at Time.now
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :lesson_plan do
user_id 1
title "The French Revolution"
synopsis "Background and events leading up to the French Revolution"
And the test part is where I get stuck.
describe LessonPlansController do
let(:valid_attributes) { { } }
let(:valid_session) { {} }
# describe "GET index" do
it "assigns all lesson_plans as #lesson_plans" do
sign_in user
lesson_plan = LessonPlan.create! valid_attributes
get :index, {}, valid_session
assigns(:lesson_plans).should eq([lesson_plan])
I'm not sure what to put in valid_attributes and valid_session (or if I even need them). The test will get as far as signing in the user, but will fail on creation of the lesson_plan. Admittedly this is the default/generated test for rSpec, but I am not sure how to proceed.
Examples I have seen use a before block to set up the user. I haven't been able to find anything on the Devise wiki page covering how to write basic rSpec tests for a controller that requires the user to be logged in. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
"I'm not sure what to put in valid_attributes and valid_session (or if I even need them)."
Well that depends what you're testing for.. Say you're testing validations & want to ensure that a record not be created if x column is set to null... then you could try to specifically create a record with invalid attributes (e.g. column: nil) and expect the result to not return true; maybe you want to ensure that it IS created with valid attributes.
You can btw, use `attributes_for(:factory_name)`` since you're using FactoryGirl. And no you don't necessarily need to specify the user's id in your lesson plan factory; unless you always want it to reference user 1. You can simply reference user with no value. Check out http://everydayrails.com/2012/03/12/testing-series-intro.html and especially parts 3-5 for an introduction to testing with RSPec.. I found this a pretty easy to follow guide when I was getting started.
I am trying add a fake input to simple_form using the following suggestion (rails simple_form fields not related to the model), but it does not work for me.
This is my HAML code for adding a fake input field.
= f.input :agrees_to_terms, :as => :fake
I put the following class in app/inputs/fake_input.rb
class FakeInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::StringInput
# This method only create a basic input without reading any value from object
def input
template.text_field_tag(attribute_name, nil, input_html_options)
I get the following runtime error
No input found for fake
I have two initializers that were generated by Rails Composer: simple_form.rb and simple_form_bootstrap.rb
How can I make Rails find my FakeInput class?
I had the same issue, and a server restart resolved it.
I am new to Rspec please tell me what would be the controller Spec for the following two methods In index method only login page is seen by entering the username control goes to login method and find the name of person. If person is find then control goes to people path otherwise it goes back to root path that is index page it self.
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
def login
#person = Person.find(:all, :conditions => ['people.name =?', params[:person][:name]] )
if #person.blank?
redirect_to root_path
redirect_to people_path
Please help me.
Your rspec controller tests could be like this:
describe HomeController do
it "Logs in Person with non-blank name" do
person = Factory(:Person, name: "non-blank name")
get :login
response.should redirect_to(people_path)
it "does not log in Person with blank name" do
person = Factory(:Person, name: "") # blank name
get :login
response.should redirect_to(root_path)
Refer to rails controller specs for details.
Factory: the code that creates objects (test objects in this case). This is a preferred method for creating test objects because you can customize your code to create objects with varying attributes with least duplication.
Fixtures: If you are not using factories, you can specify the attributes for each of the objects you are going to create. For more than 2-3 object, this data quickly becomes unmanageable to maintain (for example, when you add an attribute, you need to make changes for each of these objects).
Stubs: If you prefer not to create database records while creating model objects, you can stub the model code white testing controllers.
For more information, refer:
1. testing guide
2. asciicast (Note: this code refers to an older version of FactoryGirl gem. Refer below for up-to-date API of FactoryGirl)
3. FactoryGirl Readme
I have an object that inherits from ActiveRecord, yet it has an attribute that is not persisted in the DB, like:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :bar
I would like to be able to track changes to 'bar', with methods like 'bar_changed?', as provided by ActiveModel Dirty. The problem is that when I try to implement Dirty on this object, as described in the docs, I'm getting an error as both ActiveRecord and ActiveModel have defined define_attribute_methods, but with different number of parameters, so I'm getting an error when trying to invoke define_attribute_methods [:bar].
I have tried aliasing define_attribute_methods before including ActiveModel::Dirty, but with no luck: I get a not defined method error.
Any ideas on how to deal with this? Of course I could write the required methods manually, but I was wondering if it was possible to do using Rails modules, by extending ActiveModel functionality to attributes not handled by ActiveRecord.
I'm using the attribute_will_change! method and things seem to be working fine.
It's a private method defined in active_model/dirty.rb, but ActiveRecord mixes it in all models.
This is what I ended up implementing in my model class:
def bar
#bar ||= init_bar
def bar=(value)
attribute_will_change!('bar') if bar != value
#bar = value
def bar_changed?
The init_bar method is just used to initialise the attribute. You may or may not need it.
I didn't need to specify any other method (such as define_attribute_methods) or include any modules.
You do have to reimplement some of the methods yourself, but at least the behaviour will be mostly consistent with ActiveModel.
I admit I haven't tested it thoroughly yet, but so far I've encountered no issues.
ActiveRecord has the #attribute method (source) which once invoked from your class will let ActiveModel::Dirty to create methods such as bar_was, bar_changed?, and many others.
Thus you would have to call attribute :bar within any class that extends from ActiveRecord (or ApplicationRecord for most recent versions of Rails) in order to create those helper methods upon bar.
Edit: Note that this approach should not be mixed with attr_accessor :bar
Edit 2: Another note is that unpersisted attributes defined with attribute (eg attribute :bar, :string) will be blown away on save. If you need attrs to hang around after save (as I did), you actually can (carefully) mix with attr_reader, like so:
attr_reader :bar
attribute :bar, :string
def bar=(val)
#bar = val
I figured out a solution that worked for me...
Save this file as lib/active_record/nonpersisted_attribute_methods.rb: https://gist.github.com/4600209
Then you can do something like this:
require 'active_record/nonpersisted_attribute_methods'
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
include ActiveRecord::NonPersistedAttributeMethods
define_nonpersisted_attribute_methods [:bar]
foo = Foo.new
foo.bar = 3
foo.bar_changed? # => true
foo.bar_was # => nil
foo.bar_change # => [nil, 3]
foo.changes[:bar] # => [nil, 3]
However, it looks like we get a warning when we do it this way:
DEPRECATION WARNING: You're trying to create an attribute `bar'. Writing arbitrary attributes on a model is deprecated. Please just use `attr_writer` etc.
So I don't know if this approach will break or be harder in Rails 4...
Write the bar= method yourself and use an instance variable to track changes.
def bar=(value)
#bar_changed = true
#bar = value
def bar_changed?
if #bar_changed
#bar_changed = false
return true
return false