NHibernate: Why does Linq First() force only one item in all child and grandchild collections with FetchMany() - nhibernate

Domain Model
I've got a canonical Domain of a Customer with many Orders, with each Order having many OrderItems:
public class Customer
public Customer()
Orders = new HashSet<Order>();
public virtual int Id {get;set;}
public virtual ICollection<Order> Orders {get;set;}
public class Order
public Order()
Items = new HashSet<OrderItem>();
public virtual int Id {get;set;}
public virtual Customer Customer {get;set;}
public class OrderItem
public virtual int Id {get;set;}
public virtual Order Order {get;set;}
Whether mapped with FluentNHibernate or hbm files, I run two separate queries, that are identical in their Fetch() syntax, with the exception of one including the .First() extension method.
Returns expected results:
var customer = this.generator.Session.Query<Customer>()
.Where(c => c.CustomerID == id)
.FetchMany(c => c.Orders)
.ThenFetchMany(o => o.Items).ToList()[0];
Returns only a single item in each collection:
var customer = this.generator.Session.Query<Customer>()
.Where(c => c.CustomerID == id)
.FetchMany(c => c.Orders)
.ThenFetchMany(o => o.Items).First();
I think I understand what's going on here, which is that the .First() method is being applied to each of the preceding statements, rather than just to the initial .Where() clause. This seems incorrect behavior to me, given the fact that First() is returning a Customer.
Edit 2011-06-17
After further research and thinking, I believe that depending on my mapping, there are two outcomes to this Method Chain:
.Where(c => c.CustomerID == id)
.FetchMany(c => c.Orders)
.ThenFetchMany(o => o.Items);
NOTE: I don't think I can get subselect behavior, since I'm not using HQL.
When the mapping is fetch="join" I should get a cartesian product between the Customer, Order and OrderItem tables.
When the mapping is fetch="select" I should get a query for Customer, and then multiple queries each for Orders and OrderItems.
How this plays out with adding the First() method to the chain is where I lose track of what should be happening.
The SQL Query that get's issued is the traditional left-outer-join query, with select top (#p0) in front.

The First() method is translated into SQL (T-SQL at least) as SELECT TOP 1 .... Combined with your join fetching, this will return a single row, containing one customer, one order for that customer and one item for the order. You might consider this a bug in Linq2NHibernate, but as join fetching is rare (and I think you're actually hurting your performance pulling the same Customer and Order field values across the network as part of the row for each Item) I doubt the team will fix it.
What you want is a single Customer, then all Orders for that customer and all Items for all those Orders. That happens by letting NHibernate run SQL that will pull one full Customer record (which will be a row for each Order Line) and construct the Customer object graph. Turning the Enumerable into a List and then getting the first element works, but the following will be slightly faster:
var customer = this.generator.Session.Query<Customer>()
.Where(c => c.CustomerID == id)
.FetchMany(c => c.Orders)
.ThenFetchMany(o => o.Items)
the AsEnumerable() function forces evaluation of the IQueryable created by Query and modified with the other methods, spitting out an in-memory Enumerable, without slurping it into a concrete List (NHibernate can, if it wishes, simply pull enough info out of the DataReader to create one full top-level instance). Now, the First() method is no longer applied to the IQueryable to be translated to SQL, but it is instead applied to an in-memory Enumerable of the object graphs, which after NHibernate has done its thing, and given your Where clause, should be zero or one Customer record with a hydrated Orders collection.
Like I said, I think you're hurting yourself using join fetching. Each row contains the data for the Customer and the data for the Order, joined to each distinct Line. That is a LOT of redundant data, which I think will cost you more than even an N+1 query strategy.
The best way I can think of to handle this is one query per object to retrieve that object's children. It would look like this:
var session = this.generator.Session;
var customer = session.Query<Customer>()
.Where(c => c.CustomerID == id).First();
customer.Orders = session.Query<Order>().Where(o=>o.CustomerID = id).ToList();
foreach(var order in customer.Orders)
order.Items = session.Query<Item>().Where(i=>i.OrderID = order.OrderID).ToList();
This requires a query for each Order, plus two at the Customer level, and will return no duplicate data. This will perform far better than a single query returning a row containing every field of the Customer and Order along with each Item, and also better than sending a query per Item plus a query per Order plus a query for the Customer.

I'd like to update the answer with my found so that could help anybody else with the same problem.
Since you are querying the entity base on their ID, you can use .Single instead of .First or .AsEnumerable().First():
var customer = this.generator.Session.Query<Customer>()
.Where(c => c.CustomerID == id)
.FetchMany(c => c.Orders)
.ThenFetchMany(o => o.Items).Single();
This will generate a normal SQL query with where clause and without the TOP 1.
In other situation, if the result has more than one Customer, exception will be thrown so it won't help if you really need the first item of a series based on condition. You have to use 2 queries, one for the first Customer and let the lazy load do the second one.


nHibernate QueryOver and JoinQueryOver

I'm reasonably new to nHibernate and I've been trying to write a query. I cant seem to get it right. I have in my model, a "Product" which contains a ICollection of "Component". I need to find all products that contain any components that have a component reference starting with the letter "G". I have tried this:
var matching = session.QueryOver<Product>()
.JoinQueryOver<Component>(p => p.Components)
.Where(c => c.ComponentReference.StartsWith("G")).List();
However I am getting a compile error saying 'Delegate System.Func>> does not take 1 parameter.
There is an overload on JoinQueryOver where I can pass in an Expression>>
So I would have thought my query would work since ICollection implements IEnumerable.
I have tried various other ways using .Cast and JoinAlias but they just seem unecessarily complicated.
Can anyone point out where I am going wrong?
Thanks in advance
I would suggest to use the subquery, in this case. It could look like this
Product product = null;
Component component = null;
// the subselect, returning the Product.ID
// only if the Component.ComponentReference is like G%
var subQuery = QueryOver.Of<Component>(() => component)
.WhereRestrictionOn(() => component.ComponentReference)
.IsLike("G", MatchMode.Start)
.Select(c => c.Product.ID);
// the root Product
var query = session.QueryOver<Product>(() => product)
.WhereProperty(() => product.ID)
// and finally the list
var list = query
The resulting SQL would be like this:
SELECT product
FROM product
WHERE productId IN (SELECT ProductId FROM Component WHERE ComponenentReferece LIKE 'G%')
And why to use subquery instead of JOIN? because the join would in this case result in Carthesian product. The set of products returned would be multiplied by all the components starting with G%
The subquery, will result in pure, flat set of Products, so we can correctly use paging over it (.Take() .Skip())

Simple Linq-to-entities query involving .Include I believe

I have a Linq-to-Entities query that is not complicated but requires an .include and/or projection and/or join because it must be executed in one pass.
Here is my database (Microsoft SQL Server 2008):
Table A (Customers) (contains CustomerID (customer IDs), and ZipCode (zip codes) as strings.
Table C (Categories) (contains CategoryID (categories) like "food", "shelter","clothing", "housing" (primary keys).
Table A_C is a linking table, since Tables A and C are linked as many-to-many: contains just two fields: CustomerID "customer IDs" and CategoryID (Categories), in combination as primary keys. This table is a linking table betweeen tables A and C.
Here is my query, that must be executed in just one trip to the database: I need to select all records in Table A that satisfy a condition, then filter these records depending on a 'list of parameters' that are found in the linking Table A_C--and do this all in one trip to the database. But I don't know what the length or composition of the list of parameters for Table A_C is, ahead of time--it varies from call to call. Thus this list of parameters varies method call by method call.
To give a more concrete example:
Table A has a list of customer IDs. I find the customers that live in a certain Zip code. Then, in the same SQL query, I need to find which of these customers have selected certain categories: Food, Clothing, Housing, etc, but my web method does not know ahead of time what these categories are, rather, they are passed as a list to the method: List myCategoryList (which could be 1 category or 100 categories, and varies method call by method call).
How do I write the projection using Linq-to-Entities? When the list of parameters varies? And do it all in one pass?
List<string> CategoryList = new List<string>() { "Food", "Shelter", "Housing" }; // in one call to the web service method
List<string> CategoryList = new List<string>() { "Food", "Clothing" }; //could be a second call--it varies and I don't know ahead of time what the List will be
So how can I do the SQL query using Linq-to-Entities? In one pass? (Of course I could loop through the list, and make repeated trips to the database, but that's not an optimal solution I am told). Projection,.Include are keywords but surfing the net yielded nothing.
Here is a crude guess, just to get ball rolling:
public void WebMethod1 (CategoryList)
using (EntityFramework1 context = new EntityFramework1())
/* assume CategoryList is a list of strings passed into the method and is,for this particular call,something like: List<string> CategoryList = new List<string>() { "Food", "Clothing" }; for this call, but in the next call it could be: List<string> CategoryList = new List<string>() { "Food", "Shelter", "Housing" } */
string ZipCodeString = "12345";
string customerIDString = "E12RJ55";
var CustomersFromZipCodeHavingSelectedCertainCategories = from x in context.A_C
where x.A.CustomerID == customerIDString
where x.A.StartsWith(ZipCodeString)
where x.A_C.Contains(CategoryList) //???? This is clearly not grammatical, but what is?
select x;
my problem is: I want to filter all records from A that contain a zipcode 12345, and that also have a certain CustomerID "E12RJ55" from table A, but further filter this set with all such CustomerIDs in linking table A_C that contain the categories "Food" and "Clothing".
How to do this in one pass? I can do this quite easily in multiple passes and trips to the database using code, but somebody in this thread here http://bit.ly/rEG2AM suggested I do a Join/projection and do it all in one fell swoop.
I will also accept SQL answers since it might help yield a solution. This question btw is not difficult I believe--but I could not find an answer on the net.
EDIT: with answer and credit to david s.
I thank you for the answer david.s. Here is what worked, slightly different than the answer by david.s, in that I am using the linking table (bridge table) called “Customer_Categories” that is between the table Customer and Categories and contains the primary key of each (as is required for many-to-many relationships). This bridge table is what I called "A_C" in my original answer, and here has ints rather than strings but is the same thing. Intellisense picked up this table and I used it, and it works. Also keep in mind that CategoryList is a list of ints, List CategoryList = new List();, yet amazingly it automagically works inside this SQL-to-Entities query:
Var CustomersFromZipCOde = context.Customers.Where (custo => custo.CustomerID==customerIDString && custo.ZipCode.StartsWith(ZipCodeString) && custo.Customer_Categories.Any(categ => CategoryList.Contains(categ.CategoryID)));
//gives the right output, incredible.
First of all i would like to say that even if you explanation is very long it is not very clear. You would like a simple Linq-to-Entities query but you don't give the Entities, you only speak of tables in your database.
Assuming you have the following entities:
public class Customer
public string CustomerID { get; set; }
public string ZipCode { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Category> Categories { get; set; }
public class Category
public string CategoryID { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
Your query might look like this:
var CustomersFromZipCodeHavingSelectedCertainCategories =
customer => customer.CustomerID == customerIDString &&
customer.ZipCode.StartsWith(ZipCodeString) &&
category => CategoryList.Contains(category.CategoryID));
More info on other ways to do this here:

NHibernate Nested query in FROM clause

I’m having a problem with translating T-SQL query into Nhibernate query – or writing query that will return same results but will be properly written in NH query language (HQL, Criteria, QueryOver, LINQ – I don’t truly care).
I would like to execute similar query from NHibernate:
Licence lic
lic.RegNo IN
MAX(g.Iteration) AS [Iteration],
MAX(g.RegNo) AS [RegNo]
Licence g
) as grouped
lic.RegNo desc
It returns the top most licenses and fetch their review status if exists. RegNo is created from Type, Number and Iteration (pattern: {0}{1:0000}-{2:00}). Each license can have multiply iterations and some of them can contains ReviewStatus, for instance:
W0004-01 NULL
W0001-03 1
P0004-02 3
P0001-02 4
If iteration part is greater than 1 it means that there are multiply iterations (n) for specific licence.
I’ve manage to create NH query by going twice to database:
LicenceInfoViewModel c = null;
var grouped = session.QueryOver<Licence>()
.SelectList(l => l
.SelectGroup(x => x.Type)
.SelectGroup(x => x.Number)
.SelectMax(x => x.Iteration)
.SelectMax(x => x.RegNo).WithAlias(() => c.RegNo)
var proper = session.QueryOver<Licence>()
.Select(x => x.RegNo, x => x.ReviewStatus)
.WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.RegNo)
.IsIn(grouped.Select(x => x.RegNo).ToArray())
// ...
public class LicenceInfoViewModel
public string RegNo { get; set; }
public LicReviewStatus? ReviewStatus { get; set; }
public enum LicReviewStatus
However this solution is not good as it require to download all grouped licences from database, and there could be a thousands of them.
Is there a better way to write this query or is there a way to translate provided above T-SQL query into NHibernate?
adding nhibernate and hibernate tags as IMO if this can be done in hibernate it should be easily translated into nh
I don't think that SQL does what you think it does. Iteration is not used for anything.
In any case, it seems unnecessary. You can change the WHERE to the following, and you'll have both valid SQL and HQL:
lic.RegNo IN
Licence g

How can I recreate this complex SQL Query using NHibernate QueryOver?

Imagine the following (simplified) database layout:
We have many "holiday" records that relate to going to a particular Accommodation on a certain date etc.
I would like to pull from the database the "best" holiday going to each accommodation (i.e. lowest price), given a set of search criteria (e.g. duration, departure airport etc).
There will be multiple records with the same price, so then we need to choose by offer saving (descending), then by departure date ascending.
I can write SQL to do this that looks like this (I'm not saying this is necessarily the most optimal way):
FROM Holiday h1 INNER JOIN (
SELECT h2.HolidayID,
PARTITION BY h2.AccommodationID
) AS RowNum
FROM Holiday h2 INNER JOIN (
SELECT AccommodationID,
MIN(price) as MinPrice
FROM Holiday
WHERE TradeNameID = 58001
/*** Other Criteria Here ***/
GROUP BY AccommodationID
) mp
ON mp.AccommodationID = h2.AccommodationID
AND mp.MinPrice = h2.price
WHERE TradeNameID = 58001
/*** Other Criteria Here ***/
) x on h1.HolidayID = x.HolidayID and x.RowNum = 1
As you can see, this uses a subquery within another subquery.
However, for several reasons my preference would be to achieve this same result in NHibernate.
Ideally, this would be done with QueryOver - the reason being that I build up the search criteria dynamically and this is much easier with QueryOver's fluent interface. (I had started out hoping to use NHibernate Linq, but unfortunately it's not mature enough).
After a lot of effort (being a relative newbie to NHibernate) I was able to re-create the very inner query that fetches all accommodations and their min price.
public IEnumerable<HolidaySearchDataDto> CriteriaFindAccommodationFromPricesForOffers(IEnumerable<IHolidayFilter<PackageHoliday>> filters, int skip, int take, out bool hasMore)
IQueryOver<PackageHoliday, PackageHoliday> queryable = NHibernateSession.CurrentFor(NHibernateSession.DefaultFactoryKey).QueryOver<PackageHoliday>();
queryable = queryable.Where(h => h.TradeNameId == website.TradeNameID);
var accommodation = Null<Accommodation>();
var accommodationUnit = Null<AccommodationUnit>();
var dto = Null<HolidaySearchDataDto>();
// Apply search criteria
foreach (var filter in filters)
queryable = filter.ApplyFilter(queryable, accommodationUnit, accommodation);
var query1 = queryable
.JoinQueryOver(h => h.AccommodationUnit, () => accommodationUnit)
.JoinQueryOver(h => h.Accommodation, () => accommodation)
.SelectList(hols => hols
.SelectGroup(() => accommodation.Id).WithAlias(() => dto.AccommodationId)
.SelectMin(h => h.Price).WithAlias(() => dto.Price)
var list = query1.OrderByAlias(() => dto.Price).Asc
// Cacheing doesn't work this way...
hasMore = list.Count() == take;
var dtos = list.Take(take).Select(h => new HolidaySearchDataDto
AccommodationId = (string)h[0],
Price = (decimal)h[1],
return dtos;
So my question is...
Any ideas on how to achieve what I want using QueryOver, or if necessary Criteria API?
I'd prefer not to use HQL but if it is necessary than I'm willing to see how it can be done with that too (it makes it harder (or more messy) to build up the search criteria though).
If this just isn't doable using NHibernate, then I could use a SQL query. In which case, my question is can the SQL be improved/optimised?
I have manage to achieve such dynamic search criterion by using Criteria API's. Problem I ran into was duplicates with inner and outer joins and especially related to sorting and pagination, and I had to resort to using 2 queries, 1st query for restriction and using the result of 1st query as 'in' clause in 2nd creteria.

Nhibernate - How do I get ordered distinct results with QueryOver?

public class City
virtual public long Id { get; set; }
virtual public string Name { get; set; }
City table contains duplicated Names and I want to remove duplicates. I also want the results to be ordered by Id.
First I thought about the following query.
select distinct Name from City order by Id;
But this breaks with 'ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.' exception. After seeing http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/jeffs/archive/2007/12/13/select-distinct-order-by-error.aspx I think I should do:
select Name from City group by Name order by min(Id)
So my question is how can I do this query with QueryOver?
This is possible in ICriteria:
var list =
But this is not currently possible in QueryOver, because the .OrderBy(IProjection) overload is missing. Once the missing overload has been added it should look something like:
var list =
.Select(Projections.Group<City>(p => p.Name))
.OrderBy(Projections.Min<City>(c => c.Id)).Asc
Note that the Projections overloads are there just now, so you can write the following (typesafe) query in ICriteria:
var list =
.SetProjection(Projections.Group<City>(c => c.Name))
.AddOrder(Order.Asc(Projections.Min<City>(c => c.Id)))
So, what I've found is pretty simple...
var query = session.QueryOver<MyModel>()
// Conditions here
.OrderBy(m => m.GetThisDistinctField).Desc() // ...or Asc()...
.SelectList(m => m.SelectGroup(g => g.GetThisDistinctField));
var result = query.List<FieldDataType>().ToList();
return result;
To get an ordered query in queryover, start with a query that includes whatever criteria you need, but then add the SelectList/SelectGroup setup in order to get the distinct list. In other words, it's sort of like NHibernate can take a regular query, and then do special stuff to make it a select distinct query.
This is a solution I'm using in a current project I'm working on; I hope it helps someone else too.